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    Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy [Vol. 108 No. 2, February 1934] ed. Griffith Ogden Ellis (The Sprague Publishing Company, Inc., 20¢, 44pp, 10½″ x 14″, cover by Edgar Franklin Wittmack) []
    Details supplied by John Boston.
    • 3 · The Helmet of Pluto · Carl H. Claudy · ss
    • 7 · Hide-Rack Stands By [Hide-Rack the collie] · Glenn Balch · ss
    • 9 · The Golden Trap · James B. Hendryx · ss; chasing a fugitive in Canada.
    • 12 · Integrity · Barry Scobee · ss; looks like a Western detective story.
    • 14 · Balance!—An Interview with Bob Hess · Franklin M. Reck · iv; “Every Good Wrestler Has It”.
    • 15 · Marines’ Hymn; Lyrics by Air Corps · Frederic Nelson Litten · ss; appears to be an imperialist epic of the U.S. Marines in Haiti.
    • 18 · Death and I · W. D. Vermilyea · pm
    • 18 · Friendly Talks with the Editor · Misc. · ed
    • 19 · Tip-Off · Franklin M. Reck · ss; looks like a basketball detective story.
    • 22 · Larry Marsh, Packer [Part ? of ?] · William Heyliger · sl; a romance of Capitalism; guy inherits a defunct sardine factory, decides to reopen it in the face of unscrupulous competition. One illustration is captioned: “The red hair began to bristle. ’Mr. Keene, I’ve come all the way from Maine to interest you in a sardine with a new flavor.’”
    • 27 · Those Bell-Ringing Fish! · H. W. Bush · ar; quarter-page squib about ice fishing, in which bells are part of the technology.
    • 28 · A Cheerful Word · Florence Scripps Kellogg · pm
    • 38 · In the Morning Mail · The Readers · lc; Conducted by Pluto the Office Pup.
    • 39 · Hail the Prize-Winners! · Misc. · ms
    • 39 · The American Boy Contest · Misc. · ms; write an essay on “The Thing I Wish I Could Do Well.”
    • 40 · Stamps in the Day’s News · Kent B. Stiles · cl
    • 43 · Funnybone Ticklers · Various · hu

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