The FictionMags Index
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[]Astruc, R. J. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * The Cook of Pearl House, (ss) Dark Edifice #2, July 2012
- * Faceless in Halukan, (ss) Not One of Us #42, October 2009
- * The Flying Woman, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #34, 2008
- * The Ghosts of Los Hellas, (ss) Abyss & Apex #19, 3rd Quarter 2006
- * Greenwich Mean Time Plus, (ss) Expanded Horizons #5, February 2009
- * Gretel in Her Ever After, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #19, September 2014
- * A Hat Full of Leaves, (ss) Aurealis #41, December 2008
- * Horror Game Review (with Andy Astruc), (ss) Necrotic Tissue #14, April 2011
- * How We Left the Desert, (ss) Midnight Echo #3, September 2009
- * How You Make the Straight, (ss) The Future Fire #21, 2010
- * In the Shadow of Kakadu, (ss) The Future Fire #10, 2007
- * Johnny and Babushka, (ss) Electric Spec November 30 2010
- * Let’s Fix You Up, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #12, December 2012
- * Mother and Daughter, (vi) Semaphore Magazine #15, June 2011
- * The Perfume Eater, (ss) Strange Horizons July 16 2007
- * Regret Incorporated (with Andy Astruc), (vi) Daily Science Fiction September 27 2011
- * Scrapheap Angel (with Deirdre M. Murphy), (ss) Subversion ed. Bart R. Leib, Crossed Genres Publications, 2011
- * The Tools for the Job (with Andy Astruc), (ss) Bards and Sages Quarterly April 2012
- * Until the End (with Andy Astruc), (nv) Semaphore Magazine #15, June 2011
- * The Vanishing Project, (ss) Semaphore Magazine #9, December 2009
[]Aswell, James (Benjamin, Jr.) (1906-1955) (chron.)
- * All the Answers, (vi) Collier’s May 30 1936
- * The Belle of Calomega, (ss) Collier’s April 12 1930
- * The Bright Look, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion February 1946
- * Campus Widows, (ms) College Humor and Sense #119, December 1933
- * The Candy Cane, (ss) Liberty April 7 1945
- * Chickens in the Wind, (ar) Collier’s September 9 1950
- * Chorus Call, (vi) Collier’s June 27 1936
- * Dazzled, (??) Collier’s January 19 1935
- * Farmers Find a New Use for a Goose, (ar) Collier’s November 26 1954
- * The Fates Are Women, (ss) The Popular May 1937
- * Firecracker, (ss) This Week June 30 1940
- * First Miracle, (ss) The American Magazine June 1947
- * Five Million Negroes Move North (with Sam H. Jones), (ar) Liberty December 15 1945
- * Glory in His Head, (ss) Collier’s October 19 1935
- * Good Girls Get Married, (nv) College Humor #75, March 1930
- * The Handicapper, (vi) Liberty October 14 1944
- * Hideaway, (ss) Liberty September 23 1944
- * How to Have Fun with 100 Million Dollars, (??) Collier’s May 2 1953
- * The Ice Storm, (ss) Liberty November 18 1944
- * I Knew Her Like a Book, (ss) Collier’s March 7 1942
- * The Intruder, (nv) The American Magazine May 1946
- * Letter from Far Away, (vi) Liberty June 19 1943
- * Like with Dolls, (ss) Liberty January 12 1946
- * The Louisiana Lottery, (ar) Collier’s January 20 1951
- * Love in Our Time, (ss) Liberty January 27 1945
- * Make Up Your Mind!, (vi) Liberty January 20 1940
- * The Man She Wanted, (vi) The American Magazine April 1945
- * A Matter of Technique, (vi) Collier’s August 2 1930
- * New Orleans Takes the Cure, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 25 1947
- * New York Is Easy, (ss) University Summer 1933
- * Nineteen Thirty-Five, (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1935
- * Nocturne Creole, (sl) Liberty Jan 4, Jan 11 1947
- * No Escape, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion April 1943
- * No More Tears, (ss) The American Magazine June 1934
- * Platonic, (ss) Liberty July 8 1933
- * Portrait in Grease Paint, (ss) College Humor #79, July 1930
- * Santa Knows His Skates, (ss) Sport Story Magazine December 22 1927
- * Shadow of Evil, (nv) Today’s Woman #121, November 1949
- * Steadfast Heart, (ss) Liberty February 5 1944
- * A Sweet Trip Home, (ss) The American Magazine June 1946
- * Three in a Row, (vi) Collier’s July 18 1936
- * Time of Loving, (ss) College Humor December 1929
- * Too Much in Love, (ss) Redbook Magazine September 1933
- * Town Boys, (ss) College Humor #121, February 1934
- * The Two the G.I.’s Called “Smith”, (??) Collier’s October 29 1949
- * The Unanointed, (ss) Liberty May 26 1945
- * Water Over the Bridge, (??) Collier’s March 7 1936
- * Without Wings, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 12 1942
_____, as told to
[]Aswell, James R. (1911-1982); used pseudonym Bucky McKenna (chron.)
- * American Tale, (ms) Argosy Jun, Jul 1952
- * American Tales, (cl) Argosy May 1952
- * Big Saturday, (ss) Collier’s February 22 1941
- * Congress Puts the Show on the Road, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 14 1953
- * The Gallant Code, (nv) The Saturday Evening Post September 25 1954
- * Gun Play in Little Canyon, (ss) Wild West Weekly August 27 1927, as by Bucky McKenna
- * Love Comes to Leaning Oak (with E. E. Miller), (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 16 1942
- * A Man Gets to Thinking, (ss) Harper’s Magazine March 1938
- * No Chitlins, (ss) Story #51, October 1936
- * We’re Licking the Terror of the Arctic, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 16 1952
[]Asylum Nurse; pseudonym (fl. 1900s) (chron.)
