The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 278
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Fisher, Steve (chron.) (continued)
- * Shanghai Transport [Sheridan Doome], (ss) The Shadow January 15 1938, as by Stephen Gould
- * Shine, Mister? [Danny Garrett (The Kid)], (ss) The Shadow Magazine November 15 1936
- * Shoe Leather Kid [Danny Garrett (The Kid)], (ss) The Shadow Magazine December 15 1936
- * Shoe-Shine Boy [Danny Garrett (The Kid)], (ss) The Shadow Magazine July 1 1936
- * The Sign of Murder, (ss) Nick Carter Magazine December 1935
- * Singapore [“Big Red” Brennan], (ss) Crime Busters February 1938
- * Sky-High Kid [Danny Garrett (The Kid)], (ss) The Shadow December 1 1938
- * Slant-Eyed Kid [Danny Garrett (The Kid)], (ss) The Shadow February 1 1939
- * “Snatch” Racket, (ss) Mystery Adventure Magazine August 1936
- * S.O.S. [Sheridan Doome], (ss) The Shadow February 15 1938, as by Stephen Gould
- * Spies for Sale [“Big Red” Brennan], (nv) Crime Busters February 1939
- * Storm Kid [Danny Garrett (The Kid)], (ss) The Shadow May 1 1939
- * Studio Mystery, (ss) The Underworld Detective May 1935
- * The Subway Kid [Danny Garrett (The Kid)], (ss) The Shadow June 1 1938
- * Suicide Fleet [Sheridan Doome], (ss) The Shadow July 1 1941, as by Stephen Gould
- * Sweet Sue [Sheridan Doome], (ss) The Shadow March 15 1938, as by Stephen Gould
- * Take a Whirl at Murder [Arlen Canfield (The Spinner)], (ss) Crime Busters January 1938
- * The Target [Sheridan Doome], (ss) The Shadow November 15 1937, as by Stephen Gould
- * The Tattooed Skipper [Sheridan Doome], (ss) The Shadow Magazine May 1 1935
- * This Girl Ann, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 12 1941
- * Three Faces of Death, (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine July 1941
- * Thunder in Paradise [“Big Red” Brennan], (ss) Crime Busters May 1939
- * Time Out for Murder [Sheridan Doome], (ss) The Shadow August 15 1937, as by Stephen Gould
- * Treasure Hunt [Sheridan Doome], (ss) The Shadow September 15 1940, as by Stephen Gould
- * Turn to for Murder [Sheridan Doome], (ss) The Shadow December 1 1941, as by Stephen Gould
- * The Valley of Death, (ss) G-Men October 1937
- * The Vessel of Mercy [Sheridan Doome], (ss) The Shadow August 15 1939, as by Stephen Gould
- * Wait for Me, (ss) Black Mask May 1938
- * War Games [Sheridan Doome], (ss) The Shadow September 15 1938, as by Stephen Gould
- * Wave a Flag [“Big Red” Brennan], (ss) Crime Busters April 1939
- * We Don’t Like Spies [Sheridan Doome], (ss) The Shadow July 15 1939, as by Stephen Gould
- * What Price Murder?, (ss) Detective Tales September 1936
- * While the Earth Shook, (ss) Clues Detective Stories September 1935
- * Winter Kill, (n.) Dodd, Mead, 1946
- * World’s Fair Kid [Danny Garrett (The Kid)], (ss) The Shadow July 1 1939
- * Wrecked Wings [Sheridan Doome], (ss) The Shadow Magazine September 1 1935
- * The Yellow Cat [Sheridan Doome], (ss) The Shadow Magazine November 1 1935
- * You’ll Always Remember Me, (ss) Black Mask March 1938
Fishman, Joseph Fulling (1885-1953) (chron.)
