The FictionMags Index
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Williamson, J. N. (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Jerbo by William F. Nolan, (ms) Cemetery Dance #6, Fall 1990
- * J.N. Williamson, (iv) Cemetery Dance #4, Spring 1990
- * J.N. Williamson by S. F. Willems, (iv) Midnight Zoo v2 #5, 1992
- * J.N. Williamson by Michael McCarty, (iv) Dark Matter #2.1, 1999
- * J.N. Williamson: From Holmes to Horror by Thomas Millstead, (ms) Cemetery Dance #6, Fall 1990
- * J.N. Williamson Interview by Shawn Ramsey, (iv) Deathrealm #9, Summer 1989
- * J.N. Williamson Tributes by Various, (bg) Dark Discoveries Winter 2006
- * The New Devil’s Dictionary by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #58, Spring 1986
- * A Questionable Character by Robert Bloch, (ms) Cemetery Dance #6, Fall 1990
- * Scary Friend by James Kisner, (ms) Cemetery Dance #6, Fall 1990
- * “The Series Bombed; Our Friendship Didn’t” by John Maclay, (ms) Cemetery Dance #6, Fall 1990
- * Tracy Knight Interviews J.N. Williamson by Tracy Albert Knight, (iv) Dead of Night #7, Spring/Summer 1993
- * “Understanding” by Rex Miller, (ms) Cemetery Dance #6, Fall 1990
- * J. N. Williamson Interview, (iv) After Hours Spring 1994
[]Williamson, Jack; [i.e., John Stewart Williamson] (1908-2006); used pseudonyms Nils O. Sonderlund & Will Stewart (about) (books) (chron.)
- * A.E. Van Vogt: An Appreciation, (ob) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #145, Spring 2000 [Ref. A. E. van Vogt]
- * Afterlife, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 2002
- * After Many a Summer Dies the Swan, (br) Scienti-Snaps Summer 1940 [Ref. Aldous Huxley]
- * Afterword, (aw) The Metal Man and Others, Haffner Press, 1999
- * Afterword, (aw) Wolves of Darkness, Haffner Press, 1999
- * Afterword, (aw) Wizard’s Isle, Haffner Press, 2000
- * Afterword, (aw) Spider Island, Haffner Press, 2002
- * Afterword, (aw) Seventy-Five, Haffner Press, 2004
- * Afterword, (aw) The Crucible of Power, Haffner Press, 2006
- * Afterword, (aw) The Gateway to Paradise, Haffner Press, 2008
- * Afterword, (aw) With Folded Hands…And Searching Minds, Haffner Press, 2010
- * Afterword, (aw) At the Human Limit, Haffner Press, 2011
- * After World’s End, (na) Marvel Science Stories February 1939
- * Agents of the Moon, (nv) Science Fiction Age March 2000
- * The Alien Intelligence, (na) Science Wonder Stories Jul, Aug 1929
- * …All Ye Who Enter Here, (ss) Stellar #6 ed. Judy-Lynn del Rey, Ballantine, 1981
- * Amazing Story, (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic November 1982
- * The Amazing Work of Wells and Verne, (lt) Amazing Stories Quarterly Winter 1929, as "[letter from Canyon, TX]"
- * Anatomies of Egotism: A Reading of the Last Novels of H.G. Wells, (br) Journal of English and Germanic Philology October 1977 [Ref. H. G. Wells]
- * …And Searching Mind [Humanoids], (n.) Astounding Science Fiction Mar, Apr, May 1948
- * The Angel from Hell, (na) Marvel Tales December 1939, as by Nils O. Sonderlund
- * Antimatter: Fiction Into Fact, (ar) MosCon X Program Book ed. Jon Gustafson, Moscow SF Conv. Inc., 1988
- * Apocalypse (with David Ketterer), (ar) Science Fiction: Contemporary Mythology ed. Patricia S. Warrick, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Harper & Row, 1978
