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Campbell, John W(ood, Jr.) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Conquest of Space, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction May 1955
- * Conquest of the Planets, (na) Amazing Stories Jan, Feb, Mar 1935
- * Conservatism, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction May 1951
- * Constitution for Utopia, (ed) Analog Science Fact—Fiction March 1961
- * Contest, (ed) Astounding Science-Fiction July 1938
- * Control Circuit, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction April 1950
- * Correction and Further Data on the Hieronymous Machine [Psionics], (ar) Astounding Science Fiction August 1956
- * Cosmic Cactus, (ar) Astounding Stories March 1937
- * Cosmic Discovery, (ar) Astounding Stories June 1937
- * Cosmic Gossip, (ar) Astounding Stories January 1937
- * Cosmic Ray Shields, (ar) Astounding Stories November 1937, as by Arthur McCann
- * Cosmos:
* ___ Chapter 6: Interference on Luna, (rr) Science Fiction Digest November 1933
- * A Counterblaste to Tobacco, (ed) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction September 1964
- * The Cover, (ms) Astounding Science-Fiction April 1939
- * Cowles Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, (br) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact February 1968
- * Crackpots in Government, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact March 1966
- * Credit Where Due, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction September 1950
- * CRT, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction November 1944
- * Crucial Experiment, (ed) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction October 1962
- * Danger: Men at Work, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction February 1954
- * Dead—and Embalmed, (ar) Astounding Science-Fiction January 1941, as by Arthur McCann
- * Dead Knowledge, (nv) Astounding Stories January 1938, as by Don A. Stuart
- * Deadly Fantasy, (ed) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction June 1962
- * The Demeaned Viewpoint, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction May 1955
- * Democracy, (ed) Astounding Science-Fiction Apr 1938, Feb 1968
- * Demonstration [Psionics], (ed) Astounding Science Fiction March 1957
- * Demonstration, Part 3, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction April 1958
- * Demonstration, Part I, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction December 1957
- * Demonstration, Part II, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction February 1958
- * Denatured Atoms, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction July 1946
- * The Derelicts of Ganymede, (nv) Wonder Stories January 1932
- * Design Flaw, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction October 1955
- * Design for a Brain, (br) Astounding Science Fiction February 1953 [Ref. W. Ross Ashby]
- * Detection Means Existence, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction March 1949
- * The Difference, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction June 1944
- * A Difference of Intelligence, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact October 1969
- * Digital Computer, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction December 1949
- * Diminishing Crescendo, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction May 1947
- * Diode to Pentagrid, (ed) Astounding Science-Fiction July 1942
- * Documents for Tomorrow, (ed) Astounding Science-Fiction October 1941
- * The Double Minds [Penton & Blake], (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories August 1937
- * The Double World, (ar) Astounding Stories October 1936
- * The Drug Scene, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact October 1970
- * Ecological Collapse, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact April 1971
- * Ecological Notes, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact September 1971
- * Editorial Mutants, (ed) Astounding Science-Fiction December 1938
- * Editor’s Note on ‘The Aphrodite Project’, (ms) Astounding Science Fiction June 1949
- * Education, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction Aug 1944, Jun 1950
- * Educational Problem, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction July 1948
- * Elder Brother Mars, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction October 1948
- * The Elder Gods (with Arthur J. Burks), (na) Unknown October 1939, as by Don A. Stuart
- * The Electronic Siege, (nv) Wonder Stories April 1932
- * Elementary Applications, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction September 1947
- * “Elementary, My Dear Watson!”, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction March 1951
- * Elimination, (ss) Astounding Stories May 1936, as by Don A. Stuart
- * Emotional Senses, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction September 1953
- * Ending Year Six, (ed) Astounding Science-Fiction September 1939