- * And May God Have Mercy, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly April 30 1927
- * The Assembly Line Murders, (ar) New Detective Magazine May 1945
- * Betrayed in Frisco, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly September 21 1940
- * Between the Lines [Old Calamity], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 9 1933
- * Born to Kill, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly January 7 1939
- * But Still Crooks!, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly July 13 1940
- * By a Nose [Old Calamity], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly October 27 1928
- * The Case of the Cornered Rat, (ar) New Detective Magazine December 1952
- * The Case of the Vanishing School Principal, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly June 14 1941
- * Claw Hammer Killer, (ss)
- * Comic Opera Jails, (ar) Flynn’s September 26 1925
- * Convicts All, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction July 30 1927
- * Convicts Then and Now, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly April 16 1927
- * Cop-Bumpers, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction January 28 1928
- * The Corpse Stayed Late, (ar) New Detective Magazine July 1947
- * Crime Cults of India, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction April 14 1928
- * Death in the Heart of New York, (ts) Detective Fiction Weekly August 2 1941
- * Decoys, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly February 19 1927
- * The Dummy Package, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly March 29 1941
- * Evidence That Lied, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly March 23 1940
- * Figures Do Lie, (ms) Fifteen Detective Stories October 1954
- * Find the Body!, (ar) New Detective Magazine January 1948
- * Fine Feathers [Old Calamity], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly February 2 1929
- * Fresh Fish! Fresh Fish!, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction November 12 1927
- * Genius of Evil, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly April 22 1939
- * Halfway ’Round the Earth, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly February 1 1941
- * Hidden Love—and Death, (ar) Detective Fiction November 1 1941
- * Honor of Thieves [Old Calamity], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly March 18 1939
- * The Husband Betrayed!, (ts) Love-Crime Detective October 1942
- * Inside the Crater, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly November 20 1926
- * Just One More Move, (ss) Flynn’s November 14 1925
- * Kangaroo Courts, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly July 27 1940
- * Last Stop, (ar) New Detective Magazine July 1945
- * Leavenworth’s Most Sensational Break, (ar) Detective Fiction January 24 1942
- * Lockstep and Solitary, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly April 5 1930
- * Lover’s Kiss of Doom, (ar) Detective Fiction April 1942
- * Love’s Shadow of Death, (ts) Detective Fiction February 21 1942
- * Manhunt!, (ts) New Detective Magazine December 1951
- * Marriage for Murder, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly November 11 1939
- * Minor Incident, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly June 1 1940
- * Money-Greed Dooms the Lovelorn Widow, (ts) Love-Crime Detective September 1942
- * Moonshine Blood Vengeance, (ar) Detective Fiction February 7 1942
- * Murder Castle, (ar) New Detective Magazine September 1945
- * Murder Hides an Ogre’s Tryst, (ia) Flynn’s Detective November 1942
- * Murder in the Crowded Street, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly July 22 1939
- * The Mystery of the Disappearing Box, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly August 19 1939
- * New Year Murder Riddle, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly October 21 1939
- * Old Calamity Cleans Up [Old Calamity], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 19 1934
- * Old Calamity Holds the Wire [Old Calamity], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 23 1932
- * Old Calamity Lays the Ghost [Old Calamity], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 9 1932
- * Old Calamity Scores Twice [Old Calamity], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly February 11 1933
- * Old Calamity Sniffs a Clue [Old Calamity], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 7 1934
- * Old Calamity’s Stick Up [Old Calamity], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 23 1934
- * Old Calamity Stages an Act [Old Calamity], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 6 1929
- * Old Calamity Starts a Fight [Old Calamity], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 17 1932
- * Old Calamity Stops a Leak [Old Calamity], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 5 1937
- * One for Each Hip, (ss) Flynn’s November 28 1925
- * On the Gallow’s Step, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly October 7 1939
- * Open and Shut Case, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly November 25 1939
- * Parole, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly April 27 1940
- * Passion and a Bridegroom’s Vengeance, (ts) Love-Crime Detective August 1942
- * The Path to Freedom, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly March 2 1940
