The FictionMags Index
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[]Pelayo, Cynthia (fl. 2010s-2020s) (books) (chron.)
- * Funeral Print, (ss) 44 Lies by 22 Authors ed. Eric Beebe, Post Mortem Press, 2016
- * The Gravedigger, (ss) Gothic Blue Book: The Haunted Edition ed. Cynthia & Gerardo Pelayo, Burial Day Books, 2011
- * The H Word:
* ___ The Missing and the Murdered—True Crime as Content, (cl) Nightmare #108, September 2021
- * Imaginary Beings, (pm) Weird Tales #369, 2024
- * Introduction, (in) Gothic Blue Book: The Haunted Edition ed. Cynthia & Gerardo Pelayo, Burial Day Books, 2011
- * Introduction, (in) Gothic Blue Book V: The Cursed Edition ed. Cynthia & Gerardo Pelayo, Burial Day Books, 2015
- * It’s Only a Movie, (ss) The Drive-In: Multiplex ed. Christopher Golden & Brian Keene, Pandi Press, 2023
- * Kill Me with Lipstick, (ss) Human Monsters ed. Sadie Hartmann & Ashley Saywers, Dark Matter Ink, 2022
- * The Missing and the Murdered—True Crime as Content, (ar) Nightmare #108, September 2021
- * La Rana, (vi) Frightmares ed. Stan Swanson, Dark Moon Books, 2011
- * Roses in the Attic, (ss) Hideous Book of Hidden Horrors ed. Doug Murano, Bad Hand Books, 2022
- * She Sleeps, Not Dreams, But Ever Dwells, (ss) Damnation Games ed. Alan Baxter, Clan Destine Press, 2022
- * The Suffering and Sacrifice of Hans Christians Andersen’s “The Little Mermaid”, (ar) Gamut Magazine #12, December 2024
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
[]Pelcher, Anthony (1897-1981) (chron.)
- * Demons of Snake Swamp, (ss) All Star Detective Stories December 1930
- * In Days of Yore, (ar) Rangeland Love Stories April 1933
- * Invisible Death, (nv) Astounding Stories of Super-Science January 1930
- * Lady of the Circus, (ss) Clues 1st May 1930
- * Mad Music, (ss) Astounding Stories of Super-Science February 1930
- * An Old-Time Racket, (ar) Ranch Romances 1st May 1931
- * Rattlesnake Ike, (ar) Western Love Stories April 1931
- * The Soulless Entity, (ss) Wonder Stories January 1931
- * Vampires of Venus, (ss) Astounding Stories of Super-Science April 1930
- * Where Science Failed, (ss) The Illustrated Detective Magazine May 1932
[]Pelecanos, George P. (1957- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Carioca Hungry, (ss) New Mystery v4 #1, 1996
- * The Confidential Informant, (nv) D.C. Noir ed. George Pelecanos, Akashic Books, 2006
- * The Dead Their Eyes Implore Us, (nv) Measures of Poison ed. Dennis McMillan, Dennis McMillan, 2002
- * The Double, (ex) Playboy September 2013; excerpt from The Double (Little, Brown and Co., forthcoming).
- * Introduction, (in) Hardly Knew Her: Stories by Laura Lippman, Morrow, 2008
- * Introduction, (in) The Best American Mystery Stories 2008 ed. George Pelecanos, Houghton Mifflin, 2008
- * Miss Mary’s Room, (ss) The Martini Shot by George Pelecanos, Little Brown, 2014
- * New on Film, (mr) Hardboiled #16 Aug 1993, #17 Feb, #18 Jun, #19 Nov 1994, #20 Aug 1995, #21 Jan 1996
- * Night and the City, (mr) Hardboiled #15, February 1993
- * Notes on D.C. Noir, (in) D.C. Noir ed. George Pelecanos, Akashic Books, 2006
- * Plastic Paddy, (nv) Men from Boys ed. John Harvey, Heinemann, 2003
- * String Music, (nv) Murder at the Foul Line ed. Otto Penzler, Mysterious Press, 2006
- * Top-Shelf Noir, (in) D.C. Noir 2: The Classics ed. George Pelecanos, Akashic Books, 2008
- * The Triple Black ’Cuda, (ss) The Highway Kind ed. Patrick Millikin, Mulholland Books, 2016
