Anthology of nine Hugo Award-winning stories, the three for each year 1989-1991, plus an introduction and notes by Willis. Only Willis’ name appears on the cover as “presented by,” but it is copyrighted only by Greenberg. |
Selection of Australian ghost stories intended for young adults. |
Reprint (New English Library 1970) crime/horror novel. This is described as “the most complete version of the text to have been published anywhere, previous British and American editions having been abridged for reasons of length or taste.” |
Original anthology of 17 stories, five reprints. Authors include Charles Yu, Hugh Howey, and Seanan McGuire. Foreword by Wilson. Details taken from online listing. |
Associational anthology of 21 stories and novel excerpts, from the 1830s to the 1990s. Several have light fantasy elements, including Woolf, Wilde, Carter and Roberts. The cover title is & Masquerade. |
Original shared-world anthology of 19 horror stories featuring a travelling circus. The stories build on each other and are supposed to be read sequentially. |
Details supplied by Denny Lien. |