The FictionMags Index
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[]Heermann, Travis (1969-2024) (about) (chron.)
- * Athena’s Children, (ss) Perihelion April 12 2015
- * The Ballad of Osmosis McGuire, (nv) Fiction River #26, Superpowers, November 2017
- * A Cold, White Dome, (ss) Who Knocks? #2, 2019
- * Daubs of Color, (ss) Unconventional Fantasy ed. Peggy Rae Sapienza, Jean Marie Ward, Bill Campbell & Sam Lubell, Baltimore Washington Area Worldcon Association, Inc., 2014
- * Daybreak on Shining Mountain [BattleTech], (nv) Shrapnel #2, 2020
- * Death Bunnies of Toxic Island, (nv) Fiction River #20, Last Stand, November 2016
- * Deep Veins, (ss) Georgetown Haunts and Mysteries ed. Jeanne C. Stein & Joshua Viola, Hex Publishers, 2017
- * Demon-Touched, (nv) Fiction River #18, Visions of the Apocalypse, July 2016
- * Deus Ex Machina, (nv) Fiction River #2, How To Save The World, June 2013
- * The Girl with No Name, (ss) New Myths #33, December 2015
- * The Hammer, (nv) OG’s Speculative Fiction #24, May 2010
- * The Metal of a Man, (ss) Electric Spec September 10 2015
- * Redline, (nv) Fiction River #24, Pulse Pounders: Adrenaline, July 2017
- * Screaming Without a Mouth, (ss) Apex Magazine #82, March 2016
- * Shadows of the Deep, (ss) New Myths #27, June 2014
- * The Song, (ss) New Horizons #6, Winter 2010
- * That Long Black Train, (nv) Shivers VII ed. Richard Chizmar, Cemetery Dance, 2013
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[]Heese, Olga F. (fl. 1910s-1920s) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) McCall’s Magazine December 1915
- * [front cover], (cv) The Housewife February 1916
- * [front cover], (cv) The American Woman Jan 1918, Jan 1921
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Housewife Nov 1911, Oct 1912
- * [illustration(s)], (il) McCall’s Magazine Oct, Nov, Dec 1915, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Dec 1916
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The American Woman May, Jun 1921, Jun 1922
[]Heffernan, Dean L. (c1894-1964) (about) (chron.)
- * Accused in Greek, (nv) Detective Story Magazine February 5 1921
- * Athlete’s Finger, (ss) Champion Sports Magazine May 1938
- * ’Bout Cotton, (vi) Woman’s World September 1927
- * The Crime at the Lafayette Arms, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine November 1924
- * Dreams of Peace, (ss) All-Story Weekly August 30 1919
- * The Fast Black Runs, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1925
- * The Fight That Wasn’t Fit, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1924
- * The Finish That Counts, (ss) Best Sports December 1938
- * Get ’Em While They’re Hot, (nv) Argosy Allstory Weekly November 24 1923
- * Golfers Should Be Single, (ss) Columbia October 1929
- * He Was Serving Two Masters—One of Them Golf, (ss) The American Magazine October 1921
- * It Happened When She Put Her Finger in the Pie, (ss) Woman’s World November 1925
- * The Masked Bandit, (ss) Western Story Magazine July 9 1921
- * Office Call, (ss) Short Stories July 25 1931
- * One-Wallop Widdle, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 10 1924
- * Over the Chimney Pots, (sl) Woman’s World November 1928
- * Peter Pilkingham Repents, (ss) Columbia June 1929
- * The Riders of Ramapo Pass, (nv) All-Story Weekly December 20 1919
- * Riders of the Pass, (nv) North•West Stories September 1929
- * Sentenced to Six Months, (ss) The American Magazine May 1925
- * Sheriff of Shallow Gulch, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly September 25 1920
- * The “Smash Up”, (ss) Woman’s World September 1935
- * Wind o’ the West, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st February 1920
[]Heffernan, John A. (1871-1952) (about) (chron.)
