The FictionMags Index
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Perkins, Kenneth (Taylor) (chron.) (continued)
- * The One-Man Lode, (na) Western Story Magazine April 13 1929
- * On the Wing, (nv) Argosy October 4 1930
- * Over the Brink, (nv) Western Story Magazine December 29 1923
- * Payment to Tondo Radang, (na) Short Stories September 25 1946
- * Pearl Fever, (ss) Short Stories June 10 1939
- * Pedigo Shines His Star, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1944
- * El Perro’s Report, (nv) Argosy Allstory Weekly June 4 1927
- * The Pinto Freight, (na) Western Story Magazine August 10 1929
- * Piping the Devil, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1937
- * Port o’ Danger, (nv) Adventure April 1945
- * The Prophet of Pinto Mesa, (ss) Short Stories June 10 1925
- * Queen of the Night, (sl) Argosy Allstory Weekly Apr 14, Apr 21, Apr 28, May 5, May 12, May 19 1923
- * Questing, (ss) Short Stories June 10 1938
- * The Quicksand Way, (na) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine December 2 1933
- * The Rampage, (??) Collier’s March 16 1946
- * Recall in Burma, (ss) Liberty January 8 1944
- * Red Dog, (nv) Munsey’s Magazine February 1928
- * Red Sun Over Bengal, (sl) Argosy Oct, Nov, Dec 1943
- * Relic of Fort Tejon, (ss) Collier’s December 20 1947
- * Renegade Riders, (nv) Western Story Magazine August 4 1928
- * Retakes in Babylon, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly October 2 1920
- * Rider of the Shadows, (nv) Far West Stories April 1929
- * Riding Solo, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine September 1942
- * The Rogue Call, (nv) Short Stories May 10 1942
- * Romancin’, (nv) The Golden West Magazine January 1930
- * Roped!, (na) Western Story Magazine March 30 1929
- * The Round-Up at Gila Chasm, (ss) The Frontier September 1925
- * Sagebrushed!, (na) Western Story Magazine March 16 1929
- * The Sailor and the Seeress, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1944
- * Salaam to the Thief, (ss) Argosy August 20 1938
- * Satan’s Sweatheart, (nv) Terror Tales July/August 1936, as by J. O. Quinliven
- * The Scarlet Tide, (sl) Argosy Allstory Weekly Sep 19, Sep 26, Oct 3 1925
- * The Scream of a Parrot, (ss) This Week November 23 1941
- * The Scrubby Cob, (ss) Liberty August 18 1945
- * The Sea Ghost, (ss) Argosy March 30 1940
- * The Sea Girdles, (ss) Wayside Tales May 1922
- * Sea Lawyer, (??) Collier’s January 30 1937
- * Sea-Prize, (sl) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 16, May 23, May 30, Jun 6 1925
- * Shadows on the Snow, (na) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine October 28 1933
- * Shore Leave, (ss) Argosy May 1942
- * Silent Pard, (ss) Short Stories November 10 1940
- * The Silver Bell, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1940
- * Skis North, (na) Short Stories December 25 1940
- * Smoke in the Wind, (na) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine September 16 1933
- * Smoke on the Mesa, (nv) Western Romances #20, November 1931
- * Smoking Gold, (na) Short Stories March 10 1936
- * The Snare, (nv) The Frontier January 1925
- * Squatters Have Guts, Too!, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine February 1941
- * Stand-in for Trouble, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1943
- * The Starlit Trail, (sl) Argosy Allstory Weekly Nov 7, Nov 14, Nov 21, Nov 28, Dec 5, Dec 12 1925
- * Stolen Steers, (nv) Munsey’s Magazine February 1926
- * Stone Stirrups, (sl) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine May 19, May 26, Jun 2 1934
- * The Stop-Over at Center Fire, (nv) Short Stories September 10 1925
- * Sundown Cafe, (sl) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 3, May 10, May 17, May 24, May 31, Jun 7 1924
- * Take Her with Drums Beating, (ss) Short Stories October 25 1943
- * The Tavern of Terror, (sl) Argosy Nov 28, Dec 5, Dec 12, Dec 19, Dec 26 1931, Jan 2 1932
- * Temple of Dread Desire, (nv) Terror Tales January/February 1937, as by J. O. Quinliven
- * Tenderfoot Tarts, (ss) The Black Cat October 1920
- * Terror’s Dark Tavern, (nv) Horror Stories April/May 1936, as by J. O. Quinliven
