The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 3079
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Greene, Harry Irving (1868-?) (items)
- Hank’s Grizzly, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1902
- The Wonderful Story of Barney O’Toole, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1903
- The Gold Goose Scientist, (ss) The Black Cat June 1903
- The Artifice of Pap Hoggin, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1903
- The Coyote County Handicap, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1903
- Fox’s Free Laundry, (ss) The Black Cat December 1903
- A Straight Tip, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1904
- The Chloride Hold-Up, (ss) Leslie’s Monthly Magazine August 1904
- A Wyoming Elopement, (ss) The Red Book September 1904
- Three Men from Telluride, (ss) The Red Book November 1904
- A Game of Hearts, (ss) The Red Book February 1905
- Why Riffles Deserted, (ss) McClure’s Magazine January 1906
- On the Frisco Range, (ss) The Red Book Magazine February 1906
- On Parole, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine (US) April 1906
- Good of the Service, (ss) The Red Book Magazine May 1906
- The Dog, (ss) The Scrap Book March 1907
- The Road Monkey, (sl) The Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1907, etc.
- Wedding Chimes at Red Dog, (ss) The Red Book Magazine April 1908
- La Diosa, (ss) 10 Story Book August 1908
- [unknown story], (ss) 10 Story Book December 1909
- The Trail of the Snowshoe, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 1 1910
- Avalanche Trail, (ss) The Red Book Magazine January 1917
- Jill-o’-the-Moon, (na) The Blue Book Magazine February 1917
- The Scorpion, (ss) The Red Book Magazine May 1917
- The Fugitives, (ss) The Red Book Magazine June 1917
- The Hot Tamale Kid, (ss) The Red Book Magazine July 1917
- In the Zona Libre, (ss) All-Story Weekly December 29 1917
- A Stratagem of the Border, (ss) The Red Book Magazine January 1918
- A Jester on the Border, (ss) The Red Book Magazine April 1918
- The Lady of Lions, (ss) All-Story Weekly May 11 1918
- A Chaparral Paladin, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 16 1921
Greene, Herbert Leslie (fl. 1960s-1970s) (items)
- The Punk, (ss) Manhunt June 1963
- Friends in Deed, (ss) Gentleman February 1964
- Man of the House, (ss) Gentleman April 1964
- Death Begins, (ss) Manhunt September 1964
- The Willing Spirit, (ss) Man to Man November 1965
- True Love, (ss) Swank December 1966
- The Girl in That Dismal House, (ss) Sir! March 1967
- Buddies, (ss) Manhunt April/May 1967
- Twenty Dollars, (ss) Dapper April 1967
- The Attacker, (ss) Sir! May 1967
- The Passionate Profession, (ss) Dapper June 1967
- Nothing but the Best, (ar) Dapper December 1967
- The Wayward Wife, (ss) Dapper February 1968
- Life and Death, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #40, September 1969
- The Captive Woman, (ss) Adam December 1973
- The Hunting Ground, (ss) Sir!
- Refuge, (ss) Sir!
Greene, J. B. (fl. 1890s-1900s) (items)
- How Our Sailors Are Made, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper September 18 1897
- The Orphan’s Share, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper September 25 1897
- A Short Cut, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper November 24 1900
- Gun Practice on a Training Ship, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper March 16 1901
- The Royal Elephants of Siam.—Scene After the Hunt, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper July 6 1901
- Beginning of the Football Season.—A Lost Ball, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper October 5 1901
- A Challenge, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper February 1 1902
- An Amateur Shampoo!, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper August 9 1902
- A Tub Race, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper November 1 1902
- Rare Fun.—Coasting, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper February 27 1904
- Letters from Home, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper July 16 1904
- A Sad Home-coming. On the Goodwins, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper December 3 1904
- An Australian Bush Fire, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper May 6 1905
- Winter Sports, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper December 30 1905
- A Critical Moment, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper September 15 1906
Greene, J. H. (fl. 1900s-1930s) (items)
- From the Mouth of a Babe, (ss) Short Stories July 1901
- A Neglected Tribute, (pm) The Smart Set February 1902
- Creswick’s Find (with A. Marshall), (ss) The Popular Magazine March 1 1912
- My Murderer, (ss) All-Story Weekly November 13 1915
- Preparedness, (pm) Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1916
- Luck, (ss) All-Story Weekly March 3 1917
- The Snake Lover, (ss) The Popular Magazine August 20 1917
- A Soldier of the Stables, (ss) The Popular Magazine January 7 1918