- * The Baby and the Wireless, (ss) Adventure May 1914
- * Be-Dad, (ss) McClure’s Magazine June 1912
- * A Collision in Elysium, (ss) Adventure November 1910
- * Dad and Destiny, (ss) Adventure June 1911
- * The Dragon, (ss) Adventure January 1912
- * Frazzled Friskies, (ss) Adventure August 1911
- * The Great Schmuetzer System, (ss) The Puritan January 1901
- * Haroun Al Raschid Buchmuller of Rag-Bag, (ss) Adventure June 1912
- * A Man Among Kings, (sl) The All-Story Magazine Feb, Mar, Apr 1911
- * Princess Peaches-and-Cream, (ss) Adventure May 1912
- * The Sky Police, (ss) The All-Story Magazine December 1910
- * The Trust Builder, (ss) Adventure April 1912
- * Violets, (ss) The Cavalier September 1911
- * Wall Street and Sleepy Hollow, (ss) Adventure December 1911
- * The War Bride, (ss) Adventure April 1916
[]Heffley, C. F. (chron.)
- * Justice, (pm) Gauntlet #2, 1991
- * Perspective, (pm) Gauntlet #2, 1991
- * Poetry of Inmate N-92205, (gp) Gauntlet #2, 1991
- * Revelation, (pm) Gauntlet #2, 1991
- * Routine, (pm) Gauntlet #2, 1991
- * The Tour, (pm) Gauntlet #2, 1991
[]Heffley, Carl E. (chron.)
- * An Afternoon to Remember, (vi) Eldritch Tales #28, Winter 1993
- * Arkham House: A Remembrance, (ar) Eldritch Tales #30, Spring 1995
- * Cat-Winds, (pm) Prisoners of the Night #6, 1992
- * Dwellers in Darkness, (pm) Prisoners of the Night #6, 1992
- * Edgar Allen Poe: The Man—The Myth—The Magic, (ar) Eldritch Tales #29, Fall 1993 [Ref. Edgar Allan Poe]
- * Fragment, (pm) Prisoners of the Night #5, 1991
- * Iceman, (pm) Eldritch Tales #26, Winter 1991
- * Lovecraft and Dreams, (ar) Eldritch Tales #27, Summer 1992 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Midnight Snack, (pm) Eldritch Tales #24, Winter 1990
- * Terminal Attraction, (pm) Prisoners of the Night #5, 1991
[]Heffron, Walter J. (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Open Road for Boys Jul, Aug, Oct, Nov 1934, Feb 1935
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Liberty September 11 1937
- * [illustration(s)], (il) McCall’s Jan 1938, Mar 1939
- * [illustration(s)], (il) This Week May 1, May 22, Sep 25 1938
[]Hefner, Brooks E. (fl. 2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Black Mask by the Circulation Numbers, (ar) The Pulpster #29, 2020
- * Introduction, (in) Them That Lives by Their Guns by Carroll John Daly, Altus Press, 2015
- * Introduction, (in) The Snarl of the Beast by Carroll John Daly, Altus Press, 2016
- * Introduction, (in) Shooting Out of Turn by Carroll John Daly, Altus Press, 2017
- * Introduction, (in) If Death Is Respectable by Carroll John Daly, Altus Press, 2018
- * Introduction, (in) Just Another Stiff by Carroll John Daly, Steeger Books, 2019
- * Introduction, (in) Gangman’s Gallows by Carroll John Daly, Steeger Books, 2020
- * Introduction, (in) Unremembered Murder by Carroll John Daly, Steeger Books, 2022
[]Hefner, Hugh M(arston) (1926-2017) (about) (books) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Playboy Feb, May 1997, Sep 1999, May, Jun 2000, Jul/Aug 2009, Mar 2010
- * The Bedside Playboy, (an) Playboy, 1963
- * The Twelfth Anniversary Playboy Reader, (an) Trident Press, 1965
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