The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 893
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[uncredited] (chron.) (continued)
- * Behind the Black Mask, (cl) Black Mask Oct 1940, Dec 1938, Jan 1939, Nov 1938
- * Behind the Curtain, (cl) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine Nov, Dec 1939, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Nov 1940, Mar, May, Jul 1941
Mar 1942, Mar 1943
- * Behind the Headlines, (ar) Murder Stories November/December 1931
- * Behind the July Black Mask, (ms) Black Mask June 1940
- * Behind the Mask Brevities, (cl) Black Mask September 1934
- * Behind the Murders, (cl) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine Mar, Apr, Jul, Jun, May, Aug 1941
- * Behind the Pages, (iv) Suspense Magazine July 2009 [Ref. Gregg Olsen]
- * Behind the Scenes Look: HBO’s True Detective, (iv) Suspense Magazine January 2014 [Ref. Nic Pizzolatto]
- * Behind the Scenes with Paranormal Powerhouse Heather Graham, (iv) Suspense Magazine March 2013 [Ref. Heather Graham]
- * Belgian Police Dogs, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 26 1921
- * Believe It or Not!, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction Jul 9 1927, Aug 24 1929
- * Believes Ordinary Is Too Limited, (iv) Suspense Magazine December 2012 [Ref. Andreea Bianca Grigore]
- * Belle Starr, the Bandit, (ar) Mystery Magazine #172, January 15 1925
- * Bell Hop Robs a Detective, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 20 1917
- * “Beloved Thief” Sentenced to Prison, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 9 1922
- * Belshazzar Backwards, (ms) Flynn’s April 25 1925
- * “Ben Hur”, (mr) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine February 1927
- * Benson’s Game, (ms) Flynn’s October 24 1925
- * Bentley Little’s House of Horrors, (iv) Suspense Magazine November 2009 [Ref. Bentley Little]
- * Be Ready to Stay Up All Night, (iv) Suspense Magazine September 2014 [Ref. Meg Gardiner]
- * Berlin a Big Diamond Market, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 8 1922
- * Berlin Police Method of Handling Mob, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 11 1920
- * Berlin’s Diamond Bourse Protected Against Theft, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 23 1922
- * Berlin Spy War, (ms) The Saint Mystery Magazine November 1958
- * The Best Boy, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 27 1931
- * Best Crime, Mystery and Thriller Books of 2022: Ultimate List, (bi) Mystery Tribune #19, January/February 2023
- * Best Man His Worst Choice, (ms) Clues 1st July 1928
- * Betrayed by a Buckle, (ss) (by Louisa May Alcott) Frank Leslie’s Lady’s Magazine February 1870, uncredited.
- * Betrayed by a Dog, (vi) Multum in Parvo Library November 1894
- * Betrayed by a Hair, (ms) Flynn’s May 30 1925
- * Better Food for Convicts, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 30 1929
- * Better Food for Prisoners, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 19 1930
- * Better Not to Resist, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 23 1931
- * Better Than Suspenders or a Belt, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 8 1930
- * Between the Lines, (cl) Soldier Stories April 1929
- * Between the Lines, (iv) Suspense Magazine April 2013 [Ref. Jeremy Robinson]
- * Beware!, (cl) G-Men Jan, Feb, Jun 1937, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1938, Mar, May, Jul, Aug 1939
Jan, Jun 1943, Fll 1944, Spr, Sum 1945
- * Beware of Marie, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 4 1921
- * Beware: The Stock-Swapping Racket, (ms) G-Men December 1938
- * Beware This Trick!, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 24 1927
- * Beware!:
* ___ The Allotment Check Racket, (cl) G-Men Detective Spring 1944
* ___ Crooked Auto Accessory Dealers, (cl) G-Men Detective July 1940
* ___ Crooked Nurserymen, (cl) G-Men Detective May 1940
* ___ Prison Camp Racket, (cl) G-Men Detective January 1941
* ___ Victimizing the Selectees, (cl) G-Men Detective July 1941
* ___ War Bond Brokerage Racket, (cl) G-Men Detective Summer 1944
- * Beyond All Doubt, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction December 31 1927
- * Beyond Spectacular, (iv) Suspense Magazine September 2010 [Ref. Joshua Graham]
- * Bible Verse as Code, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction February 18 1928
- * Big and Bright, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 2 1929
- * Big Business in Crime, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 6 1932
- * Big City Perils, (ar) Speed Detective September 1943
- * Big Civic Body to Curb Crime, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 12 1922
- * Big Coat Day, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 14 1930
- * Big Crimes Are Planned, (ms) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #52, October 1932
- * Big Crime Syndicate Uncovered, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 20 1926
