The FictionMags Index
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Price, E(dgar) Hoffmann (“Trooper”) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Desert Detail, (ss) Short Stories July 10 1940
- * Desert Judgment, (nv) Six-Gun Western Magazine October 1950
- * Desert Magic, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories February 1936
- * Desert Romance, (ss) , as "Shadow Guide"
- * The Destroying Demon, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories August 1936
- * Detour to Kandahar, (na) Short Stories February 25 1945
- * The Devil’s Catspaw, (nv) Spy Novels Magazine April 1935
- * The Devil’s Crypt [Pierre d’Artois; Davis P. Barrett], (nv) Strange Detective Stories January 1934
- * Devil’s Mill, (ss) Spicy Western Stories April 1937, as by Hamlin Daly
- * The Devil’s Punchbowl, (na) Romantic Western September 1938
- * Diamonds of Death [Cliff Cragin], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories April 1935
- * Dr. Zeng Archives [Dr. Zeng Tse-Lin] (with W. T. Ballard), (co) Thrilling, December 2017
- * Doll House Murder, (nv) Speed Detective May 1943
- * Double Catspaw, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories December 1936
- * Draft Dodger, (ss) Speed Detective July 1944
- * The Dragoman’s Jest [Hamed the Attar] (with Otis Adelbert Kline), (nv) Oriental Stories Winter 1932
- * Dragon’s Daughter, (nv) Witchcraft & Sorcery #6, May 1971
- * The Dragon’s Shadow [Pâwang Ali], (nv) Clues Detective Stories April 1935
- * The Dreamer of Atlânaat [Dreamer of Atlânaat], (ss) Weird Tales July 1926
- * Drink or Draw [Simon Bolivar Grimes], (nv) Speed Western Stories December 1943
- * Drums of Khartoum, (sl) Argosy Apr 26, May 3, May 10, May 17, May 24, May 31 1941
- * Dude Artist, (ss) Speed Adventure Stories January 1943
- * Dumb and Bald-Headed [Honest John Carmody], (ss) Private Detective Stories September 1938
- * Dumb as an Ox, (nv) Speed Western Stories April 1944
- * Each Slew a Slayer [Pâwang Ali], (nv) Clues Detective Stories March 1936
- * Edison Junior [Simon Bolivar Grimes], (ss) Speed Western Stories January 1943
- * Editors You Want to Know: Farnsworth Wright, Editor of Weird Tales, (ar) The Author & Journalist October 1931 [Ref. Farnsworth Wright]
- * Edmond Hamilton: A Memoir, (ob) The Diversifier May 1977 [Ref. Edmond Hamilton], as "Edmond Hamilton: In Memoriam"
- * Edmond Hamilton: In Memoriam, (ob) The Diversifier May 1977 [Ref. Edmond Hamilton]
- * Envoy to the Damned, (ss) Top-Notch May 1937
- * Envoy to the Khan, (nv) Golden Fleece June 1939
- * Escape from Hyper-Space, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1951
- * Escape to Kabul, (na) Five-Novels Magazine March/April 1947
- * Escape to Palembang, (nv) Adventure April 1947
- * Esprit de Corpse, (na) Dime Detective Magazine July 1945
- * Every Man a King, (nv) Speed Adventure Stories November 1943
- * Eve Was a Snake, (nv) Strange Stories August 1939, as "Snake Goddess"
- * Exile from Venus, (nv) Planet Stories May 1951
- * Exile’s End, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories June 1938, as by Hamlin Daly
- * Exiles of Hyper-Space, (nv) Spicy Mystery Stories March 1942
- * Extradite a Corpse, (na) Private Detective Stories August 1943
- * Fangs of Doom [Dr. Zeng Tse-Lin], (nv) Thrilling Mystery November 1941
- * Faraway Loot, (sl) Argosy Sep 6, Sep 13 1941
- * Farewell to Art, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories December 1937
- * Far Lands, Other Days, (co) Carcosa House, December 1975
- * Far Lands, Other Days, (fw) Far Lands, Other Days, Carcosa House, 1975, as "Foreword"
- * Farnsworth Wright, (bg) The Ghost #2, July 1944 [Ref. Farnsworth Wright]
- * Farnsworth Wright, (ar) The Author & Journalist October 1930 [Ref. Farnsworth Wright]
- * Farnsworth Wright: Editor of Weird Tales, (ar) Windy City Pulp Stories #7, 2007
- * Father of the Scourge, (na) Mammoth Adventure September 1946
- * Feud’s End [Simon Bolivar Grimes], (ss) Spicy Western Stories July 1937
- * The Fifty Grand Murder, (na) Super-Detective Stories March 1934
- * Fighting Parson, (nv) Fighting Western September 1950
- * The Fine Hand of El Jefe, (ss) Saucy Romantic Adventures June 1936
- * The Fire and the Flesh, (nv) Speed Mystery March 1943, as "Land of Living Flame"
- * First Command, (nv) Argosy January 1943
