The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 267
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Archibald, Joe (chron.) (continued)
- * Cauliflower Clinches, (ss) Western Trails September/October 1929
- * Cauliflower Mutual, (ss) Thrilling Sports September 1948
- * Cauliflowers and Celluloid, (ss) Western Trails August 1929
- * Cave Hombres [Walrus and Wishbone], (ss) Western Trails April 1931
- * C’Est la Ear! [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces November 1936
- * C’Est la Goat [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces October 1939
- * Chalk Stripes—and Gold, (ss) Popular Football Winter 1944
- * Champ at Heart, (ss) Adventure July 1945
- * The Champ Smasher, (nv) Ace Sports Monthly February 1936
- * The Champ Wrecker, (nv) Ace Sports Monthly March 1938
- * Channel Skimmers [Elmer of the Air Corpse], (ss) Sky Birds January 1934
- * Charge of the Ice Brigade, (na) Ace Sports Monthly January 1938
- * Chateau Theory [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces February 1943
- * Checkmating Call [Hattie Pringle], (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories August 1943
- * Cheesecake and Willie [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective November 1949
- * Cheesecake Champ, (ss) Exciting Sports Spring 1946, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Cheque Mates [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces June 1935
- * China Wary [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1937
- * China Yeggs [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces August 1938
- * The Chisel’em Trail, (ss) Western Aces May 1945
- * Chocks and Blondes [Ambrose Hooley], (ss) The Lone Eagle December 1940
- * Chuck Line Rider, (ss) The Rio Kid Western June 1941
- * Chute the Works! [Elmer of the Air Corpse], (ss) Sky Birds March 1932
- * Chuting Pardners, (ss) Western Aces April 1947
- * Chuting Star [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces September 1941
- * Cinema Bums [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces May 1935
- * Claws of the Kittyhawks, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces November 1946
- * Clown Jewels [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces November 1934
- * A Coach for Cinderella, (nv) Thrilling Sports November 1948
- * Cocarde Sharpers [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces September 1938
- * Cocardes of Courage, (ss) Sky Fighters October 1935
- * Cockpit Cuckoos [Ambrose Hooley], (ss) The Lone Eagle August 1939
- * Code of the Noose, (nv) Western Aces February 1936
- * Colt Crusader, (na) Exciting Western Summer 1942
- * Coltman from Nowhere, (nv) Popular Western May 1943
- * Colt Payment, (nv) Thrilling Adventures December 1937
- * Confucius Slay [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces June 1940
- * The Con Is Green [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces November 1945
- * Contact Bridge [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces April 1942
- * The Convict-Maker, (ss) Detective-Dragnet Magazine July 1932
- * Cook Cooin’, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories April 1944
- * Cook’s Detour [Elmer of the Air Corpse], (ss) Sky Birds January 1933
- * A Corner in Death, (ss) Detective-Dragnet Magazine December 1932
- * The Corpse Cavalcade, (ss) Thrilling Mystery July 1940
- * Corpses Fly High, (ss) Sky Fighters May 1933
- * Cottontail Assembly, (ss) Sky Fighters February 1936
- * Court Judgement, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine Spring 1946
- * Court of No Law, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales September 1948
- * Cracksman’s Split, (ss) Ten Detective Aces August 1934, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Crash and Carrie [Elmer of the Air Corpse; Pokey Cook], (ss) Sky Birds April 1935
- * Crash on Delivery [Phineas Pinkham], (nv) Flying Aces November 1937
- * Crash on Delivery, (ss) Army-Navy Flying Stories Summer 1943
- * The Crate Crasher, (ss) War Birds #23, December 1 1929
- * The Crate Impersonation [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces May 1942
- * Crawling Doom, (ss) Thrilling Mystery February 1937
- * Crazy Like a Fox! [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces October 1931
- * Crepe Hangars [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces February 1935
- * Crime Does Not Pay [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces September 1936
- * The Crime of His Life [Willie Klump], (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine March 1959
- * The Crimson Draw, (ss) Sky Birds September 1930
- * Crook Movie, (ss) Thrilling Detective June 1940
- * The Cross-Eyed Crate, (ss) Sky Birds June 1931
- * The Cross of Cain, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine April 1945
- * Crow de Guerre [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces January 1941
- * Cupid’s Diary [Hattie Pringle], (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories August 1942
- * Cure for Gun Fever, (ss) Popular Western August 1947
- * Cure for Snakebite, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine February 1948, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Cursed Edition [Alvin Hinkey], (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine April 1945
- * Curtains for the Casey Jones, (nv) Wings Winter 1943/1944
- * A Cutting Clue, (ss) Secret Agent X February 1936
- * Czech Mates [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces September 1943
- * Dawg Daze [Windy Knight], (ss) Western Trails May/June 1933
- * Dawn Parole [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces July 1940
