The FictionMags Index
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Beagle, Peter S(oyer) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * El Regalo, (nv) The Line Between by Peter S. Beagle, Tachyon, 2006
- * Return, (na) Subterranean Press, October 2010
- * Return: An Innkeeper’s World Story, (ss) Subterranean (online) Spring 2010
- * The Rock in the Park, (ss) Mirror Kingdoms, Subterranean Press, 2010
- * Salt Wine, (nv) Fantasy Magazine #3, 2006
- * Sia, (ex) 1977
- * Sleight of Hand, (nv) Eclipse Three ed. Jonathan Strahan, Night Shade Books, 2009
- * Sooz [Last Unicorn], (na) The Way Home, Ace, 2023
- * Spook, (nv) Strange Roads by Peter S. Beagle, Dreamhaven Books, 2008
- * Stable of Dragons, (pm) Texas Quarterly Autumn 1960
- * The Stickball Witch, (ss) We Never Talk About My Brother by Peter S. Beagle, Tachyon, 2009
- * The Story of Kao Yu, (nv) December 7 2016
- * The Tale of Junko and Sayuri, (nv) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #9, July 2008
- * Tarzan Swings by Barsoom [Barsoom], (ss) Under the Moons of Mars ed. John Joseph Adams, Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2012, as "The Ape-Man of Mars"
- * Trinity County, CA, (nv) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #18, August 2010
- * Two Hearts [Last Unicorn], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October/November 2005
- Fantasy: The Best of the Year: 2006 Edition ed. Rich Horton, Prime Books, 2006
- Fantasy: The Very Best of 2005 ed. Jonathan Strahan, Locus Press, 2006
- Nebula Awards Showcase 2008 ed. Ben Bova, Roc, 2008
- The Very Best of Fantasy and Science Fiction ed. Gordon Van Gelder, Tachyon, 2009
- Mirror Kingdoms, Subterranean Press, 2010
- The Way Home, Ace, 2023
- * Uncle Chaim and Aunt Rifke and the Angel, (nv) Strange Roads by Peter S. Beagle, Dreamhaven Books, 2008
- The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume Three ed. Jonathan Strahan, Night Shade Books, 2009
- Mirror Kingdoms, Subterranean Press, 2010
- Real Unreal: Best American Fantasy, Volume 3 ed. Kevin Brockmeier, Underland Press, 2010
- The Mammoth Book of Angels & Demons ed. Paula Guran, Robinson, 2013
- The Essential Peter S. Beagle: Volume 1, Tachyon Publications, 2023
- * Underbridge, (nv) Naked City ed. Ellen Datlow, St. Martin's Griffin, 2011
- * The Unicorn Tapestries, (pm) A Fantasy Reader ed. Jeff Frane & Jack Rems, Seventh World Fantasy Convention, 1981
- * Up the Down Beanstalk: A Wife Remembers, (ss) Troll’s Eye View ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Viking, 2009
- * Vanishing, (nv) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #11, March 2009
- * The Very Nasty Aquarium, (nv) The Overneath by Peter S. Beagle, Tachyon, 2017
- * The Way Home [Last Unicorn], (oc) Ace Books, April 2023
- Subterranean Press, May 2024
- * The Way It Works Out and All, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2011
- * We Never Talk About My Brother, (nv) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #5, July 2007
- * The Weremouse of Millicent Bradley Middle School, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2023
- * What Tune the Enchantress Plays [Innkeeper], (na) A Book of Wizards ed. Marvin Kaye, SFBC, 2008
- * The Woman Who Married the Man in the Moon, (nv) Sleight of Hand by Peter S. Beagle, Tachyon, 2011
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- * American Denim: A New Folk Art Presented by Richard M. Owens and Tony Lane, Text by Peter S. Beagle (1975) by Bud Webster, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2015
- * A Conversation with Peter S. Beagle by Matthew Cheney, (iv) Fantasy Magazine #3, 2006
- * A Dance for Emilia by Jean Tobin, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #161, January 2002
- * The Fantasy Worlds of Peter Beagle by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Science Fiction Review #30, March/April 1979
- * A Fine and Private Place by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Magazine April 1961
- * A Fine and Private Place by Dave Burton, (br) Science Fiction Review #36, 1970
- * A Fine and Private Place by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1977
- * A Fine and Private Place by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Science Fiction Review #24, February 1978
- * The Folk of the Air by M. John Harrison, (br) Foundation #38, Winter 1986/1987
- * The Folk of the Air by David L. Transue, (br) Thrust #28, Fall 1987
- * The Folk of the Air by Phyllis McDonald, (br) Interzone #23, Spring 1988
- * “Human Enough to Cry”: Sorrow and Ecology in “The Light Princess” and The Last Unicorn by Susan Palwick, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #146, October 2000
- * In Calabria by Michelle Sagara West, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2017
- * In Calabria by Peter J. Heck, (br) Asimov’s Science Fiction November/December 2017
