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Book Contents Lists: Page 1700

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    Strange Stories of Coincidence and Ghostly Adventure ed. George Redway--- see under Anon..

    Flight to Canada (unpublished) by Ishmael Reed (Savoy, n.d., 0-86130-056-4, £1.50, 192pp, tp, n.)
        Reprint (Random House 1976) novel set in the last years of the American Civil War and its aftermath.

    The Free-Lance Pallbearers (unpublished) by Ishmael Reed (Savoy, n.d., 0-86130-058-0, £1.50, 128pp, tp, n.)
        Reprint (Doubleday 1967) satire of race relations in the sixties.

    The Last Days of Louisiana Red (unpublished) by Ishmael Reed (Savoy, n.d., 0-86130-057-2, £1.50, 240pp, tp, n.) [Papa LaBas]
        Reprint (Random House 1974) HooDoo detective story and satire on the explosive politics of the ’60s.

    Mumbo Jumbo (unpublished) by Ishmael Reed (Savoy, n.d., 0-86130-042-4, £1.50, 240pp, tp, n.) [Papa LaBas]
        Reprint (Doubleday 1972) trenchant and often biting look at black-white relations throughout history.

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