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Aldiss, Brian W(ilson) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Light of Ancient Days, (pm) At the Caligula Hotel and Other Poems, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1995
- * The Light Really, (ss) The Invention of Happiness, PS Publishing, 2013
- * The Lion and the Lamb, (pm) Mini Sagas from the Daily Telegraph Competition 2001 ed. Brian Aldiss, Enitharmon Press, 2001
- * A Lion for Tea, (pm) Home Life With Cats, HarperCollins UK, 1992
- * Listen with Big Brother, (ss) Punch January 1974
- * Little Paper Faces, (pm) Barefoot in the Head, Faber and Faber, 1969
- * Live? Our Computers Will Do That for Us, (ss) Orbit 15 ed. Damon Knight, Harper & Row, 1974
- * Living: Being: Having, (pm) Barefoot in the Head, Faber and Faber, 1969
- * London and Oslo Letter, (ar) Amazing Stories July 1968
- * London Letter, (ar) Amazing Stories February 1968
- * The Lonely Habit, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 1966
- * The Long Afternoon of Earth [Gren (Hothouse)], (n.) Signet, January 1962
- * Long Cut to Burma, (ar) The Fiction Magazine 1982, as "Drawn Towards Burma"
- * Looking Forward to 2001, (ar) This World and Nearer Ones, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1979; delivered as a speech to the Oxford Union.
- * Looking It Up, (pm) At the Caligula Hotel and Other Poems, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1995
- * Looking on the Sunny Side of an Eclipse, (ss) New Writings in SF 24 ed. Kenneth Bulmer, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1974
- * Lost, (pm) Farewell to a Child, Priapus Poets, 1982
- * The Lost Grave, (pm) Home Life With Cats, HarperCollins UK, 1992
- * Love Is a Forest, (pm) Brothers of the Head, Pierrot Publishing, 1977
- * Love’s Nocturnal Entry Into Bombed Coventry, (pm) Barefoot in the Head, Faber and Faber, 1969
- * Lunar Anatomy, (pm) Colours of a New Day ed. Sarah Lefanu & Stephen Hayward, Lawrence & Wishart, 1990, as "Lunar Astronomy"
- * Lunar Astronomy, (pm) Colours of a New Day ed. Sarah Lefanu & Stephen Hayward, Lawrence & Wishart, 1990
- * Lu Tai, (pm) At the Caligula Hotel and Other Poems, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1995
- * The Lying Truth, (pm) Science Fiction Blues, Avernus, 1988
- * Macramé’s Lament, (pm) Home Life With Cats, HarperCollins UK, 1992
- * The Madonna of Futurity, (na) Universe 3 ed. Robert Silverberg & Karen Haber, Bantam Spectra, 1994
- * Magic and Bare Boards, (ar) Foundation #6, May 1974
- * The Magic of the Past, (nv) The Magic of the Past, Kerosina, 1987
- * The Magic of the Past, (oc) Kerosina Books, August 1987
- * The Mainstream That Through the Ghetto Flows / An Interview with Philip K. Dick, (iv) The Missouri Review Winter 1984 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- * Making My Father Read Revered Writings, (ss) New Writing 4 ed. A. S. Byatt & Alan Hollinghurst, Vintage, 1995
- * The Making of an Epic [Helliconia], (nf) Jonathan Cape, February 1982
- * The Malacia Tapestry, (n.) Jonathan Cape, July 1976
- Drugstore Indian Press, August 2014
- * The Malediction, (pm) Farewell to a Child, Priapus Poets, 1982
- * The Male Response, (n.) Beacon, 1961
