The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 3466
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[]Fernald, John (fl. 1920s-1940s) (chron.)
- * The Autocrat of the Theatre, (ar) Pall Mall Magazine November 1928
- * Destroyer from America, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 20 1942
- * Do the “Talkies” Threaten to Ruin the Theatre?, (ar) Pall Mall Magazine February 1929
- * Dramatic Critics Criticised, (ar) Pall Mall Magazine September 1928
- * Fellows of Infinite Jest, (ar) Pall Mall Magazine October 1928 [Ref. Jack Hulbert, Cicely Courtneidge, Ralph Lynn, Tom Walls & Maisie Gay]
- * Hope for the Theatres, (ar) Pall Mall Magazine March 1929
- * The Last Word in Modern Drama, (ar) Pall Mall Magazine August 1928
- * Pantomime—Its Decline and Fall, (ar) Pall Mall Magazine December 1928
- * The Solution to the Theatre Problem, (ar) Pall Mall Magazine January 1929
[]Fernandes, Fábio (fl. 2000s-2020s) (books) (chron.)
- * Edgar Can’t Stand It, (ss) Semaphore Magazine #9, December 2009
- * Eleven Stations, (ss) Stories for Chip ed. Nisi Shawl & Bill Campbell, Rosarium Publishing, 2015
- * The Emptiness in the Heart of All Things, (nv) American Monsters: Part. 1 ed. Margrét Helgadóttir, Fox Spirit Books, 2018
- * The Gambiarra Method, (ss) We See a Different Frontier ed. Fabio Fernandes & Djibril al-Ayad, Futurefire, 2013
- * Ganesh, in the Afternoon, (ss) 2009
- * Hate: A Genealogy, (ss) Interzone #300, August 2024
- * Hinoeuma, (ss) IZ Digital March 30 2023
- * How to Write Like a Queer: A Letter to Myself, (ar) Strange Horizons July 11 2016
- * Inclusive Reviewing: A Discussion (with Samuel R. Delany, L. Timmel Duchamp, Andrea Hairston, Alex Dally MacFarlane, Sofia Samatar & Aishwarya Subramanian), (ar) Strange Horizons March 24 2014
- * The Last Science Fiction Writer: A Hallucination, (ss) IZ Digital November 9 2023
- * A Lover’s Discourse: Five Fragments and a Memory of War, (ss) GrendelSong #2, April 2016
- * Mycelium, (ss) Perihelion December 12 2015
- * The New Brazilian Science Fiction: Post-Scarcity Blues, (ar) International Speculative Fiction #0, June 2012
- * Nimoy and Spock: Reflections and Farewells (with O. J. Cade, Erin Horáková, Keguro Macharia, Mary Anne Mohanraj, Tim Phipps & Iona Sharma), (ar) Strange Horizons March 2 2015 [Ref. Leonard Nimoy]
- * Nothing Happened in 1999, (ss) Everyday Weirdness June 7 2010
- * Other Metamorphoses, (vi) Lightspeed #73, June 2016
- * A PSA for Time-Travelers, (vi) Daily Science Fiction April 17 2019
- * The Remaker, (nv) The Future Fire #25, 2012
- * Review of The Birth of Free Will by Michel Foucault, (fa) The Future Fire #53, 2020
- * The Unexpected Geographies of Desire, (ss) Kaleidotrope Winter 2012
- * Wi-Fi Dreams, (ss) The Big Book of Cyberpunk ed. Jared Shurin, Vintage Books, 2023; translated from the Portuguese (2019).
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
[]Fernandes, Stanislaw (fl. 1960s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) The Cornelius Chronicles by Michael Moorcock, Avon, 1977
- * [front cover], (cv) The Best Animal Stories of Science Fiction and Fantasy ed. Donald J. Sobol, Frederick Warne US, 1979
- * [front cover], (cv) Science Fiction of the Fifties ed. Martin Harry Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Avon, 1979
- * [front cover], (cv) Omni Apr, May 1984
- * [front cover], (cv) Robert Silverberg’s Worlds of Wonder ed. Robert Silverberg, Warner, 1987
- * [front cover], (cv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine March 1988
- * [front cover], (cv) Please Do Not Touch by Judith Gorog, Scholastic, 1993
- * [front cover], (cv) Breakfast in the Ruins and Other Stories by Michael Moorcock, Gollancz, 2014
[]Fernandez, Beatriz F. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Changelings, (pm) Spellbound Spring 2013
- * Evening Encounter at Arecibo Observatory, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2021
- * Letter from Lara, Yuriatin, 1920, (pm) Spark: A Creative Anthology, Volume V ed. Brian Lewis, Empire & Great Jones Little Press, 2014
- * The Point of No Return, (pm) Spark: A Creative Anthology, Volume II ed. Brian Lewis, Empire & Great Jones Little Press, 2013
- * The Time Tourist, (pm) Strange Horizons January 25 2021
- * Very Truly Yours, Irene Norton, née Adler, (pm) Spark: A Creative Anthology, Volume III ed. Brian Lewis, Empire & Great Jones Little Press, 2013
[]Fernández, Bernardo (1972- ); used pseudonym Bef (about) (chron.)
