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    Pearson’s Magazine [v28, #168, December 1909] (standard) [] (Full Text)
    Details supplied by Mike Ashley.
    • 575 · The Art of the Age · Marcus Woodward · cl; standard monthly column, this one covering the works of Fred Morgan.
    • 582 · The Fortunes of Lolita the Dancer, 1. The Forlorn Hope · K. & Hesketh Prichard · ss
    • 593 · The Veiled Prophet · Napoleon Bonaparte; translated by Sidney Mattingly · ss; apparently written in 1787, this is its first publication in English. Set in Bagdad in 776AD.
      translated from the French (1821).
    • 597 · The Chef-d’OEuvre · Anton Chekhov; translated by W. Gordon Campbell · ss
    • 601 · The First Marathon · Victor Bridges · ss; illustrated by Lawson Wood; a spoof pre-historic item a la The Flintstones! Includes two-tone colour plates by Lawson Wood.
    • 610 · The Danger of the Comet · E. C. Andrews · ar; considers the potential danger of the approaching Halley’s comet. Includes uncredited pictures showing destruction to London and elsewhere if comet comes too close.
    • 619 · The Man in Grey III. The Episode of the Wager [The Man in Grey] · H. de Vere Stacpoole · ss; historical series set in France during reign of Louis XV.
    • 626 · The Man in Grey IV. The Episode of the King’s Nap [The Man in Grey] · H. de Vere Stacpoole · ss; illustrated by Wilmot Lunt
    • 633 · Knowledge Comes · Mary Gaunt · ss; romance.
    • 636 · The Vicar’s Dilemma · Thomas Maybank · ss; ghost story.
    • 650 · The Ghosts of Haunted Waters · G. Surrey · ar; illustrated by B. E. Minns; article about haunted areas of water, effectively illustrated by B.E. Minns.
    • 657 · The Evolution of the Lightning Sketch · Morley Adams · ar
    • 669 · A Few Virtues · W. Heath Robinson · il; portfolio of WHR’s usual humorous stuff.
    • 677 · Vi’letemma · Hulbert Footner · ss
    • 686 · Jest Books · A. M. Broadley · ar
    • 692 · The Adventures of Peter Ruff, 4. The Indiscretion of Letty Shaw [Peter Ruff] · E. Phillips Oppenheim · ss
    • 704 · The Commerce Destroyer · Alan H. Burgoyne · ss; called a sea-drama of the future and one of several stories of the time about how capable Britain was of defending itself.
    • 712 · The New Humans · B. Vallance · nv; a semi-humorous story about a strange lost race in the heart of Africa.
    • 732 · The Beautiful Past · J. M. Doddington · ss; historical romance.
    • 737 · A Ghost of a Chance · Hilda Cowham · ss; spoof ghost story.
    • 742 · Amateur Theatricals · Brinsley Moore · ss

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