The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 3969
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[]Geyer, Mark Edward (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Dreadful Skin by Cherie Priest, Subterranean Press, 2007
- * [front cover], (cv) Those Who Went Remain There Still by Cherie Priest, Subterranean Press, 2008
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Enemy of the Good ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2009
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Cemetery Dance #71, 2014
[]Geyer, Richard (fl. 1990s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Arabesque, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #9, Spring 1998
- * Cleopatra’s Grave, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #1, Fall 2001
- * The Doppelganger, (pm) HWA Poetry Showcase Volume III ed. David E. Cowen, Horror Writers Association, 2016
- * Mystery, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #22, Summer 2001
- * The Rack, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #14, Summer 1999
- * Reanimator, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #18, Summer 2000
- * The Reaper, (pm) Yellow Bat Review #6, 2004
- * Sniper, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #12, Winter 1998
- * The Suicide, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #15, Autumn 1999
- * Uncertain, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #8, Winter 1997
- * [front cover] (with Matthew Snead), (cv) Yellow Bat Review #6, 2004
[]Ghan, Ben Berman (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * A Dream of a Good Life, (ss) Liquid Imagination #35, November 2017
- * The New Gods of the House, (pm) Abyss & Apex #80, 4th Quarter 2021
- * Phosphorescence, (ss) Clarkesworld #210, March 2024
- * Queering the Cyborg: How the Hybrid Body Can Set Us Free, (ar) Strange Horizons February 24 2020
- * The Resting Place of Trees, (ss) Clarkesworld #195, December 2022
- * Those Who Remember the World, (nv) Clarkesworld #216, September 2024
[]Ghent, W. J. (fl. 1900s-1910s) (chron.)
- * The American Co-operative Movement, (ar) The Masses January 1911
- * Books for the Silent Hour, (br) The Masses May 1911
- * The Butcheries of Peace, (ar) Tom Watson’s Magazine March 1905
- * The Congressman’s “Honest Graft”, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine February 1913
- * The Democrats and the Civil Service, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine January 1913
- * The Doctors of Social Ills:
* ___ Socialism and Success, (br) The Masses April 1912
- * The Sixty-Second Congress, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine December 1912
- * Socialism and Success, (br) The Masses April 1912
- * A Star-Chamber Tariff, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine June 1913
- * Tidings from Washington, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine March 1913
- * Tidings of the Times (with Algernon Lee), (cl) Metropolitan Magazine April 1913
- * Workingmen’s Compensation, (ed) The Masses April 1911
[]Gheorghe, Andrei Dorian (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * The Answer of Dracula, (pm) Star*Line March/April 2000
- * Aquila, (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
- * Asteroid Vixell, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #56, May 2000
- * Astropoetry at a NASA workshop, (ar) Star*Line November/December 2000
- * The Astropoetry at important astronomical events in the summer of 2000, (ar) Star*Line January/February 2001
- * Astropoetry in History, (ar) Star*Line January/February 2008
- * Astropoetry in the European Parliament, (ar) Star*Line September/October 2001
- * Astropoetry Project, (ar) Star*Line July/August 2008
- * Cepheus, (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
- * Conference Report, (ar) Star*Line November/December 2005
- * The Daily Astropoem, (ar) Star*Line November/December 2001
- * Eridanus, (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
- * International Astropoetic Dialogues (1) (with Giovanni Malito), (pm) Astropoetica Spring 2004
- * An International Festival of Meteor Poetry & Art, (ar) Star*Line March/April 2001
- * Miron Costin and the First Astronomical Verse in Romanian Poetry, (ar) Star*Line July/August 2000
- * Moon, Planets, Meteors, (pm) Astropoetica Winter 2004
- * More Astropoetry Shows in 2001, (ar) Star*Line July/August 2002
- * Pictor, (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
- * Poetry at EuroCon 2001—Romania, (ar) Star*Line Jan/Feb, May/Jun 2002
- * Reticulum, (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
- * Robotics, (pm) Star*Line July/August 2009
- * Romanian Astronautical Poetry, (cl) Star*Line Mar/Apr, Jul/Aug 2006
- * Romanian Astronautic Poetry, (cl) Star*Line Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 2006, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr 2007
- * Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy, (ar) Star*Line May/June 2000
- * Scorpius, (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
- * The SFPA in Romania in the First Part of 2000, (ar) Star*Line September/October 2000
- * Spaceman Sazartinus’ Diary, (cl) Star*Line Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct 2005
- * Spaceman Sazartinus Meets Some SF Poetry Editors, (pm) Star*Line November/December 2005
- * Tucana, (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2003
- * untitled (“Perseus and Capricornus…”), (pm) Astropoetica Fall 2005
[]Ghidalia, Vic(tor Simon) (1926-2013) (books) (chron.)