- * Prisoners of Burma, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction January 21 1928
- * Prison Poets, (ar) Flynn’s February 14 1925
- * The Public Is Wrong, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly May 28 1927
- * Respectable Criminal, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly July 8 1939
- * Rope’s End, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly December 3 1938
- * Scourge of the Coast, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly April 1 1939
- * Smart Crook, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly August 5 1939
- * Stool Pigeons, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly February 12 1927
- * The Suicides in Cell Thirty-Two [Old Calamity], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 17 1933
- * Swindler Extraordinary, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly January 21 1939
- * Talk About Your Crime Waves!, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction February 25 1928
- * That’s the Man, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly May 4 1940
- * They Sneer at Death, (ts) Double Detective March 1943
- * Thief Catch Thief, (ss) Flynn’s June 20 1925
- * Three Barking Dogs, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly September 9 1939
- * Thumbscrew and Rack, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly June 11 1927
- * Triangle of Love and—Death, (ss) Love-Crime Detective November 1942
- * Watch ’Em When They’re Sick, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction November 26 1927
- * The Well-Dressed Burglar, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly May 11 1940
- * Why Is a Stoolpigeon, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly August 31 1940
- * The Yawn [Old Calamity], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly March 2 1929
Fiske, Martin (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Big Business—Gangsterized, (ar) Real Detective April 1933
- * Crimson Wave of Brutal Sex Crimes, (ar) Real Detective July 1934
- * Exposing New White Slave Rackets, (ar) Real Detective December 1934
- * The Incredible Career of Wisconsin’s Boy Sheriff, (ar) Real Detective August 1934
- * The Mystery Behind the “Honor” Slaying, (ar) Real Detective May 1934
- * The New Broom and the New York Police, (ar) Real Detective June 1934
- * Pay Up or Die, (ss) Federal Agent May 1937
- * Petting the Criminal, (ar) Real Detective November 1934
- * Strange Suicides, (ar) Real Detective March 1934
- * Why Mrs. Antonio Had to Die at Sing Sing, (ar) Real Detective October 1934
Fitch, Marc E. (fl. 2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Altar Boys, (ss) The Big Click #4, September 2012
- * Caimano-Man, (ss) The Big Click #11, November 2013
- * Death Sentence, (ss) Pulp Modern May 2017
- * The Hero of East Vale, (ss) The Big Click #25, March 2016
- * Monster, (ss) Thuglit #2, November/December 2012
- * Tick-Tock in the House America Built, (ss) Pulp Modern Winter 2017
- * Tommy, Who Loved to Laugh, (ss) Thuglit #13, September/October 2014
Fitt, Mary; pseudonym of Kathleen Freeman (1897-1959) (about) (chron.)
- * Black Sheep [Doctor Fitzbrown], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #12, October/November 1951
- * The Case of the Lost Sheep [Mr. Pitt], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #4, 1950
- * The Case of the Professor’s Chair [Mr. Pitt], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #2, 1950
- * The Case of the Retired Printer [Mr. Pitt], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #3, 1950
- * The Case of the Thursday ’Phone-Calls [Mr. Pitt], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #1, 1949
- * The Case of the Unstitched Hand [Doctor Fitzbrown], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #15, April/May 1952
- * A Dumb Friend, (ss) Choice of Weapons, Hodder & Stoughton, 1958
- * Meet Doctor Fitzbrown:
* ___ [Doctor Fitzbrown], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #7, 1950
* ___ Part II—The Talking Gatepost [Doctor Fitzbrown], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #10, June/July 1951
* ___ Part III—Black Sheep [Doctor Fitzbrown], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #12, October/November 1951
* ___ Part IV—The Case of the Unstitched Hand [Doctor Fitzbrown], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #15, April/May 1952
- * The Talking Gatepost [Doctor Fitzbrown], (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #10, June/July 1951
_____, [ref.]
Fitzgerald, Eric; pseudonym of Gil Brewer (1922-1983) (chron.)
- * Alligator, (ss) Hunted Detective Story Magazine #9, April 1956
- * The Black Suitcase, (nv) Hunted Detective Story Magazine #8, February 1956
- * Cut Bait, (ss) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #15, May 1956
- * Death Comes Last, (nv) Hunted Detective Story Magazine #6, October 1955
- * Home-Again Blues, (ss) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #14, March 1956
- * Return to Yesterday, (ss) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #16, July 1956
- * Sauce for the Goose, (ss) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #13, January 1956
- * The Screamer, (na) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #11, September 1955
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