The FictionMags Index
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Brown, Fredric (William) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Little Lamb, (ss) Manhunt August 1953
- Giant Manhunt #2, 1953 (var.2)
- Manhunt (UK) March 1954
- Manhunt Detective Story Magazine (Australia) May 1954
- Nightmares and Geezenstacks, Bantam, 1961
- Bloodhound Detective Story Magazine #9, January 1962
- The Best Short Stories of Fredric Brown, NEL, 1982
- And the Gods Laughed, Phantasia Press, 1987
- From These Ashes, NESFA Press, 2001
- Sci Fiction March 17 2004
- Miss Darkness, Bruin Books, 2012
- The Best of Manhunt 1 ed. Jeff Vorzimmer, Stark House Press, 2019
- * A Little White Lye, (ss) Ten Detective Aces September 1942
- * A Lock of Satan’s Hair, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1943
- * Madball, (n.) Dell, August 1953
- * Mad Dog!, (ss) Detective Book Magazine Spring 1942
- * Madman’s Holiday, (co) Dennis McMillan, March 1985
- * Madman’s Holiday, (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine July 1943
- * Man of Distinction, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1951
- * Market for Murder, (ss) The Shadow May 1943
- * Martians and Madness, (om) NESFA Press, September 2002
- * Martians, Go Home, (n.) E.P. Dutton, November 1955
- * Martians, Go Home!, (na) Astounding Science Fiction September 1954
- * A Matter of Death, (nv) Thrilling Detective November 1944
- * A Matter of Taste, (ss) The Layman’s Magazine #5, June 1940
- * Me and Flapjack and the Martians (with Mack Reynolds), (ss) Astounding Science Fiction December 1952
- * Melodie Moderne, (pm) Fermented Ink, self-published, 1932
- * Mens Sana, (pm) Happy Ending, Dennis McMillan, 1990
- * The Men Who Went Nowhere, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1942
- * Midnight Sonata, (pm) Fermented Ink, self-published, 1932
- * Mighty King Mene-Ptah, (pm) Happy Ending, Dennis McMillan, 1990
- * Millennium, (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1955
- * Mind’s Eye, (pp) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1955, as "Imagine"
- * The Mind Thing, (iw) Fantastic Universe March 1960
- * The Mind Thing, (n.) Bantam, January 1961
- * Miracle on Vine Street [Young Doctor Young], (ss) The Layman’s Magazine #12, January 1941
- * Mirror, (ss) Nightmare in Darkness, Dennis McMillan, 1987
- * Miss Darkness, (co) Bruin Books, June 2012 ; edited by Jonathan Eeds
- * Miss Darkness, (ss) Avon Detective Mysteries #3, 1947
- * The Missing Actor [Ed & Am Hunter], (nv) The Saint Mystery Magazine November 1963
- * Mistake, (vi) Rogue May 1963, as "untitled (“Standish gave himself up…”)"
- * A Mistaken Maxim, (pm) Old Hughes May/June 1925
- * Mr. Bopper and the Radio, (ss) Old Hughes October 1924
- * Mr. Smith Kicks the Bucket [Henry Smith], (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 1944, as "Bucket of Gems Case"
- * Mr. Smith Protects a Client [Henry Smith], (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 1946, as "Whistler’s Murder"
- * Mitkey Astromouse [Mitkey], (ss) Harlan Quist, 1971 ; adapted by Ann Sperber
- * Mitkey Rides Again [Mitkey], (nv) Planet Stories November 1950
- * The Monkey Angle [Carter Monk], (nv) Thrilling Detective November 1942
- * The Moon for a Nickel, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 1938
- * Moon Over Murder, (ss) The Masked Detective Spring 1942
- * Mostly Murder, (co) E.P. Dutton, June 1953
- * The Motive Goes Round and Round, (ss) Thrilling Detective October 1943
- * Mouse, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories June 1949
- The Best Science-Fiction Stories: 1950 ed. Everett F. Bleiler & T. E. Dikty, Fredrick Fell, 1950
