The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 8344
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[]Podhoretz, Norman (1930- ) (about) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Commentary Feb, Mar, Apr, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1960, Mar, Jun, Aug, Nov,
Dec 1961
Mar, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Dec 1962, Jan, Mar, Apr, Jun, Nov,
Dec 1963
Feb, Apr, Jun, Nov, Dec 1964, Apr, May, Jun, Aug 1965, Jan, May,
Jul, Oct, Dec 1966
Feb, Jul 1967, Jan, Feb, May, Aug, Dec 1968, Mar, May, Jul, Aug,
Sep, Nov, Dec 1969
Sep, Dec 1970, May, Jul, Aug, Oct, Nov, Dec 1971, Mar, Jun, Nov 1972
Mar, Jul 1973, May, Aug, Nov 1974, Apr, Jun, Sep 1975, Jan, Jun 1976, Feb,
Apr, Jul, Dec 1977
Jan, Feb, Apr, Jul, Aug, Nov 1978, Feb, Sep, Dec 1979, Jul, Aug 1980
Mar, May 1981, Oct 1982, Feb, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1983, Jul, Nov 1984, Apr,
May, Jul, Sep 1985
Jan, Feb, Mar, May, Jun, Jul, Dec 1986, Mar, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep,
Oct 1987
Mar, Jul, Sep, Nov, Dec 1988, Jan, Feb, Mar, Jun, Oct 1989, Apr, Jul,
Oct 1990
Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1991, Jul, Sep, Oct 1992, Feb,
Nov 1993
Feb, Aug, Dec 1994, Feb 1995
[]Podmore, Frank (1856-1910) (about) (chron.)
- * Apparitions and Thought Transference, (ts)
- * Apparitions at Death (with Edward Thomas), (ar) The Grand Magazine July 1906
- * The Natural and the “Supernatural”, (ar) The Grand Magazine Feb, Mar, Apr 1906
- * The Natural and the “Supernatural” (with Edward Thomas), (ar) The Grand Magazine May, Jun 1906
* ___ Part 6: Apparitions at Death (with Edward Thomas), (ar) The Grand Magazine July 1906
- * The Rotating Man, (ts) , as "Apparitions and Thought Transference"
_____, [ref.]
[]Podolin, Si; [i.e., Isia Podolin] (1910-1999) (chron.)
- * Bar of the Cyclone, (ss) Liberty March 1949
- * Blitz on the Anthony J, (??) Collier’s November 18 1944
- * Counter-Attack, (ss) The Male Home Companion October 1942
- * The Deepest Dive in the World, (ar) Adventure August 1954
- * Fabulous Cargo, (ss) Adventure August 1948
- * Goat Trail to Golgotha, (ss) Tomorrow September 1949
- * Hunters Under the Sea, (??) Collier’s January 14 1950
- * Tankeritis, (ss) Tomorrow January 1946
- * Toward Endless Horizons, (ss) Esquire August 1948
- * We Speared the Giant Manta, (ts) Cavalier April 1954
_____, as told to
[]Podolny, Roman (1933-1990) (chron.)
- * For the First Time, (ss) Russian Science Fiction 1968 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York University Press, 1968; translated from the Russian (“Vpervyye”, 1962) by Helen Saltz Jacobson.
- * Invasion, (ss) The Ultimate Threshold ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970; translated from the Russian (“Nashestviye”, 1966) by Mirra Ginsburg.
- * It Is Impossible to Sail the Sea, (ss) Russian Science Fiction 1968 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York University Press, 1968; translated from the Russian (“Moreplavaniye nevozmozhno”, 1962) by Helen Saltz Jacobson.
- * The Last Story About Telepathy, (vi) Soviet Literature v431 #2, 1984; Printed in Russian and English side-by-side.
- * Tales of the Distant Past, (gp) Russian Science Fiction 1968 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York University Press, 1968; translated by Helen Saltz Jacobson
[]Podolsky, [Dr.] Edward (1902-1965) (about) (chron.)
- * A Bitter Tonic and a Salt, (ar) All Detective Magazine January 1934
- * Cats’ Claws and Death, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly July 4 1936
- * The Clue of the Handkerchief, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly October 10 1936
- * The Clue of the Shoe Mark, (tc) Greatest Detective Cases September 1946
- * Clues from a Walk, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly November 28 1936
- * Clues from the Dust, (cl) All Detective Magazine Jun, Jul, Sep 1934
- * Death by Radio, (ss) Amazing Stories December 1932
- * Death’s Signature, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly August 3 1935
- * The Detective Miracle-Worker, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly November 9 1935
- * The Doctor Prescribes Music, (ex) 1939
- * The Drug That Kills the Soul, (ms) Unknown March 1940
- * Dynamic Arsenic, (ar) All Detective Magazine March 1934
- * Experiments with Poison, (ts) Police Journal
- * The Figure of Anubis, (ss) Weird Tales February 1925
- * The Glass-Eye Game, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly February 20 1937
- * The Glittering Typewriter Keys, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly November 9 1935
- * The Human Blood Hound, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1940
- * The Incriminating Shampoo, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly November 21 1936
- * Leave It to the Doctor, (cl) Scotland Yard #10 Mar, #12 May, #13 Jun, #14 Aug 1931
* ___ Livers Don’t Lie, (cl) Scotland Yard #11, April 1931
- * Life on Other Planets?, (ar) Planet Stories Summer 1940
- * Little Fingers of Death, (ar) All Detective Magazine July 1933
- * Livers Don’t Lie, (ar) Scotland Yard #11, April 1931
- * The Masters from Beyond, (ss) Weird Tales September 1925
- * Murder from the Grave, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly August 24 1935
- * Portrait of the Nymphomaniac, (ar) Adam September 1962
- * Preserved by Quicklime, (ar) All Detective Magazine April 1934
- * Rasputin, Poison Eater, (ar) All Detective Magazine May 1933
- * The Scented Poison, (ar) All Detective Magazine November 1933
- * Science Catches the Criminal, (ar) Fingerprints Detective #1, 1945
- * Strangling with Poison, (ar) All Detective Magazine December 1933
- * Told for the Second Time, (vi) Rob Wagner’s Script #623, February 28 1942
- * Ultraviolet Rays Identify Glass, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly August 17 1935
- * Whiffs of Death, (ar) All Detective Magazine February 1934
- * White Skin, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly July 1 1933
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