The FictionMags Index
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[]Wray, Roger; pseudonym of James William Marriott (1884-1953) (chron.)
- * The Anatomy of Tobacco: A Review, (ar) The Bookman January 1927
- * The Best Defence, (ss) Gaiety May 1922
- * Cash Prizes, (ss) The Blue Magazine #3, September 1919
- * An Episode, (ss) The Century Magazine February 1917
- * The Extraordinary Burglar, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine March 1926
- * Green Eyes, (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1919
- * The Lascivious Bird, (ss) The Smart Set January 1922
- * The Moon in Literature, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly March 1922
- * The Psychologist with the Tin Whistle, (vi) Gaiety July 1922
- * The Rise of Robert Broadhurst, (ss) Gaiety October 1922
- * Under an Interdict, (ss) The Blue Magazine #15, September 1920
- * With Malice Aforethought, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine June 1922
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[]Wray, William Fitzwater (fl. 1910s)
_____, trans.
- * Bombardment by Henri Barbusse, (ex) from Under Fire, J.M. Dent, 1917
- * The Brother by Henri Barbusse, (ss) We Others by Henri Barbusse, J.M. Dent & Sons, 1918
- * Force by Henri Barbusse, (ss) We Others by Henri Barbusse, J.M. Dent & Sons, 1918
- * On Leave by Henri Barbusse, (ex) from Under Fire, J.M. Dent, 1917
[]Wrede, Patricia C(ollins) (1953- ) (chron.)
- * Ancient Curses [Liavek], (ss) Liavek ed. Will Shetterly & Emma Bull, Ace, 1985
- * The Cinders Case, (ss) Bruce Coville’s Book of Magic II ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple, 1997
- * Cruel Sisters, (ss) Book of Enchantments by Patricia C. Wrede, Harcourt Brace, 1996
- * The Improper Princess, (ss) Spaceships and Spells ed. Jane Yolen, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Harper & Row, 1987
- * Introduction, (in) Everard’s Ride by Diana Wynne Jones, NESFA Press, 1995
- * The Levar’s Night Out [Liavek], (nv) Liavek: Festival Week ed. Will Shetterly & Emma Bull, Ace, 1990
- * Mad God [Liavek], (nv) Liavek: Spells of Binding ed. Will Shetterly & Emma Bull, Ace, 1988
- * Mad Hamlet’s Mother, (ss) Apex Magazine #45, February 2013
- * The Princess, the Cat, and the Unicorn, (ss) The Unicorn Treasury ed. Bruce Coville, Doubleday, 1988
- * Rikiki and the Wizard [Liavek], (ss) Liavek: The Players of Luck ed. Will Shetterly & Emma Bull, Ace, 1986
- * The Sixty-two Curses of Caliph Arenschadd, (ss) A Wizard’s Dozen ed. Michael Stearns, Harcourt Brace, 1993
- * Stronger Than Time, (nv) Black Thorn, White Rose ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Morrow AvoNova, 1994
- * The Sword-Seller [Witch World], (ss) Tales of the Witch World 3 ed. Andre Norton, Tor, 1990
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[]Wren, Lassiter (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Answer for Baffle No. X (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (pz) Clues 2nd November 1929, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
- * Answers for Baffle III, (pz) Clues 2nd September 1929
- * Baffles (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (pz) Clues 1st Sep, 2nd Sep, 1st Oct, 2nd Oct, 1st Nov 1929, 2nd Jan, 1st Dec, 2nd Dec 1930, 1st Jan 1931, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
- * Baffles Answers (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (pz) Clues 2nd Dec 1930, 2nd Jan 1931, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
- * The Elevated Transit Mystery (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (ss) The Baffle Book by Lassiter Wren & Randle McKay, Doubleday, 1928, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
- * The Evidence on the Japanned Box (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (ss) The Baffle Book by Lassiter Wren & Randle McKay, Doubleday, 1928, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
- * 48,000 Right-Hand Gloves (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (vi) The Third Baffle Book by Lassiter Wren & Randle McKay, Doubleday, 1930, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
- * The Gangster’s Valet (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (pz) The Third Baffle Book by Lassiter Wren & Randle McKay, Doubleday, 1930, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
- * Inspector Marquard’s Quandary (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (pz) The Third Baffle Book by Lassiter Wren & Randle McKay, Doubleday, 1930, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
- * The Invitation to Crime (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (pz) The Third Baffle Book by Lassiter Wren & Randle McKay, Doubleday, 1930, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
- * The Man Who Murdered Papa Desire, (ar) Masterstrokes of Crime Detection by Lassiter Wren, Doubleday, 1929
- * The Mystery of the Hermit Millionaire (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (ss) The Elks Magazine July 1931, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
- * The Pursuit of Michael Brosnam (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (ss) The Third Baffle Book by Lassiter Wren & Randle McKay, Doubleday, 1930, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
- * The Pursuit of Michael Brosnan (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (pz) The Third Baffle Book by Lassiter Wren & Randle McKay, Doubleday, 1930, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
- * Solution of Baffle No. 1 (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (pz) Clues 1st September 1929, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
- * Unsolved (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (pz) The Third Baffle Book by Lassiter Wren & Randle McKay, Doubleday, 1930, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
* ___ The Gangster’s Valet (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (pz) The Third Baffle Book by Lassiter Wren & Randle McKay, Doubleday, 1930, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
* ___ Inspector Marquard’s Quandary (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (pz) The Third Baffle Book by Lassiter Wren & Randle McKay, Doubleday, 1930, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
* ___ The Invitation to Crime (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (pz) The Third Baffle Book by Lassiter Wren & Randle McKay, Doubleday, 1930, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
- * Who Killed Kenneth Pine? (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (pz) The Third Baffle Book by Lassiter Wren & Randle McKay, Doubleday, 1930, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
- * Who Murdered Ellington Breese? (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (ss) The Baffle Book by Lassiter Wren & Randle McKay, Doubleday, 1928, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
- * The Wilverton Murders (with Richard Wilmer Rowan), (pz) The Third Baffle Book by Lassiter Wren & Randle McKay, Doubleday, 1930, as by Randle McKay & Lassiter Wren
[]Wren, P(ercival) C(hristopher) (1875-1941) (about) (chron.)