- * L’Arbre aux lucioles, (ss) Bifrost #30, April 2003; translated from the English (“The Firefly Tree”, Science Fiction Age, May 1997); translated by Pierre-Paul Durastanti
- * The Arts: Books, (rc) Omni July 1981
- * Ashes of Iron, (ss) Stardust November 1940
- * As I Knew Hugo, (ar) 1970
- * As in the Beginning, (ss) Future Fiction March 1940
- * As Williamson Sees Himself, (bg) Thrilling Wonder Stories June 1939
- * At the Human Limit, (co) Haffner Press, April 2011
- * At the Human Limit, (ss) The Planets ed. Byron Preiss, Bantam, 1985
- * Author, Author, (bg) The Fanscient Summer 1948
- * Author Dislikes Intolerance, (lt) Portales News-Tribune September 19 1993
- * AuthorGraphs, (bg) If April 1969
- * Author’s Introduction—with Hints for Design and Assembly, (in) People Machines by Jack Williamson, Ace, 1971
- * Backlash, (ss) Astounding Science-Fiction August 1941
- * Beaming Thoughts Into Space, (ar) Science Digest Winter 1979
- * Beans, (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1958
- * Beyond Mars, (cs) New York Daily News 1952
- * Beyond Mars, (cs) New York Sunday News May 18 1952, New York Sunday News August 10 1952, New York Sunday News August 17 1952, New York Sunday News October 5 1952 1952, New York Sunday News February 28 1954, New York Sunday News March 7 1954, New York Sunday News March 14 1954, New York Sunday News March 21 1954, New York Sunday News March 28 1954, New York Sunday News April 4 1954, New York Sunday News April 11 1954, New York Sunday News April 18 1954,
New York Sunday News April 25 1954, New York Sunday News May 2 1954, New York Sunday News May 9 1954, New York Sunday News May 16 1954, New York Sunday News May 23 1954, New York Sunday News May 30 1954, New York Sunday News June 6 1954, New York Sunday News June 13 1954, New York Sunday News June 20 1954, New York Sunday News June 27 1954, New York Sunday News August 29 1954 1954
New York Sunday News ~~~~
- * “Beyond Mars”, (ex) from Wonder’s Child, Bluejay, August 1984
- * The Birds’ Turn, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October/November 1992
- * The Birth of a New Republic (with Miles J. Breuer, M.D.), (n.) Amazing Stories Quarterly Winter 1931
- * Black Hole Station, (ss) Space Stations ed. Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, DAW, 2004
- * The Blue Spot, (na) Astounding Stories Jan, Feb 1937
- * The Bomb, 1945, (ex) from Wonder’s Child, Bluejay, August 1984
- * Book Review, (rc) Astounding Science Fiction August 1948
- * Book Reviews, (rc)
- * Born of the Sun, (cs) Starstream #3, 1976; adapted from the story of the same name (Astounding Stories, March 1934) by Ed Summer.
- * Born of the Sun, (nv) Astounding Stories March 1934
- * Breakdown, (nv) Astounding Science-Fiction January 1942
- * A Break for the Dinosaurs, (ss) Speculations ed. Isaac Asimov & Alice Laurance, Houghton Mifflin, 1982
- * Bright New Universe, (n.) Ace, 1967
- * Brother to Demons [Davey Dunahoo], (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1978
- * Brother to Gods [Davey Dunahoo], (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact December 1978
- * Bulletin Symposium, (sy) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #90, Winter 1985
- * By Covered Wagon to Dry Farm Land, (ar) Roosevelt County History and Heritage ed. Jean M. Burroughs, Bishop Printing Company, 1975
- * By the Way, (ar) Portales News-Tribune July 9 1969
- * The Campbell Era, (ar) Algol Summer 1975 [Ref. John W. Campbell, Jr.]