- * Flame of the Devil, (nv) Star Detective Magazine August 1937
- * Flaming Vengeance, (nv) Popular Detective June 1935
- * Flowers of Doom, (ss) Super-Detective Stories January 1935
- * Fool’s Epitaph, (na) Short Stories February 10 1947
- * Forbidden Food, (ss) Spicy Western Stories November 1940
- * Foreword, (fw) Far Lands, Other Days, Carcosa House, 1975
- * The Forgotten of Allah, (nv) The Magic Carpet Magazine July 1933
- * The ’40’s: 2 Letters by E. Hoffmann Price to Otis Adelbert Kline, (lt) OAK Leaves #7, Spring 1972
- * Forty Thieves, (nv) Speed Western Stories September 1944
- * Framed in Ivory, (ss) Thrilling Spy Stories Winter 1940
- * Frisco or Bust, (nv) Speed Western Stories February 1943
- * Frozen Blood, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories March 1936
- * Fugitives from the Future, (nv) Spicy Mystery Stories March 1941
- * A Furthest Note on the Red Planet, (ar) Amra v2 #42, 1966
- * Gamble in Scalps, (nv) Spicy Western Stories April 1942
- * Gambler—or Piker, (nv) Leading Western November 1945
- * Gamble with the Gods, (nv) Top-Notch September/October 1937
- * The Garden of Evil, (nv) Spicy Mystery Stories July 1935
- * Garden of Ghosts, (ss) The Phantom Detective July 1935
- * The Girl from Davao, (nv) Spicy-Adventure Stories July 1942
- * The Girl from Home, (nv) Complete Stories March 1937
- * The Girl from Palo Pinto, (nv) Romantic Western January 1939
- * The Girl from Penang [Don Cragston], (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories February 1936
- * The Girl from Samarcand [Ismeddin], (ss) Weird Tales May 1929
- * Give It to the Indians, (na) Speed Western Stories November 1944
- * The Gods Drink Blood, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories February 1938
- * Golden Barrier, (ss) Short Stories August 10 1941
- * The Golden Days, (ar) Deeper Than You Think… July 1968
- * Gold Loads the Guns, (na) Six-Gun Western April 1949
- * Gold Standard, (nv) Adventure September 1942
- * Good Samaritan [Simon Bolivar Grimes], (nv) Speed Western Stories August 1945
- * Graven Image, (ss) Adventure September 1944
- * Gray Sphinx [Pierre d’Artois; Davis P. Barrett], (nv) Strange Detective Stories January 1934, as "The Devil’s Crypt"
- * Grimes Gets Culture [Simon Bolivar Grimes], (ss) Spicy Western Stories January 1941
- * Grimes Gets Religion [Simon Bolivar Grimes], (ss) Spicy Western Stories February 1938
- * Grimes, Outlaw [Simon Bolivar Grimes], (ss) Spicy Western Stories January 1937
- * Grubstake [Saul Epstein], (na) Fighting Western May 1945; this story was revised and expanded for the Zebra novel of the same name.
- * Guerilla Furlough [Jim Kane], (nv) Adventure November 1944
- * Guerilla Spy, (nv) Speed Adventure Stories May 1943
- * Guest Editorial, (ed) Revelations from Yuggoth #3, February 1989
- * Guest of Allah, (sl) Short Stories May 10, May 25, Jun 10, Jul 10 1947
- * Guns for Ethiopia, (nv) Argosy September 2 1939
- * Guns for Pakistan, (na) Short Stories August 25 1942
- * Guns for Soviet Russia, (nv) Thrilling Adventures November 1942
- * Guns for Sumatra, (nv) Speed Adventure Stories January 1946
- * Gunsmoke a la Creole, (ss) Spicy Western Stories February 1942
- * Gunsmoke Editor [Simon Bolivar Grimes], (ss) Speed Western Stories August 1944
- * Half-Goddess, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories September 1937
- * The Hand of Fathma, (ss) The Underworld Magazine September 1934
- * The Hand of Hassan [Glenn Farrell], (nv) All Detective Magazine September 1933
- * The Hand of Subramanya [Pâwang Ali], (nv) Clues Detective Stories January 1936
- * The Hand of Wrath [Ismeddin], (ss) Weird Tales November 1935
- * The Hands of Janos, (ss) Speed Mystery March 1944
- * Hands of the Dead, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories June 1937
- * Harry Olmsted, (ar) The Pulp Era #76, 1993 [Ref. Harry Olmsted]
- * Hasheesh Wisdom, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories September 1936, as by Hamlin Daly
- * Hat Rack Crosses the River, (ss) Spicy Western Stories July 1939
- * Headless Corpse [Cliff Cragin], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories April 1937
- * Heart of a Thief, (ss) Argosy January 13 1940
- * He Lived to Conquer!, (nv) Argosy August 1943, as by Hamlin Daly
