The FictionMags Index
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[]Sebelle, Will (fl. 1910s-1920s) (chron.)
- * At the Last Turn, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 15 1921
- * The Bigger Play, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine November 15 1917
- * Black Butterfly, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 1 1919
- * A Cavalier of the Telegraph, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1918
- * The Eighth Car, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine June 1 1919
- * For the Grand Prize, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine July 1 1916
- * Hearts of the Roaring Way, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine May 1 1924
- * The Heel of Mammon, (ss) The Black Cat February 1920
- * In the Final Fifty, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine July 15 1919
- * In the World Crucible, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine September 1 1918
- * Just for the Jazz, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine February 15 1917
- * The Law and the Spider, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine December 28 1918
- * One Lap to Go, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine August 1 1921
- * On Motor Patrol, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1922
- * On the Last Down, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine December 15 1918
- * Right to the Fade-Out, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine October 1 1917
- * Rogues of the Film, (sl) Top-Notch Magazine Dec 1, Dec 15 1918, Jan 1 1919
- * The Sunmaid Handicap, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine January 15 1919
- * A Telegraph Messiah, (ss) The Black Cat September 1919
- * The Test, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine April 1917
- * That Close-Up Finish, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1917
- * The Wire-Tapper, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1917
[]Sebenthall, Roberta Elizabeth (1917-1979); used pseudonyms Harry Davis & Paul Kruger (chron.); name given variously as Betty R. Sebenthall and Elizabeth R. Sebenthall.
- * A Fighter Pilot Reports, (ts) RAF Aces Spring 1944, as by Harry Davis
- * God Stood Beside Us, (ex) from This Is It!, Vanguard Press, 1944, as by Harry Davis
- * The Lay-Away Plan, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine August 1960, as by Paul Kruger
- * Weave a Wicked Web, (ex) Simon & Schuster, 1968, as by Paul Kruger
_____, [ref.]
[]Sebold, Gaie (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Adam’s Lawyer (with Martin Owton), (ss) Hub Magazine #1, Christmas 2006
- * Building Worlds with Words, (ar) Focus #62, Summer 2014
- * Dogged (with Martin Owton), (ss) ParSec #12, Autumn 2024
- * Eaten Cold, (ss) Under the Rose ed. Dave Hutchinson, Norilana Books, 2009
- * An Empty Room, (ss) Crowded Magazine #2, September 2013
- * Fire and Ash, (ss) Fight Like a Girl ed. Roz Clarke & Joanne Hall, Kristell Ink, 2016
- * A Fire by Night, (ss) Legend: Worlds of Possibility #6, Summer/Autumn 2002
- * From Unquiet Waters, (ss) World War Cthulhu ed. Jonathan Oliver, Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd, 2013
- * Inspection Day, (ss) End of an Aeon ed. Bridget & Marti McKenna, Fairwood Press, 2011
- * Lemmings, (ss) The Dream Zone #12, June 2002
- * The Locked Room (with Martin Owton), (ss) Hub Magazine #97, September 6 2009
- * On Duty, (pm) ChiZine #23, January/March 2005
- * A Pleasing Shape, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #19, June/July 2005
- * Sharali, (ss) On Spec Winter 2012/2013
- * A Silver Music, (nv) The Mammoth Book of Ghost Stories by Women ed. Marie O'Regan, Robinson, 2012
- * The Tale of Suyenye the Wise, the Ay, and the People of the Shining Land, (ss) Once Upon a Parsec ed. David Gullen, NewCon Press, 2019
- * A Touch of Crystal (with Martin Owton), (ss) Black Gate Fall 2005
- * Walls, (ss) X7: A Seven Deadly Sins Anthology ed. Alex Davis, KnightWatch Press, 2013
- * Wet Work, (ss) City Slab #3, 2003
_____, [ref.]
[]Sechi, Stephan Michael (fl. 1990s) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Preface, (pr) Tales of Talislanta ed. Stephan Michael Sechi, Wizards of the Coast, 1992
- * Rogues, (nv) Tales of Talislanta ed. Stephan Michael Sechi, Wizards of the Coast, 1992
- * Shadowmoon, (nv) Tales of Talislanta ed. Stephan Michael Sechi, Wizards of the Coast, 1992
- * Talislanta: An Introduction, (in) Tales of Talislanta ed. Stephan Michael Sechi, Wizards of the Coast, 1992
- * Tamerlin’s Odyssey, (ss) Tales of Talislanta ed. Stephan Michael Sechi, Wizards of the Coast, 1992
_____, ed.
[]Secker, Erik (fl. 1990s-2020s) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Thunder’s Shadow Collector’s Magazine Feb, Aug 1993, Feb 1994, Aug 1995
- * Editor: Bourbon Penn #1 Feb, #2 Jun, #3 Nov 2011, #4 Apr, #5 Sep 2012, #6 Jan, #7 May, #8 Nov 2013, #9 Feb 2014, #10 Mar 2015,
#11 Apr, #12 Nov 2016
#13 Apr, #14 Sep 2017, #15 Mar, #16 Nov 2018, #17 Mar, #18 Jul, #19 Nov 2019, #20 Mar, #21 Jul, #22 Nov 2020,
#23 Mar, #24 Aug, #25 Dec 2021
#26 Mar, #27 Jul, #28 Nov 2022, #29 Mar, #30 Aug, #31 Nov 2023, #32 Mar, #33 Aug, #34 Dec 2024
[]Secombe, Harry (Donald) (1921-2001) (chron.)
- * Bomb in the Bed, (ss) The (London) Evening News April 23 1963
- * The Failed Mission, (vi) Mini-Sagas 1999 ed. Brian Aldiss, Sutton Publishing, 1999
- * How Lance-Bombardier Secome Broke His Spectacles and Met Bronchial Bill, (hu) Argosy (UK) May 1969
- * Needle Match, (ar) Argosy (UK) September 1967
- * 6 Famous People Recall Their Favourite Books, (sy) Puffin Post v1 #1, 1967
- * Something Borrowed, (ss) Argosy (UK) August 1968
- * Why I Choose This Story, (is) Argosy (UK) August 1968
_____, [ref.]
[]Second Nighter; pseudonym (fl. 1900s) (chron.)
- * Sidelights from Stageland, (cl) The Scrap Book Mar, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1906
- * Sidelights from Stageland: Second Installment, (cl) The Scrap Book April 1906
- * The Stage, (ar) The Scrap Book October 1907
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