The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 943

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    Suspense (Australia) [v4 #3, March 1961] (Fleetway Publications, Ltd., 2/6d, 144pp, digest)
    Issue not indexed - probably identical contents to the UK issue of the same date, but may not exist.

    Suspense (Australia) [v4 #4, April 1961] (Fleetway Publications, Ltd., 2/6d, 144pp, digest)
    Issue not indexed - probably identical contents to the UK issue of the same date, but may not exist.

    Suspense Magazine (2009)   (about)
    Subtitled “The Insider Source into Suspense, Mystery, Horror and Thriller Fiction” Suspense Magazine offers a blend of interviews, articles and original short fiction.

    • Publishers:
      • Suspense Magazine; 26500 Agoura Road, #102-474, Calabasas, CA 91302: Suspense Magazine.
    • Editors:
      • John Raab - Editor: Suspense Magazine, 2009 – Jan 2010.
      • Amanda Goossen - Editor: Suspense Magazine, Feb 2010 – Jun 2010.
      • John Raab - Editor: Suspense Magazine, Jul 2010 – .

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