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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 7953

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    Pearson’s Magazine (US) [v38 #4, October 1917] (15¢, 48pp, large flat) []
    Details supplied by Mike Ashley.
    • 145 · An Open Letter to President Wilson · Frank Harris · ar
    • 147 · The British Cooperative Movement · Harry W. Laidler · ar
    • 151 · Swinburne’s Love-Story · Frank Harris · ar; uses Edmund Gosse’s The Life of Algernon Charles Swinburne as a launchpad for Harris’s views.
    • 152 · Fall Fashions in New York Theatricals · H. O’Hara · ar
    • 154 · Right Hon. Winston Churchill · Frank Harris · ar
    • 157 · “Arizona’s Tea Party” · Harold Callender · ar
    • 158 · The Golden West · Frank Harris & George Bernard Shaw · ar; a letter from Shaw merged with commentary by Harris.
    • 158 · The Great White Way · Michael Monahan · ar; various aphorisms.
    • 159 · In New Fields · Carlo Edwards · ar
    • 161 · Blackwell’s Island [Part 1 of ?] · E. Bryham Parsons · ss
    • 163 · Ingersoll and the Chicago Anarchists · Henry P. Richardson · ar
    • 164 · Charles Peters in Devastated Europe · Maude Martin · ar
    • 167 · Commissioner Woods and New York’s Missing Girls · Guido Bruno · ar
    • 169 · In the Limelight · Frank Harris · ar; current activities of or comments by Orville Wright, Aleister Crowley, Herbert Hoover, Herbert Asquith, Ho Kurios Venizelos and Max Eastman.
    • 170 · Meta’s Muff · Evelyn Van Buren · ss
    • 174 · William Marion Reedy and Frank Harris · Frank Harris · ar; Harris responds to a comment about him by Reedy.
    • 175 · Near Poetry: Mr. George Santayana · Aleister Crowley · cl
    • 175 · Day · James Thomson · pm (r)
    • 176 · The Squaw-Man · Henry McCullough · ss
    • 177 · A Corner in Books · G. B. · rc
    • 178 · Through the Editor’s Eyes · Frank Harris · ed
    • 180 · The Love of a Hayseed · James S. Ryan · ss
    • 181 · With Our Readers · Readers · lc
    • 182 · On the Trail [Part 6 of 7] · Frank Harris · sl

    Pearson’s Magazine (US) [v38 #6, December 1917] (15¢, 48pp, large flat) []
    Details supplied by Mike Ashley.
    • 241 · Our Choice · Frank Harris · ar
    • 243 · Lord A on American Democracy · Frank Harris · ar
    • 244 · A Criminal’s Biography [Part 1 of 5] · W. W. · sl
    • 246 · Blood Rent for the Trenches Somewhere… · Ruth Pickering · ar
    • 248 · What America Should Gain by the War · H. O’Hara · ar
    • 249 · Northcliffe “Annoys” the President · Frank Harris · ar
    • 250 · Passion and Mr. Howells · Michael Monahan · ar
    • 251 · Finnish Independence · George Halon · ar
    • 252 · Upton Sinclair · Frank Harris · ar
    • 255 · The Romance of Chicago Book Shops · Guido Bruno · ar
    • 257 · A Corner in Books · G. B. · rc
    • 258 · An Englishman on Ireland · Frank Harris · ar; about Austin Harrison’s comments in The English Review.
    • 259 · In Memory · Ruth Pickering · pm
    • 260 · New York’s Little Theatres · H. O’Hara · ar
    • 262 · The Awakening of Jonathan Gibbs · Gene B. Lynch · ss
    • 264 · More Truth from the Trenches · Ellen N. La Motte · ar; actually various extracts from The Backwash of War with extensive comments by Frank Harris.
    • 265 · A Speed Trial in Our Navy · A Stoker · ar
    • 266 · Nonsense Verses · H. O’Hara · ar; mostly quotes of Edward Lear’s limericks.
    • 268 · A Nurse’s Confession · [uncredited] · ar
    • 269 · The Eternal Feminine · Michael Monahan · ar; various aphorisms.
    • 270 · Francis Ledwidge: The Youngest of the Irish Poets · Padraic Colum · ar
    • 272 · Buried in a Mine · R. B. Calhoun · ss; may be a true experience.
    • 273 · Orchestra Conductors · Carlo Edwards · ar
    • 274 · The New Pearson Company · A. W. Ricker & Frank Harris · ar; reveals that the former Pearson Publishing Company had gone into receivership on 29 September 1917 and a new Pearson’s Magazine, Inc. was established on 22 October 1917 with Ricker as President and Harris as Vice-President. Harris reveals that the magazine had been saddled with old debts, but that in the last year circulation had doubled. He also states the magazine sells 50,000 on the newsstands.
    • 276 · Through the Editor’s Eyes · Frank Harris · ed
    • 278 · With Our Readers · Readers · lc

