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James, Henry (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * “The Bold Pursuit of Ambiguity”: On the Framing Narrator in Henry James’s “Sir Edmund Orme” by Terry W. Thompson, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction December 2020
- * “The Friends of the Friends” by Henry James by Jeffrey Ford, (ar) Fantastic Metropolis December 2004
- * Henry James by C. Lewis Hind, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine April 1904
- * Henry James by A. C. Benson, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine April 1916
- * Henry James and H.G. Wells: A Study of Their Friendship Based on Their Unpublished Correspondence by Michael Swan, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine Autumn 1953
- * Henry James: A Personal Note by Louis Zangwill, (ar) Colour April 1916
- * Henry James—“In His Own Country” by H. G. Dwight, (bg) Putnam’s Monthly May, Jul 1907
- * A Henry James Jubilee by S. Gorley Putt, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine Win 1946, Spr 1947
- * Henry James’s Ghost Stories by David Morrell, (bg) Night Cry Fall 1985
- * Henry James’s Journeys Into Authorship, (ar) Short Stories Magazine February 1981
- * Henry James & the Great War by Stephen Miller, (ar) The New Criterion February 2022
- * Henry James & the Heroic Young Master by Michael Swan, (ar) The London Magazine May 1955
- * Henry James: The Private Universe by Graham Greene, (ar) The English Novelists ed. Derek Verschoyle, Chatto and Windus, 1936
- * Henry James: The Religious Aspect by Graham Greene, (ar) Contemporary Essays ed. Sylvia Norman, Elkin Mathews and Marrot, 1933
- * The Innocents by William Archibald, (pl) Coward-McCann, 1950
- * Koch on James by Joe Koch, (iv) Nightmare #145, October 2024
- * The Lesson of the Master by Graham Greene, (br) The Spectator April 26 1935
- * Life and Letters by J. C. Squire, (br) Land & Water September 20 1917
- * Mr. Henry James’s New Play by Hafiz, (th) Black & White #35, October 3 1891
- * The Painter’s Eye by Maurice Cranston, (br) The London Magazine March 1957
- * The Plays of Henry James by Graham Greene, (ar) The Lost Childhood and Other Essays by Graham Greene, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1951
- * Portrait in One Breath by Burton Rascoe, (ms)
- * The Portrait of a Lady by Graham Greene, (in) The Oxford University Press, 1947
- * Possession and “The Jolly Corner” by Kathryn Cramer, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #65, January 1994
- * Profile: Henry James by David Morrell, (bg) Night Cry Fall 1985
- * Religion, Evil, and Obsession in the Ghostly Stories of Henry James by Reggie Oliver, (ar) All Hallows #43, Summer 2007
- * The Scrimshaw Set by William Meikle, (ss) The Ghost Club by William Meikle, Crystal Lake Publishing, 2017
- * The Turn of the Screw by R. Chetwynd-Hayes, (ar) Horror: 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Xanadu, 1988
- * Windows, Doubles, and “Strange Communion”: Henry James’s “Sir Edmund Orme” by Terry W. Thompson, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #348, August 2018
[]James, Hilda (fl. 1950s-1960s) (chron.)
- * The Birthday Present, (ss) Superb Book for Children, Dean & Son, 1964
- * The Blue Bird, (ss) Ideal Book for Children 195?
- * The Christmas Kitten, (ss) Tales for Tinies, Dean & Son, 1962
- * Judy’s Last Chance, (ss) Premier Book for Girls 1962
- * The Little Red Spell, (ss) Ideal Book for Children 195?
- * The Magic Apple Tree, (ss) Premier Book for Children 1960
- * The Magic Ball, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1950
- * Mr. Spiken-Span, (ss) Stories for Tinies, Dean & Son, 1964
- * One Exciting Evening, (ss) Premier Book for Girls 1966
- * Opportunity Knocks Twice, (ss) Monster Book for Girls 1959
- * The Pink Party Dress, (ss) Super Book for Children, Dean & Son, 1965
- * The Princess Who Ran Away, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1954
- * Red Pigtails, (ss) Premier Book for Children 1962
- * Robin in the Country, (ss) Ideal Book for Tinies 195?