- * The End of Colonialism, (ed) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction July 1964
- * The Escape, (ss) Astounding Stories May 1935, as by Don A. Stuart
- * Evaluation of Dianetics [Dianetics], (ed) Astounding Science Fiction October 1951
- * Evolution, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction July 1951
- * Evolution Without Mutations, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction June 1957
- * Expansion, (ed) Astounding Science-Fiction December 1941
- * Exploring Space with a Camera, (br) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact April 1969
- * Extrapolation - and Error, (ar) The Science Fiction Critic March 1937
- * The Extremist, (ed) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction November 1964
- * Eyewitness Account, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction October 1945
- * Face Against Peace, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact May 1969
- * The Fallacy of Null-A, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction April 1953
- * The False Immortals, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction April 1957
- * Familiar Mystery, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact April 1965
- * The Fanatic, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction July 1955
- * Fantastic Fiction, (ed) Astounding Science-Fiction June 1938
- * Figures Don’t Lie, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction December 1950
- * Filtered News, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact April 1970
- * Finagle’s Factory, (ed) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction February 1963
- * Final Blackout, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1971
- * Final Report on the Dean Device [Dean Drive], (ed) Analog Science Fact—Fiction December 1960
- * Fire-Maker, (ms) Astounding Science-Fiction May 1939, as by Arthur McCann
- * Five Years!, (ed) Astounding Science-Fiction September 1938
- * Flying Machine, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction October 1950
- * Flying Somethings, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction October 1947
- * Fog, (ed) Astounding Science-Fiction December 1940
- * Foreword, (fw) From Unknown Worlds ed. John W. Campbell, Jr., Street & Smith Publications, Inc., 1948
- * Forgetfulness, (nv) Astounding Stories June 1937, as by Don A. Stuart
- Adventures in Time and Space ed. Raymond J. Healy & J. Francis McComas, Random House, 1946, as by Don A. Stuart
- Cloak of Aesir, Shasta, 1952
- Adventures in Time and Space (var. 2) ed. Raymond J. Healy & J. Francis McComas, Random House, 1953, as by Don A. Stuart
- Cities of Wonder ed. Damon Knight, Doubleday, 1966, as by Don A. Stuart
- The Astounding-Analog Reader, Volume One ed. Harry Harrison & Brian W. Aldiss, Doubleday, 1972, as by Don A. Stuart
- The Best of John W. Campbell, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1973
- The Astounding-Analog Reader, Book One ed. Harry Harrison & Brian W. Aldiss, Sphere, 1973, as by Don A. Stuart
- The Best of John W. Campbell (var. 1), SFBC, 1976
- The World Treasury of Science Fiction ed. David G. Hartwell, Little Brown, 1989
- A New Dawn, NESFA, 2003
- * For UFO Analyzers, (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact March 1967
- * Fragile! Glass!, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction February 1945
- * The Frantic Dithering Administration, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1966
- * Frictional Losses, (nv) Astounding Stories July 1936, as by Don A. Stuart
- * Frontier News, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction October 1959
- * Full Cycle, (ed) Astounding Science-Fiction September 1940
- * “Fully Identified…”, (ed) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction January 1964
- * Future Tense, (ed) Astounding Science-Fiction June 1939
- * Gadgeteer vs. Scientist, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact January 1968
- * Galaxies of Stars, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction September 1944
- * Game Theory, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction September 1955
- * Genetics and Utopia, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact March 1969
- * Giant Stars, (ar) Astounding Science-Fiction July 1938, as by Arthur McCann
- * Gleep and Bepo, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction January 1949
- * God Isn’t Democratic, (ed) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction April 1964
- * Good-bye Barsoom, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact March 1970
- * The Gored Ox, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1971
- * The Group and the Individual, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction April 1956
- * Guest of Honor Speech: John W. Campbell, Jr. (1954), (ar) Worldcon Guest of Honor Speeches ed. Mike Resnick & Joe Siclari, NESFA Press, 2006; delivered as the Guest of Honor speech at the 1954 Worldcon.
