The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 575
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Barr, James (chron.) (continued)
- * The Red Man and the Little Child, (ss) The Red Magazine January 1 1917
- * Regiments of Renown I—The Blues, (ar) The Country House October 1895, as by Angus Evan Abbott
- * The Rehabilitation of Adrian Carr, (ss) The Red Magazine March 1909
- * The Return of the Emigrants, (ss) The Red Magazine May 15 1911
- * The Revenge of Red Douglas, (ss) The Red Magazine January 23 1920
- * The Revenge of the Old Master, (ss) The Red Magazine June 1 1915
- * Rocky Roven Clears Up a Mystery [Rocky Roven], (ss) The Red Magazine September 15 1915
- * Rocky Roven’s Christmas Tree [Rocky Roven], (ss) The Red Magazine December 15 1915
- * Satisfaction, (ss) The Idler July 1895, as by Angus Evan Abbott
- * “Save Her!”, (ss) The Red Magazine August 1 1910
- * Saying Good-bye, (ss) The Red Magazine June 15 1910
- * The Scene in the Tent, (ss) The Green Magazine #6, January 16 1923
- * A Scrap of Paper, (ss) The Red Magazine March 1 1917
- * The Sea Is Kind, (ss) The Red Magazine August 2 1915
- * A Sequence of Danger, (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1920
- * Setting the Detective a Puzzle, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1921
- * The Shadow in the Dark, (ss) The Red Magazine July 22 1921
- * The Sheriff and the English Girl, (ss) The Red Magazine August 1 1914
- * The Shilling Hop, (ss) The Red Magazine March 1 1916
- * The Shout in the Gloaming, (ss) The Red Magazine November 10 1922
- * The Signs in the Snow, (ss) The Red Magazine December 1918
- * The Siren of the “Grey Bat”, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1910
- * The Skeleton and John Pye, (ss) The Story-teller November 1908
- * The Snarl, (ss) The Red Magazine June 15 1915
- * The Solving of “Mystery Riddle”, (ss) The Red Magazine September 1 1922
- * Some Cats, Some Dogs, and Thomas Tuckett, (ss) The Red Magazine October 15 1917
- * “Some of My Experiences”, (sy) The Ludgate February 1898
- * The Soul of Maddalina Tonelli, (ss) The Red Magazine December 1909
- * The Soul’s Passing, (pm) The Idler November 1897, as by Angus Evan Abbott
- * The Spawn of Fortune, (ss) The Ludgate July 1896, as by Angus Evan Abbott
- * The Spirit-Writing of Macdonald McIntyre, (ss) The Red Magazine January 1 1911
- * The Splendid Elopement, (ss) The Red Magazine November 11 1921
- * Spoiling an Elopement, (ss) The Red Magazine October 17 1919
- * The Squeezer, (ss) The Red Magazine December 10 1920
- * The Steel Hook, (ss) The Red Magazine April 15 1915
- * The Stipulation in the Will, (ss) The Red Magazine November 1 1917
- * Stocky Heel Touches Lucky, (ss) The Red Magazine April 15 1917
- * The Storming of Castle Thor, (ss) The Red Magazine November 28 1919
- * Suzanne’s Little Finger, (ss) The Red Magazine August 15 1917
- * Sylvia Deane, (nv) Arrowsmith’s Annual Summer 1893, as by Angus Evan Abbott
- * A Symposium on Abrams and His Work, (sy) Pearson’s Magazine (US) March 1924
- * The Talk in the Train, (ss) The Red Magazine September 1 1916
- * A Teetotally Teetotal Teetotaler, (ar) The Red Magazine April 15 1912
- * The Temporary Lady’s-Maid, (ss) The Red Magazine July 23 1920
- * Teresa Tassoni’s Private Concert, (ss) The Red Magazine December 1 1916
- * That’s Whatever, (ar) The Red Magazine July 15 1912
- * Thawing the Iceberg, (ss) The Idler October 1906, as by Angus Evan Abbott
- * The Thefts at Lonely River, (ss) The Red Magazine October 1918
- * This!, (ss) The Red Magazine October 1 1920
- * Thomas, and the Monkey-Monk, (ss) The Story-teller January 1909
- * Thomas Tuckett Beats It, (ss) The Red Magazine February 15 1918
- * Thoroughly Ashamed of Herself, (ss) The Red Magazine May 11 1923
- * Three Is Company, Two Is None, (ss) The Red Magazine March 15 1919
- * The Throne of Gold and Mould, (ss) The Red Magazine May 1 1915
- * Tilly Gone!, (ss) The Story-teller May 1910
