The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 8038
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[]Paniccia, Jana (fl. 2000s) (books) (chron.)
- * Dragonslayer: Being the True and Terrible Tale of a Fearsome Meeting Between a Man and a Monster, (nv) Fantasy Gone Wrong ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Brittiany A. Koren, DAW, 2006
- * For the Birds, (ss) Catopolis ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Janet Deaver-Pack, DAW, 2008
- * Introduction (with Julie E. Czerneda), (ss) Under Cover of Darkness ed. Julie E. Czerneda & Jana Paniccia, DAW, 2007
- * The Last Hand of War, (nv) Women of War ed. Tanya Huff & Alexander Potter, DAW, 2005
- * Offering of Trust, (ss) Summoned to Destiny ed. Julie E. Czerneda, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2004
- * Shades of Truth, (ss) Children of Magic ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Kerrie Hughes, DAW, 2006
- * A Swift Changing Course, (ss) Ages of Wonder ed. Julie E. Czerneda & Rob St. Martin, DAW, 2009
_____, ed.
[]Pankau, Kurt (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * A.I., M.D., (ss) Dragon Gems Spring 2024
- * Alienation, (vi) New Myths #41, December 2017
- * Autoimmune, (ss) DreamForge #4, December 2019
- * Carpools & Coworkers, (vi) Daily Science Fiction August 28 2019
- * Dry Run, (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #60, December 2017
- * It’s Real Meat!™, (ss) Diabolical Plots #80, October 2021
- * Leaving Home, (vi) Daily Science Fiction April 8 2013
- * Marla Corbet: Living (with the Invaders), (vi) Daily Science Fiction March 3 2020
- * Papa Bear, (vi) Nature #7714, July 19 2018
- * A Pin Drops, (ss) Flash Fiction Online #129, June 2024
- * Please [redacted] My Last E-Mail, (vi) Nature #7747, March 14 2019
- * 12 Foolproof Ways to Solve the Grandfather Paradox, (vi) Small Wonders #14, August 2024
- * Wailsong, (ss) A Punk Rock Future ed. Steve Zisson, Zsenon Publishing, 2019
- * Water Seekers, (vi) Nature #7763, July 4 2019
- * What We Salvaged After the Famitrons Destroyed Our Home, (vi) Martian #1, Fall 2021
- * Your Future, Should You Choose to Accept It, (vi) DreamForge Anvil #8, Perception 2022
[]Pannett, Reginald (fl. 1900s-1920s) (chron.)
- * Finishing Touches, (il) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1907
- * “Good Luck to You”, (il) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1906
- * Michaelmas Geese, (il) The English Illustrated Magazine September 1906
- * A Pantomime Beauty, (il) The Pall Mall Magazine January 1902
- * Reverie, (il) The Pall Mall Magazine December 1904
- * [front cover], (cv) The Universal Magazine #10 Feb, #14 Jun, #18 Oct 1901
- * [front cover], (cv) Lloyd’s Magazine May 1920
- * [frontispiece], (fp) The Pall Mall Magazine Dec 1902, Jul 1903, Jul, Oct 1904
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Royal Magazine Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1900, Feb, Aug, Sep, Nov 1901, Mar,
Aug 1902
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Lady’s Realm Nov 1900, Jun 1901, Dec 1902
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Universal Magazine #8 Dec 1900, #9 Jan 1901
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The London Magazine May 1903
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Windsor Magazine December 1903
- * [illustration(s)] (with Carla Hintoun), (il) The Lady’s Realm January 1901
[]Panshin, Alexei; [i.e., Alexis Adams Panshin] (1940-2022); used pseudonyms Louis J. A. Adams & R. Monroe Weems (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Aftermath, (ms) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * The Amoeba’s Dream, (ex) from Masque World, Ace, 1969
- * Arpad, (ss) Quark/2 ed. Samuel R. Delany & Marilyn Hacker, Paperback Library, 1971
- * The Arrogance of Emotion, (ms) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * The Arts: Books, (rc) Omni April 1981
- * As I Was Saying, (pp) The New York Review of Science Fiction #20, April 1990 [Ref. Algis Budrys]
- * Bob Beaver’s Book, (in) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * Books, (rc) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction; Nov 69, Mar 72, Jun 73, Mar, Dec 74, Aug 75, Jul 76, Jun 78, Aug 79.