- * Big Crime Wave in France, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 12 1920
- * Big Diamond Robbery Fails, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 27 1926
- * Big Diamond Robbery in London, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 3 1919
- * Big Diamond Theft in Subway, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 8 1922
- * Bigger Force Is Needed, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 28 1928
- * The Bigger the Cheaper, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 3 1931
- * The Bigger They Are!, (ms) Speed Detective February 1943
- * The Biggest Opium Raid, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 1937
- * The Biggest Thrill, (ms) Detective Tales October 1938
- * The Biggest Trial, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly May 4 1929
- * Big Guns for May, (ms) Black Mask April 1935
- * Big Jail-Break Attempt Fails, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 18 1926
- * Big Jewel Theft Worked by Telephone Trick, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 12 1926
- * Big Kettle a Relic, (ms) Mystery Magazine #18, August 1 1918
- * The Big May Show, (ms) Ten Detective Aces April 1941
- * Big News for Suspense, (ms) Suspense (UK) June 1960
- * Big Robbery in Berlin, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 23 1920
- * Big Seizure of Drugs by Custom House, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 25 1922
- * The Big Smash [Sexton Blake], (na) (by Robert Murray Graydon) The Union Jack #1312,
- * A Bill for Auto Killers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 19 1930
- * Bills in Piano Lead to Arrest, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 7 1923
- * Billy with a Blast, (ms) Manhunt April 1957
- * Biography: John B. Spencer, (iv) Crime Time v3 #1, 2000 [Ref. John B. Spencer]
- * Bios, (bg) Crime Factory June 2010
- * Bird a Murder-Trial Witness, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 5 1917
- * The Bishop and the Phantom Monk, (ms) Mystery Magazine June 15 1926
- * A “Bishop” Runs Carnivals, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 13 1930
- * Bit Off More Than He Could Chew, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 10 1933
- * Bitten, (ms) Manhunt June 1958
- * Bizarresque:
* ___ No. 1 Medicine Man, (vi) Wit #1, 1947
* ___ No. 2 Immortal Conscience, (vi) Wit #2, 1947
- * The Black Bow, (ts) Mystery December 1933
- * The Black Box Murder, (br) The Armchair Detective July 1971 [Ref. Maarten Maartens]
- * The Black Demon, (ar) (by William Carlton Davis) Flynn’s Weekly July 10 1926
- * Black-Faced Bandits Rob Wealthy Householders, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 14 1920
- * A Black Hand Gang Broken Up, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 9 1919
- * Black-Headed Sea Bird’s Long Flight, (ms) Mystery Magazine #115, August 15 1922
- * The Black Hole of Calcutta, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly March 5 1927
- * “Blackie” Lewis’ Fatal Mistake, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 20 1925
- * Black Light, (ms) Clues Detective Stories November 1937
- * Black Magic, (ms) Mystery Magazine April 1 1926
- * The “Black Mags”, (ms) Mystery Magazine #172, January 15 1925
- * Blackmail Competition, (cn) A Shot in the Dark #8, Summer 1996
- * Blackmailers Caught by Trick Box, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 16 1920
- * Blackmailing Ex-Convicts, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 31 1926
- * Blackmail Scheme, (ms) Mystery Magazine #141, October 1 1923
- * Blackmail the Major Crime in America, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 24 1922
- * Black Maria Retired, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 8 1919
- * Black-Market Rackets, (ms) Private Detective Stories May 1946
- * Black Mask Brevities, (cl) Black Mask October 1934
- * Black Mask News!, (ms) Black Mask August 1938
- * Black Mask Quiz, (qz) Black Mask August 1939
- * Black Mask’s Crime Review:
* ___ The Tiger Woman, (cl)
- * Black Mask Writers Who Are Making Their Mark, (ms) Black Mask September 1933
- * The Black Museum, (ms) Special Detective October 1937
- * Black Out and Blackmail, (ss) Detective Tales April 1924
- * The Black Ribbon, (ms) Mystery Magazine May 1927
- * Black Shadows, (ss) Scotland Yard #2, May 1930
- * Black Sheep, (ss) True Gang Life June 1936
- * Blackstone, (br) The Armchair Detective May 1973 [Ref. Richard Falkirk]
- * Blame Her Thyroid Glands for Thefts, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 12 1921
- * Blame Police Politics for Crime, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 16 1926
- * Blames Wife for His Bad-Check Habit, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 27 1926
- * Blame the Name, (ms) Manhunt April 1956
- * Blanche P. Walker, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly August 25 1928
- * Blasting away at World’s Greatest Shoot Match, (pi) Real Detective January 1932
- * Blazing His Own Trail, (iv) Suspense Magazine December 2012 [Ref. Simon Tolkien]