- * The Case Against the Critics, (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact April 1980
- * The Cat That Loved Shakespeare, (ss) Chronicle July 2005
- * Characters and Setting, (ar) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine #4, Summer 1989
- * Chivaree, (ss) The Portales Daily News September 13 1938
- * A Christmas Carol, (ss) The Worlds of Jack Williamson, Haffner Press, 2008
- * Cigarette Characterization #5, (vi) Fantasy Magazine July 1934
- * Cold Front Coming, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1945
- * The Cold Green Eye, (ss) Fantastic March/April 1953
- * Collision Orbit [Seetee], (na) Astounding Science-Fiction July 1942, as by Will Stewart
- * The Cometeers [Legion of Space], (n.) Astounding Stories May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1936
- * Commentary, (ms) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine December 1982
- * Conscience, Ltd., (ss) Unknown Worlds August 1943
- * The Cosmic Express, (ss) Amazing Stories November 1930
- Avon Science Fiction Reader #1, 1951
- Amazing Stories Dec 1961, Wtr 1994
- Strange Signposts ed. Roger Elwood & Sam Moskowitz, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1966
- Science Fiction Classics Annual 1970
- Science Fiction: The Best of Yesterday ed. Dr. Arthur Liebman, Richards Rosen, 1980
- Top Science Fiction ed. Josh Pachter, Dent, 1984
- The Metal Man and Others, Haffner Press, 1999
- The Best of Amazing Stories: The 1930 Anthology ed. Steve Davidson & Jean Marie Stine, Experimenter Publishing Company, 2018
- * Counterkill [Blacklantern], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1975
- * The Crimson World (with Edmond Hamilton), (ar) Seventy-Five, Haffner Press, 2004
- * The Critic as Conquistador, (ar) Extrapolation Winter 1984
- * The Crucible of Power, (co) Haffner Press, March 2006
- * The Crucible of Power, (nv) Astounding Science-Fiction February 1939
- * The Crystal Castle, (nv) Seventy-Five, Haffner Press, 2004
- * Crystal of Death, (ss) Stardust August 1940
- * Curiosities:
* ___ Rocket to the Morgue, by Anthony Boucher (1942), (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 2003 [Ref. Anthony Boucher]
- * The Dark Destroyer [Blacklantern], (nv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories January 1976
- * Darker Than You Think, (n.) Fantasy Press, 1948
- * Darker Than You Think [Darker Than You Think], (na) Unknown December 1940
- * Darker Than You Think [Darker Than You Think], (ex) Unknown December 1940
- * Darker Than You Think, Revisited, (ar) Deeper Than You Think… October 1969
- * Dark Star, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 1995
- * The Dead Spot, (nv) Marvel Science Stories November 1938
- * Dead Star Station, (nv) Astounding Stories November 1933
- * The Death of a Star, (ss) Science Fiction Age July 1996
- * Death’s Cold Daughter, (nv) Thrilling Mystery September 1936
- * Demon Moon, (ex) Tor, May 1994
- * Designing a Dyson Sphere, (ar) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1976
- * The Devil in Steel, (ss) Thrilling Mystery July 1937
- * Devil’s Star, (nv) Visions of Liberty ed. Mark Tier & Martin H. Greenberg, Baen, 2004
- * The Doom from Planet 4, (ss) Astounding Stories July 1931
- * Doomship [Cuckoo] (with Frederik Pohl), (na) Worlds of If March/April 1973
- * The Double Action Formula for Horror Yarns, (ar) The Author & Journalist August 1937
- * Dragon’s Island, (n.) Simon & Schuster, 1951
- * Dragon’s Island, (ex) Simon & Schuster, 1951
- * Dreadful Sleep, (na) Weird Tales Mar, Apr, May 1938
- * Dream of Earth, (vi) Amazing Stories November 2004
- * The Earth’s Tail, (lt) Wonder Stories June 1931, as "[letter from Elida, NM]"
- * Eden Star, (ss) Star Colonies ed. Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, DAW, 2000
- * Edmond Hamilton: An Appreciation, (ob) Locus January 30 1977 [Ref. Edmond Hamilton]
- * Edmond Hamilton: As I Knew Him, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #137, January 2000 [Ref. Edmond Hamilton]
- * The Electron Flame, (nv) Wonder Stories Quarterly Fall 1932
- * The Electron Flame, (ex) Wonder Stories Quarterly Fall 1932
- * Engines of Creation, (nv) Science Fiction Age September 1999
- * The Equalizer, (na) Astounding Science Fiction March 1947
- * Escape to Reality, (ar) Sun Spots v6 #2, 1942
- * Essay, (ar) Science Fiction Age March 1994
- * The Eternity Engine [Blacklantern], (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1975
- * The Evolution of the Martians [War of the Worlds], (ar) War of the Worlds: Fresh Perspectives on the H.G. Wells Classic ed. Glenn Yeffeth, BenBella Books, 2005
- * Exploration and Colonies, (si) The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. Brian Ash, Pan, 1977
- * Farside Station [Medea], (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November/December 1978
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