- * The Affair at Ain Zeb [Foreign Legion], (ss) This Week January 26 1936
- * And the Moon Set, (ss) The Passing Show April 8 1933
- * As in a Glass Clearly, (ss) Summer Pie Summer 1939
- * At Oxford, Innocent Ernest and Artful Eintz, (ss) The Blue Magazine #1, July 1919
- * Beau Ideal, (n.) McClure’s Oct, Nov, Dec 1927, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1928
- * Beggars’ Horses, (sl) The Passing Show Jun 16, Jun 23, Jun 30, Jul 7, Jul 14, Jul 21, Jul 28, Aug 4, Aug 11, Aug 18,
Aug 25, Sep 1, Sep 8, Sep 15, Sep 22, Sep 29 1934
- * Be Sure Your Sins [Foreign Legion], (ss) The Passing Show September 2 1933
- * Betrayal [Foreign Legion: The Geste Brothers], (ss) Cosmopolitan June 1928
- * Blades of the Legion [Foreign Legion: McSnorrt], (ss) The Passing Show July 1 1933, as "McSnorrt’s Love Affair"
- * Brave Coward [Foreign Legion], (ss) This Week November 14 1937
- * Brown Brother [Foreign Legion], (ss) The Grand Magazine June 1934
- * Bubble Reputation, (sl) Canadian Home Journal April 1936
- * Buried Treasure [Foreign Legion: The Geste Brothers], (ss) The London Magazine August 1928
- * Cold Lady [Foreign Legion], (ss) This Week February 20 1938, as "He Promised His Wife"
- * Courageous Coward, (ss) John Bull May 14 1938
- * The Coward of the Legion [Foreign Legion: John Bull], (ss) Stepsons of France by P. C. Wren, Murray, 1917
- * David and His Incredible Jonathan [Foreign Legion], (ss) Good Gestes by P. C. Wren, Murray, 1929
- * The Dead Hand [Foreign Legion: John Bull], (ss) Stepsons of France by P. C. Wren, Murray, 1917
- * The Death Post [Foreign Legion: Krassilov], (ss) Help Yourself! Annual 1931
- * The Deserter [Foreign Legion], (ss) Stepsons of France by P. C. Wren, Murray, 1917
- * The Dirty Dogs’ Club [Dirty Dogs’ Club], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1943; abridged from “A Franc’s Worth of Gas” (Rough Shooting, Murray, 1938).
- * The Double Saddle [Foreign Legion], (ss) Britannia and Eve May 1929
- * A Dozen of Ale [Foreign Legion], (ss) This Week September 22 1935
- * The Dust That Was Barren [Foreign Legion: McSnorrt], (ss) The Passing Show July 15 1933, as "March—or Die!"