- * A Blind Burglar, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 11 1921
- * Blind Justice, (ms) Flynn’s September 19 1925
- * Blind Justice in Montana Courts, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 3 1921
- * Blind Man Recognizes Fake Money, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 22 1921
- * Blind Man Was Burglar, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction February 25 1928
- * Blind Stole from Blind, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 21 1922
- * The Blinking Killer, (ts) Mystery January 1934
- * Blocked by Arrest, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 6 1924
- * Blondes Die Easy, (nv) East-Side Detective v1 #12, 1955
- * Blond Wig Traps Beggar, (ms) Clues December 1927
- * Bloodhound Nips “Trusty’s” Escape, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 20 1916
- * Bloodhounds Didn’t Catch These Convicts, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 29 1919
- * Bloodhounds Prove to Be Valuable Aids, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 5 1918
- * Bloodhounds Track Down Fugitive, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 25 1926
- * Bloodhounds Used to Trail, (ar) The Dragnet Magazine March 1929
- * Blood on Broadway, (na) Scotland Yard #7, November 1930
- * Blood Science in Crime, (ms) Private Detective Stories February 1946
- * The Bloodstained Stone, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 8 1919
- * Blood Test to Determine Parentage, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 3 1928
- * Blood Test to Find Parents, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 7 1923
- * Blood Whirl, (ss) Scotland Yard #8, December 1930
- * Blow Deranges Suitor, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 22 1930
- * Blow Hot, Blow Cold…!, (ms) Speed Detective May 1943
- * Blow One Safe; Two Containing Valuables Escape, (ms) Mystery Magazine #169, December 1 1924
- * Bluebeard in Real Life, (ar) Flynn’s February 20 1926
- * Bluebeard Lives Again, (ms) The Illustrated Detective Magazine December 1931
- * Blue-Blooded Swindlers, (ms) Clues 1st April 1928
- * Blue Book Murder, (ms) Private Detective Stories October 1943
- * The Blue Lantern Murderer Speaks!, (ms) Dime Mystery Book Magazine September 1933
- * The Blue Line [Sexton Blake], (ss) Answers March 13 1909, as by Hal Meredeth
- * Blueprint for Revolution, (ms) The Saint Mystery Magazine September 1959
- * The Blue Wash Mystery, (vi) (by Anna Katharine Green) Wide Awake Pleasure Book, D. Lothrop, 1889
- * The Blue Watch, (ts) Mystery September 1934
- * A Bluff That Did Not Work, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 27 1919
- * Board Bills for Prisoners, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine September 1937
- * Boasted Too Soon, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 17 1921
- * Bobbed-Haired Hijacker Queen, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 16 1926
- * Bob-Hair Bandit Is Model Prisoner, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 15 1925
- * The Body in the Belfry, (ts) Mystery January 1934
- * Body of Murdered Man Identified by Finger Prints, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 25 1922
- * Body Riddled, Lives, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine July 9 1932
- * Bogart: Screen Detective, (ms) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine December 1980
- * Bogie Quiz, (qz) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine March 1985
- * Bogus Butler’s Career as Jewel Thief, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 29 1926
- * Bogus Check Syndicate Revealed, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 8 1927
- * Bogus Clerk Nabbed, (ms) Clues 2nd November 1930
- * Bogus Detective Sells “Protection”, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 3 1925
- * Bogus Housekeeping, (ms) Clues 2nd May 1929
- * Bogus-Money Gang Arrested in New York, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 9 1923
- * Bogus Money Orders Made in Prison, (ms) Clues August 1927
- * A Bogus Officer’s Escapade, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 9 1926
- * The Bogus-picture Game, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 13 1920
- * Bogus Priest Gets Ten Years, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 31 1926
- * Bogus Turfman Fleeces Bookmakers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 30 1922
- * A Boiled Watermelon, (ms) Mystery Magazine #46, October 1 1919
- * Boiler Room Bandits, (ms) Private Detective Stories November 1943
- * Bold Attempt at Get-away from Sing Sing, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 30 1920
- * Bold Attempt to Rescue Prisoners, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 15 1920
- * Bold Crimes in Germany, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 31 1921
- * Bold Escape from Akron Jail, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 31 1920
