The FictionMags Index
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[]Cummings, Parke (1902-1987) (chron.)
- * 1950, Followed by 1951, (??) Collier’s January 7 1950
- * Adventurer’s Life, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post January 1 1938
- * Ain’t Nature Wonderful?, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post December 3 1938
- * All Change!, (hu) Ballyhoo (Australia) Winter 1956
- * All Heated Up, (??) Collier’s March 1 1952
- * All Planned, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post September 6 1930
- * Am I Overextended?, (??) Collier’s September 27 1952
- * And Now We Take You—, (??) Collier’s October 18 1952
- * Anticipation, (hu) Judge July 19 1930
- * Any Brains Today?, (ss) Redbook November 1943
- * Any Other Questions?, (??) Collier’s February 25 1950
- * Apology, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post May 28 1927
- * As Far as We Got, (ms) Esquire
- * Astronomy Lessons for Popular Song Writers, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post January 19 1935
- * Attention, Philatelists!, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post December 7 1935
- * Babesie Danything Thesedays, (ss) Redbook July 1944
- * Barometer Falling!, (??) Collier’s January 17 1953
- * The Baseball Catcher at Home, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post May 22 1937
- * Baseball Natural, 1941, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 12 1941
- * Bathing Beaches, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post October 20 1934
- * Beautiful Colors, (hu) Esquire September 1938
- * Beautiful Job, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post June 27 1936
- * Beauty and the Buyer, (hu) Esquire November 1940
- * Bigger and Better Color, (ss) The New Yorker November 14 1936
- * Black Eye, (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1942
- * Bread Pudding, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post March 17 1934
- * Breaking It Quickly, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post March 10 1934
- * The Bright Side of War; or Revenge Is Worth Waiting For, (vi) The Saturday Evening Post April 18 1942
- * Building Character, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post October 22 1938
- * Business Correspondence, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post April 17 1937
- * Casey and Rourke, (ss) Redbook Magazine September 1942
- * Casey and Rourke Remember (Almost) Everything, (ss) Redbook August 1944
- * Casey and Rourke Take Up Golf, (ss) Redbook Magazine April 1941
- * Cause for Alarm Clocks, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post March 17 1951
- * A Chat About Trees, (hu) The Strand Magazine February 1944
- * Chez Authoress, (ss) The New Yorker December 25 1926
- * Chip Off the Old Black, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post March 11 1939
- * Christmas in Contention, (vi) Esquire January 1946
- * Cockeyed Crime, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post May 6 1939
- * Copyright, (ss) The New Yorker February 27 1937
- * The Corrigan Influence, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post September 3 1938
- * Crew Racing, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post May 31 1941
- * Daddy Gets Even, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post October 29 1938
- * The Day I Socked Jack Dempsey, (ar) This Week April 22 1956
- * Disappointment, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 15 1933
- * Don’t Blame Everything on the Reds, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post February 16 1935
- * “Don’t Help Me, Daddy!”, (ar) This Week January 11 1953
- * Don’t Worry. I’ll Feel Better, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post November 7 1936
- * Double-Feature Nightmare, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post September 17 1938
- * Easy Money, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post April 23 1932
- * An End to Benevolence, (hu) Esquire July 1938
- * Evolution, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post July 1 1939
- * Facts Popular Song Writers Might Face, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post March 18 1950
- * Fall Statistical Note, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 7 1929
- * Family Album:
* ___ “Don’t Help Me, Daddy!”, (cl) This Week January 11 1953
* ___ Kitten Merchant, (cl) This Week October 19 1952
* ___ My Life in a Bathhouse, (ar) This Week June 27 1954
- * Famous Old Songs, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post April 29 1950
- * Famous Recipes You Can Have - Gladly, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post April 15 1950
- * Featuring Winston Churchill, (ar) The Strand Magazine April 1943
- * File and Don’t Forget, (ar) Collier’s December 13 1952
- * Football Girl, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post November 26 1932
- * Football Prospects, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post September 16 1939
- * Formative Influence, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post February 25 1950
