The FictionMags Index
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[]Curtis, Robert L. (?-1875); used pseudonym A Constabulary Officer (chron.)
- * The Burglar’s Ghost, (ss) , as by A Constabulary Officer
- Twenty-Five Ghost Stories ed. W. Bob Holland, J.S. Ogilvie, 1904, as by A Constabulary Officer
- The Haunted Hotel by Wilkie Collins & 25 Other Ghost Stories, Avon, 1941, as by A Constabulary Officer
- Twenty-Five Great Ghost Stories, Avon Books, 1943, as by A Constabulary Officer
- 20 Great Ghost Stories, Avon Books, 1955, as by A Constabulary Officer
- * The Identification.—A Narrative of Facts [Constabulary Officer], (nv) Dublin University Magazine July 1858, as by A Constabulary Officer
- * Ranahan the Murderer, (ar) Dublin University Magazine November 1862, as by A Constabulary Officer
- * The Reprieve; or, The Wild Justice of Revenge [Constabulary Officer], (ss) Dublin University Magazine June 1854, as by A Constabulary Officer
- * Ribbonism—Its Oath and Structure, (ar) Dublin University Magazine December 1863, uncredited.
[]Curtis, Sheryl (fl. 1990s-2010s) (about)
_____, trans.
- * All the Roads to Heaven by Jean-Claude Dunyach, (ss) Interzone #156, June 2000; translated from the French (“Tous les Chemins du Ciel”, 1999).
- * Flickering by Ayerdhal, (ss) Interzone #167, May 2001; translated from the French (“Scintillements”, 1998).
- * Footprints in the Snow by Jean-Claude Dunyach, (ss) Interzone #150, December 1999; translated from the French (“Nos Traces dans la Neige”, 1998).
- * Paranamanco by Jean-Claude Dunyach, (ss) The Big Book of Science Fiction ed. Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, Vintage Books, 2016; translated from the French (“Paranamanco”, Imagine… #45, October 1988).
- * The Sea Below by Francine Pelletier, (nv) Tesseracts8 ed. John Clute & Candas Jane Dorsey, Tesseract, 1999; translated from the French.
- * Unravelling the Thread by Jean-Claude Dunyach (with Ann Cale & Brian M. Stableford), (ss) Interzone #133, July 1998; translated from the French (“Déchiffrer la Trame”, Galaxies #4, April 1997).
- * The Very First Affair by Johan Heliot, (nv) The Mammoth Book of New Jules Verne Adventures ed. Mike Ashley & Eric Brown, Carroll & Graf, 2005
- * Watch Me When I Sleep by Jean-Claude Dunyach, (ss) Interzone #174, December 2001; translated from the French (“Regarde-moi Quand Je Dors”, 2000).
[]Curtis, Thomas E. (fl. 1890s-1900s) (chron.)
- * Comical Cocoanut, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1898
- * Curious Fences, (ar) The Strand Magazine September 1898
- * The Humorous Artists of America—I, (ar) The Strand Magazine March 1902
- * The Humorous Artists of America—II, (ar) The Strand Magazine April 1902
- * The Humorous Artists of America—III, (ar) The Strand Magazine May 1902
- * A Junior Co-ooperative Commonwealth, (ar) The Strand Magazine (US) October 1904
- * More Snow Statues, (ar) The Strand Magazine (US) March 1902
- * Sand Art, (ar) The Strand Magazine July 1899
- * Saving Life at Sea, (ar) The Strand Magazine (US) March 1904
- * The Snow Festival at Andreasburg, (ar) The Strand Magazine December 1904
- * Snow Statues, (ar) The Strand Magazine December 1897
- * Some American Humorous Artists—I, (ar) The Strand Magazine March 1902, as "The Humorous Artists of America—I"
- * Some American Humorous Artists—II, (ar) The Strand Magazine April 1902, as "The Humorous Artists of America—II"
- * Some American Humorous Artists—III, (ar) The Strand Magazine May 1902, as "The Humorous Artists of America—III"
- * Vegetable Vagaries, (ar) The Strand Magazine March 1899
- * Whalebacks, (ar) The Strand Magazine (US) August 1900
- * The Zeppelin Air-Ship, (ar) The Strand Magazine September 1900
[]Curtis, Tony (1946- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Christmas Train to Holyhead, (pm) Transatlantic Review #48, Winter 1973/1974
- * Into August, (vi) Bananas #17, Autumn 1979
- * Riverside Church, (pm) Bananas #17, Autumn 1979
- * Swimming Class, (pm) Bananas #17, Autumn 1979
- * The Treble, (pm) Jennings Magazine #5, Spring 1987
- * [poem], (pm) Bananas #13, January/February 1979
[]Curtis, Wardon Allan (1867-1940) (about) (chron.)