- * Hell in Darien, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories November 1937
- * Hell-Over-the-Hill!, (nv) Star Western February 1948
- * He Married the Girl, (ss) Private Detective Stories September 1940, as by Hamlin Daly
- * He Never Had a Chance, (ss) Romantic Western July 1939
- * He Pulled a Gun, (ss) Candid Detective November 1938
- * Hero of Coffin Creek, (ss) Spicy Western Stories June 1937
- * High Grade Murder, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories April 1937, as by Hamlin Daly
- * Hindu Holiday, (nv) Argosy February 8 1941
- * His Own People, (nv) Speed Adventure Stories November 1944
- * Honest John [Honest John Carmody], (ss) Private Detective Stories May 1938
- * Hoodoo Camp, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories April 1937
- * Hoodoo Town [Simon Bolivar Grimes], (ss) Spicy Western Stories August 1937
- * Hot Iron, (nv) Spicy Western Stories March 1942
- * The House of Monoceros (with Clark Ashton Smith), (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories February 1941, as "The Old Gods Eat", by E. Hoffmann Price
- * Howard Phillips Lovecraft, (bg) Acolyte Fall 1944 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * HPL: An Astrological Analysis, (ar) HPL: A Tribute to Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890-1937) ed. Meade & Penny Frierson, Meade and Penny Frierson, 1972
- * H.P. Lovecraft, The Man, (ar) The Diversifier May 1976 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Hugh Rankin, (ar) Witchcraft & Sorcery #9, 1973 [Ref. Hugh Rankin]
- * Hungry Valley [Simon Bolivar Grimes], (ss) Spicy Western Stories June 1938
- * Hunt and Kill!, (na) New Western Magazine March 1949
- * I’ll Be Slaying You, (nv) Black Mask November 1945
- * The Imposter, (na) Dynamic Adventures October 1935
- * Imposter’s Rendezvous [Cliff Cragin], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories February 1935
- * The Infidel’s Daughter [Ismeddin], (nv) Weird Tales December 1927
- * In Memoriam: Robert E. Howard, (mm) Fantasy Magazine September 1936 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Inspected and Condemned, (ss) Short Stories June 1949
- * In the Dark-Room, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 27 1933
- * Introduction, (in) 1971
- * Introduction to ‘Why Does One Write?’, (is) Astral Dimensions #6, August 1977
- * Island Tramp, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories December 1940
- * Ismeddin and the Holy Carpet [Ismeddin], (nv) The Magic Carpet Magazine January 1933
- * “It Ain’t Speed!”, (nv) Spicy Western Stories November 1941
- * Jack Williamson, (ar) Witchcraft & Sorcery #10, 1974 [Ref. Jack Williamson]
- * Jade Pagoda, (cl) Witchcraft & Sorcery #8 1972, #5 Jan/Feb 1971
* ___ Hugh Rankin, (cl) Witchcraft & Sorcery #9, 1973 [Ref. Hugh Rankin]
* ___ Jack Williamson, (cl) Witchcraft & Sorcery #10, 1974 [Ref. Jack Williamson]
* ___ Spider Bite, (cl) Witchcraft & Sorcery #6, May 1971 [Ref. Robert Spencer Carr]
- * A Jeep for Hakamoto, (nv) Adventure June 1946
- * A Jest and a Vengeance [Dreamer of Atlânaat], (ss) Weird Tales September 1929
- * Jest Average [Average Parker], (ss) Spicy Western Stories December 1936, as by Hamlin Daly
- * Jonah of Los Jacales, (ss) Spicy Western Stories March 1941
- * Jungle Poker, (ss) Complete Stories April 1937
- * Kashmiri Love Song, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories October 1938
- * Keeper of the Gateway, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories September 1936
- * Kerrigan Wages a Copra War, (na) South Sea Stories October 1940
- * Khosru’s Garden, (ss) Weird Tales May 1940
- * Killer in Waiting, (nv) Detective Fiction February 1951
- * A King Is Next to God, (ss) Far Lands, Other Days, Carcosa House, 1975
- * King of Knaves, (ss) Argosy May 11 1940
- * The King’s Peacock, (nv) Clues December 1933
- * Kisses for Vengeance [Jeff Dargan], (nv) Private Detective Stories July 1937
- * Kiss of Death, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories November 1937, as by Hamlin Daly
- * Kiss of Sekhmet, (ss) Far Lands, Other Days, Carcosa House, 1975
- * Lady of the Moonlight, (nv) Spicy Mystery Stories December 1936
- * Land of Living Flame, (nv) Speed Mystery March 1943
- * Last Boat from Zamboanga, (sl) Adventure Apr, May 1943