- * Friendly Transaction, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post January 28 1939
- * The Gag-Writer Reports an Arrest, (hu) Judge December 28 1929
- * The Game(Via the Radio), (ss) The New Yorker November 30 1929
- * Gangway—Fresh Corn!, (??) Collier’s July 19 1952
- * Going Strong, (pl) The Saturday Evening Post April 7 1934
- * Gold, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post July 22 1933
- * Good-by Again, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post July 28 1934
- * Good Company, (pm) The New Yorker April 12 1930
- * A Good Loser, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post October 29 1932
- * Good Old Uncle George, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post September 30 1933
- * Guarantees I Can Do Without, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post April 22 1950
- * Guide to Commencement Oratory, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post June 3 1950
- * Hard Luck on Poor Old Eli, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post November 25 1939
- * Headline Homily, (hu) Esquire August 1939
- * Hired, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post April 21 1934
- * History Is Different, (ar) Coronet November 1936
- * Hold Onto your Wallet, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post February 18 1950
- * Home Again, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post December 27 1930
- * Home-Grown Ski Bulletins, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post January 20 1940
- * The Home Run, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post October 7 1939
- * Honest Criticism, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post September 7 1935
- * Honestly, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post September 22 1934
- * How Are You Feeling?, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post February 10 1934
- * How Not to Meet Your Wife, (ss) Esquire January 1954
- * How Right Can You Be?, (cl) Collier’s January 15 1949
- * How to Address Dogs, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post January 21 1939
- * How to Bet on a Horse Race, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post April 5 1941
- * How to Make Statements to the Newspapers, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post March 25 1950
- * The Ides of March, (ss) Redbook March 1944
- * I Don’t Tan; I Bore, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post July 20 1935
- * If at First You Don’t Succeed, (hu) Escapade Jun, Jul 1957
- * If They Talked as They Write, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post September 10 1938
- * I Get Around, (??) Collier’s April 19 1952
- * I Miss the Model “T”, (ar) Cosmopolitan October 1946
- * In One Ear and Upside Down, (??) Collier’s February 18 1950
- * International Review, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post April 28 1934
- * Interviews They Wouldn’t Print, (hu) The Strand Magazine March 1944
- * Interview with Nobody in Particular, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post May 14 1938
- * Invitation to Science, (hu) Coronet February 1937
- * I Say It’s False!, (hu) Esquire June 1939
- * I Talk a Green Thumb, (??) Collier’s August 5 1950
- * It Won’t Be Long!, (ms) Child Life May 1941
- * I’ve Been Waiting for You, (??) Collier’s May 27 1950
- * I Want a Recount!, (??) Collier’s March 28 1953
- * A Job for Walter, (hu) Esquire May 1939
- * The June Graduate’s Catechism, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post June 13 1936
- * Just Press a Button, (ss) Redbook March 1945
- * Keep Your Eye Off the Ball, (??) Collier’s November 3 1951
- * The King’s Friday, (ss) Esquire May 1937
- * Kitten Merchant, (ar) This Week October 19 1952
- * Ladies’ Doubles, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post August 26 1939
- * Latest Tips on Etiquette, (hu) The Strand Magazine November 1942
- * The Law of /Averages, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post April 6 1935
- * Leaves from a Father’s Notebook, (ms) The Strand Magazine September 1945
- * Lessons in Modern Mathematics, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post January 13 1934
- * Life in California Department, (ms) The New Yorker February 1961
- * Little Helper, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post March 18 1939
- * Lucky Pass, (vi) Redbook Magazine November 1940
- * The Man I Want, (ss) Redbook Magazine January 1941
- * Man Sees Carmine, (??) Collier’s October 25 1952
- * A Martian by Any Other Name, (hu) Ballyhoo (Australia) Winter 1956
- * Memoirs of a Memoir Writer, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post December 12 1936
- * Misquoted, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post May 5 1934
- * Modern Literary Criticism, (ms) Coronet February 1937
- * Moles, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post May 26 1934
- * More Modern Mathematics, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post June 9 1934
- * Motive, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post June 10 1939
- * Must, (ms) Harper’s Magazine June 1938
- * My Athletic Memoirs, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post February 10 1940
