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    Strange Horizons [March 3, 2008] (online) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from magazine website.
    • · “Junior, you aren’t shaping up too angelically”: Queerness in Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land · Allyn Howey · ar
    • · An Ocean Going Back to the Skies · Matthew Cheney · cl
    • · All Talk · Will Ludwigsen · ss
    • · For His First Tattoo, The Robot Considers Several Different Designs · Robert Borski · pm

    Strange Horizons [July 21, 2008] (online) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from magazine website.
    • · Of Preachers and Storytellers: An Interview with Sheri S. Tepper · Neal Szpatura · iv [Ref. Sheri S. Tepper]
    • · The Magician’s House [Part 2 of 2] · Meghan McCarron · nv
    • · A Posthuman, Blind and Appendage-less Stump of Flesh Experiences the Sensation of Reading Various Editions of “Gravity’s Rainbow” in a Temperature Controlled Room with Cloroxed-White Walls. · Christopher Hellstrom · pm

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