- * The Place of Dreadful Night, (ts) Yes or No Aug 3, Aug 10, Aug 17, Aug 31, Sep 7, Sep 14, Sep 21, Sep 28, Oct 5, Oct 12,
Oct 26, Nov 9 1907
[]Atack, Jack (fl. 1950s) (chron.)
- * Brian Tesler Captures TV—by Surprise, (ar) John Bull April 9 1955
- * Britain’s Newest Sportsmen Go Skiing—on Water, (ar) John Bull May 8 1954
- * The Clock Doctor Gives Time a Helping Hand, (ar) John Bull October 16 1954
- * Connie Gambles with Other People’s Danger, (ar) John Bull November 6 1954
- * Danger—Wreckers at Work, (ar) John Bull April 3 1954
- * Douglas Smart Sells Peace and Quiet, (ar) John Bull January 23 1954
- * Earl St. John—Hustling Showman of British Films, (ar) John Bull June 5 1954
- * Fighting Champion in a Canoe, (ar) John Bull July 30 1955
- * Fire—A Nightmare for Forester Tribe, (ar) John Bull May 22 1954
- * First-Aid Dickson Runs an Obstacle Race, (ar) John Bull May 1 1954
- * Fool’s Paradise for Trout, (ar) John Bull September 10 1955
- * Glass—and Reg Tomlinson Handles with Care, (ar) John Bull January 2 1954
- * Ivanovic Stalks the Sea-Bed for Thrills, (ar) John Bull July 17 1954
- * Jack Williams Keeps Peril off the Rails, (ar) John Bull June 12 1954
- * Jean Desforges Keeps Her Temper—and Her Titles, (ar) John Bull March 13 1954
- * Kenneth More Hits Out for Stardom, (ar) John Bull April 16 1955 [Ref. Kenneth More]
- * Mr. Tebbs, Surgeon Who Cures Sick Trees, (ar) John Bull January 16 1954
- * Nigel Radcliffe Makes Science Do the Cooking, (ar) John Bull September 11 1954
- * No Doors Stay Locked for William Oliver, (ar) John Bull January 22 1955
- * Norman Buckley Races with Disaster—and Wins, (ar) John Bull July 10 1954
- * The Parkland Host Teaches Country Manners, (ar) John Bull August 20 1955
- * Prima Donna of the Bowstring, (ar) John Bull October 29 1955
- * Quarrell the Cave Man Hunts Treasure—and Hides It, (ar) John Bull December 5 1953
- * Robin Collomb, Master of the Mountains, (ar) John Bull December 4 1954
- * Sailors on Wheels, (ar) John Bull March 24 1956
- * Strong Arm with a Load of Trouble, (ar) John Bull October 6 1956
- * Tony Hancock, Comic Who’s Haunted by Laughter, (ar) John Bull September 4 1954 [Ref. Tony Hancock]
[]Atchley, Pam (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Chains of Freedom [Dargon], (ss) DargonZine v13 #12, 2000
- * Cherryseye [Dargon], (ss) DargonZine v15 #10, 2002
- * The Game [Dargon] (with Mark A. Murray), (sl) DargonZine v21 #1, v21 #2, v21 #3, v21 #4 2008
- * Heir to Castigale [Dargon] (with Dave Fallon), (ss) DargonZine v15 #8, v15 #9 2002
- * Malice [Dargon], (sl) DargonZine v15 #4, v15 #5, v15 #6, v15 #7 2002
- * Monsters [Dargon] (with Victor M. Cardoso), (ss) DargonZine v27 #2, 2014
- * Out of the Rubble [Dargon] (with Dave Fallon & R. F. Niro), (sl) DargonZine v18 #8 2005, v19 #2, v19 #3 2006
- * Sweet Healing [Dargon] (with Ornoth D. A. Liscomb), (ss) DargonZine v17 #2, 2004
- * Sy Burns [Dargon], (ss) DargonZine v15 #2, 2002
- * Triskele: Coda [Dargon] (with Rhonda Gomez), (ss) DargonZine v14 #7, 2001
- * Triskele: Genesis [Dargon] (with Rhonda Gomez), (ss) DargonZine v14 #5, 2001
- * Triskele: Lorelei [Dargon] (with Rhonda Gomez), (ss) DargonZine v14 #6, 2001
- * A Woman’s Determination [Dargon], (ss) DargonZine v14 #2, 2001
- * A Woman’s Fear [Dargon], (ss) DargonZine v14 #1, 2001
- * A Woman’s Prayer [Dargon], (ss) DargonZine v14 #3, 2001
[]Aten, Ira (fl. 1930s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Hell on the Border, (ts) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine May 1953; as told to Harold Preece
- * I Rode with the Texas Rangers:
* ___ Hell on the Border, (ts) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine May 1953; as told to Harold Preece
* ___ Lawman Till I Die, (ts) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine August 1953; as told to Harold Preece
* ___ War on the Salt Grass, (ts) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine June 1953; as told to Harold Preece
- * Lawman Till I Die, (ts) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine August 1953; as told to Harold Preece
- * Memoirs of a Texas Ranger, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine June 1937
- * A Ranger’s Quest, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine November 1937
- * A Ranger’s Scrapbook, (cl) The Blue Book Magazine Jun, Sep 1938
- * Ranger Work, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine May 1938
- * A Texas Ranger, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine August 1937
- * War on the Salt Grass, (ts) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine June 1953; as told to Harold Preece
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