- * The Beast Has Died, (ss) Worlds Without Borders January 2015, as by Bef
- * The Last Hours of the Final Days, (ss) Flurb #11, Spring/Summer 2011, as "The Last Hours of the Last Days"
- * The Last Hours of the Last Days, (ss) Flurb #11, Spring/Summer 2011; translated from the Spanish (“Las Últimas Horas De Los Últimos Días”).
- * Lions, (ss) Three Messages and a Warning ed. Eduardo Jim^e'nez Mayo & Chris N. Brown, Small Beer Press, 2011; translated by Chris N. Brown
- * Part of My DNA: SF in My Life, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #193, September 2004
- * Private Collection, (ss) Mexico City Noir ed. Paco Ignacio Taibo, II, tr. Achy Obejas, Akashic Books, 2010; translated from the Spanish by Achy Obejas.
- * They Are Among Us, (ss) Sci Phi Journal Summer 2024; translated by Adan Jimenez
- * Las Últimas Horas De Los Últimos Días, (ss) Flurb #11, Spring/Summer 2011
- * Wonderama, (ss) The Big Book of Cyberpunk ed. Jared Shurin, Vintage Books, 2023, as by Bef; translated from the Spanish (“Wonderama”, 1998).
_____, trans.
[]Ferraby, H. C. (fl. 1900s-1940s) (chron.)
- * The Accident, (ss) Yes or No March 18 1911
- * Battle of the Atlantic, (ar) Illustrated December 28 1940
- * The Betrothal, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #66, August 6 1910
- * Blockade by Air, (ar) The Windsor Magazine January 1918
- * Boating at Fifty Miles an Hour, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 1921
- * Boy Heroes of the Sea War: Gallant Wearers of the D.S.C. and D.S.M. Medals, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 1917
- * Buckingham’s Revenge, (ss) Yes or No January 7 1911
- * The Degrading of a King, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #62, July 9 1910
- * The Destroyers and Their Work in the War, (ar) The Windsor Magazine December 1917
- * The Elopement of Princess Hulda, (ss) Yes or No October 8 1910
- * Faith!, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #106, May 13 1911
- * The Floating Peril, (ar) The Windsor Magazine July 1917
- * Flower-of-the-Snow, (ss) Yes or No December 10 1910
- * From Ship’s Boy to Lieutenant: Chances for the Lads of England in the Royal Navy, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper April 1916
- * The Frost Fair, (ss) Yes or No December 31 1910
- * The Future of the Merchant Service After Its Fine Achievements in the War, (ar) The Windsor Magazine March 1919
- * A Game of Tarocco, (ss) Yes or No September 25 1909
- * Heroes of the Naval Medical Service, (ar) The Windsor Magazine May 1918
- * The Hightobyman, (ss) Yes or No January 14 1911
- * Hunting the Hidden Death, (ar) The London Magazine June 1917
- * An Imprisoned Princess, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #63, July 16 1910
- * In the Kingdom of Castile:
* ___ 1. The Degrading of a King, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #62, July 9 1910
* ___ 2. An Imprisoned Princess, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #63, July 16 1910
* ___ 3. A Prince and His Duty, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #64, July 23 1910
* ___ 4. The Serving Man, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #65, July 30 1910
* ___ 5. The Betrothal, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #66, August 6 1910
* ___ 6. A King’s Vengeance, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #67, August 13 1910
- * Isolation, (ss) Yes or No September 10 1910
- * Jack Tar’s Half-Brother, (ss) The Royal Magazine April 1917
- * A King’s Vengeance, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #67, August 13 1910
- * The Man Who Walked Out of Life, (ss) Holly Leaves November 20 1933
- * The Monarch Plays Cupid, (ss) Yes or No January 21 1911
- * The Open Grave, (ss) Yes or No February 4 1911
- * The Play-Actors, (ss) Yes or No January 28 1911
- * A Prince and His Duty, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #64, July 23 1910
- * The Saffron Veil, (ss) Yes or No October 9 1909
- * Seeds of Evil, (ss) Yes or No August 21 1909
- * The Serving Man, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #65, July 30 1910
- * Submarine Fighting: Records of Underwater Adventure, (ar) The Windsor Magazine August 1918
- * Tales of Olden Italy:
* ___ No. I: Seeds of Evil, (ss) Yes or No August 21 1909
* ___ No. VI: A Game of Tarocco, (ss) Yes or No September 25 1909
* ___ No. VIII: The Saffron Veil, (ss) Yes or No October 9 1909
- * The Temptress, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #131, November 4 1911
- * A Tragic Bridal, (ss) Yes or No July 24 1909
- * When Charles Was King:
* ___ No. I: The Frost Fair, (ss) Yes or No December 31 1910
* ___ No. II: Buckingham’s Revenge, (ss) Yes or No January 7 1911
* ___ No. III: The Hightobyman, (ss) Yes or No January 14 1911
* ___ No. IV: The Monarch Plays Cupid, (ss) Yes or No January 21 1911
* ___ No. V: The Play-Actors, (ss) Yes or No January 28 1911
* ___ No. VI: The Open Grave, (ss) Yes or No February 4 1911
- * The Winning of a Throne, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #135, December 2 1911
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