- * The Tinned Parrot, (ss) The Idler July 1906, as by Angus Evan Abbott
- * To-Day’s Music-Hall, (ar) The Red Magazine March 15 1912
- * The Traffic Terror, (ar) The Red Magazine October 15 1912
- * The Tragedy in the Microscope, (ss) The Red Magazine May 13 1921
- * The Trapper’s New Year Dance, (ss) The Red Magazine January 5 1923
- * Treasure Trove and Love, (ss) The Red Magazine September 30 1921
- * True to Form, (ss) The Red Magazine July 15 1915
- * ’Tween Man and Man, (ss) The Idler July 1894, as by Angus Evan Abbott
- * Twenty Four and Famous, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine June 1922
- * ’Twixt Devil and Deep Sea, (??) Fry’s Magazine April 1909
- * The Two Down-and-Outs, (ss) The Red Magazine February 1 1916
- * The Two Handkerchiefs, (ss) The Red Magazine December 1 1915
- * Two Rival Kings, (ss) The Red Magazine August 1 1911
- * The Two White Beans, (ss) The Red Magazine September 15 1910
- * Under the Sign of Gemini, (ss) The Red Book Magazine May 1906
- * The Undetectable Burglary, (ss) The Red Magazine July 25 1919
- * The Unfinished Film, (ss) The Red Magazine September 15 1914
- * The Vengeance of the Madman, (ss) The Yellow Magazine November 3 1922
- * The Vision Splendid, (ss) The Red Magazine October 28 1921
- * The Water That Divides Lovers, (ss) The Red Magazine March 1 1918
- * “We All Help at the Guildhall”, (ss) The Royal Magazine June 1905
- * “The Weird of Amy Hare”, (ss) The Red Magazine January 9 1920
- * The Weird of Baldy MacVannell, (ss) The Outing Magazine March 1913
- * The Weird of the Giant Moose, (ss) The Grand Magazine June 1911
- * “What Did I Tell You?”, (ss) The Red Magazine February 18 1921
- * What Did the Lawyers Say?, (ss) The Red Magazine July 15 1911
- * What Kezia Overheard, (ss) The Red Magazine February 15 1911
- * What’s in a Name, (ss) The Red Magazine July 1909
- * “What the Detective Saw”, (ss) The Red Magazine August 6 1920
- * The Wheel in the Desert, (ss) The Ludgate November 1896, as by Angus Evan Abbott
- * When Woman Won, (ss) The Red Magazine April 15 1911
- * The White Draught, (ss) The Red Magazine March 15 1915
- * The White Rook, (ss) Adventure December 1910
- * Who Shot Orchard?, (ss) The Red Magazine July 15 1917
- * Why Die?, (ar) The Red Magazine June 1 1912
- * The Wild Girl of the Woods, (ss) The Red Magazine September 1918
- * A Wild-Goose Chase, (ss) The Red Magazine January 1919
- * The Wise Man at the South Pole, (ss) The Red Magazine June 15 1911
- * Within Thy Gates: The American Tourist and the United Kingdom, (ar) The Red Magazine May 15 1912
- * The Witnesses to the Will, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) January 1923
- * The Witness to the Marriage, (ss) The Red Magazine July 1 1916
- * A Woman Scorned, (ss) The Red Magazine April 14 1922
- * Woman, the Rebel (A Story-Article), (ss) The Red Magazine March 1 1912
- * A Wonder-Year for Cricket, (ss) The Red Magazine April 1 1912
- * The World of the Vanishing Point, (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1922
- * “Yus, Guv’nor!”, (ss) The Red Magazine July 1 1911
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Idler July 1906, as by Angus Evan Abbott
[]Barr, Ken(neth John) (1933-2016) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Nebula Science Fiction #33 Aug, #35 Oct 1958, #41 Jun 1959
- * [front cover], (cv) Nebula Science Fiction (US) #33 Dec 1958, #35 Feb 1959
- * [front cover], (cv) The Swords Trilogy by Michael Moorcock, Berkley Medallion, 1977
- * [front cover], (cv) Questar #1, 1978
- * [front cover], (cv) Aristotle and the Gun and Other Stories by L. Sprague de Camp, Gale Group/Five Star, 2002
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Nebula Science Fiction #32 Jul, #33 Aug, #34 Sep, #35 Oct, #36 Nov, #37 Dec 1958, #38 Jan, #39 Feb 1959
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Nebula Science Fiction (US) #32 Nov, #33 Dec 1958, #35 Feb, #36 Mar, #37 Apr, #38 May, #39 Jun 1959
[]Barr, Lillie E. (fl. 1870s-1880s) (chron.)