- * Dawn Patrol Wagon [Ambrose Hooley], (ss) The American Eagle February 1942
- * Dawn Petrol [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces May 1941
- * Daze in Dunkirk [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces March 1941
- * The Dead Carry On, (ss) Brief Stories February 1930
- * Dead-Eye Dicks [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces March 1939
- * Dead Letter Office [Alvin Hinkey], (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine January 1947
- * Dead Man’s Way, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales March 1947
- * Dead-Man Talk, (ss) Detective-Dragnet Magazine February 1931
- * Dead Reckoning, (ss) Ten Detective Aces December 1934, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Death Flies West, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces May 1946
- * Death for Jewels [Willie Klump], (nv) Popular Detective August 1940
- * Death from Beyond, (ss) Thrilling Mystery November 1939
- * Death Has a Pilot’s License, (nv) Sky Fighters Spring 1948
- * Death Has a Poker Face [Bill Dacey], (nv) Popular Detective April 1946, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Death Is My Co-Pilot, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces March 1946
- * Death Is My Destiny, (nv) Fifteen Western Tales October 1955
- * Death Maker, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales December 1948
- * Death Scoops a Columnist, (ss) Thrilling Detective June 1945
- * Death’s Due, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales February 1947
- * Death Signs a Lease, (ss) G-Men Detective Summer 1946, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Death’s Laugh, (ss) Detective-Dragnet Magazine June 1930
- * Death Takes First Prize, (nv) Thrilling Mystery May 1938
- * Decoy for Death, (ss) 10 Story Mystery Magazine April 1943
- * Defective Bureau [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective October 1944
- * The Defunct Blonde [Willie Klump], (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine November 1954
- * Design for Not Living [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces May 1945
- * Destination—Death!, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces June 1944
- * Destiny’s Bullet, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales September 1946
- * Detective Friction [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces March 1935
- * Devil Dogs Have Wings, (ss) Air War Winter 1945
- * The Devil’s Angel, (ss) Ten Detective Aces November 1936, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * The Devil’s Deputy, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales June 1947
- * The Devil’s Heritage, (nv) Thrilling Mystery July 1939
- * The Devil’s Icebox, (ss) Thrilling Mystery July 1938
- * The Devil’s Stepsons, (nv) Flying Aces November 1931, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * The Devil’s Stowaway, (ss) Thrilling Adventures August 1940
- * The Devil’s Victory, (ss) Sky Birds March 1931
- * Diamond Dust [Larry White], (nv) Thrilling Sports July 1939, as by Perry Dixon
- * Diamond Dynamo, (nv) Ace Sports Monthly June 1937
- * The Diamond Rebel, (nv) Champion Sports Magazine November 1937
- * The Diamond Triangle, (nv) Ace Sports Monthly October 1936
- * Dick Tracery [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective August 1943
- * Direct Hit, (ss) Air War Winter 1943, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * A Ditch in Time, (ss) Western Trails April 1933
- * Dr. Heckle and Mr. Hide [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces September 1943
- * Doctor’s Orders, (ss) The Phantom Detective December 1942
- * Doctor Wishbone [Walrus and Wishbone], (ss) Western Trails January 1931
- * Doc Walloper [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces December 1938
- * Dog Collared [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective October 1941
- * Dog Feud [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces June 1941
- * Dog Flight [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces August 1935
- * Doin’s in the Dunes [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces March 1936
- * Don Coyote, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories February 1942
- * Don Patrol [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces February 1939
- * Dooley’s Leopards, (ss) Exciting Football Winter 1944, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Dopey and the Seven Wharves [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces September 1940
- * Double-Cross Fires, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine December 1944, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Double Cross Words [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces February 1939
- * Double Doublecross, (ss) Popular Detective August 1936
- * Doublin’ for Cupid [Walrus and Wishbone], (ss) Western Trails July 1930
- * Doubling in Brass Hats [Ambrose Hooley], (ss) Sky Fighters January 1937
- * Dough Dough Birds [Ambrose Hooley], (ss) Sky Fighters June 1944
- * Downed on the Farm [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces November 1944
- * Dressed to Kill, (ss) The Phantom Detective February 1934
- * Dressed Up for Boot-Hill, (ss) West July 1950
- * Droning Doom, (ss) Sky Fighters September 1932
- * Dry-Gulched Duo [Walrus and Wishbone], (ss) Western Trails May 1931
- * Drygulcher’s Nemesis, (ss) Western Aces November 1945
- * Duck Soup for Elmer [Elmer of the Air Corpse], (ss) Sky Birds August 1932
- * Duc Soup [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces September 1939
- * Dumb Isn’t the Word, (ss) Sky Birds August 1931