- * Boucher Anthology, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #22, February 1969
- * Bread, Love and Dreams, (pm) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * Bright Sam, Charming Ned and the Ogre, (ex) from Rite of Passage, Ace, July 1968
- * The Case of A.E. van Vogt, (ar) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982 [Ref. A. E. van Vogt]
- * Coming Home in the Dark, (ss) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * Comment, (ar) Science Fiction Review #35, February 1970
- * Content, (ar) Riverside Quarterly March 1967 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
- * Contruction, (ar) Riverside Quarterly June 1966 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
- * Creativity, (ms) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * Dark Conception (with Joe L. Hensley), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1964, as by Louis J. A. Adams
- * The Destiny of Milton Gomrath, (vi) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact December 1967
- The Far-Out People ed. Robert Hoskins, Signet, 1971
- Other Dimensions ed. Robert Silverberg, Hawthorn Books, 1973
- Farewell to Yesterday’s Tomorrow, Berkley/Putnam, 1975
- 100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Doubleday, 1978
- Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * Dog Puzzle, (ms) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * Doin’ God’s Work, (lt) Hitchike
- * The Domestication of the Future (1936-1946) (with Cory Panshin), (ar) Fantastic Stories December 1972
- * Donald Wollheim and Terry Carr World’s Best Science Fiction 1969 (Ace 1969), (br) Amazing Stories May 1970 [Ref. Terry Carr & Donald A. Wollheim]
- * Down to the Worlds of Men, (nv) If July 1963
- * Dylan Stirs, (ar) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * The End of the Ghetto? (with Cory Panshin), (ar) Galileo #5, 1977
- * An Era of Change, (ms) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * Execution, (ar) Riverside Quarterly November 1966 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
- * Expanded Universe, (br) Omni April 1981 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
- * Fantasy Books, (br) Fantastic; Apr 69.
- * Farewell to Yesterday’s Tomorrow (with Cory Panshin), (ar) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1974
- * Farewell to Yesterday’s Tomorrow, (co) Berkley/Putnam, June 1975
- * Fiction and Human Development, (ar) 1976
- * A Fine Night to Be Alive, (ss) Fantastic Stories December 1972
- * Foreword to “All You Zombies—”, (is) The Mirror of Infinity ed. Robert Silverberg, Harper & Row, 1970
- * Forum:
* ___ Farewell to Yesterday’s Tomorrow (with Cory Panshin), (ar) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1974
- * Found in Space, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories April 1974, as by R. Monroe Weems
- * Frisson, (pm) Star Well by Alexei Panshin, Ace Books, 1968
- * The Future in Books, (rc) Amazing Stories; Sep 68, Jan 69, Mar, May 70, Jan 72, Jun 73.
- * The Future of Science Fiction, (ar) The Chicago Literary Review Book Supplement 1974
- * Greater Work and Lesser Work, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #42, February 1992
- * The Green Elephant, (ss) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * Heinlein in Dimension:
* ___ Part Two—The Period of Alienation, (ar) Riverside Quarterly January 1966 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
* ___ Part 3: Contruction, (ar) Riverside Quarterly June 1966 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
* ___ Part IV: Execution, (ar) Riverside Quarterly November 1966 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
* ___ Part V: Content, (ar) Riverside Quarterly March 1967 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
- * How Can We Sink When We Can Fly?, (nv) Four Futures ed. Robert Silverberg, Hawthorn, 1971
- * How Georges Duchamps Discovered a Plot to Take Over the World, (vi) Fantastic April 1971
- * Imaginative Limits, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #33, May 1991
- * Interesting, (ms) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * I Will Fear No Evil, (br) Science Fiction Review #41, November 1970 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
- * John Campbell’s Vision (with Cory Panshin), (ar) Starship #34, Spring 1979 [Ref. John W. Campbell, Jr.]
- * Lady Sunshine and the Magoon of Beatus (with Cory Panshin), (na) Epoch ed. Roger Elwood & Robert Silverberg, Putnam, 1975
- * Lady Sunshine and the Magoon of Beatus, (ex) Epoch ed. Roger Elwood & Robert Silverberg, Putnam, 1975
- * Letter to Ian Watson, (lt) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * Limited Knowledge and Temporary Expedients, (ar) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * L. Ron Hubbard: Science Fiction Giant?, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #25, September 1990 [Ref. L. Ron Hubbard]
- * L. Sprague de Camp’s Great Leap of Imagination (with Cory Panshin), (ar) Lest Darkness Fall and Related Stories, Phoenix Pick, 2011
- * The Mantle of Shakespeare, (pm) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * The Man Who Murdered Ants (with Joe L. Hensley), (ss) Dapper December 1966
- * Mastery of Space and Time (1926-1935) (with Cory Panshin), (ar) Fantastic Stories August 1972
- * Metaphor, Analogy, Symbol and Myth, (ar) Fantastic Stories February 1972
- * Naked in a Snowstorm, (ex) from Masque World, Ace, 1969
- * The Nature of Creative Fantasy, (ar) Fantastic February 1971
- * The Nature of Science Fiction, (ar) Fantastic August 1970
- * New Members, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #22, February 1969
- * A New Moral Order (with Cory Panshin), (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #14 Oct, #15 Nov, #16 Dec 1989; extract from The World Beyond the Hill.