- * The Best Wife of All, (pm) The Golden Argosy June 7 1884
- * Critics, and Critics, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly January 1876
- * Cuckoo!, (pm) Wide Awake December 1878
- * The Education of the Lion (A Russian Fable), (pm) St. Nicholas April 1876
- * The Oldest Doll in the World, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 28 1883
- * The Sad Story of Little Miss Black Sheep, (pm) Wide Awake July 1876
- * Wee Maggie’s Shopping, (pm) Harper’s Young People #207, October 16 1883
- * When the Sun Sinks Low, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 14 1885
[]Barr, Marleen S(andra) (1953- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * American Science Fiction; or, “What Happened to the Flying Cars?”: Science Fiction/Millennia/Culture, (in) Envisioning the Future ed. Marleen S. Barr, Wesleyan University Press, 2003
- * “The Females Do the Fathering”: James Tiptree’s Male Matriarchs and Adult Human Gametes, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies March 1986 [Ref. James Tiptree, Jr.]
- * The Feminist Pathfinder Does Not Probe Mars, (ss) FemSpec v1 #1, 1999
- * Feminist Worlds Within Postmodernism, (rv) Science-Fiction Studies November 1987 [Ref. Thelma J. Shinn]
- * Idols and Manipulators: Some Women Characters in SF, (ar) The Witch and the Chameleon #5/6, 1976
- * Interview with Janet Asimov, (iv) FemSpec v2 #1, 2000
- * Kirk T. Pistol Closely Encounters Enormous Flight Changes at the Last Minute—Sans Starship: A True James Gunn Appreciation Story, (ar) James Gunn’s Ad Astra #2, June 2013 [Ref. James Gunn]
- * News from Somewhere, (rv) Science-Fiction Studies November 1990 [Ref. Frances Bartkowski]
- * A New Species, (br) Science-Fiction Studies November 1993 [Ref. Robin Roberts]
- * Now—and 3000: Science Fiction Studies/Cultural Studies, (ar) Envisioning the Future ed. Marleen S. Barr, Wesleyan University Press, 2003
- * On the Other Hand, (rv) Science-Fiction Studies March 1987 [Ref. James W. Bittner]
- * The Purple Rose of Brooklyn, or Meeting Marshall McLuhan (with a Little Help from Mayan Apocalypse Planet X/Nibiru), (ss) The Medium Is the Muse ed. Lance Strate & Adeena Karasick, NeoPoiesis Press, 2014
- * Read This: Recently Read and Recommended, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #205, September 2005
- * Rudolph the Red Nosed Squirrel or Miracle on 82nd Street: Fiction/Quotation/Exposition, (ss) Farrago’s Wainscot #16, October 2015
- * Searoad Chronicles of Klatsand as a Pathway toward New Directions in Feminist Science Fiction: Or, Who’s Afraid of Connecting Ursula Le Guin to Virginia Woolf?, (ar) Foundation #60, Spring 1994 [Ref. Ursula K. Le Guin]
- * Superfeminist; or, A Hanukah Carol, (ss) Envisioning the Future ed. Marleen S. Barr, Wesleyan University Press, 2003
- * Thelma and Louise: Driving Toward Feminist SF; Or, Yes, Women Do Dream of Not Being Electric Sheep, (ar) Foundation #53, Autumn 1991
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
- * Envisioning the Future by Greg Beatty, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #193, September 2004
- * Feminism and Utopia by Susan Gubar, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies March 1986
- * Feminist Fabulation: Space/Postmodern Fiction by Farah Mendlesohn, (br) Foundation #59, Autumn 1993
- * Future Females: A Critical Anthology by Stefan Lewicki, (br) Foundation #25, June 1982
- * Lost in Space by Nicola Nixon, (br) Science-Fiction Studies November 1994
- * Methodologically Questionable by Carol D. Stevens, (rv) Science-Fiction Studies July 1990
- * One Out of Three by Kathleen Spencer, (rv) Science-Fiction Studies November 1987
- * Suzy McKee Charnas, Octavia Butler, Joan D. Vinge (with Octavia E. Butler, Suzy McKee Charnas, Richard Law, Ruth Selvaggio & Joan D. Vinge) by Sarah LeFanu, (br) Foundation #43, Summer 1988
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