    Pearson’s Magazine (US) [v38 #7, January 1918] (15¢, 48pp, large) []
    Details supplied by Denny Lien from a bound volume at the University of Minnesota.
    • 289 · The Idiot · Frank Harris · ar; blasting President Wilson.
    • 291 · Lord Versus President · Frank Harris · ar; on British attitudes to Wilson.
    • 292 · The Italian Disaster · Captain Frank Kleinschmidt · ar
    • 296 · A New Poet · George Reston Malloch · pm
    • 296 · Beatitudes of a Saint; Beatitudes of a Modern · Frank Harris · ms
    • 297 · Memories of Georges Colemenceau · One Who Knew Him · ar
    • 299 · Lord A. on the Election and the Philosophy of Dress! · Frank Harris · ar
    • 300 · A Corner in Books · [uncredited] · rc
    • 302 · Through the Editor’s Eyes · Frank Harris · ed
    • 305 · A Criminal’s Biography [Part 2 of 5] · W. W. · sl
    • 308 · Walter Pater: a Pen Portrait · Frank Harris · ar
    • 312 · In the Lime-Light · [uncredited] · cl; current activities of Edward M. Hurley, Mrs. Norman De R. Whitehouse, Leon Trotsky, Ellen N. La Motte, Herbert Bigelow, and Lucy Burns.
    • 314 · Two Socialist Poets · Upton Sinclair · ar; on Gerald Lively and “Bobby” Scripps.
    • 315 · Summer Passes · George William Browning · pm
    • 316 · Clare Kummer: The Year’s New Playwright · Ruth Pickering · ar
    • 318 · Thomas Kettle · Padraic Colum · ar
    • 321 · Victory for New York Socialists · A. W. Ricker · ar; on Socialists elected to city offices.
    • 322 · An Outlook Post in France · E. W. Hornung · ar
    • 323 · A Magazine That Is Worth Reading Is Worth Helping · Frank Harris · ms; urging readers to buy Pearson’s stock.
    • 324 · First Night at the Opera · Carlo Edwards · ar
    • 325 · The Little Old Road · Gertrude Vaughan · pm
    • 326 · Turning 8¢ Cotton Into $4.50 Silk · A. A. Alvord · ar; actually an eight-page ad for Texas Textile Company stock.
    • 336 · With Our Readers · Readers · lc

    Pearson’s Magazine (US) [v38 #8, February 1918] (15¢, 48pp, large) []
    Details supplied by Denny Lien from a bound volume at the University of Minnesota.
    • 337 · Warned! · Frank Harris · ar; rebuts “libelous” NY Times article about Pearson’s.
    • 339 · Experts Favor National Railroads · Frank Harris · ar
    • 340 · The Bread Shortage in France, Italy and England · Frank Harris · ar
    • 341 · Lord A. on Things of Moment · Frank Harris · ar
    • 342 · A Criminal’s Biography [Part 3 of 5] · W. W. · sl
    • 344 · Socialism the Scapegoat · Lindley M. Keasbey · ar
    • 345 · Thomas Huxley: a Sketch · Frank Harris · ar
    • 348 · Lights Out on Broadway · H. O’Hara · th
    • 350 · Meeting on the Roads · Padraic Colum · ss
    • 351 · Henry James: an Impression · Frank Harris · ar
    • 352 · The Critic Criticised · Ruth Pickering · lt; disagreeing with Harris’ view of Henry James.
    • 353 · The Taking of Belgrade · An American War Correspondent · ar
    • 355 · Hatred in Art: Leon Bloy · Frank Harris · ar
    • 356 · Another True War Book: The Life of the Martyrs, by George Duhamel · Frank Harris, uncredited · br
    • 357 · John Swinton: Radical Editor and Leader · Eugene V. Debs · ar
    • 359 · A New Story About Bernard Shaw · Frank Harris · ms
    • 360 · In the Lime-Light · [uncredited] · cl; on current doings of Dudley Field Malone, Lt.-Capt. Hellmuth von Mucke, Mrs. Jeannette Rankin, and Georges Clemenceau.
    • 362 · Sumner and His Satellites · Frank Harris · ar; on legal actions against Pearson’s instigated by John Sumner.
    • 364 · Nancy Gray · Jane Whitaker · ss
    • 367 · The Mortal Disease—the Censorship · Frank Harris · ar
    • 369 · Musical Cuttings · Carlo Edwards · ar
    • 370 · Books to Read and to Skip · Frank Harris · br
    • 371 · The New Art of Dress · [uncredited] · ar
    • 372 · The Button Trouble in Minneapolis · Anna A. Maley · ar; on labor struggle among street car employees.
    • 373 · How to Win the War · A. W. Ricker · ar
    • 374 · Through the Editor’s Eyes · Frank Harris · ed
    • 376 · What Chance for Democracy in Germany? · Frank Bohn, Ph.D. · ar
    • 381 · With Our Readers · Readers · lc
    • 384 · What Our Friends Are Doing · Frank Harris · ms; urging readers to buy Pearson’s stock.

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