The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 752

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    Mystery Novels Magazine
    Title changed from Mystery Novels Magazine Quarterly.

    • Publishers:
      • Winford Publications, Inc.; 165 Franklin Street, New York, NY: Mystery Novels Magazine.

    Mystery Puzzle of the Month   (about)
    Mystery Puzzle of the Month was a series of jigsaws published by Pearl Publishing Co., each of which was accompanied by an original short story in a well-known series. The idea was that both story and jigsaw contained clues that would allow the reader to solve the mystery. The actual solution was given on the final page of the story in mirror text.

    Mystery Stories (UK) (1930s)   (about)
    A companion title to Mystery and Detection, Mystery Stories was a mixture of new stories and reprints, but drew mostly from lesser-known British sources or American pulps.

    • Publishers:
      • The World’s Work (1913) Ltd.; Kingswood, Surrey: Mystery Stories.

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