- * Terror Trail, (nv) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine January 12 1935
- * Test by Fire, (ss) This Week May 28 1939
- * Three-Monkey Pilot, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1943
- * Three Were Renegades, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine December 1938
- * Three Were Throughbreds, (na) The Blue Book Magazine June 1938
- * The Tide in the Hyacinths, (ss) This Week February 13 1938
- * Toss-Up in Burma, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine November 1944
- * Trailing Her Man, (na) Western Romances #23, February 1932
- * Trailing the Bride, (nv) Argosy Allstory Weekly October 17 1925
- * The Trail of Skulls, (ss) Short Stories October 25 1928
- * Trail Pards, (nv) Munsey’s Magazine April 1926
- * Under the Desert, (nv) Argosy August 22 1931
- * Valley of the Tyrant, (nv) Greater Western Magazine July 1935
- * Victims of the Pit, (nv) Western Story Magazine August 29 1925
- * The Voice of the Chasm, (nv) Short Stories May 25 1924
- * Voodoo’d, (sl) Argosy May 10, May 17, May 24, May 31, Jun 7, Jun 14 1930
- * Voyage to Mocha, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1943
- * The Wake of the Williwaw, (nv) Short Stories July 25 1944
- * The Wedding Gift, (na) Argosy Allstory Weekly September 10 1921
- * We’re Sailing Together, (ss) Short Stories August 10 1939
- * Westward of Bolinao, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1940
- * What Is the Cost?, (nv) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 25 1925
- * Where Is Tita, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 20 1942
- * The Whizzer, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 28 1946
- * Wild Paradise, (sl) Argosy Allstory Weekly Jan 16, Jan 23, Jan 30, Feb 6, Feb 13 1926
- * Windward of Bolinao, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1940, as "Westward of Bolinao"
- * The Winged Wolf, (na) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine February 10 1934
- * Wrangler Law, (na) Thrilling Western September 1939
- * You Can’t Swim the Styx, (ss) Short Stories October 10 1938
- * Yukon Road Song, (nv) Short Stories November 10 1943
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[]Perkins, Lawrence A. (1917?-1979) (chron.)
- * Bite, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact July 1967
- * Come You Nigh: Kay Shuns, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact April 1970
- * Delivered with Feeling, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact July 1965
- * The Hidden Ears, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact January 1969
- * Island of Light, (nv) Worlds of Tomorrow August 1966
- * Messything, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact October 1970
- * No Throne of His Own, (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact April 1965
- * Project Island Bounce [Norbert Parker-Horst], (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact May 1968
- * Project Lion [Norbert Parker-Horst], (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact June 1967
- * Soldiers’ Home, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact December 1973
- * The Sweet Smell of the Past, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1973
- * Target: Language, (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact May 1967
- * Underground, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact October 1968
- * [letter from Augusta, GA], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction June 1957
- * [letter from Falls Church, VA], (lt) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction October 1963
- * [letter from Georgia], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact March 1966
[]Perkins, Lori (1959- ) (about) (chron.)
- * American Psychobabble, (ar) Gauntlet #2, 1991
- * Dreadful Pleasures, (br) Cemetery Dance; Spr 90 - Fll 91.
- * Dreadful Pleasures, (br) Cemetery Dance #4 Spr, #5 Sum, #6 Fll 1990, #7 Wtr, #8 Spr, #9 Sum, #10 Fll 1991
- * Vampire Dreamers, (ss) Obsessions ed. Gary Raisor, Dark Harvest, 1991
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