- * Rubies Are Red, (ss) Premier Book for Girls 1962
- * The Woodman’s Daughter, (ss) Monster Book for Children 1958
[]James, Hugh (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Ace of Aces, (ar) George Bruce’s Squadron September 1933
- * Ace of Darkness, (ts) The Lone Eagle December 1934
- * Ace of Prodigals, (ts) The Lone Eagle September 1936
- * Aces of the Alps, (ss) Sky Fighters January 1935
- * Aces of the Legion, (ar) Sky Fighters December 1934
- * Adolphe Pegoud, (ar) George Bruce’s Contact December 1933 [Ref. Adolphe Pégoud]
- * Against Odds, (ar) Sky Fighters November 1935
- * Air Sportsman, (ts) The Lone Eagle January 1935
- * Alphonse Senglier, (ar) George Bruce’s Contact November 1933 [Ref. Alphonse Senglier]
- * A Bag of Oranges, (ss) Sky Fighters October 1934
- * Baron von Buttlar Brandenfels, (ar) George Bruce’s Squadron December 1933 [Ref. Horst Buttlar-Brandenfels]
- * Black Day, (ts) The Lone Eagle April 1936
- * Blasting Skies, (ts) Sky Fighters February 1936
- * Boche Hunters, (ss) Sky Fighters March 1935
- * Burning Skies, (ss) Sky Fighters September 1935
- * The Camouflaged Fokker, (ar) George Bruce’s Squadron May 1934
- * Carl von Berrier, (ar) Sky Fighters May 1933
- * Combat King, (ts) The Lone Eagle September 1935
- * Days of Death, (ts) Sky Fighters May 1935
- * Death’s Touch, (ss) Sky Fighters April 1936
- * Dudley Tucker, (ar) Sky Fighters November 1932
- * The Eagle Poet, (ar) George Bruce’s Squadron August 1933
- * Falcons Brave, (ts) Sky Fighters March 1936
- * Fighters’ Tally, (ts) Sky Fighters January 1937
- * Flame of Combat, (ts) The Lone Eagle June 1936
- * Flyers of the Night, (ts) The Lone Eagle August 1936
- * The Flying Fury!, (ts) The Lone Eagle October 1934
- * Four Aces, (ss) Sky Fighters June 1936
- * Four Aces All at Once, (ar) George Bruce’s Squadron June 1934
- * Franke Link-Crawford, (ar) Sky Fighters January 1933
- * Friederich Mittdorfer, (ar) Sky Fighters February 1933
- * Gotha Smasher, (ts) The Lone Eagle July 1936
- * Gridiron Skies, (ss) Sky Fighters December 1935
- * Heroes Two, (ss) Sky Fighters October 1935
- * In Enemy Hands, (ss) Sky Fighters April 1935
- * In Stormy Skies, (ts) The Lone Eagle May 1935
- * Into the Blue, (cl) Sky Fighters Jul, Aug, Sep, Dec 1932, Mar, Apr, Jun 1933
- * Into the Blue, (cl) The Lone Eagle Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1934
* ___ Carl von Berrier, (cl) Sky Fighters May 1933
* ___ Dudley Tucker, (cl) Sky Fighters November 1932
* ___ Franke Link-Crawford, (cl) Sky Fighters January 1933
* ___ Friederich Mittdorfer, (cl) Sky Fighters February 1933
* ___ Pere Dorme, (cl) Sky Fighters October 1932
- * Jan Thieffry, (ar) George Bruce’s Contact August 1933 [Ref. Edmond Thieffry]
- * The Kosciuszko, (ar) George Bruce’s Squadron March 1934
- * Line Busters, (ss) Sky Fighters May 1936
- * Lost Buddy, (ss) Sky Fighters July 1935