- * The Male Response, (n.) Beacon, 1961
- * The Man and a Man with His Mule, (ss) Pataphysics: Psychomilitary Issue 2002
- * Man in His Time, (nv) Science Fantasy #71, April 1965
- Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian Aldiss, Faber and Faber, 1965
- SF Reprise #4, 1966
- Nebula Award Stories Two ed. Brian W. Aldiss & Harry Harrison, Doubleday, 1967
- The Traps of Time ed. Michael Moorcock, Rapp & Whiting, 1968
- A Brian Aldiss Omnibus, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1969
- The Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian W. Aldiss, Faber and Faber, 1971
- A Science Fiction Argosy ed. Damon Knight, Simon & Schuster, 1972
- Beyond Reality ed. Terry Carr, Elsevier, 1979
- Best SF Stories of Brian W. Aldiss, Gollancz, 1988
- Tales in Time ed. Peter Crowther, White Wolf, 1997
- Timescapes ed. Peter Haining, Souvenir Press, 1997
- The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s: Part Three: 1965-1966, Harper Voyager, 2015
- * Man in His Time: Best SF Stories, (co) Gollancz, 1988, as Best SF Stories of Brian W. Aldiss
- * Man on Bridge, (ss) New Writings in S-F 1 ed. John Carnell, Dobson, 1964
- Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian Aldiss, Faber and Faber, 1965
- The Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian W. Aldiss, Faber and Faber, 1971
- The Best from New Writings in S-F First Selection ed. John Carnell, Dobson, 1971
- Best SF Stories of Brian W. Aldiss, Gollancz, 1988
- The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s: Part Two: 1963-1964, Harper Voyager, 2015
- * Manuscript Found in a Police State, (nv) Winter’s Tales 18 ed. A. D. Maclean, Macmillan, 1972
- * The Man Who Invented Inventing the Future, (ed) New Worlds SF #170, 1967 [Ref. H. G. Wells]
- * The Man Who Saw Cliff Richard, (nv) Something Else #2, Winter 1980
- * Many a Young Man…, (vi) The Secret of This Book, HarperCollins UK, 1995
- * Many Mansions, (pm) At a Bigger House, Avernus, 2002
- * Margaret’s Questions, (pm) A Prehistory of Mind, Mayapple Press, 2008
- * Mars (“An upper-crust Martian said,”), (pm) Penthouse (UK) October 1974
- * Mars (“There once was a bad little Martian”), (pm) Proceedings of the Institute for Twenty-First Century Studies December 1960
- * Marvells of Utopia, (vi) Supertoys Last All Summer Long and Other Stories of Future Time, Orbit, 2001
- * Mary in Italy, (pm) Keats-Shelley Review Autumn 1990
- * Mary Shelley, 1916, (pm) At the Caligula Hotel and Other Poems, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1995
- * Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, (ar) Science Fiction Writers ed. E. F. Bleiler, Scribner's, 1981 [Ref. Mary Shelley]
- * Matrix, (na) Science Fantasy #55, 1962
- Science Fantasy (Canada) #55, October/November 1962
- The Unfriendly Future ed. Tom Boardman, Jr., Four Square Books, 1965, as "Danger: Religion!"
- The Saliva Tree and Other Strange Growths, Faber and Faber, 1966, as "Danger: Religion!"
- The Inner Landscape, Allison & Busby, 1969, as "Danger: Religion!"
- Neanderthal Planet, Avon, 1970, as "Danger: Religion!"
- The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s: Part One: 1960-1962, Harper Voyager, 2015, as "Danger: Religion!"