- * Last Gamble in Malaya, (ss) Argosy June 1942
- * Last Grubstake, (ss) Romantic Western May 1939
- * Law in Poison Well, (ss) Spicy Western Stories November 1937
- * Lawman, Keep Out! [Dave Hamlin], (na) Real Western Stories October 1951
- * Lethal Legacy [Cliff Cragin], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories January 1936, as "Posed for Murder", by E. Hoffmann Price
- * A Letter in Regards Lovecraft, (lt) Nyctalops #11, 1976 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Letters of Reminiscence, (ss) Etchings & Odysseys #1, 1973
- * Letter to August Derleth, 1945, (lt) Sword & Fantasy #3, July 2005 [Ref. August Derleth]
- * Letter to Cook, November 13, 1944, (lt) The Ghost #3, May 1945
- * Letter to Cross Plains, (lt) Cross Plains #2, March 1974
- * Letter to Francis T. Laney, July 22, 1944, (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1967 [Ref. Francis T. Laney]
- * Letter to Harry Morris, Jr., July 1, 1976, (lt) Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle ed. John Pelan & Jerad Walters, Centipede Press, 2009
- * Letter to Harry Morris, Jr., March 7, 1976, (lt) Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle ed. John Pelan & Jerad Walters, Centipede Press, 2009
- * Letter to Harry Morris, Jr., September 7, 1974, (lt) Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle ed. John Pelan & Jerad Walters, Centipede Press, 2009
- * Letter to Harry Morris, July 27, 1978, (lt) Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle ed. John Pelan & Jerad Walters, Centipede Press, 2009
- * Letter to Harry O. Morris, Jr., March 13, 1980, (lt) Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle ed. John Pelan & Jerad Walters, Centipede Press, 2009
- * Letter to Harry O. Morris, Jr., May 24, 1981, (lt) Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle ed. John Pelan & Jerad Walters, Centipede Press, 2009
- * Letter to H.P. Lovecraft, June 25, 1936, (lt) Acolyte Winter 1945 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Letter to Nils Hardin, September 27th, 1975, (lt) Xenophile #18, October 1975 [Ref. Nils Hardin]
- * Lilies of Vengeance [Pâwang Ali], (na) Clues Detective Stories November 1935
- * The Line Is Dead, (na) Smashing Detective Stories December 1951
- * Live Bait, (ss) Alibi April 1934
- * Long Ago, (ar) Amra v2 #63, 1975; parts of the article appeared earlier in W. Paul Cook’s “The Ghost”, May 1945 and in the foreword of “Skull Face & Others”, Arkham House, 1946.
- * Long Hair—False Alarm, (nv) Western Dime Novels May 1940
- * Loot from Badakhshan, (nv) Short Stories October 1949
- * The Lord of Illusion [Cthulhu], (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #10, Yuletide 1982; original story later revised by Lovecraft as “Through the Gates of the Silver Key”.
- * Lord of the Fourth Axis [Pierre d’Artois], (nv) Weird Tales November 1933
- * Lovecraft and the Stars, (ar) The Arkham Sampler Spring 1949
- * The Lovecraft Controversy—Why?, (ar) The Year’s Best Horror Stories: Series IV ed. Gerald W. Page, DAW, 1976 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Love’s Renegade [Glenn Haley], (nv) Romantic Western May 1938
- * Madman’s Frail, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories November 1936, as "Traitor’s Gold", by Hamlin Daly
- * Madman’s Paradise [Simon Bolivar Grimes], (ss) Spicy Western Stories September 1940
- * Magic Riata, (nv) Spicy Western Stories August 1941
- * Makeda’s Cousin, (ss) Far Lands, Other Days, Carcosa House, 1975
- * Malay Massacre, (nv) Thrilling Adventures September 1939
- * The Man Who Was Lovecraft, (bg)
- * Man Without Memory, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories February 1942
- * The Mark of Tai Fang, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories April 1936
- * Master of Death, (ss) Star Detective Magazine October 1935
- * Master of Dragons, (na) Short Stories May 25 1942
- * Master of Living Death, (ss) Detective Short Stories November 1937
- * Mayor of Smoking Springs, (ss) Spicy Western Stories June 1941
- * Medusa’s Kiss, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories January 1936, as by Hamlin Daly
- * Melange, (ar) Acolyte Spring 1945
- * A Memoir, (bg) The Weird Tales Collector #1, 1977 [Ref. Edmond Hamilton]
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