- * What It Was, (ex) Reagan Arthur Books, 2012
- * When You’re Hungry, (nv) Unusual Suspects ed. James Grady, Vintage, 1996
_____, ed.
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- * A Conversation with George Pelecanos by David Veronese, (iv) Crime Factory #5, February 2002
- * George Pelecanos Right as Rain by Benjamin Alsup, (br) Esquire July 2009
- * Hard-boiled Brothers-in-Arms by Peter Lawrance, (ar) Crime Factory #5, February 2002
- * Little Moments of Redemption: George Pelecanos Talks to Michael Carlson by Michael Carlson, (iv) Crime Time #26, 2002
- * Of Music, Books and Films by Steve Burniston, (iv) Shots Summer 1998
- * The Washington Heights (and Depths) of George P. Pelecanos by Eddie Duggan, (ar) Crime Time #20, 2000
- * Why Was Terry Quinn Killed?: George P. Pelecanos Talks to Matt Levy by Matt Levy, (iv) Crime Time #33, 2003
[]Pelegrimas, Marcus (fl. 1990s-2000s); used pseudonym Marcus Galloway (chron.)
- * Bounty Hunting for Fun and Profit, (ss) Red Herring Mystery Magazine v3 #3, 1996
- * Broken Windows, (nv)
- * A Damned Nuisance, (ss) Boot Hill: An Anthology of the West ed. Robert J. Randisi, Tom Doherty, 2002, as by Marcus Galloway
- * Gold Men, (ss) Desperadoes ed. Ed Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg, Berkley, 2001
- * One Hundred and Two Days, (ss) , as by Marcus Galloway
- * On the Square, (ss) Black Hats ed. Robert J. Randisi, Berkely, 2003
- * The Right Tool for the Job, (nv) Greatest Hits ed. Robert J. Randisi, Carroll & Graf, 2005
[]Pelegrimas, Marthayn (1948- ); used pseudonym Christine Matthews (books) (chron.)
- * And Then She Was Gone, (ss) Hollywood and Crime: Original Crime Stories Set During the History of Hollywood ed. Robert J. Randisi, Pegasus Books, 2007, as by Christine Matthews
- * Animal Lust, (pm) The Blood Review January 1990
- * Baby Sue, We Love You!, (ss) Borderlands 3 ed. Thomas F. Monteleone, Borderlands Press, 1993
- * Backyard Burial, (ss) Heart Attack 1993, as by Christine Matthews
- * Belated Revenge, (ss) Vengeance Is Hers ed. Mickey Spillane, Max Allan Collins & Martin H. Greenberg, Signet, 1997, as by Christine Matthews
- * Body Piercing, by Ned (with Robert J. Randisi), (ss) Hot Blood X ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket, 1998
- * Breathers, (pm) The Blood Review January 1990
- * Celebrated Suicide, (pm) Doppelgänger #10, May 1989
- * Character Flaw [Robbie Stanton], (nv) Shamus Game ed. Robert J. Randisi, Signet, 2000, as by Christine Matthews
- * Charlie Chips, (pm) Twisted #5, Summer 1989
- * Closed: Due to Curiosity (with Robert J. Randisi), (ss) The UFO Files ed. Ed Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1998
- * Corn King: An Interview with Stephen King, (iv) Thin Ice #1, 1988 [Ref. Stephen King]
- * Crystal Ice, (pm) Thin Ice #7, 1990
- * Cutting Corners [Candy Matson], (ss) Sex, Lies and Private Eyes ed. Joe Gentile & Richard Dean Starr, Moonstone Books, 2009, as by Christine Matthews
- * Deadly Housewives, (oa) Avon, April 2006 , as by Christine Matthews
- * Dear Christine, (in) Deadly Housewives ed. Christine Matthews, Avon, 2006, as by Christine Matthews
- * Dear Lottie, (ss) Pirate Writings #17, 1999; first appeared in audio format in Hear the Fear, ed. Marthayn Pelegrimas & Robert Randisi, Durkin Hayes Audio Book, 1997.