- * A Matter of Mathematics, (ss) Supertoys Last All Summer Long and Other Stories of Future Time, Orbit, 2001
- * Meditation, (pm) I Went To Another House, Avernus, 2002
- * Meeting Thomas Hardy, (ar) AfterWord: Conjuring the Literary Dead ed. Dale Salwak, University of Iowa Press, 2011 [Ref. Thomas Hardy]
- * Megadunits (with Harry Harrison), (ed) SF Horizons #2, Winter 1965
- * The Megalopolis Millennia, (lk) Galaxies Like Grains of Sand, Signet, 1960
- * Melancholia Has a Plastic Core, (ss) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #1, 1974
- * Memories of Palić, (pm) At the Caligula Hotel and Other Poems, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1995
- * Mercury (“A Mercurian male, although elfin”), (pm) Penthouse (UK) October 1974
- * Mercury (“The Mercurians, though rather dandies”), (pm) Proceedings of the Institute for Twenty-First Century Studies December 1960
- * Me Spaceman, You Moonmaid, (br) Punch August 1972 [Ref. Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- * Metaphysical Realism, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies July 2011
- * Metz Cathedral, (pm) Barefoot in the Head, Faber and Faber, 1969
- * Meum Tuumque, (pm) The Dark Sun Rises, Avernus, 2002
- * Michael, the Cycling Cat, (pm) Home Life With Cats, HarperCollins UK, 1992
- * A Middle Class Dinner, (vi) The Invention of Happiness, PS Publishing, 2013
- * The Mighty Mi Tok of Beijing, (ss) Twelve Tomorrows ed. Stephen Cass, MIT Technology Review, 2013
- * The Mince Pies of Lower Upper Windcheater, (pl) UNESCO Culture Yearbook for 1971, UNESCO, 1971
- * Minden Időké ő…, (ss) Galaktika #60, 1985; translated by Katalin Damokos
- * The Mingled Millennia, (lk) Galaxies Like Grains of Sand (var. 1), Panther, 1979
- * Minor Operation, (n.) Ballantine, 1961, as The Primal Urge
- * The Miraculous by Numbers, (pm) Barefoot in the Head, Faber and Faber, 1969
- * The Miraculous in Search of Me, (pm) Barefoot in the Head, Faber and Faber, 1969
- * The Mistakes, Miseries and Misfortunes of Mankind, (ss) The Secret of This Book, HarperCollins UK, 1995; read at the ICA, London in aid of “Liberty”, 8 Feb 1994.
- * The Mistake They Made, (vi) The Invention of Happiness, PS Publishing, 2013
- * A Mi Tudásunk, (ss) Galaktika #60, 1985; translated by Katalin Damokos
- * Modern Babies, (vi) Mini Sagas from the Daily Telegraph Competition 2001 ed. Brian Aldiss, Enitharmon Press, 2001
- * Modernisation, (nv) Winter’s Tales 26 ed. A. D. Maclean, Macmillan, 1980
- * Moderns on Ancient Ancestors, (ss) The Invention of Happiness, PS Publishing, 2013
- * Modest Atmosphere with Monsters, (ar) Encounter November 1971
- * Molly Smiles Forever, (vi) The Invention of Happiness, PS Publishing, 2013
- * The Moment, (pm) At a Bigger House, Avernus, 2002
- * The Moment of Eclipse, (co) Faber and Faber, 1970
- * The Moment of Eclipse, (ss) New Worlds #190, May 1969
- * A Moment of Suspense, (pm) Zimri #5, August 1973
- * Mondjátok el Nekik, (nv) Galaktika #60, 1985; translated by Katalin Damokos
- * Monemvasia, (pm) At the Caligula Hotel and Other Poems, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1995
- At a Bigger House, Avernus, 2002
- The Dark Sun Rises, Avernus, 2002
- The Minotaur in Pamplona: Book I ed. Neil Ayres, D-Press, 2005
- A Prehistory of Mind, Mayapple Press, 2008
- Mortal Morning, Flambard Press, 2011
- * Mon Frère, (pm) The Purple Hours ed. Lisa Conesa, Lisa Conesa, 1974
- * A Monster for All Seasons, (ar) Science Fiction Dialogues ed. Gary Wolfe, Academy, 1982
- * The Monster of Everyday Life, (ss) Interzone #80, February 1994
- * The Monsters of Ingratitude IV, (ss) Nova 4 ed. Harry Harrison, Walker US, 1974
- * The Moon, (pm) Proceedings of the Institute for Twenty-First Century Studies December 1960