- * Bargain with the Devil, (ss) Short Stories October 1904
- * The Battle of New Bloomfield, (vi) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1897
- * A Blow for Poland, (ss) The Argosy October 1902
- * Cubbins’ Gold Mine, (ss) Clack Book April/May 1897
- * A Deserving Pensioner. Told by the Old Soldier, (vi) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1895
- * The Fate of the “Senegambian Queen”, (ss) The Black Cat November 1900
- * Hindoo Injuns at Lett’s Corner, (ss) The Clever Magazine #14, November 15 1902
- * An Incident of the Franco-Prussian War, (vi) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1895
- * The King’s Wreath of Gold, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 10 1898
- * The Long Drink, (ss) The Argosy January 1901
- * The Mahoosalem Boys, (ss) All-Story Weekly May 15 1920
- * The Major’s Silhouette, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine August 1894
- * The Modern Munchausen Papers. III: Thrilling Encounters with Storms, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 10 1898
- * The Modern Munchausen Papers. No. 1: The Thickness of the African Skull, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 12 1898
- * The Modern Munchausen Papers: The Story of the Gentle Dentist, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 15 1899
- * The Monster of Lake LaMetrie, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine September 1899
- Pearson’s Magazine (US) September 1899
- The Witch’s Tales December 1936
- Science Fiction by Gaslight ed. Sam Moskowitz, World, 1968
- England Invaded ed. Michael Moorcock, W.H. Allen, 1977
- Science Fiction by the Rivals of H.G. Wells ed. Alan K. Russell, Castle Books, 1979
- A Treasury of American Horror Stories ed. Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Bonanza/Crown Books, 1985
- Sauria Monstra ed. Chad Arment, Coachwhip Publications, 2009
- The Baen Big Book of Monsters ed. Hank Davis, Baen, 2014
- * A New Twist to a Race-Old Tale (sketch), (ar) National Magazine February 1900
- * The Powerful Medium, (ss) Short Stories May 1897
- * The Reforming of Aidin, (ss) Appleton’s Booklovers Magazine January 1906
- * The Seal of Solomon the Great, (ss) The Argosy February 1901
- * Show Prophets How to Acquire Honor at Home, (bg) The American Magazine November 1916
- * The Tale of the Doubtful Grandfather, (ss) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine February 1899
- * Trouble in Converting the Island of Lagilolo, (vi) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1895
- * Who Are the Greeks?, (ar) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine December 1897
- * Young Tom’s Degree: The Story of a Texas Doctor-in-Law, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 25 1899
[]Curtis, William Eleroy (1850-1911) (chron.)
- * Building the Nicaragua Canal: The Nation’s Plans for This Great Work, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 29 1899
- * The Chinese Emperor and His Wives, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine September 1907
- * The Columbus Portraits, (ar) The Cosmopolitan Jan, Feb 1892
- * A Day with the President, (ar) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine February 1887
- * Dining with Queen Victoria, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 12 1898
- * An Extraordinary Republic, (ar) The Cosmopolitan September 1889
- * Her Imperial Majesty Mrs. Wettin: The Queer Things in Her Daily Life, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 6 1899
- * The Land That Is Coveted, (ar) The Cosmopolitan March 1898
- * The Other End of the Hemisphere, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1887
- * The President Through the Crisis, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 8 1898
- * The Queen of Spain at Close Range, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 30 1898
- * Recent Happenings in Peru, (ar) The Cosmopolitan November 1888
- * The Reciprocity Policy. Some Official Facts and Figures, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1891
- * The Smallest of American Republics, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1887
- * The South American Yankee, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1887
- * An Unpublished Essay on “Honor” by Aaron Burr, (ar) The Cosmopolitan September 1896 [Ref. Aaron Burr]
- * Wealthy Women of America, (ar) The Cosmopolitan October 1889
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