The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 5394
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[]Janvrin, Mary W(olcott) (1830-1870); also known as Mary Wolcott Ellsworth (about) (chron.)
- * Arrested for Murder, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine April 1860
- * The Aztecs Revenge, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine April 1858
- * The Brides of Venice, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine April 1859
- * Caught by a Blue-Stocking, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine July 1861
- * The Child of the Poor-House, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine January 1859
- * The Confession of an Unhappy Author, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine February 1860
- * The Coquette’s Punishment, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine November 1856
- * The Destiny, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine March 1855
- * Doctor Manning’s Wife, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine August 1858
- * Dreamings, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine April 1856
- * The Face I Saw in My Dreams, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1856
- * “The Flower of the Family”, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine August 1859
- * Frank Lindsay’s Visit to Honeysuckle Farm, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine October 1857
- * The Genius of the Family, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine September 1859
- * Going Into the Country, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine September 1860
- * The Grave beside the Sea, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine October 1858
- * The Haunted House, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine February 1858
- * The Heart-Broken, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1857
- * The Heart of a Queen, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine November 1858
- * An Heiress for a Sixpence: or, The Fortune-Teller of Newport, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine June 1857
- * How Jenny Was Won, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine May 1857
- * The Hunter’s Revenge, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine September 1857
- * Icebergs, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine January 1863
- * The Lady of Roseneath, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine May 1859
- * The Legend of Starved Rock, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine December 1856
- * Life, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1856
- * Lindenwald, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine October 1860
- * Little Alice. A Physician’s Story, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine July 1856
- * The Livid Hand; or, Hugh Miller’s Warning, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine October 1857
- * Lonely, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine June 1856
- * The Lost Winds, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1855
- * The Lover’s Call, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1858
- * Mary—a Monody, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine October 1857
- * Memories, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine June 1855
- * The Minister of Hawthornwold, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine April 1859
- * Mrs. Payson’s “Shopping”, (vi) Peterson’s Magazine January 1864
- * Mrs. Ward’s Visit to the Prince, (ss) Godey’s Lady’s Book January 1861
- * The Old Fisherman’s Story, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine December 1859
- * The Old House Over the Way, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine May 1861
- * Pealsweep’s Vow: or, The Captive Pale Flower, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine February 1858
- * The Pearl Necklace: or, A Queen’s Gift, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine September 1859
- * The Peasant Empress, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine October 1857
- * “Playing with Edged Tools”, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine February 1857
- * “Plotting and Planning”, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine March 1860
- * The Red, White, and Blue, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine March 1862
- * The Rejected Poem: or, How Horace Loring Won His Bride, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine January 1858
- * Robert and Ruth—Their Loves, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine November 1860
- * The Sailor’s Letter, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine August 1859
- * The Seven Rocks of the Rhine, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine March 1859
- * Squire Holman’s Wooing, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine November 1858
- * The Stolen Daughter of San Marco, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine February 1859
- * A Storm on the Lakes, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine April 1860
- * The Story of Rachel Felix, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine August 1858
- * The Summer Clouds, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1855
- * The Summer of the Heart, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine June 1866
- * Teaching School at Hemlock Grove, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine August 1860
- * Thoughts by Night, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1855
- * True Love’s Gift, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine May 1858
- * The White Nun, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine June 1858
- * Who Shall Separate Us?, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education September 1868
- * Why Aunt Hester Was an Old Maid, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine May 1856
- * Widow Green’s Neighbors, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine July 1861
- * Wild Pigeon Shooting in Sussex, (vi) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine April 1858
[]Janz, Jonathan (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The Humpers at the Threshold, (ss) The Drive-In: Multiplex ed. Christopher Golden & Brian Keene, Pandi Press, 2023
- * Room for the Night, (ss) Close to Midnight ed. Mark Morris, Flame Tree Press, 2022
- * A Southern Evening, (nv) LampLight June 2016
- * Throwing Monsters, (nv) Piercing the Darkness ed. Craig Cook, Necro Publications, 2014
- * Titan, Tyger, (ss) Lost Highways ed. D. Alexander Ward, Crystal Lake Publishing, 2018
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[]Janz, Kristin (fl. 2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Angels of Our Better Beasts, (br) Mysterion January 8 2018 [Ref. Jerome Stueart]
- * Brother’s Keeper, (ss) Fantasy Short Stories #2, June 2014
- * City of the Dying Sun, (ss) Kaleidotrope Winter 2014
- * Clear Skies in Pixieland, (nv) Nine #1, April 2012
- * The Dagger with Wings, (sr) Mysterion April 17 2017 [Ref. G. K. Chesterton]
- * Dark Faith, and Dark Faith: Invocations, (br) Mysterion April 9 2018 [Ref. Maurice Broaddus & Jerry Gordon]
- * The Hungry Ghosts, (ss) The Colored Lens #31, Spring 2019
- * King of Nowhere, (ss) Strange Constellations April 2018
- * The Kiss of the Blood-Red Pomegranate, (nv) Aoife’s Kiss December 2011
- * The Observation Deck, (vi) On Spec Fall 2011
- * The Price of Healing, (ss) Kzine #17, January 2017
- * Silence, (mr) Mysterion May 10 2017
- * Thou Hast by Moonlight at Her Window Sung, (ss) SQ Mag #25, March 2016
- * Twenty-Seven Images of Retribution, (ss) New Myths #30, March 2015
- * The Water Tower, (ss) Polar Borealis April/May 2018
- * The Workshop at the End of the World, (vi) Daily Science Fiction December 22 2015
[]Japp, Alexander H(ay), LL.D. (1837-1905); used pseudonyms E. Conder Gray & H. A. Page (about) (chron.)