- * Dumb Is the Word for Willie [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective August 1939
- * Dutchy’s Friend, Schimdt, (ss) Submarine Stories #13, September 1930
- * Dying to See Willie [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective March 1949
- * Eagle Bill, (cs) Sky Riders #29, March 1931
- * Early to Bedlam [Alvin Hinkey], (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine August 1945
- * Eat Wave in Paradox [Walrus and Wishbone], (ss) Western Trails December 1933
- * Eclipse of the Hun [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces March 1938
- * The Elephant Hour [Elmer of the Air Corpse; Pokey Cook], (ss) Sky Aces February 1941
- * Elmer and the Tin Fish [Elmer of the Air Corpse], (ss) Sky Birds April 1932
- * Elmer Knows His Groceries [Elmer of the Air Corpse], (ss) Sky Birds January 1932
- * Elmer of the Air Corpse [Elmer of the Air Corpse], (ss) Sky Birds September 1931
- * The End of the Season, (nv) Exciting Baseball Fall 1949, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Errornautics [Ambrose Hooley], (ss) Sky Fighters Fall 1946
- * Escape, (ss) Sky Fighters March 1937
- * Even a Buzzard Knew, (ss) Western Aces June 1943
- * Every Colt Has Its Day, (ss) Western Aces January 1945
- * Extinguished Visitors [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces June 1939
- * The Eyes Have It! [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces July 1941
- * Fallen Archies [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces December 1935
- * Fallen Star, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine Spring 1942
- * Fast Stage—to Hell, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales October 1948
- * F.B.I. Opener [Willie Klump], (nv) Popular Detective December 1943
- * Fear at Five Thousand, (ss) Sky Fighters November 1941
- * Fear in the Sky, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces October 1943
- * Feathers of the Fifty-Seventh, (ss) Airplane Stories December 1930
- * Field Phantom, (ss) Ace Sports Monthly January 1937, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * The Fifth Base, (nv) Ace Sports Monthly April 1936
- * Fifty Grand Finale [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective June 1940
- * The Fighting Prodigal, (nv) Champion Sports Magazine May 1937, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Filet of Solos [Ambrose Hooley], (ss) The Lone Eagle June 1940
- * The Firebug [Willie Klump], (nv) Popular Detective August 1942
- * Fire Cheaters [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces February 1935
- * Fireman, Save My Ball Game, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine October 1948
- * First Command, (ss) Army-Navy Flying Stories Fall 1942
- * First Down, America!, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine Fall 1944, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Fish and Gyps [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces September 1936
- * Fists of Fate, (ss) Ace Sports Monthly June 1936, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Fists of the Fleet, (nv) Ace Sports Monthly October 1937
- * Fit to Be Tried [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective January 1947
- * Flamer, (ss) Sky Fighters August 1936
- * The Flaming Shroud, (nv) Flying Aces September 1933, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Flapjack of Hearts [Walrus and Wishbone], (ss) Western Trails September 1934
- * Flares of Despair, (ss) Flying Aces August 1930
- * Flares of Treachery, (ss) Sky Aces April 1940, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Flight from Darkness, (ss) Sky Fighters Fall 1949
- * Flight from New Mu [Septimus Spink], (ss) Fantastic Universe May 1955
- * Flight Headed [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces June 1939
- * Flight Headed [Phineas Pinkham], (nv) Flying Aces November 1942
- * Flight Manager [Ambrose Hooley], (ss) The Lone Eagle June 1941
- * Flight Opera [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces January 1937
- * Flight Team Flight! [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces January 1938
- * Flight to the Finnish [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces May 1940
- * Fly-Chaser’s Code, (ss) Ace Sports Monthly August 1937, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * A Flyer in Cauliflowers [Ambrose Hooley], (ss) Sky Fighters July 1937
- * A Flyer in Tin [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces February 1932
- * Flyer’s Bait, (ss) Flying Aces May 1931
- * The Flying Carpet, (ss) Army-Navy Flying Stories Spring 1944
- * Flying Cocoanuts, (ss) Sky Birds June 1930
- * Flying Fishy [Ambrose Hooley], (ss) The Lone Eagle April 1938
- * The Foil Guy [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces October 1940
- * Football Fuehrer, (ss) Exciting Sports Spring 1946
- * For Dear Old G.H.Q.! [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces September 1931
- * Forever Ambrose [Ambrose Hooley], (ss) Sky Fighters Summer 1945
- * For Pete’s Sake [Hattie Pringle], (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories May 1947
- * For the Love of a Mike [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1936
- * Fowl Play [Walrus and Wishbone], (ss) Western Trails November 1931
- * Francs and Sauerkraut [Ambrose Hooley; Muley Spink], (ss) American Eagles Spring 1943
- * Fright Leader [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces February 1940
- * From Burma to the Rockies, (nv) Sky Fighters Fall 1947
- * From Spad to Worse [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces April 1932; not the same as the story of the same name in the August 1940 issue of The Lone Eagle.