- * The Innkeeper’s Song by John Clute, (br) Interzone #80, February 1994
- * The Innkeeper’s Song by Susan Palwick, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #67, March 1994
- * The Innkeeper’s Song by Wendy M. Grossman, (br) Foundation #61, Summer 1994
- * InterGalactic Interview with Peter S. Beagle by Edmund R. Schubert, (iv) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #5, July 2007
- * Interview: Peter S. Beagle by Anjali Sachdeva, (iv) Unstuck #3, 2014
- * An Interview with Peter Beagle by Darrell Schweitzer, (iv) Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine Spring 1994
- * Jazz Music and Greek Myths: A Conversation with Peter S. Beagle by Chris Urie, (iv) Clarkesworld #121, October 2016
- * The Last Unicorn by Baird Searles, (br) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1979
- * The Last Unicorn by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1977
- * The Last Unicorn by Chris Morgan, (br) Extro v1 #3, 1982
- * The Last Unicorn: Magic as Metaphor by Susan Palwick, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #6, February 1989
- * Lila the Werewolf by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1977
- * The Magician of Karakosk and Other Stories by Tom Arden, (br) Interzone #151, January 2000
- * The New Voices of Fantasy (with Jacob Weisman) by Stephen Case, (br) Mythic #6, Spring 2018
- * The Overneath by Andrew Hedgecock, (br) Interzone #273, November/December 2017
- * Peter S. Beagle by Joy Ward, (iv) Galaxy’s Edge #22, September 2016
- * Peter S. Beagle: His Life and Work by Stephen Euin Cobb, (iv) Space and Time #107, Summer 2009
- * Peter S. Beagle: Insight and Advice for Writers by Stephen Euin Cobb, (ar) Space and Time #108, Fall 2009
- * Sarek by Will Murray, (ss) Star Trek: The Next Generation April 1991; adapted from the TV script by Peter S. Beagle, story by Marc Cushman & Jake Jacobs.
- * The Secret History of Fantasy by Maureen Kincaid Speller, (br) Interzone #231, November/December 2010
- * Sleight of Hand by Maureen Kincaid Speller, (br) Interzone #234, May/June 2011
- * Summerlong by Michael M. Levy, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #336, August 2016
- * Summerlong by Maureen Kincaid Speller, (br) Interzone #266, September/October 2016
- * Summerlong by Michelle Sagara West, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2017
- * Summerlong by Elizabeth Hand, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2017
- * Tamsin by Gwyneth Jones, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #137, January 2000
- * The Unicorn Sonata by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #118, April 1997
- * The Urban Fantasy Anthology (with Joe R. Lansdale) by Lawrence Osborn, (br) Interzone #236, September/October 2011
- * Work in Progress: A Bibliographic Checklist of First Editions by L. W. Currey, (bi) The New York Review of Science Fiction #38, October 1991
[]Beahan, Charles (fl. 1920s) (chron.)
- * The Cyclone (with Charles B. Stilson), (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine March 1924
- * The Island God Forgot (with Charles B. Stilson), (sl) Ace-High Magazine Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1921, Jan, Feb 1922
- * The Jawbone of an Ass (with Frances Elliott Kane), (ss) Munsey’s Magazine June 1927
- * Texas Hot (with Norman Houston), (nv) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 28 1928
- * Winged Adventure (with Charles B. Stilson), (na) Brief Stories Magazine December 1924
[]Beai, Steve (fl. 1980s-2000s) (chron.)
- * The Flight Home, (ss) LC-39 #2, 1999
- * Following Fitzgerald, (ss) Extremes 3: Terror on the High Seas ed. Brian A. Hopkins, Cemetery Dance, 2001
- * The Idea Man, (ss) Dark Planet (online) March 3 2000
- * In Lopez Canyon, (ss) Indigenous Fiction #3, August 1999
- * The Midnight Sanctuary, (ss) After Hours Spring 1989
- * Slipstream Season, (ss) Talebones #20, Fall 2000
- * 2000 Enemies, (ss) Eldritch Tales #22, Winter 1990
[]Beal, Anthony (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Beautiful Children, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #19, Summer 2000
- * Berries and Wine, (pm) Cthulhu Sex v1 #22, 2001
- * Cum Onn, It’z Lovely Whether, (ss) Dark Dreams ed. Brandon Massey, Dafina, 2004
- * Fidem Meam Noto, (ss) Be Mine ed. L. Marie Wood, Cyber-Pulp Press, 2004
- * Foghorn, (pm) Space and Time #96, Fall 2002
- * Foreword, (fw) Be Mine ed. L. Marie Wood, Cyber-Pulp Press, 2004
- * Hard Candy for the Dying, (ss) Twisted Tongue #14, December 2009
- * Love Resurrected, (pm) Cthulhu Sex v1 #23, 2002
- * Ministry of Stamina, (pm) Space and Time #100, Spring 2007
- * Shadow Girl, (ss) Black October Magazine v1 #5, 2004
- * What Nightmares May Come, (ss) Monster’s Ink ed. Diana Bennett & Anthony Cain, Cyber-Pulp Press, 2005
- * [front cover], (cv) Scared Naked Magazine #1, 2002
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