The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 5907
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Kofoed, Jack (chron.) (continued)
- * Great Sportsmen, (ar) Red Blooded Stories January 1929
- * Great Sportsmen—Great Soldiers (with George J. Lemmer), (cl) Tales of Danger and Daring May, Jun 1929
* ___ Brocco of the Chausseurs (with George J. Lemmer), (ss) Tales of Danger and Daring April 1929
* ___ Johnny Poe of the Black Watch, (bg) Red Blooded Stories February 1929
* ___ Rickenbacker, of the 94th (with George J. Lemmer), (cl) Tales of Danger and Daring March 1929
- * The Grouch, (ss) 10 Story Book November 1931
- * Hack Wilson, the Ball Player and the Man, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine May 25 1932
- * Hagen the Great, (ar) Sports Novels Magazine January 1944
- * The Hard Way, (ar) Sports Novels Magazine December 1941
- * Harry Greb—The Happy Warrior, (ts) Fight Stories Winter 1940
- * Harry Greb—The Human Windmill, (ar) Fight Stories Fall 1946
- * Have You Seen This Man?, (ar) Adventure January 1956
- * The Hazard Buster, (ar) Sports Novels Magazine February 1942
- * Headlines [Baldy Simmons], (ss) Thrilling Sports Spring 1947
- * The Heavyweight Triangle, (ar) Fight Stories Summer 1937
- * His Sporting Chance, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1915
- * Hit—and Run!, (ar) Fifteen Sports Stories January 1949
- * Hockey Horoscope, (ar) Ace Sports Monthly January 1938
- * Hockey’s Iron Man, (bg) Champion Sports Magazine January 1938 [Ref. Murray Murdoch]
- * Holder-Outer, (ss) Baseball Stories Spring 1942
- * Holdup, (ss) Black Book Detective June 1947
- * Hollywood Murder, (ss) Thrilling Detective October 1947
- * The Holy Fakir of Ipi, (ss) Thrilling Adventures November 1937
- * Hoofbeats in the Dust, (ss) Thrilling Sports September 1938
- * The Horn That Waited Fourteen Years, (ts) True Adventures June 1958, as by Joel L. Harrison
- * The Horror of Katyn Forest (with Jack Kofoed ,[?]), (ar) Adventure March 1958, as by E. L. A. Griefeson & Jack Kofoed
- * How Amateurs Turn Pro—and Get Away with It!, (ar) Ace Sports Monthly August 1937
- * How Can You Tell About Women?, (ss) Popular Sports Winter 1951
- * How Good Is Joe Louis?, (ar) Ace Sports Monthly July 1937
- * How Marriage Has Made a New Max Baer, (ar) Physical Culture June 1939
- * How to Watch Football, (ar) Football Stories Fall 1937
- * How to Write a Movie, (ss) Thrilling Adventures May 1943
- * The Human Windmill, (ar) Fight Stories Dec 1929, Jan, Feb, Mar 1930
- * The Immortal Eleven, (ar) Dime Sports Magazine November 1939
- * In Stirring Conflict, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine December 1 1916
- * An Interval at Grodz, (ss) Thrilling Adventures May 1940
- * In the Home Stretch, (ss) TipTop Semi-Monthly September 25 1915
- * Iron Men of Sport, (ar) Champion Sports Magazine July 1937
- * The Iron Ring, (nv) Bull’s-Eye Detective Fall 1938
- * It Happened This Way—, (ar) Dime Sports Magazine May 1940
- * Jack Kofoed Says, (cl) The Police Gazette November 14 1933
- * Jack Sharkey, the Fighting Sailor, (ar) Fight Stories Jun, Jul 1930
- * Jack Sharkey—The Weeping Warrior, (ts) Fight Stories Spring 1949
- * Jersey Giant-Killer, (bg) Fight Stories Summer 1943
- * The Jeweled Garter, (ss) Saucy Stories February 1919
- * The Jeweled Ibis, (nv) The Thrill Book Mar 1, Mar 15 1919
- * Jim Jeffries—One-Man Blitzkreig, (ts) Fight Stories Fall 1940
- * Joe Gans—The Brown Blizzard of Baltimore, (ar) Fight Stories Spring 1939, as by Mark Adam
- * Joe Louis-His Ring Story, (ar) Fight Stories Spring 1950
- * Joe Louis’ Life Story, (ts) Fight Stories Winter 1939/1940
- * Joe Louis, the One-Round Wonder, (ar) Fight Stories Summer 1939
- * Johnny Poe of the Black Watch, (bg) Red Blooded Stories February 1929
- * Johnson vs. Willard, (ts) Fight Stories Spring 1942
- * Kayo Clipper, (ar) Sports Novels Magazine October 1951
- * Keep Swinging, (ar) Sports Novels Magazine April 1942
- * Kid Spanish, (ss) Mystery Magazine #111, June 15 1922
- * Kings of the Court, (ar) Dime Sports Magazine January 1940
- * Lady Folly, (ss) 10 Story Book May 1916
- * Land of No Return, (ar) Adventure July 1957
- * Larry Kelley, of Yale, (ar) Popular Sports Magazine December 1937
- * Last Leather, (ar) New Sports Magazine October 1949
- * The Leopard’s Spots, (ss) Popular Football Winter 1946
