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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 11229

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    True Mystic Science [v1 #4, March 1939] ed. R. T. Maitland Scott, Jr. (Continental News, 25¢, 68pp, large, cover: [closeup of face of woman apparently in white uniform (nurse? nun?) who stares offstage, seemingly ignoring a mysterious light in the sky above her)]) []
    pagination runs from 103-166, not counting covers; 101-168 if covers are counted. The previous issue’s pagination stopped at 82 (or 84 counting covers, as TMS apparently did in the pagination of the earlier issues, where the first text page was p.3). There’s no explanation of why the jump from page 84 to page 101; certainly neither issue appears to be defective; maybe It’s A Mystical Thing. Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 104 · War Proves Survival of the Dead · Dr. Hereward Carrington · ar
    • 110 · Child of Two Worlds · Herbert Hall Taylor · ar
    • 114 · She Has Died More Than 600 Times! · Henry Jordan · ar
    • 116 · When a Famous Skeptic Bowed to Spiritism · [uncredited] · ar
    • 118 · London’s Famous Tower Still Boasts of Ghosts · Tomaso Cellani · ar
    • 121 · Everybody a Medium, Says Maude Kline · Reginald Rhodes · ar
    • 122 · “Psychometry Is My Life” · Rev. Evan Shea · cl
    • 124 · He Saves Souls · Rex Grahame · ar
    • 127 · Murder in the Crystal · [uncredited] · ar
    • 128 · Washington Was Psychic · Ronald Thomas · ar
    • 130 · How Planets Foretell the Destiny of America · Grant Lewi · ar
    • 132 · Your Penstroke Is Your Love Compass · John H. Geller · cl
    • 134 · The Enigmatic Prophet · Paul Chadwick · ar
    • 138 · Letters from Our Readers (True Pychic Experiments) · The Readers · lc
    • 140 · Aleister Crowley—Man or Demon? · Eugene Coldbrook · ar
    • 144 · Seeks Prize of $10,000.00 · [uncredited] · ar
    • 145 · Cheiro’s Death Clock · [uncredited] · ar
    • 146 · Methodism’s Most Famous Ghost · C. A. Paige · ar
    • 151 · $1,000,000 Psychic Experiences Contest (Rules and Regulations) · [uncredited] · cl
    • 164 · Are You Psychic? · [uncredited] · ms
    • ibc. · [pink-and-black painting of a sorceress (?) pouring something out of a drinking horn in front of what I take to be demons] · [uncredited] · cv

    True Mystic Science [v2 #1, April 1939] ed. R. T. Maitland Scott, Jr. (Continental News, 25¢, 68pp, large, cover: [head of woman with long curly fair hair gazing down mystically from what may be ectoplasm, a blanket, or some sort of stylized bird’s body (wings appear to be enveloping her)]) []
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.

    True Mystic Science [v2 #2, May 1939] ed. C. A. Randall (Continental News, 25¢, 68pp, large, cover: [barefoot maiden in flowing white robes holds sword in left hand and sphere in right; possibly a Greek goddess?—maybe Eris, with apple of discord?]) []
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 4 · Was Houdini Fiar in the “Margery” Case? · Jaime Lord & Rex Grahame · ar
    • 8 · Marvels All About Us · Lloyd Kenyon Jones · ar
    • 11 · Levitation in Full Light · Major R. T. M. Scott · ar
    • 12 · You Can Be a Prophet [Part 1 of ?] · Alan M. Emley, Ph.D. · ar
    • 16 · Weird Hauntings of Mischievous Entities · Eugene Phillips · ar
    • 19 · “And I Prayed” · Our Readers · cl
    • 20 · Astrological Analysis of Mussolini and Hitler · Dr. Gustave Ekstrom · ar
    • 22 · “I Was Persecuted!” (Readers’ Questions Answered Psychometrically) · Rev. Evan Shea · cl
    • 25 · The Meaning of Life [Part 1 of 2] · Dr. Hereward Carrington · ar
    • 26 · Your Mystic Council Chamber · Lloyd Kenyon James · cl
    • 29 · Predictions by Mediums, Clairvoyants and Readers · [uncredited] · ar
    • 30 · Astrology Shows Your Psychic Self · Dr. Gustave Ekstrom · cl
    • 34 · Animals Display Psychic Powers · Scientificus · ar
    • 36 · Handwriting Is Your Signpost to Success · John H. Geller · cl
    • 38 · True Psychic Experiences Contents for Readers · [uncredited] · ms
    • 40 · Tibet’s Amazing Magic · Eugene Coldbrook · ar
    • 53 · Professional Directory (Listing of Accredited Churches and Mediums) · [uncredited] · ms
    • bc. · [in black and white, but with a quotation in red type from “The Book of Eleanora” explaining that Jehan d’Espagne has “done as the mystic tome commanded” and raised a vision of “the lovely head of Eleanora”] · [uncredited] · cv

    True Mystic Science [v2 #3, June 1939] ed. C. A. Randall (Continental News, 25¢, 68pp, large, cover: [face of a woman with hand to lips (fingers twisted into some sort of, presumably, mystic gesture), staring up in direction of an apparition in the sky of a large old-fashioned key)]) []
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.

    True Mystic Science [v2 #4, July 1939] ed. C. A. Randall (Continental News, 25¢, 68pp, large, cover: [female figure wrapped in white robes (ectoplasm?) holds a box with scrollwork on side facing us]) []
    The photo on the back is comparable to the entries in present-day FT “Simulacra Corner”—e.g. natural phenomena (tree branches and foliage in this case) which bear close accidental resemblance to people or things—but unsurprisingly TMS is pushing this photo (from 1927) as miraculous rather than accidental.
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.

    True Story [November 1919] (standard) []
    Issue partially indexed from the Index of Short Stories in Edward J. O’Brien’s The Best Short Stories (1918-1921).

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