- * Death of a Glamour Cat (with Robert J. Randisi), (nv) Cat Crimes for the Holidays ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Ed Gorman & Larry Segriff, Fine, 1997, as by Christine Matthews & Robert J. Randisi
- * The Dirt Eaters, (ss) Homicide Hosts Presents ed. Helen Esper Olmsted, Write Way Publishing, 1996
- * Disjointed, (pm) Twisted #3, Summer 1986
- * Dr. Sullivan’s Library, (ss) Greatest Hits ed. Robert J. Randisi, Carroll & Graf, 2005, as by Christine Matthews
- * Don’t Never Fall in Love with No Whore, (ss)
- * Flowers for Jennifer (with Robert J. Randisi), (vi) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1994, as by Christine Matthews & Robert J. Randisi
- * For the Benefit of Mr. Means, (nv) The Mammoth Book of Roaring Twenties Whodunnits ed. Mike Ashley, Robinson, 2004, as by Christine Matthews
- * Gentle Insanities, (ss) Deadly Allies II ed. Robert J. Randisi & Susan Dunlap, Doubleday, 1994, as by Christine Matthews
- * Gentle Insanities and Other States of Mind, (co) Five Star US, October 2001 , as by Christine Matthews
- * Ghostly Whispers, (pm) 2AM Summer 1988
- * Have an Ice Day, (pm) Thin Ice #5, 1989
- * Heavy Breathing, (pm) 2AM Spring 1987
- * He Writes, She Writes (with Robert J. Randisi), (ar) Crimespree Magazine #10, January/February 2006, as by Christine Matthews & Robert J. Randisi
- * The House of Deliverance, (nv) Deadly Housewives ed. Christine Matthews, Avon, 2006, as by Christine Matthews
- * Ice-Olation, (pm) Thin Ice #4, 1989
- * Ice Sight, (pm) Thin Ice #3, 1989
- * Icy Whispers, (pm) Thin Ice #8, 1990
- * I Love Everything About You (with Robert J. Randisi), (ss) Till Death Do Us Part ed. Jill M. Morgan & Martin H. Greenberg, Berkley, 1999
- * I’m a Dirty Girl, (ss) American Pulp ed. Ed Gorman, Bill Pronzini & Martin H. Greenberg, Carroll & Graf, 1997
- * I’m Not That Kind of Girl, (ss) Radio Void August 1989
- * In Passing, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #8, 1992
- * Insufficient Baggage, (ss) Dark Regions #2, 1987
- * The Last of the Ranger Chieftains, (ss) Texas Rangers ed. Ed Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg, Berkley, 2004
- * The Living Donor, (ss) SPWAO Showcase #6, 1986
- * MIDNIGHT CRiceIS, (pm) Thin Ice #9, 1991
- * Money-Back Guarantee (with Robert J. Randisi), (ss) Flesh & Blood: Guilty as Sin ed. Max Allan Collins & Jeff Gelb, Mysterious Press, 2003
- * The Moving Statue of Ballinspittle, (ss) For Crime Out Loud ed. Robert J. Randisi, Durkin Hayes Publishing Ltd., 1995, as by Christine Matthews
- * Niiice, (ss) Radio Void 1992, as by Christine Matthews
- * On Thin Ice, (pm) Thin Ice #1, 1988
- * A Pair of Queens, (ss) Flesh & Blood: Dark Desires ed. Max Allan Collins & Jeff Gelb, Mysterious Press, 2002
- * Phantom Fornication, (pm) Twisted #5, Summer 1989
- * Picture Perfect, (ss) Haunts #18, Spring 1990
- * Planting Lizzie Palmer, (ss) Boot Hill: An Anthology of the West ed. Robert J. Randisi, Tom Doherty, 2002
- * Playing Statues, (vi) Twisted #4, Summer 1987
- * Poor Ole Moody, (ss)
- * Promises Made and Broken, (nv) Lethal Ladies ed. Barbara Collins & Robert J. Randisi, Berkley, 1996, as by Christine Matthews
- * Quick (with Robert J. Randisi), (ss) Crimes of Passion ed. Jeff Gelb & Michael Garrett, Pocket, 1997
- * The Resurrection Man, (ss) The Best of the Midwest’s Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror: Volume II ed. Brian Smart, ESA Books, 1993
- * Skinned Deep Beauty, (pm) Twisted #5, Summer 1989
- * Soulful Searcher, (pm) Sycophant #3, May 1987
- * Still Life, (pm) Twisted #4, Summer 1987
- * Summertime Treat, (pm) Twisted #4, Summer 1987
- * Sweet Inspiration, (aw) Deadly Housewives ed. Christine Matthews, Avon, 2006, as by Christine Matthews
- * The Tailor of Yuma, (ss) Tin Star ed. Robert J. Randisi, Berkley, 2000
- * Tampa Bay, (pm) The Blood Review January 1990
- * Through the Looking Glass, (pm) Aberations #6, 1992
- * To Make a Rabbit Sing, (ss) For Crime Out Loud, Vol. 2 ed. Robert J. Randisi, Durkin Hayes Publishing Ltd., 1996, as by Christine Matthews
- * Weight Watcher, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #8, 1992
- * Who, What, Wear, The 2004 PWA Shamus Award Banquet, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #4, January 2005, as by Christine Matthews
- * Winning Ticket, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September 2010, as by Christine Matthews
- * Winter Burial, (pm) 2AM Winter 1986
- * You Would Cry, Too, (ss) Crime Square ed. Robert J. Randisi, Vantage Press, 2012, as by Christine Matthews
- * [untitled] (with Kathleen E. Jurgens), (ed) Thin Ice #6, 1990
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