- * Life Story of Jack Dempsey—the Nonpareil, (ts) Fight Stories Oct, Nov, Dec 1928
- * Little Dempsey, (ts) Fight Stories April 1932
- * The Little Man of the Marne, (ts) Thrilling Adventures May 1937 [Ref. Maurice Brocco]
- * The Long Arm, (ss) Detective Book Magazine Winter 1939/1940
- * Lucky Kid, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine Winter 1943
- * Luis Angel Firpo—Wild Bull of the Pampas, (ts) Fight Stories Winter 1936
- * Mama’s Boy, (ar) Popular Sports Magazine April 1938
- * The Man from Coffin Corner, (ar) Fifteen Sports Stories April 1952
- * Man of the Thousand Kills, (ss) Adventure December 1954, as by Joel L. Harrison
- * A Man’s Best Friend Is an Alibi, (ss) Popular Detective July 1947
- * The Man Who Helped Kill Lincoln, (ar) Argosy February 1959
- * The Man Who Loved Money Best, (ar) Adventure August 1955
- * The Mardi Gras Mystery, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine September 25 1918
- * Marines Are Tough, (ss) Thrilling Adventures April 1939
- * A Matter of Percentage, (ss) Athlete September 1939
- * Max Macon—Minor League Boss, (ts) Action August 1953
- * Max Schmeling—The Black Uhlan, (ar) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine June 25 1932
- * Meet Ernie Lombardi, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine June 1939
- * The Men Who Couldn’t Take It, (ar) Dime Sports Magazine April 1944
- * Merriwell Scores on Yale, (ar) Exciting Sports Fall 1941
- * Miami After Dark, (ar) Real December 1952
- * Miami Beach Saboteur, (nv) Popular Detective December 1943
- * The Miami Kid, (ss) Thrilling Detective February 1939
- * The Michigan Assassin, (ts) Fight Stories Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1929
- * Mind Over Muscle [Baldy Simmons], (ss) Thrilling Sports Spring 1946
- * Misfit Champs, (ar) Ace Sports Monthly April 1937
- * Mr. Dooling and the Hairpins, (ss) Esquire August 1950
- * Money Pin, (ar) Fifteen Sports Stories November 1949
- * Montana Kid, (ss) Athlete January 1940
- * The Most Dangerous Game, (ar) Adventure June 1955
- * The Mountains of Madness, (ss) The Black Mask July 1920
- * Munroe of the Princess Pats, (ar) Thrilling Adventures March 1937
- * Murder Is Easy, (ss) G-Men Detective July 1947
- * Murder Mitts, (ar) Fifteen Sports Stories September 1949
- * Mystery Man of Spain, (ts) Thrilling Adventures April 1937
- * The Mystery of the Marseilles Express, (ss) The Black Mask November 1920
- * The Nevada Thunderbolt, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine January 1 1914
- * A Night in Burma, (ss) The Corner Magazine July 1923
- * Ninth Inning Stuff, (ss) Thrilling Sports September 1939
- * No-Count Champ, (ar) Fifteen Sports Stories July 1949
- * No Luck, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine April 1938
- * The Odd Case of Mr. Hanka, (ss) The Black Mask March 1921
- * One-Man Track Team, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine April 1939
- * One Night in Burma, (ss) Brief Stories September 1922
- * On the Level, (ss) TipTop Semi-Monthly June 25 1915
- * The Outsider, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine November 1935
- * Paid in Full (with Nicholas Loprete), (ss) Fighting Romances from the West and East January 1926
- * Pappa Morelli’s Boy, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine November 1939
- * Par Busters, (ar) Dime Sports Magazine February 1940
- * Paths of Glory [Baldy Simmons], (ss) Thrilling Sports Summer 1945
- * El Patron, (ar) Caper April 1957, as by Joel L. Harrison
- * Penny Wise [Baldy Simmons], (ss) Thrilling Sports January 1940
- * The Pigskin Bombardiers, (ss) All-American Football Magazine October 1942
- * Pigskin Forecast of 1937, (ar) Ace Sports Monthly October 1937
- * Pirate Stuff, (ss) The Black Mask July 1920
- * The Pitching Archeologist, (ss) Exciting Baseball Spring 1950
- * Plaster o’Paris, (ss) Brief Stories Magazine September 1924
- * Poison Green, (ar) Fifteen Sports Stories July 1950
- * Policeman Petersen, (ss) Thrilling Detective April 1938
- * The Psychoanalyst [Baldy Simmons], (ss) Thrilling Sports Winter 1946
- * The Puzzling Affair in the Rue Tilsit, (ss) The Black Mask January 1921
- * Queen and the Crowner, (ar) Fifteen Sports Stories March 1949
- * The Race to Nowhere, (ts) Sport Story Magazine 2nd January 1931
- * Ransom Trail: The Saga of the Barker-Karpis Gang, (ar) G-Men May 1938