- * Moonglow: for Margaret, (pm) At the Caligula Hotel and Other Poems, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1995
- * Moon of Delight, (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction #104, March 1961
- The Airs of Earth, Faber and Faber, 1963, as "O Moon of My Delight"
- Starswarm, Signet, 1964, as "O Moon of My Delight"
- Starswarm (var. 1), Baen, 1985, as "O Moon of My Delight"
- The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s: Part One: 1960-1962, Harper Voyager, 2015, as "O Moon of My Delight"
- * Moreau’s Other Island, (n.) Jonathan Cape, August 1980
- * Mortal Morning, (co) Flambard Press, March 2011
- * Mortal Morning, (pm) Mortal Morning, Flambard Press, 2011
- * Mortistan, (vi) A Prehistory of Mind, Mayapple Press, 2008
- * Mrs. Icarus Becomes Slightly Worried, (il) Interzone #38, August 1990
- * Multi-Value Motorway [Colin Charteris], (nv) New Worlds #174, August 1967
- Best SF Stories from New Worlds 3 ed. Michael Moorcock, Panther, 1968
- Barefoot in the Head, Faber and Faber, 1969
- New Worlds: An Anthology ed. Michael Moorcock, Fontana Flamingo, 1983
- New Worlds: An Anthology (var. 1) ed. Michael Moorcock, Thunder's Mouth, 2004
- The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s: Part Four: 1967-1969, Harper Voyager, 2015
- * Munch, (vi) The Invention of Happiness, PS Publishing, 2013
- * The Music of Sound, (vi) The Invention of Happiness, PS Publishing, 2013
- * The Mutant Millennia, (lk) Galaxies Like Grains of Sand, Signet, 1960
- * Mutual Regard, (pm) Home Life With Cats, HarperCollins UK, 1992
- * My Country ’Tis Not Only of Thee, (nv) The Aldiss Appreciation Society, 1986
- * My Favorite Outpouring, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #25, September 1990
- * My Lady of the Psychiatric Sorrows, (ss) Universe 7 ed. Terry Carr, Doubleday, 1977
- * My Life Outside the Movies, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #145, September 2000
- * Name-Dripping, (pm) I Went To Another House, Avernus, 2002
- * The National Heritage, (ss) Cultural Breaks, Tachyon, 2005
- * Nature Notes: Early September, (pm) At the Caligula Hotel and Other Poems, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1995
- * Nea Kameni at Dawn, (pm) Mortal Morning, Flambard Press, 2011
- * Neanderthal Planet, (co) Avon, January 1970
- * Neanderthal Planet, (nv) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #16, 1960, as "A Touch of Neanderthal"
- * Near Earth Object, (ss) Mars Probes ed. Peter Crowther, DAW, 2002
- * Neptune, (pm) Penthouse (UK) October 1974
- * Nesvadba: In the Footsteps of the Admirable Capek, (in) from In the Footsteps of the Abominable Snowman, New English Library, 1979 [Ref. Josef Nesvadba]
- * Never-Fading Flowers, (si) Farewell Fantastic Venus ed. Brian W. Aldiss & Harry Harrison, Macdonald, 1968
- * “Never Let Go of My Hand!”, (ss) New Worlds SF #142, May/June 1964
- * New Arrivals, Old Encounters, (co) Jonathan Cape, August 1979
- * New Arrivals, Old Encounters, (ss) Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine September 1977, as "Horsemen"
- * The New Father Christmas, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1958
- No Time Like Tomorrow, Signet, 1959
- Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian Aldiss, Faber and Faber, 1965
- The Metal Smile ed. Damon Knight, Belmont, 1968
- To Follow a Star ed. Terry Carr, Thomas Nelson US, 1977
- Science Fiction: Contemporary Mythology ed. Patricia S. Warrick, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Harper & Row, 1978
- Christmas Stars ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor, 1992
- The Complete Short Stories: The 1950s, The Friday Project, 2014
- The Complete Short Stories: The 1950s (var. 1), The Friday Project, 2014