- * Amusements in the Olden Times, (ar) Atalanta #84, September 1894, as by H. A. Page
- * Anecdote of Dean Alford, (nf) Wide Awake October 1891
- * Animal Courtesies, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine June 1893
- * Animal Curiousity, (ar) The Osborne Magazine November 1896
- * Animal Disguise and Defence, (ar) The Argosy (UK) April 1890
- * Animal Grief, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine March 1897
- * Animal Humour, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine March 1893
- * Animal Jealousies, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine August 1893
- * Animal Playfulness, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine October 1893
- * Animals as Bargain-Makers, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine August 1894
- * Animals as beggars, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine September 1895
- * Animal Trials by Jury, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine February 1893
- * Authors’ Counties, IV: Yorkshire: Charlotte Brontë, (ar) Atalanta #88, January 1895
- * The Autobiographical Novel, (ar) Atalanta #77, February 1894
- * A Ballade of the Tief-Blau Wasser, (pm) The Argosy (UK) November 1897
- * Brightlingsea and Its Oysters, (ar) The Argosy (UK) November 1896
- * The Burial of Alaric, (pm) Atalanta #97, October 1895
- * Buying a House, (ar) The Victorian Magazine #3, February 1892, as by H. A. Page
- * Can Animals Count?, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine May 1894
- * Celandine, (pm) The Argosy (UK) May 1897
- * Character Sketches and Village Life:
* ___ I—The Yohannies, (ar) The Victorian Magazine #1, December 1891, as by H. A. Page
* ___ II—Buying a House, (ar) The Victorian Magazine #3, February 1892, as by H. A. Page
* ___ III—A Typical Yeoman, (ar) The Victorian Magazine #6, May 1892, as by H. A. Page
* ___ IV—The Oldest Inhabitant, (ar) The Victorian Magazine #8, July 1892, as by H. A. Page
* ___ V—Smuggling in Our District—Past and Present, (ar) The Victorian Magazine #10, September 1892, as by H. A. Page
- * Charity, (pm) Good Words February 1880, as by E. Conder Gray
- * Chivalry and Courts of Love, (ar) Atalanta #106, July 1896
- * Common Salt, (ar) The Argosy (UK) August 1888
- * Conversation, (ar) The Argosy (UK) April 1893
- * Convulvulus, (pm) The Argosy (UK) July 1897
- * Curious Seeds, (ar) Atalanta #121, October 1897
- * Daffodils, (pm) The Argosy (UK) May 1896
- * Dean Stanley at the Flower Shows, (nf) Wide Awake February 1891
- * Dress and Clothing in the Olden Days, (ar) Atalanta #82, July 1894, as by H. A. Page
- * The Echo of a Song, (pm) The Victorian Magazine #4, March 1892, as by E. Conder Gray
- * English Respetti, (gp) The Argosy (UK) Jul, Sep, Oct 1897
- * English Rispetti, (gp) The Argosy (UK) May 1896, May 1897
- * English Rispetti: Lily of the Valley, (pm) The Argosy (UK) August 1896
- * English Rispetti: Marguerites, (pm) The Argosy (UK) June 1896
- * English Rispetti on Some Flowers, (pm) Atalanta #108, September 1896
- * English Rispetti: The Daisy, (pm) The Argosy (UK) April 1897
- * Expressions in Animals, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine May 1892
- * The Fairies’ Dues, (pm) The Argosy (UK) July 1897
- * The Fairies’ Fern-Seed, (pm) Wide Awake May 1891
- * Felicities of Popular Plant-Names, (ar) Atalanta #129, June 1898
- * Flesh-Eating Plants, (ar) Atalanta #122, November 1897
- * Forget-Me-Nots, (pm) The Argosy (UK) July 1897
- * For the Princess May, (pm) Atalanta #70, July 1893
- * The Foxglove, (pm) The Argosy (UK) July 1897
- * Friendship, (ar) The Argosy (UK) September 1893
- * The Gorse, (pm) The Argosy (UK) October 1897
- * The Harebell, (pm) The Argosy (UK) October 1897
- * The Harvest of the Hedgerows, (ar) The Argosy (UK) December 1890
- * Haunts of the Poets, III: Shelley and Surrey, (ar) Atalanta #102, March 1896
- * Honeysuckle, (pm) The Argosy (UK) September 1897
- * Houses and Homes in the Olden Times, (ar) Atalanta #79, April 1894, as by H. A. Page