- * Gypped!, (ar) Astounding Science-Fiction February 1941, as by Arthur McCann
- * Hell on Earth, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction January 1954
- * Heroes Are Out of Date, (ar) Amra v2 #2, 1959
- * High Energy, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction October 1949
- * High Speed Pile, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction January 1948
- * History to Come, (ed) Astounding Science-Fiction May 1941
- * Holes [Psionics], (ed) Astounding Science Fiction April 1959
- * Hot Filament, (ar) Astounding Science-Fiction May 1940, as by Arthur McCann
- * How Do You Think?, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction February 1952
- * How Little We Know, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact September 1965
- * How to Breed a Superior Race, (ed) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction February 1964
- * How to Do It…The Land Color Process, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction August 1959
- * How to End All Crime, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1969
- * How to Get Away with Murder, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact September 1975
- * How to Get More Than Your Share, (ed) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction August 1962
- * How to Lose a War, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction November 1959
- * Hydrogen Isn’t Cultural, (ed) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction December 1963
- * Hyperdemocracy, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction August 1958
- * “Hyperinfracaniphilia”, (ed) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction February 1965
- * The Idealists, (na) 9 Tales of Space and Time ed. Raymond J. Healy, Henry Holt, 1954
- * Ignition Point, (ar) Astounding Science-Fiction April 1938, as by Arthur McCann
- * “I Know What You Say…”, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction September 1958
- * The Immortality Seekers [Penton & Blake], (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories October 1937
- * Impossible Problem, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1967
- * Improbable Atmosphere, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction June 1951
- * In All Probability…, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction August 1952
- * Incommunicado, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact July 1967
- * Inconsequential Detail, (ed) Astounding Science-Fiction January 1940
- * The Incredible Planet [Aarn Munro], (nv) The Incredible Planet, Fantasy Press, 1949
- * The Incredible Planet, (Fantasy Press, 1949, oc)
- * “In Days of Old…”, (ms) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact April 1968
- * Indifference—Cosmic Scale, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction August 1947
- * Industrial Process, (ed) Astounding Science-Fiction March 1941
- * The Infinite Atom, (nv) The Incredible Planet, Fantasy Press, 1949
- * Information on Age, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction April 1954
- * Inherited Xenophobia, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact April 1968
- * In Memoriam, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1968
- * In Memoriam—Bernard I. Kahn, (ob) Nebula Award Stories 4 ed. Poul Anderson, Gollancz, 1969 [Ref. Bernard I. Kahn]
- * In Memoriam—Malcolm Jameson, (ob) Astounding Science Fiction July 1945 [Ref. Malcolm Jameson]
- * Insects Now, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction December 1943
- * Instrumentation for the Dean Device [Dean Drive], (ar) Analog Science Fact—Fiction November 1960
- * Intellectual Hobson-Jobsonism [Dianetics], (ed) Astounding Science Fiction July 1950
- * Intelligence Amplification, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction July 1957
- * Intelligence Test, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction November 1953
- * Interference on Luna, (rr) Science Fiction Digest November 1933
- * The International Language, (ed) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction June 1963
- * Interplanetary Balloons, (ed) Astounding Science Fiction February 1950
- * Interplanetary Dividends, (ar) Astounding Stories July 1937
- * Interpreters May Still Be Needed, (ed) Astounding Science-Fiction June 1941
- * Interstellar Communications, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact June 1967
- * The Interstellar Search, (nv) The Incredible Planet, Fantasy Press, 1949
- * In the Name of Science, (ed) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction December 1962
- * In Times to Come, (cl) Astounding Science-Fiction Oct 1938, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1943,
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec 1944
Jan, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Sep, Dec 1945, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May,
Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec 1946
Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1947
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1948
Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Dec 1949, Jan, Feb, Mar,
Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1950
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1951
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Oct, Nov, Dec 1952
Feb, Mar, Apr, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1953, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun,
Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1954
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1955
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1956, Jan, Feb,
Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1957
Jan, Feb, Mar, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1958
Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1959
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1960
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1961
Jan, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1962, Jan, Feb,
Mar, Apr 1963
- Astounding Science-Fiction (UK) Dec 1943, May, Aug, Oct 1952, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sep,
Oct, Nov, Dec 1954
Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1955, Jan, Feb, Mar,
Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1956
Jan, Feb, Mar, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1957
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1958
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Aug/Sep, Nov, Dec 1959, Feb, Mar, May,
Jun, Jul, Aug, Nov, Dec 1960
Jan, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Oct, Nov, Dec 1961, Jan, Feb,
Apr, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1962
Jan, Mar, Apr, May 1963
- Astounding Science Fiction (Australia) Oct 1954, Mar, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1955, Jan, Apr, May, Jun, Jul,
Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1956
May, Jun, Aug, Nov 1957, Jan, Feb, May, Jun 1958, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr,
May, Jul 1959
Feb, Mar 1960
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