- * From Spad to Worse [Ambrose Hooley], (ss) The Lone Eagle August 1940; not the same as the story of the same name in the April 1932 issue of Flying Aces.
- * Front Lines of Autumn, (ss) Thrilling Football Fall 1945
- * Front-Page Goalie, (ss) Champion Sports Magazine May 1938
- * Fry-by-Nights [Alvin Hinkey], (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine February 1946
- * The Fryin’ Dutchman [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces April 1933
- * The Frying Suit [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces December 1933
- * Fudge Fight, (ss) Sky Birds November 1934
- * A Fuel There Was [Ambrose Hooley], (ss) War Birds August 1936
- * Fugitive from a Chain Letter [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces September 1935
- * Fugitive from Hell, (nv) Western Aces February 1935
- * Fury on Ice, (nv) Ace Sports Monthly March 1937
- * Gallows Trail, (ss) Western Trails April 1948
- * Gallows Tribunal, (nv) Western Aces April 1937
- * Gamboling with Goebbels [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces October 1943
- * Gangster’s Revenge, (ss) The Dragnet Magazine December 1929
- * Gang Whirl! [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces March 1940
- * “Gas Me No Questions!” [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces December 1941
- * The Gat and the Mouse [Willie Klump], (ss) Popular Detective May 1949
- * Geese Monkeys [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces April 1935
- * Get Along, Little Doggies!, (ss) Western Aces November 1948
- * Ghost Glover, (nv) Ace Sports Monthly May 1937
- * Ghost Gun Showdown, (nv) Popular Western November 1942
- * The G.I. Mauler, (ss) 12 Sports Aces September 1943
- * The Girl He Left Behind, (ss) Argosy March 1944
- * Give ’Em Hell, Gunner!, (ss) Dare-Devil Aces May 1943
- * Gleech of Promise [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces November 1941
- * Glider-Than-Air! [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces October 1942
- * The Globe and Anchor, (ss) Sky Fighters Winter 1945
- * Glory Gloves, (nv) Ace Sports Monthly February 1937, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Gloster Exile, (ss) Sky Fighters May 1942
- * Glue Skies [Elmer of the Air Corpse; Pokey Cook], (ss) Sky Aces October 1940
- * G-Man Friday [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces March 1937
- * G-Man Handled, (ss) G-Men November 1935
- * Gnats to You! [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces February 1942
- * Golf Genealogy, (hu) Champion Sports Magazine November 1937
- * A Good Badman, (ss) West September 1942
- * Good Haunting! [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces December 1934
- * Good-Night, Nurse! [Elmer of the Air Corpse], (ss) Sky Birds February 1933
- * Good to the First Drop [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces November 1932
- * Goose Stepbrothers [Ambrose Hooley], (ss) The Lone Eagle June 1939
- * Gore Correspondent [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1944
- * Gotha Poison, (ss) War Birds #31, July 1930
- * The Grand Old Game, (nv) Thrilling Sports Summer 1944
- * Grappling Hooked, (ss) Thrilling Sports May 1939
- * Gridiron Feud [Larry White], (nv) Thrilling Sports November 1938, as by Perry Dixon
- * Gridiron Grit, (nv) Ace Sports Monthly January 1936
- * Gridiron Steel, (nv) Thrilling Football Fall 1943
- * Grief Case [Dizzy Duo], (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1935
- * Grim Ferry Tale [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces June 1942
- * The Grim Reaper’s Roundup, (nv) Western Aces June 1936
- * The Grin Reaper [Phineas Pinkham], (ss) Flying Aces May/June 1933
- * Groomed for the Grave, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine October 1944, as by Robert S. Fenton
- * Gummed Up, (ss) Thrilling Detective December 1940
- * Gun Babe in Arms [Alvin Hinkey], (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine June 1948
- * Gun for Hire, (na) Ranch Romances 1st February 1957
- * Gun Ghost, (ss) Popular Western September 1940
- * Gun-Hung Idol, (ss) Ranch Romances August 1958
- * Gun Law of the Torkaways, (nv) Popular Western March 1942
- * Gun Loco [Walrus and Wishbone], (ss) Western Trails July 1931
- * Gunman, Run No More, (ss) Texas Rangers October 1956
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