- The Best Science Fiction Stories ed. Everett F. Bleiler & T. E. Dikty, Grayson & Grayson, 1951
- The Hilton Bedside Book, Hilton Hotels Corporation, 1952
- Science Fiction Omnibus ed. Everett F. Bleiler & T. E. Dikty, Garden City Books, 1952
- American Science Fiction #4, 1952
- Honeymoon in Hell, Bantam, 1958
- Great Science-Fiction ed. Tony Licata, Three Star Books, 1965
- Spirits, Spooks, and Other Sinister Creatures ed. Helen Hoke, Franklin Watts, 1984
- And the Gods Laughed, Phantasia Press, 1987
- Cats in Space ed. Bill Fawcett, Baen, 1992
- From These Ashes, NESFA Press, 2001
- Sci Fiction June 15 2005
- * Movie Masquerade, (qz) Hollywood Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1940
- * Mrs. Murphy’s Underpants [Ed & Am Hunter], (n.) E.P. Dutton, November 1963
- * Murder and Matilda, (ss) Mystery Book Magazine Summer 1949
- * Murder at 10:15, (ss) Clues Detective Stories May 1939
- * Murder Can Be Fun, (n.) E.P. Dutton, October 1948
- * Murder Draws a Crowd, (co) Haffner Press, July 2017 ; edited by Stephen Haffner
- * Murder Draws a Crowd, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 27 1940
- * The Murderers, (n.) E.P. Dutton, August 1961
- * Murder in Furs, (nv) Thrilling Detective May 1942
- * Murder in Miniature, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 1944
- * Murder in Ten Easy Lessons, (ss) Ten Detective Aces May 1945, as "Ten Tickets to Hades"
- * Murder-on-the-Hudson (with Bob Woehlke), (nv) Thrilling Detective June 1945, as by Bob Woehlke
- * Murder Set to Music, (na) The Saint Detective Magazine January 1957, as "Murder to Music"
- * Murder to Music, (na) The Saint Detective Magazine January 1957
- The Saint Detective Magazine (Australia) September 1957
- The Saint Detective Magazine (UK) November 1957
- The Saint Mystery Library #3, 1959, as "Murder Set to Music"
- Baker’s Dozen: 13 Short Mystery Novels ed. Bill Pronzini & Martin H. Greenberg, Greenwich House, 1984, as "Murder Set to Music"
- The Mammoth Book of Short Crime Novels ed. Bill Pronzini & Martin Harry Greenberg, Robinson, 1986, as "Murder Set to Music"
- Whispering Death, Dennis McMillan, 1989, as "Murder Set to Music"
- Miss Darkness, Bruin Books, 2012, as "Murder Set to Music"
- * Murder While You Wait, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #17, July 1944
- * Mushrooms and Other Mush, (ex) The American Printer August 1939, as "The Proofreaders’ Page: August 1939"
- * A Musical Innovation, (pm) Old Hughes October 1924
- * Nasty, (vi) Playboy April 1959
- Nightmares and Geezenstacks, Bantam, 1961
- The Playboy Book of Horror and the Supernatural, Playboy, 1967
- Weird Show, Playboy, 1971
- The 1st Mayflower Book of Black Magic Stories ed. Michel Parry, Mayflower, 1974
- Twisters ed. Steve Bowles, Collins, 1981
- The Best Short Stories of Fredric Brown, NEL, 1982
- And the Gods Laughed, Phantasia Press, 1987
- The Flying Sorcerers ed. Peter Haining, Souvenir Press, 1997
- From These Ashes, NESFA Press, 2001
- The Mammoth Book of Awesome Comic Fantasy ed. Mike Ashley, Robinson, 2001
- * Naturally, (vi) Beyond Fantasy Fiction September 1954
- Honeymoon in Hell, Bantam, 1958
- Beyond, Berkley Medallion, 1963
- The 3rd Mayflower Book of Black Magic Stories ed. Michel Parry, Mayflower, 1975
- 100 Great Fantasy Short Short Stories ed. Isaac Asimov, Terry Carr & Martin H. Greenberg, Doubleday, 1984
- And the Gods Laughed, Phantasia Press, 1987
- From These Ashes, NESFA Press, 2001
- * The New One, (nv) Unknown Worlds October 1942
- * Nightmare in Blue, (vi) The Dude May 1961
- Nightmares and Geezenstacks, Bantam, 1961
- The Best Short Stories of Fredric Brown, NEL, 1982