- * A New Paradigm: I, (ar) Fantastic Stories August 1971
- * A New Paradigm: II, (ar) Fantastic Stories October 1971
- * New Perspective, (ar) Fantastic Stories June 1971
- * Night Passage, (ex) from Earth Magic, Ace, October 1978
- * Night Thoughts, (pm) The Thurb Revolution by Alexei Panshin, Ace, 1968
- * Non-Fiction of Robert E. Heinlein, (ar) Zenith Speculation #12, April 1966
- * Now I’m Watching Roger, (ss) Orbit 10 ed. Damon Knight, Putnam, 1972
- * The Old Space Ranger, (ss) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * One Sunday in Neptune, (ss) Tomorrow’s Worlds ed. Robert Silverberg, Meredith Press, 1969
- * On Professional Jealousy and Other Things, (ar) Lighthouse #14, October 1966
- * Patterns of Illusion, (ar) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * The Period of Alienation, (ar) Riverside Quarterly January 1966 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
- * A Phonebook Alphabet, (ms) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * Pickin’ Favorites, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #30, February 1991
- * The Planet Slummers (with Terry Carr), (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1968
- * Precis, (pm) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * Preface, (pr) Farewell to Yesterday’s Tomorrow, Berkley/Putnam, 1975
- * The Profession of Science Fiction:
* ___ XIV: Why I No Longer Pretend to Write Science Fiction, (ar) Foundation #14, September 1978
- * The Promise of the Sixties, (ar) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * Proverb and Comment, (ms) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * Rational People, (pm) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * Reading Heinlein Subjectively: An Analysis (with Cory Panshin), (ar) The Alien Critic #9, May 1974 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
- * The Resurrection of SF—I (with Cory Panshin), (ar) Fantastic Stories April 1972
- * The Resurrection of SF—II (with Cory Panshin), (ar) Fantastic Stories June 1972
- * Rhythmic Events, (ms) Transmutations, Elephant, 1982
- * Rite of Passage, (n.) Ace, 1968
- * Robert Silverberg, Roger Zelazny, James Blish (ed. Silverberg) Three for Tomorrow (Meredith Press 1969), (br) Amazing Stories May 1970 [Ref. James Blish, Robert Silverberg & Roger Zelazny]
- * Rockworld, (ex) Epoch ed. Roger Elwood & Robert Silverberg, Putnam, 1975, as "Lady Sunshine and the Magoon of Beatus"
- * Science Fiction and Creative Fantasy, (ar) Fantastic December 1970
- * Science Fiction and the Library Journals, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #31, September/November 1970
- * Science Fiction in Dimension, (ar) Fantastic June 1970
* ___ The Domestication of the Future (1936-1946) (with Cory Panshin), (ar) Fantastic Stories December 1972
* ___ Mastery of Space and Time (1926-1935) (with Cory Panshin), (ar) Fantastic Stories August 1972
* ___ Metaphor, Analogy, Symbol and Myth, (ar) Fantastic Stories February 1972
* ___ The Nature of Creative Fantasy, (ar) Fantastic February 1971
* ___ The Nature of Science Fiction, (ar) Fantastic August 1970
* ___ A New Paradigm: I, (ar) Fantastic Stories August 1971
* ___ A New Paradigm: II, (ar) Fantastic Stories October 1971
* ___ New Perspective, (ar) Fantastic Stories June 1971
* ___ The Resurrection of SF—I (with Cory Panshin), (ar) Fantastic Stories April 1972
* ___ The Resurrection of SF—II (with Cory Panshin), (ar) Fantastic Stories June 1972
* ___ Science Fiction and Creative Fantasy, (ar) Fantastic December 1970
* ___ The Search for Mystery (1958-1967) (with Cory Panshin), (ar) Fantastic Stories April 1973
* ___ The Search for Renewal (with Cory Panshin), (ar) Fantastic Stories July 1973
* ___ The Search for Sense (1947-1957) (with Cory Panshin), (ar) Fantastic Stories February 1973
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