- * My Good Health, and Why, (??) Collier’s January 28 1950
- * My Life in a Bathhouse, (ar) This Week June 27 1954
- * My Mind Is a Blank, (??) Collier’s July 1 1950
- * Nature Should Be Ashamed of Herself, (ss) Redbook Magazine October 1941
- * Needed: Feminine Math, (ar) from The Fly in the Martini, Hill and Wang, 1961
- * Never Mind Me, (??) Collier’s January 3 1953
- * The New Baby, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post August 6 1932
- * Nobody Here by That Name, (??) Collier’s November 26 1949
- * No Comment, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post January 14 1950
- * No Harm in Trying, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post July 11 1936
- * No Strings Attached, (??) Collier’s October 15 1949
- * Noted figures in the Daily Line-Up, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post July 15 1939
- * Nothing but the Truth, (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1943
- * Nothing to It, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post December 8 1934
- * Now You Hear It and Now You Don’t, (??) Collier’s December 1 1951
- * Nuisance-Tax Nightmare, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post September 10 1932
- * Off the Record, (??) Collier’s April 15 1950
- * Oh, No, Not Again!, (ar) Everywoman’s Magazine September 1952
- * On Direct Quotation, (hu) Esquire December 1937
- * Our Annual Seed Catalogue, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post June 29 1935
- * Our Own Unpublished Mystery Stories, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post August 1 1936
- * Our Patented Short Short Movies, III: The Western, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post September 18 1937
- * Our Patented Short Short Movies, II: The Musical, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post September 11 1937
- * Our Patented Short Short Movies, I: The Airplane Story, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post August 28 1937
- * Our Patented Short Short Movies, IV: The Mystery, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post September 25 1937
- * Our Patented Short Short Movies: VI. The War Picture, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post October 9 1937
- * Our Patented Short Short Movies: V. The Hospital Film, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post October 2 1937
- * Our Private Statistics, (fa) The Saturday Evening Post July 8 1939
- * PerverseNature, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post June 17 1939
- * Ye Peste’s Tale: A Chaucerian Fragment, (pm) Laughter December 1926
- * Piano Playing for Hollywood, (ar) The Strand Magazine June 1946
- * A Place with Loads of Charm, (hu) Esquire April 1940
- * Plagiarism, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post June 18 1938
- * Practical Hints for Bores, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post January 27 1934
- * PreseHe-Day Proverbs, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post May 18 1935
- * Proposal, 1939, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post December 2 1939
- * Questions Without Answers, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post November 4 1939
- * Quite True, Partner, Quite True, (ss) The New Yorker June 13 1931
- * Radio Came Too Late, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post June 1 1935
- * Read All About Yourself!, (ar) Collier’s January 20 1951
- * Read All Questions Carefully, (hu) Ballyhoo (Australia) Winter 1956
- * Reminiscences of a Bad Man, (hu) Laughter Nov 1926, Feb, Mar, May, Jun, Oct 1927
- * Report, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post April 3 1937
- * The Reunion, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post August 9 1930
- * Reunions, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post June 12 1937
- * Reversing the Table, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post August 5 1933
- * Reward, (ss) Redbook Magazine August 1940
- * Right? Right!, (ms) Collier’s November 12 1949
- * The Right Steps to the Supper Clubs, (ms) Snappy Stories 1st May 1926
- * A Room Is a Room Is a Room, (cl) Collier’s May 26 1951
- * School Notes, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post March 24 1951
- * Seasonal Note, (pm) The New Yorker June 7 1930
- * Service as It Should Be, (ss) The New Yorker October 8 1927
- * A Show Girl’s Diary, (ar) Snappy Stories 2nd April 1926
- * Silver Lining for the Current Week, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 5 1932
- * Sis! Boom! Bah!, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post October 8 1938
- * Six Gray Squirrels, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post September 3 1932
- * Skiing, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post February 20 1937
- * Snow, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post March 3 1934
- * Songs Everybody Can Sing: III. The Back-Home Song, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post December 18 1937
- * Songs Everybody Can Sing: II. The Mother Song, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post December 11 1937