- And the Gods Laughed, Phantasia Press, 1987
- The Young Oxford Book of Nightmares ed. Dennis Pepper, Oxford University Press, 2000
- From These Ashes, NESFA Press, 2001
- * Nightmare in Darkness, (co) Dennis McMillan, November 1987
- * Nightmare in Darkness, (vi) Nightmare in Darkness, Dennis McMillan, 1987
- * Nightmare in Gray, (vi) The Dude May 1961
- * Nightmare in Green, (vi) Nightmares and Geezenstacks, Bantam, 1961
- * Nightmare in Red, (vi) The Dude May 1961
- Nightmares and Geezenstacks, Bantam, 1961
- The Best Short Stories of Fredric Brown, NEL, 1982
- And the Gods Laughed, Phantasia Press, 1987
- The Little Book of Horrors ed. Sebastian Wolfe, Xanadu, 1992
- From These Ashes, NESFA Press, 2001
- * Nightmare in Time, (vi) The Dude May 1961
- Nightmares and Geezenstacks, Bantam, 1961, as "The End"
- The 7th Annual of the Year’s Best S-F ed. Judith Merril, Simon & Schuster, 1962
- The Best of Fredric Brown, Nelson Doubleday, 1977, as "The End"
- Microcosmic Tales ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Taplinger, 1980
- Weekend Book of Science Fiction ed. Stuart Gendall, Harmsworth Publications Ltd., 1981, as "The End"
- The Best Short Stories of Fredric Brown, NEL, 1982, as "The End"
- Time Warps ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Harry Greenberg & Charles Waugh, Raintree Publishers, 1984
- And the Gods Laughed, Phantasia Press, 1987, as "The End"
- From These Ashes, NESFA Press, 2001, as "The End"
- * Nightmare in White, (vi) Nightmares and Geezenstacks, Bantam, 1961
- * Nightmare in Yellow, (vi) The Dude May 1961
- Nightmares and Geezenstacks, Bantam, 1961
- The Best of Fredric Brown, Nelson Doubleday, 1977
- Thrillers, Chillers & Killers ed. Helen Hoke, Elsevier-Nelson, 1979
- Twisters ed. Steve Bowles, Collins, 1981
- The Best Short Stories of Fredric Brown, NEL, 1982
- 65 Great Murder Mysteries ed. Mary Danby, Octopus, 1983
- Carnival of Crime, Southern Illinois University Press, 1985
- And the Gods Laughed, Phantasia Press, 1987
- Great Murder Mysteries, Octopus/Chartwell, 1988
- From These Ashes, NESFA Press, 2001
- Miss Darkness, Bruin Books, 2012
- * Nightmares and Geezenstacks, (co) Bantam, July 1961
- * Night of the Jabberwock, (n.) E.P. Dutton, December 1950
- * Night of the Psycho, (na) High Adventure June 1959; terribly edited and condensed version of Knock Three-One-Two (E.P. Dutton, August 1959).
- * The Night the World Ended, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1945
- * No Sanctuary, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1945
- Strange Detective Mysteries (Canada) April 1945
- Mostly Murder, Pennant, 1954, as "The Dangerous People"
- Argosy (UK) December 1958, as "The Dangerous People"
- Carnival of Crime, Southern Illinois University Press, 1985, as "The Dangerous People"
- Hitchcock in Prime Time ed. Francis M. Nevins, Jr. & Martin H. Greenberg, Avon, 1985, as "The Dangerous People"
- * The Nose of Don Aristide, (ss) 2 Detective Mystery Novels Magazine Summer 1950
- * Nothing Is Impossible [William Z. William], (ss) Excavating Engineer June 1938
- * Nothing Sinister, (ss) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine September 1942
- * Nothing Sirius, (ss) Captain Future Spring 1944
- My Best Science Fiction Story ed. Leo Margulies & Oscar J. Friend, Merlin Press, 1949
- Space on My Hands, Shasta, 1951
- Wonder Story Annual v2 #1, 1953
- Paradox Lost, Random House, 1973
- The Best of Fredric Brown, Nelson Doubleday, 1977
- The Best Short Stories of Fredric Brown, NEL, 1982
- From These Ashes, NESFA Press, 2001
- High Adventure #99, March 2008
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