- * The New Philosophy, (pm) Mortal Morning, Flambard Press, 2011
- * New Settings:
* ___ Villiers de L’Isle-Adam, (ar) Science-Fantasy Correspondent #1, 1975 [Ref. Villiers de l’Isle-Adam]
- * The New Wing, (pm) I Went To Another House, Avernus, 2002
- * Nickie, (pm) Home Life With Cats, HarperCollins UK, 1992
- * The Night That All Time Broke Out, (ss) Dangerous Visions ed. Harlan Ellison, Doubleday, 1967
- * Night-Time, (pm) Barefoot in the Head, Faber and Faber, 1969
- * Nine (with Harry Harrison), (si) The Astounding-Analog Reader, Volume Two ed. Harry Harrison & Brian W. Aldiss, Doubleday, 1973
- * Ninian’s Experiences, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #31, June 1958
- * Nobody Spoke or Waved Goodbye, (vi) New Writings in SF 23 ed. Kenneth Bulmer, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1973
- * Nocturne, (pm) At the Caligula Hotel and Other Poems, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1995
- * No Gimmick, (ss) Science Fantasy #21, 1957
- * No, I Was Never Deaf or Blind to Her Music, (pm) Brothers of the Head, Pierrot Publishing, 1977, as "I Was Never Blind to Her Music"
- * Nomansland [Gren (Hothouse)], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1961
- * No Moon To-Night!, (nv) Science Fantasy #66, July/August 1964, as by John Runciman
- * Non-Isotropic, (ss) Galileo #7, 1978
- * Non-Stop, (nv) Science Fantasy #17, February 1956
- * Non-Stop, (n.) Faber and Faber, 1958
- * Non-Stop, (n.) Faber and Faber, 1958
- * North of the Abyss, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October 1989
- * North Scarning, (ss) The Illustrated London News Christmas 1986, as "The Older Evil"
- * A Note from the Author, (ms) Bow Down to Nul, Ace Double, 1960
- * Not for an Age, (ss) The Observer January 9 1955, as by Arch Mendicant
- A.D. 2500, Heinemann, 1955
- Space, Time and Nathaniel, Faber and Faber, 1957
- No Time Like Tomorrow, Signet, 1959
- Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian Aldiss, Faber and Faber, 1965
- The Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian W. Aldiss, Faber and Faber, 1971
- Brian Aldiss Omnibus 2, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1971
- Science Fiction Stories ed. Tom Boardman, Jr., Octopus Books, 1979
- The Complete Short Stories: The 1950s, The Friday Project, 2014
- The Complete Short Stories: The 1950s (var. 1), The Friday Project, 2014
- * Nothing in Life Is Ever Enough, (ss) Supertoys Last All Summer Long and Other Stories of Future Time, Orbit, 2001; first published in French as “Rien dans La Vie N’est Jamais Suffisant” (Quand on aime…, Editions Métailié, 1999).
- * No Time Like Tomorrow, (co) Signet, July 1959
- * Not Science Fiction: What I’m Really Writing, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #255, November 2009
- * Not Speaking of You, (pm) The Dark Sun Rises, Avernus, 2002
- * Now Consolidate, (lt) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #39, November 15 1953
- * Now Showing: “Killing Father”’, (pm) I Went To Another House, Avernus, 2002
- * Obituary: George MacBeth, 1932-1992, (ob) Locus March 1992, as "[obituary of George MacBeth]"
- * Of All the Places, (pm) A Prehistory of Mind, Mayapple Press, 2008
- * Oh, For a Closer Brush with God, (ss) Twenty Houses of the Zodiac ed. Maxim Jakubowski, NEL, 1979
- * The Oh in Jose, (ss) Cad March 1966
- Impulse July 1966
- Beyond Tomorrow ed. Lee Harding, Wren, 1976
- Beyond Tomorrow (var. 1) ed. Lee Harding, NEL, 1977
- Seasons in Flight, Jonathan Cape, 1984
- Seasons in Flight (var. 1), Grafton, 1986
- The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s: Part Three: 1965-1966, Harper Voyager, 2015
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