- * Bold Maiden Lane Robbery, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 1 1925
- * A Bold Robbery, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 20 1915
- * Bold Thief Steals Court Coin Box, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 15 1926
- * Bomb Explodes in Auto, (ms) Mystery Magazine #157, June 1 1924
- * A Bomb Scare, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 31 1931
- * Bombs Hurled in Drug Raid, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 6 1924
- * Bomb Squad Chief Is Dead, (ms) Clues August 1927
- * Bond Bargains Land Youth in Jail, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 19 1918
- * Bonding Companies Study Human Frailties, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 13 1921
- * Bond Messenger Murdered, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 25 1919
- * Bonds Carried by Airplane, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 16 1920
- * Bond Thieves in Chicago, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 31 1920
- * Boner and Blowup Prized by Hollywood, (ar) Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective February 1943
- * Bon Voyage, (cn) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2021
- * Boob Wright, Detective, (ss) Detective Tales November 16/December 15 1922
- * Book Dealers We Like, (ms) New Mystery v2 #1, v2 #2 1994
- * Booked for Murder of Madison Wisconsin, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #1, June/July 2004
- * Book Exchange, (ms) The Armchair Detective October 1969
- * Bookie Had Branch at Police Headquarters, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 22 1919
- * Book Lover and Counterfeiter, (ms) Best Detective Magazine June 1936
- * A Book Lover, a Reader, and a Writer, (iv) Suspense Magazine December 2013 [Ref. Patti Sheehy]
- * A Book’s Best Friend, (iv) Suspense Magazine March 2011 [Ref. Ashley Wintters]
- * Bookstore Spotlight:
* ___ Booked for Murder of Madison Wisconsin, (cl) Crimespree Magazine #1, June/July 2004
* ___ Milwaukee’s Mystery One, (cl) Crimespree Magazine #7, July 2005
* ___ San Francisco, (cl) Crimespree Magazine #15, November/December 2006
- * Books with Only Right-Hand Pages, (ms) Mystery Magazine #64, July 1 1920
- * Bootblacks’ Strange Request, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 24 1923
- * Bootlegger Grabs Pay Roll, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 18 1928
- * Bootleggers Fill Los Angeles Jail, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 25 1922
- * Bootlegging Gold, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 1937
- * The Border Patrol, (ar) The Feds October 1936
- * Borgias Not All Dead, (ms) Best Detective Magazine June 1934
- * Born & Bred in the UK, (iv) Suspense Magazine April 2010 [Ref. Mark Billingham]
- * Born to Write: A Moment with Tami Hoag, (iv) Suspense Magazine February 2010 [Ref. Tami Hoag]
- * Born to Write: An Interview with Maggie Sefton, (iv) Suspense Magazine June 2011 [Ref. Maggie Sefton]
- * Born with Talent, (iv) Suspense Magazine June 2014 [Ref. Babette van den Berg]
- * Boston Cops Took No Chances, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 8 1925
- * Both Ends Against the Middle, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 8 1927
- * The Bottled Millions, (ms) Flynn’s September 19 1925
- * “Bottled Sunshine”, (ms) Mystery Magazine #115, August 15 1922
- * “Bottled Sunshine”, (ms) Detective Tales October 1 1922
- * Bottle in Tree, (ms) Mystery Magazine #26, December 1 1918
- * Bottle of Olives Causes Thief’s Capture, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 13 1920
- * Bouchercon, (ms) The Armchair Detective June 1976
- * Bouchercon 2011 Photos, (pi) Crimespree Magazine #39, November/December 2010
- * Bouncing Blonde, (ss) (by G. C. Bleeck) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #10, 1954
- * A Boundary Line Difficulty, (ms) Clues 2nd February 1929
- * Bound Man Tries to Skid Home in Chair, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 18 1922
- * Bound to Lose, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 27 1932
- * Bow Street Runner on the Case, (vi) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1955
- * Box Score for 1962, (ms) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1963
- * Box Trick Worked on Laborer, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 4 1925
- * Boy Bandit Gets Reward, (ms) Best Detective Magazine June 1931
- * Boy Bandit Sent to Atlanta, (ms) Mystery Magazine #168, November 15 1924
- * A Boy Bandit’s Record, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 19 1927
- * Boy Bandit Tries to Rob, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 5 1921
- * Boy Confesses He Lived by Burglary, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 27 1922
- * Boy Deceives Bandit, (ms) Clues 2nd April 1928
- * Boy Delinquency Decreases, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 1938
- * Boy Detective Gets His Man, (ms) Clues Detective Stories July 1938
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