- * Red Lightning, (ar) Popular Sports Magazine August 1938
- * The Referee, (ss) Brief Stories February 1927
- * Rembrandt of the Ring: Benny Leonard, (ar) Fight Stories Spring 1946
- * Rickenbacker, Ace of the 94th, (ar) Thrilling Adventures August 1937
- * Rickenbacker, of the 94th (with George J. Lemmer), (ar) Tales of Danger and Daring March 1929
- * Ring-Wrecker, (ar) Fifteen Sports Stories March 1950
- * Rink Rebel, (ar) Popular Sports Magazine February 1938
- * Rocking Chair, (ss) Action Stories August 1922
- * Rosetta of the Legion, (ms) Thrilling Adventures Jul, Aug 1937
- * The Russian Lion, (ar) Dime Sports Magazine December 1935
- * Safe at Third, (ss) Action Stories September 1921
- * The Saginaw Kid, (ts) Fight Stories Feb, Mar 1931
- * Sagittarius O’Keefe, (ss) Thrilling Sports May 1941
- * Schmeling to Win, (ar) Fight Stories June/July 1938
- * Screwball Games, (ar) Ace Sports Monthly June 1938
- * A Second Ketchel, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine Spring 1944
- * The Seven Mules, (ar) Thrilling Football Fall 1940
- * The Sherlock Holmes Theory [Baldy Simmons], (ss) Popular Detective September 1950
- * The Singular Murder of Darrel Weymouth, (ss) The Black Mask July 1921
- * Six Day Murder, (ss) Black Book Detective December 1947
- * Six Points Aweigh, (ar) Sports Novels Magazine September 1949
- * Slingin’ Sam—The Passin’ Man, (ar) Popular Sports Magazine December 1938
- * Slump Buster, (ar) Sports Novels Magazine July 1943
- * “Snatcher” Sankey, (ar) G-Men June 1938
- * Snatch Payoff, (ts) Black Book Detective Magazine May 1940
- * Softball Preferred [Baldy Simmons], (ss) Thrilling Sports November 1948
- * Some Dolls Are Dumb, (ss) Thrilling Detective April 1952
- * Something on the Ball, (ar) Dime Sports Magazine March 1936
- * Spikes for Spite, (ss) Baseball Stories Spring 1940
- * Sport Lore, (ar) College Stories August 1931
- * Sports Interlude, (cl) Gay Book Magazine January 1933
- * Sports Shorts, (ar) Sports Novels Magazine May 1949
- * The Stickup, (ss) Black Book Detective August 1947
- * The Tabu-Breaker, (ts) Thrilling Adventures October 1937
- * Ted Coy, Star of the Gridiron, (ar) Popular Football Winter 1941
- * The Ten Cleverest Boxers, (ar) Fight Stories February 1943
- * The Ten Greatest Fights of All Time, (ar) Fight Stories Winter 1941/1942
- * Tennis Isn’t Everything, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine April 1941
- * That Feller Guy, (bg) Champion Sports Magazine September 1937 [Ref. Bob Feller]
- * These Youngsters, (ar) Dime Sport Magazine October 1935
- * They Could Take It, (ar) Champion Sports Magazine November 1937
- * They Die by the Horns!, (pi) Adventure September 1956
- * They Fought for Glory, (cl) Thrilling Adventures Nov, Dec 1936, Jan 1937
* ___ Cecil John Rhodes, (cl) Thrilling Adventures January 1938
* ___ Doty of the Legion, (ts) Thrilling Adventures December 1937
- * They Never Hit Me Once!, (ts) Fight Stories Spring 1952
- * They Stand Alone, (ar) Dime Sports Magazine October 1939
- * This Girl Must Not Die!, (ts) Adventure April 1956
- * Thoroughbreds Don’t Quit, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine December 1939
- * Thrills in Baseball, (cl) Exciting Sports Spr, Sum 1941, Sum 1942
- * Thrills in Football, (cl) Thrilling Football Fll 1941, Fll 1945, Fll 1946, Win 1948, Wtr, Fll 1949, Fll 1950, Fll 1951
- * Thrills in Football, (cl) Exciting Football Wtr, Fll 1946, Wtr, Fll 1948, Fll 1949, Fll 1950
- * Thrills in Football, (cl) Popular Football Wtr 1946, Wtr, Fll 1947, Win 1948, Fll 1949, Fll 1950, Fll 1951
- * Thrills in Sports, (cl) Thrilling Sports Sep, Nov, Dec 1936, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1937,
Jan, Mar, May, Sep, Nov 1938
Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1939, Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1940
Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1941, Jan, Apr, Sum, Fll 1942, Sum 1945
Wtr, Spr, Sum 1946, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll, Nov 1947, Jan, Mar, May, Jul,
Sep, Nov 1948
Jan, Spr, Sum, Fll 1949, Wtr, Spr 1950
- * Thrills in Sports, (cl) Exciting Sports Fll 1945, Spr, Sum, Fll 1946, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll, Dec 1947, Feb, Apr,
Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1948
Feb, Sum, Fll 1949, Wtr, Sum 1950
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