- * The End of Spanish Maine [Foreign Legion: McSnorrt], (ss) The Passing Show July 8 1933
- * E Tenebris [Foreign Legion: Krassilov], (nv) Flawed Blades by P. C. Wren, Murray, 1933
- * Fear, (nv) Rough Shooting by P. C. Wren, John Murray, 1938
- * The Fight for Amanda [Foreign Legion: McSnorrt], (ss) The Passing Show June 10 1933, as "Hand of Fate"
- * Fires of Hell [Foreign Legion: McSnorrt], (ss) The Passing Show June 24 1933
- * A Fool and His Money, (ss) The Windsor Magazine August 1939
- * Geisha Girl [Foreign Legion: The Geste Brothers], (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1929
- * A Gentleman of Color [Foreign Legion: The Geste Brothers], (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1929, as "Geisha Girl"
- * Hand of Fate [Foreign Legion: McSnorrt], (ss) The Passing Show June 10 1933
- * He Promised His Wife [Foreign Legion], (ss) This Week February 20 1938
- * Heroes Two a Penny:
* ___ , (ss) The Passing Show March 25 1933
* ___ 2: Moon Shadows, (ss) The Passing Show April 1 1933
* ___ 3: And the Moon Set, (ss) The Passing Show April 8 1933
- * His Dream Came True, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine February 1929
- * The Hunting of Henri [Foreign Legion], (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1933
- * If Wishes Were Horses [Foreign Legion: The Geste Brothers], (ss) Cosmopolitan September 1928
- * The Inexplicable Disappearance of Ai Toon, (ss) The Windsor Magazine April 1938
- * Killing No Murder [Foreign Legion: McSnorrt], (ss) The Passing Show June 17 1933
- * Low Finance [Foreign Legion: The Geste Brothers], (ss) Pall Mall Magazine February 1929
- * Mad Murphy’s Miracle [Foreign Legion: The Geste Brothers], (ss) The Radio Times December 23 1927
- * Man-Eating Saviour, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1937
- * March—or Die! [Foreign Legion: McSnorrt], (ss) The Passing Show July 15 1933
- * Mastic and Drastic [Foreign Legion], (ss) Britannia and Eve October 1932
- * McSnorrt’s Love Affair [Foreign Legion: McSnorrt], (ss) The Passing Show July 1 1933
- * Moon Shadows, (ss) The Passing Show April 1 1933
- * Mrs. Norleigh’s Night Out, (ss) Illustrated March 4 1939
- * The Mule [Foreign Legion: The Geste Brothers], (ss) Good Gestes by P. C. Wren, Murray, 1929
- * A Mystery of the Legion [Foreign Legion: McSnorrt], (ss) The Passing Show July 15 1933, as "March—or Die!"
- * “My Strangest Experience”, (cl) The Royal Magazine August 1928
- * Naked We Come, (ss) This Week October 24 1937
- * No Corpse—No Murder [Dirty Dogs’ Club], (ss) Rough Shooting by P. C. Wren, John Murray, 1938
- * Number 187017, (ss) The Evening Standard February 26 1936
- * An Officer and—a Liar [Foreign Legion], (ss) Stepsons of France by P. C. Wren, Murray, 1917
- * The Old Knife, (ss) The Blue Magazine #7, January 1920
- * Port of Missing Men:
* ___ 1: Hand of Fate [Foreign Legion: McSnorrt], (ss) The Passing Show June 10 1933
* ___ 2: Killing No Murder [Foreign Legion: McSnorrt], (ss) The Passing Show June 17 1933
* ___ 3: Fires of Hell [Foreign Legion: McSnorrt], (ss) The Passing Show June 24 1933
* ___ 4: McSnorrt’s Love Affair [Foreign Legion: McSnorrt], (ss) The Passing Show July 1 1933
* ___ 5: The End of Spanish Maine [Foreign Legion: McSnorrt], (ss) The Passing Show July 8 1933
* ___ 6: March—or Die! [Foreign Legion: McSnorrt], (ss) The Passing Show July 15 1933
- * Presentiments [Foreign Legion: The Geste Brothers], (ss) Good Gestes by P. C. Wren, Murray, 1929
- * The Quest, (ss) Stepsons of France by P. C. Wren, Murray, 1917
- * The Ring and the Glove, (ss) The Passing Show March 10 1934
- * The Romantic Regiment, (ar) Soldiers of Fortune December 1931
- * Salvage [Foreign Legion: McSnorrt], (ss) Britannia and Eve February 1932
- * Sermons in Stones [Foreign Legion: John Bull], (ss) Stepsons of France by P. C. Wren, Murray, 1917
- * Simple, (ss) Odd—But Even So by P. C. Wren, Murray, 1941
- * The Spanish Prisoner [Foreign Legion], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1933
- * The Statue and the Bust [Foreign Legion], (ss) The Evening Standard February 15 1934
- * Step-Sons of France [Foreign Legion: John Bull], (ss) Stepsons of France by P. C. Wren, Murray, 1917, as "“Vengeance Is Mine…”"
- * Truth Is Stranger [Foreign Legion], (ss) Dead Men’s Boots and Other Tales from the Foreign Legion by P. C. Wren, Gryphon, 1949
- * The Uncanny Scots, (ss) The Passing Show January 28 1939
- * “Vengeance Is Mine…” [Foreign Legion: John Bull], (ss) Stepsons of France by P. C. Wren, Murray, 1917
- * What’s in a Name? [Foreign Legion: The Geste Brothers], (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1928
- * Who Rideth Alone, (sl) Mystery Magazine Jan 15, Feb 1, Feb 15, Mar 1 1926
- * Wonderful Egypt, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1936
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