- * Missing Aces, (ts) The Lone Eagle December 1935
- * Mystery Ace, (ts) The Lone Eagle March 1935
- * Night Wings, (ts) The Lone Eagle June 1935
- * Old Man Ace, (ts) The Lone Eagle February 1937
- * The Only Navy Ace, (ar) George Bruce’s Squadron February 1934
- * Pere Dorme, (ar) Sky Fighters October 1932
- * Phantom Plane, (ts) The Lone Eagle August 1935
- * Pilots and Juleps, (ts) Sky Fighters August 1936
- * Pilots Two, (ss) Sky Fighters October 1936
- * Praying Pilot, (ts) The Lone Eagle November 1936
- * San Reproche, (vi) Breezy Stories January 1922
- * Saviors of the Lost Battalion, (ar) George Bruce’s Squadron October 1933
- * Sing and Fight!, (ts) The Lone Eagle February 1935
- * The Sky Artist, (ts) The Lone Eagle November 1934
- * Sky Athlete, (ts) The Lone Eagle October 1936
- * The Sky Knight, (ts) The Lone Eagle July 1935
- * Sky Madman, (ts) The Lone Eagle March 1936
- * Sky Partners, (ss) Sky Fighters June 1935
- * Sky Vengeance, (ts) Sky Fighters August 1935
- * The Sky Wager, (ss) Sky Fighters September 1934
- * Spad Rangers, (ss) Sky Fighters November 1936
- * Special Missions, (cl) George Bruce’s Squadron November 1933
- * Special Missions—The War’s Most Dangerous Rescue, (ar) Squadron July 1934
- * Special Missions:
* ___ Ace of Aces, (cl) George Bruce’s Squadron September 1933
* ___ Baron von Buttlar Brandenfels, (cl) George Bruce’s Squadron December 1933 [Ref. Horst Buttlar-Brandenfels]
* ___ The Camouflaged Fokker, (cl) George Bruce’s Squadron May 1934
* ___ The Eagle Poet, (cl) George Bruce’s Squadron August 1933
* ___ Four Aces All at Once, (cl) George Bruce’s Squadron June 1934
* ___ The Kosciuszko, (cl) George Bruce’s Squadron March 1934
* ___ The Only Navy Ace, (cl) George Bruce’s Squadron February 1934
* ___ Saviors of the Lost Battalion, (cl) George Bruce’s Squadron October 1933
* ___ The Zeppelin Buster, (cl) George Bruce’s Squadron January 1934
- * Star of the Blue, (ts) The Lone Eagle January 1936
- * Stunting Ace, (ts) The Lone Eagle February 1936
- * Three of a Kind, (ss) Sky Fighters November 1934
- * Torch Makers, (ts) Sky Fighters September 1936
- * Toward the Stars, (cl) George Bruce’s Contact Sep, Oct 1933
* ___ Adolphe Pegoud, (cl) George Bruce’s Contact December 1933 [Ref. Adolphe Pégoud]
* ___ Alphonse Senglier, (cl) George Bruce’s Contact November 1933 [Ref. Alphonse Senglier]
* ___ Jan Thieffry, (cl) George Bruce’s Contact August 1933 [Ref. Edmond Thieffry]
- * Twin Stars of the Western Front, (ts) Sky Fighters December 1936
- * Valorous V, (ss) Sky Fighters July 1936
- * Vengeance Aces, (ts) Sky Fighters February 1935
- * Winged Comet, (ss) Sky Fighters January 1936
- * Wings of Youth, (ts) The Lone Eagle December 1936
- * Youth Flies, (ts) The Lone Eagle May 1936
- * The Zep Fighter, (ts) The Lone Eagle April 1935
- * The Zeppelin Buster, (ar) George Bruce’s Squadron January 1934
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