- * Introduction, (in) Dracula’s Guest and Other Stories ed. Vic Ghidalia, Xerox Education, 1972
- * Introduction, (in) Eight Strange Tales ed. Vic Ghidalia, Fawcett, 1972
- * Introduction, (in) The Devil’s Generation ed. Vic Ghidalia, Lancer, 1973
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #43, March 1971
_____, ed.
- * Androids, Time Machines and Blue Giraffes (with Roger Elwood), (an) Follett, August 1973
- * Beware More Beasts (with Roger Elwood), (an) Manor Books, 1975
- * Beware the Beasts (with Roger Elwood), (an) MacFadden-Bartell, July 1970
- * The Devil’s Generation, (an) Lancer, 1973
- * Dracula’s Guest and Other Stories, (an) Xerox Education, 1972
- * Eight Strange Tales, (an) Fawcett, October 1972
- * Feast of Fear, (an) Manor Books, 1977
- * Gooseflesh!, (an) Berkley Medallion, December 1974
- * Horror Hunters (with Roger Elwood), (an) MacFadden, 1971
- * The Little Monsters (with Roger Elwood), (an) MacFadden-Bartell, 1969
- * More Little Monsters (with Roger Elwood), (an) Manor Books, 1973
- * The Mummy Walks Among Us, (an) Xerox, 1971
- * Nightmare Garden, (an) Manor, 1976
- * The Oddballs, (an) Manor, 1973
- * Satan’s Pets, (an) Manor, 1972
- * The Venus Factor (with Roger Elwood), (an) MacFadden-Bartell, 1972
- * Wizards and Warlocks, (an) Manor, 1972
- * Young Demons (with Roger Elwood), (an) Avon, April 1972
_____, [ref.]
[]Ghilchik, D(avid) L(ouis) (1892-1972) (about) (chron.)
- * A Butterfly on the Wheel, (il) The Tribute ed. D. Mackenzie, John Horn Limited, 1930
- * Fickle Fortune, (cs) Gaiety November 1922
- * Funny Face, (il) The Grand Magazine May 1924
- * The Overpopular Pier, (ar) Hutchinson’s Magazine August 1928
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Gaiety December 1922
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Happy Mag. Jun, Jul, Aug, Nov 1939, Mar 1940
- * [front cover], (cv) The Red Magazine November 16 1928
- * [front cover], (cv) London Opinion Christmas 1933
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The English Illustrated Magazine January 1913
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine Nov 1925, Mar, Apr, May 1926, Jul 1927, Apr 1928
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Pearson’s Magazine July 1927
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine “Colonial Edition” August 1927
- * [illustration(s)] (with H. M. Bateman, Cyril Kenneth Bird, Alfred Leete, W. Heath Robinson, Bert Thomas & Lawson Wood), (il) The Strand Magazine December 1929, as by H. M. Bateman, Fougasse, D. L. Ghilchik, Alfred Leete, W. Heath Robinson, Bert Thomas & Lawson Wood
- * [illustration(s)] (with H. M. Bateman, Cyril Kenneth Bird, Frank Reynolds, William Ridgewell, W. Heath Robinson & Lawson Wood), (il) The Strand Magazine August 1933, as by H. M. Bateman, Fougasse, D. L. Ghilchik, Frank Reynolds, William Ridgewell, W. Heath Robinson & Lawson Wood
_____, [ref.]
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