- * Songs Everybody Can Sing: I. The Latest Dance, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post December 4 1937
- * Speaking of Vitamins—, (hu) The Strand Magazine May 1943
- * Specifically, (??) Collier’s December 6 1952
- * Spies!, (hu) The Strand Magazine August 1943
- * Sportsmanship First, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post October 14 1939
- * Spring Overture, (vi) Liberty March 12 1938
- * Statement by a One-Year-Old, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post November 12 1938
- * Statistics on Grade-B Western Movies, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post May 3 1941
- * Stay as Irrational as You Are, Girls, (hu) Esquire December 1939
- * Straight from the Writer’s Mouth, (ar) The Strand Magazine March 1943
- * Strictly Utilitarian, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post April 17 1937
- * The Suicide Note, (ss) Clues 2nd January 1930
- * Supper Club Maxims, (ms) Snappy Stories 1st February 1926
- * Swearing Off, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post May 25 1935
- * Taxes, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post May 9 1936
- * A Teacher’s Diary, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post May 2 1936
- * Tell Me Some More, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post June 15 1935
- * Tense Moment, (ss) Redbook Magazine July 1941
- * Ten Times Out of Nine, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post May 17 1941
- * That Man Is Here:
* ___ Oh, No, Not Again!, (cl) Everywoman’s Magazine September 1952
- * That Settles That, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post July 29 1933
- * These Never Broke a Postman’s back, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post July 29 1939
- * Thinking It Over, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post July 26 1930
- * This Is Only One Man’s Opinion, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post February 3 1951
- * Those Funny Dreams Again, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post January 8 1938
- * Thoughts in a Dentist’s Anteroom, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post April 16 1938
- * Thy Name Is Still Woman, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post December 31 1938
- * To a Hostess, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post September 17 1927
- * To a New-(Hospital)-Born Son, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post February 19 1938
- * To Hosts Who Believe in Letting Guests Alone, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 28 1931
- * Too Temperamental, (ss) The New Yorker January 23 1937
- * Trouble by the Light Year, (hu) Ballyhoo (Australia) Winter 1956
- * A True Story, (vi) 10 Story Book December 1929
- * Twelve Good Men and True, (pm) The New Yorker April 26 1930
- * Upsets, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post March 13 1937
- * The Very Latest, (hu) Esquire August 1936
- * Want to Join a Club?, (ms) This Week May 6 1956
- * The Water’s Fine, (ss) Redbook Magazine November 1941
- * Webster’s Collegiate, (ms) Snappy Stories 1st March 1926
- * The Week-Ender’s Nightmare, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post September 20 1930
- * Well, if You Insist—, (ss) The New Yorker August 11 1928
- * What Do You Know?, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post March 24 1934
- * What Is So Rare as a Day in June?, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post June 5 1937
- * What? Me Nervous?, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post December 5 1936
- * What the Hoovers Had to Learn, (ss) The New Yorker March 23 1929
- * What Was That Word?, (??) Collier’s August 2 1952
- * “When I Was Your Age—”, (??) Collier’s September 16 1950
- * When Were You Brought Up?, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post January 6 1951
- * Where Does This Go?, (??) Collier’s May 31 1952
- * Where Were We?, (??) Collier’s October 8 1949
- * White Rabbit, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post July 1 1933
- * Whose Deal?, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post November 16 1935
- * Will Power, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post August 17 1935
- * The Will to Believe, (ss) The New Yorker October 5 1929
- * Winter Skate, (ss) The New Yorker February 1 1958
- * Winter Training Notes, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post March 10 1951
- * Wish Me Well, (ms) The Strand Magazine December 1944
- * Woman’s Place, (ss) Redbook July 1943
- * Wonders Never cease, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post April 8 1939
- * Work, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post March 2 1935
- * You’d Never Know It Was the Same Place, (ss) The New Yorker September 25 1937
- * You’ll Die—, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post April 18 1936
- * You May Fire When ready, Grillers, (??) Collier’s June 18 1949
- * You’re Not So Hot Yourself, (hu) Esquire December 1940
- * [untitled], (hu) The Saturday Evening Post October 12 1935
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