- A Baptist of the Bush, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 7 1918
- The Sportsman, (ss) Saucy Stories April 1918
- The Anzac Touch, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 7 1918
- Urbanek’s Way, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd July 1918
- Tragic Relief, (ss) Short Stories October 1918
- At Breaking Point, (ss) Short Stories November 1918
- Voilà, (ss) Ainslee’s October 1920
- The Cyclone and the Rope, (ss) The Popular Magazine August 20 1921
- Aces Up, (ss) The Popular Magazine September 20 1921
- Off Sudden Island, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 7 1921
- High Tension, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 20 1921
- Dead Reckoning, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 7 1922
- The Ghost Ship, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 20 1922
- Alanna Ahoy!, (na) The Popular Magazine June 20 1922
- The Mystery Ship, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 20 1922
- Silk-Hat Dope, (ss) The Popular Magazine September 7 1922
- Saint Mutt, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 20 1922
- Grubstaking Santa Claus, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 20 1922
- The Good-for-Nothing, (ss) Lloyd’s Story Magazine January 1923
- The Joss on the Fo’csle, (ss) Adventure June 10 1923
- Indian Nerve, (ss) The Popular Magazine June 20 1923
- The Spirit Availeth, (ss) Adventure July 30 1923
- A Queened Pawn, (ss) The Popular Magazine August 20 1923
- Something New, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 7 1924
- At Dead Horse Gully, (ss) Adventure April 30 1924
- The Original Prospector, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 7 1924
- Judique on the Floor, (ss) Adventure October 10 1924
- The Flagellant of Farthing Rock, (ss) MacLean’s January 15 1925
- According to His Lights, (ss) The Popular Magazine March 20 1925
- Radio Riches, (na) The Popular Magazine June 7 1925
- On Cultivator Shoal, (ss) Adventure September 20 1925
- Echoes, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 20 1925
- Out of the Meshes, (ss) The Popular Magazine December 20 1925
- Whaler’s Luck, (ss) Short Stories March 25 1926
- The Man from Toolanga, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 7 1926
- The Ship Keeper, (ss) The Popular Magazine August 20 1926
- An Intelligence Test, (ss) The Popular Magazine September 7 1926
- Assayed, (ss) The Popular Magazine November 20 1926
- A Jazz Bearing, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 7 1927
- In the Poor-Fish Navy, (ss) The Popular Magazine February 20 1927
- Winning a Windjammer, (ss) The Popular Magazine May 7 1927
- Thirst, (na) The Popular Magazine June 20 1927
- In Our Bay, (ss) Sea Stories June 1927
- In Poison Valley, (nv) The Popular Magazine August 20 1927
- Blind Flyers, (na) The Popular Stories December 24 1927
- The Submarine, (na) The Popular Magazine January 7 1928
- Twenty Fathoms Under, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 7 1928
- The Vanishing Prospector, (na) The Popular Magazine May 12 1928
- Flying Down the Hoodoo, (nv) Air Trails November 1928
- Straight and High, (ss) Air Trails December 1928
- Ingals of the Air Mail, (ss) Air Trails March 1929
- A Flying Fisherman, (ss) Complete Stories 2nd June 1929
- A Minute with—, (cl) The Popular Magazine 2nd March 1930
Greene, Jay E(lihu) (1914-1987) (books) (items)
- About the Author: Daphne Du Maurier, (si) Modern Mystery and Adventure Novels ed. Jay E. Greene, Globe Book Co., 1951
- About the Author: John Buchan, (si) Modern Mystery and Adventure Novels ed. Jay E. Greene, Globe Book Co., 1951
- About the Author: Robert Louis Stevenson, (si) Modern Mystery and Adventure Novels ed. Jay E. Greene, Globe Book Co., 1951
- About the Author: Robert Nathan, (si) Modern Mystery and Adventure Novels ed. Jay E. Greene, Globe Book Co., 1951
- Preface, (pr) Modern Mystery and Adventure Novels ed. Jay E. Greene, Globe Book Co., 1951
Greene, Jeffrey David (fl. 2010s) (items)
- The Ring Reclaimed, (ss) Zahir (online) #24, October 2010
- The Door Ajar, (ss) Zahir (online) #26, April 2011
- Vishnu Coming Through, (ss) A Cappella Zoo #8, Spring 2012
- Calculating Route (with Michael Koryta), (nv) Dark Duets ed. Christopher Golden, Harper Voyager US, 2014
- Captain Barks, (ss) A Cappella Zoo #12, Spring 2014
- The Blind Gambler, (ss)
Greene, Joseph (Ingham) (1897-1953) (books) (items)
- How Did You Find out About IT? (with Elizabeth Abell), (in) First Love ed. Joseph Greene & Elizabeth Abell, Bantam Books, 1948
- I’m Not Good for You, Johnny, (ss) First Love ed. Joseph Greene & Elizabeth Abell, Bantam Books, 1948
- Were You Reminded of Yourself? (with Elizabeth Abell), (aw) First Love ed. Joseph Greene & Elizabeth Abell, Bantam Books, 1948
- To the Reader (with Elizabeth Abell), (fw) Husbands And Lovers ed. Joseph Greene & Elizabeth Abell, Bantam Books, 1949, etc.
- Editors’ Note (with Elizabeth Abell), (ed) Stories of Sudden Truth ed. Joseph Greene & Elizabeth Abell, Ballantine Books, 1953
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