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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 1377

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    Associated Sunday Magazine   (about)
    One of the four “Sunday Magazines” published during the period 1902 to 1920 (roughly), the Associated Sunday Magazine was the largest and most successful of the syndicates, and is the one most commonly seen. Although the covers of the magazines were typically simply called The Sunday Magazine of the xxxx for each newspaper concerned, this syndicate is easy to recognize because there is always a line of tiny gray print, usually situated near the masthead, reading “Copyright, 19xx, by Associated Sunday Magazines, Incorporated.”

    This magazine appeared in many different newspapers across the country. Among them were The Baltimore Herald (later The Baltimore Sun), The Boston Sunday Post, The Buffalo Courier, The Chicago Sunday Record-Herald, The (Denver) Rocky Mountain News, The Denver Times, The Detroit News Tribune, The Minneapolis Journal, The New York Tribune, The Philadelphia Press, The Pittsburgh Sunday Post, The St. Louis Republic, and The Washington Sunday Star.

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