- * The Humorous Novel, (ar) Atalanta #83, August 1894
- * The Hyacinths, (pm) The Argosy (UK) May 1897
- * Inns of the Middle Ages, (ar) Atalanta #95, August 1895
- * The Lady Poet, (ss) Atalanta #80, May 1894, as by E. Conder Gray
- * Linnæus and the Gorse, (pm) Wide Awake June 1892
- * Lullaby, (sg) Atalanta #83, August 1894, music by Barry Waller
- * A Master of Romance: R. L. Stevenson, (ar) Atalanta #64, January 1893
- * The May, (pm) The Argosy (UK) May 1895
- * Men and Things:
* ___ XIII. The Story of a Famous Painting, (nf) Wide Awake June 1891
* ___ XXVI. Dean Stanley at the Flower Shows, (nf) Wide Awake February 1891
* ___ LIV. Anecdote of Dean Alford, (nf) Wide Awake October 1891
* ___ LXVI. Some Unpublished Anecdotes of De Quincey, (nf) Wide Awake May 1890
- * Music by Gestures, (ar) Atalanta #81, June 1894
- * Of Cheerfulness, (ar) The Argosy (UK) March 1892
- * Of Moderation, (ar) The Argosy (UK) August 1893
- * Of Wise Boldness, (ar) The Argosy (UK) October 1893
- * Old Edinburgh, (ar) Atalanta #101, February 1896
- * The Oldest Inhabitant, (ar) The Victorian Magazine #8, July 1892, as by H. A. Page
- * On Letter-Writing, (ar) The Argosy (UK) May 1891
- * On Slander, (ar) The Argosy (UK) February 1897
- * On Using What We Have, (ar) The Argosy (UK) June 1893
- * On Vanity, (ar) The Argosy (UK) March 1893
- * Pearls, (ar) The Argosy (UK) July 1888
- * The Poppy, (pm) The Argosy (UK) October 1897
- * The Primrose, (pm) The Argosy (UK) May 1896
- * A Pushing Woman, (ss) Atalanta #74, November 1893, as by E. Conder Gray
- * Quinine and Its Romance, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1889
- * Railway Signalling, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine November 1891
- * Recalling Past Happiness, (ar) The Argosy (UK) July 1891
- * Rispetti on the Wildflowers: Anemones, (pm) The Argosy (UK) March 1896
- * Rispetti on the Wild Flowers: The Snowdrop, (pm) The Argosy (UK) February 1896
- * Rispetti on the Wildflowers: Violets, (pm) The Argosy (UK) April 1896
- * Robert Louis Stevenson, (bg) The Argosy (UK) February 1895 [Ref. Robert Louis Stevenson]
- * Salt Working and Salt Superstitions, (ar) The Argosy (UK) September 1888
- * The Satirical Novel, (ar) Atalanta #80, May 1894, as by H. A. Page
- * The Sensational Novel, (ar) Atalanta #82, July 1894, as by E. Conder Gray
- * Sicilian Octave: Love, (pm) Atalanta #121, October 1897
- * Sicilian Octaves, (pm) Atalanta #103, April 1896
- * Sicilian Octaves (continued), (pm) Atalanta #104, May 1896
- * Sir James Outram, (ar) Good Words Jul, Aug 1880
- * Smuggling in Our District—Past and Present, (ar) The Victorian Magazine #10, September 1892, as by H. A. Page
- * Some Animal Thieves, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine December 1891
- * Some Unpublished Anecdotes of De Quincey, (nf) Wide Awake May 1890
- * Storers of Winter Food, (ar) Atalanta #126, March 1898
- * The Story of a Famous Painting, (nf) Wide Awake June 1891
- * A Tale of Pets, (ar) Atalanta #67, April 1893, as by E. Conder Gray
- * Tea and Coffee, (ar) The Folks-at-Home #5, November 28 1896
- * Travelling in the Olden Times, (ar) Atalanta #76, January 1894, as by H. A. Page
- * Two Pairs of Modern Poets, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine February 1895 [Ref. Lewis Morris, Austin Dobson, Jean Ingelow & Christina Rossetti]
- * Two Pairs of Novelists, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine June 1895 [Ref. Thomas Hardy, Walter Besant, Edna Lyall & Mary A. Ward]
- * A Typical Yeoman, (ar) The Victorian Magazine #6, May 1892, as by H. A. Page
- * Wild Pansy (Pensées), (pm) The Argosy (UK) May 1896
- * Wild Rose, (pm) The Argosy (UK) September 1897
- * A Wise Father of Foolish Sons (See the Koran, Sara lxviii), (pm) The Argosy (UK) September 1898
- * With the Nightingales at the Vicarage, (ss) The Argosy (UK) September 1890
- * Wonders of Flower Fertilization, (ar) Atalanta #124, January 1898
- * The Yohannies, (ar) The Victorian Magazine #1, December 1891, as by H. A. Page
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