The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 313
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Gibson, Walter B(rown) (1897-1985); used pseudonym Maxwell Grant (about) (chron.)
- * Alibi Trail [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow January 1 1942, as by Maxwell Grant; not the same as the story of the same name in the June 1946 issue.
- * Alibi Trail [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow June 1946, as by Maxwell Grant; not the same as the story of the same name in the January 1, 1942 issue.
- * The Amazing Randi, (ar) Mystery Digest July 1957 [Ref. James Randi]
- * Atoms of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine July 15 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Banshee Murders [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow January 1946, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Battle of Greed [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow April 15 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Battle of Magic [Norgil the Magician], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine July 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Bells of Doom [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine March 15 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Black Circle [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Spring 1949, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Black Dragon [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow March 1 1943, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Black Falcon [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine February 1 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Black Falcon [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (nv) The Thriller Library #483, May 7 1938, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from the story of the same name in The Shadow Magazine, February 1, 1934.
- * The Black Hush [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine August 1 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Blackmail King [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow November 1 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Blackmail Ring [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Detective Monthly August 1932, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Black Master [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Detective Monthly March 1932, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Blue Pearls [Norgil the Magician], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine December 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Blue Sphinx [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine January 15 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Blur [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow July 15 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Book of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow January 15 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Broken Napoleons [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine July 15 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Brothers of Doom [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine June 1 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Buried Evidence [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow September 1 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Cards of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow May 1 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Case of Congressman Coyd [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine December 15 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Castle of Crime [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow October 1 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Castle of Doom [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine January 15 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Chain of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine July 15 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Charg, Monster [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine July 1 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Chest of Ching Ling Foo [Norgil the Magician], (nv) Crime Busters September 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Chest of Chu Chan [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow September 1944, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Chicago Crime [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Thumb Gaudrey; Pointer Trame; The Hand], (n.) The Shadow November 15 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Chinaman’s Chance [Norgil the Magician], (ss) Crime Busters May 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Chinese Disks [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine November 1 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Chinese Primrose [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow February 15 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Chinese Tapestry [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine November 1 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Circle of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine March 1 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * City of Crime [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine October 1 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The City of Doom [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Rodil Mocquino (The Voodoo Master)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine May 15 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * City of Ghosts [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow November 15 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * City of Shadows [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow June 15 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Clue for Clue [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow October 15 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Cobra [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine April 1 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Condor [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine June 15 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Creeper [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine August 15 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Creeping Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine January 15 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Crime at Seven Oaks [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow August 1 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Crime Caravan [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow April 1944, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Crime Circus [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine April 15 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Crime Clinic [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine December 1 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Crime County [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow September 1 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Crime Crypt [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine June 15 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Crime Cult [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Detective Monthly July 1932, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Crime, Insured [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine July 1 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Crime in the Crystal [Norgil the Magician], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine March 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Crime Master [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine August 1 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Crime Oracle [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine June 1 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Crime Out of Mind [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow February 1946, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Crime Over Boston [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow September 15 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Crime Over Casco [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow April 1946, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Crime Over Miami [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow November 1 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Crime Ray [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow September 1 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Crime Rides the Sea [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Thumb Gaudrey; Pointer Trame; The Hand], (n.) The Shadow January 15 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Crime’s Stronghold [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow December 15 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Crime Under Cover [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow June 1 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Crooks Go Straight [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine March 1 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Crystal Buddha [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow January 1 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Crystal Skull [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow January 1944, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Curse of Thoth [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow May 1946, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Cyro [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine December 15 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Dark Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine February 15 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Dead Man’s Chest [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Fall 1948, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Dead Men Live [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine November 15 1932, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Dead Who Lived [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow October 1 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death About Town [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow July 15 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death by Proxy [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine October 15 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death Clew [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine May 15 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death Diamonds [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow February 1 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death from Nowhere [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow July 15 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Death Giver [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine May 15 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death Has Grey Eyes [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow April 1945, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death in the Crystal [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow August 1944, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death in the Stars [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow May 1 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death Jewels [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow August 1 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death Rides the Skyway [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine February 1 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death Ship [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow April 1 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Death Sleep [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine October 15 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death’s Masquerade [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow January 15 1943, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death’s Premium [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow January 1 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death Token [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine March 1 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Death Tower [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Detective Monthly January 1932, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Death Triangle [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine October 15 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death Turrets [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow November 1 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Devil Master [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow September 15 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Devil Monsters [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow February 1 1943, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Devil’s Feud [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow June 15 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Dictator of Crime [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow October 15 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Doom on the Hill [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine November 15 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Double-Barrelled Magic [Norgil the Magician], (ss) Crime Busters November 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Double Z [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Detective Monthly June 1932, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Drinks on the House [Norgil the Magician], (ss) Crime Busters April 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Embassy Murders [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine January 1 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Enter the Shadow [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (nv) The Thriller Library #477, March 26 1938, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from “The Death Triangle” (The Shadow Magazine, October 15, 1933).
- * The Eyes of the Shadow [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow, a Detective Magazine July/September 1931, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Face of Doom [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow March 15 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Fate Joss [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine July 1 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Fifth Face [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow August 15 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Fingers of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine March 1 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Firearms and Their Identification, (ar) The Shadow July 1943
- * The Fire-Walkers [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (ss) The Thriller Library #499, August 27 1938, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from “The Salamanders” (The Shadow Magazine, April 1, 1936).
- * The Five Chameleons [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine November 1 1932, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Five Ivory Boxes [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow July 1 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Five Keys to Crime [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow March 1945, as by Maxwell Grant
- * $5,000 Reward [Norgil the Magician], (nv) Crime Busters July 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Florentine Masks [Gerard Whitestone (The Great Gerard)], (nv) 1953
- * Forgotten Gold [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow January 1 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Formula for Crime [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow March 15 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Fountain of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow November 1944, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Four Signets [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine January 1 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Freak Show Murders [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow May 1944, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Gangdom’s Doom [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Detective Monthly December 1931, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Garaucan Swindle [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine September 15 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Garden of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow October 1 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Gas! [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (nv) The Thriller Library #487, June 4 1938, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from “The Death Sleep” (The Shadow Magazine, October 15, 1934).
- * Gems of Doom [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow July 15 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Getaway Ring [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow February 1 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Ghost Makers [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine October 15 1932, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Ghost Murders [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine January 1 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Ghost of the Manor [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine June 15 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Ghost That Came Back [Norgil the Magician], (ss) Crime Busters August 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Glass Box [Norgil the Magician], (ss) Crime Busters June 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Golden Grotto [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine May 1 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Golden Masks [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine September 1 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Golden Master [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Shiwan Khan (The Golden Master)], (n.) The Shadow September 15 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Golden Pagoda [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow March 1 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Golden Pagoda [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (na) The Thriller Library #513 Dec 3, #514 Dec 10, #515 Dec 17, #516 Dec 24, #517 Dec 31 1938, #518 Jan 7, #519 Jan 14 1939, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from the story of the same name in The Shadow, March 1, 1938.
- * The Golden Quest [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine May 1 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Golden Vulture [Kent Allard (The Shadow)] (with Lester Dent), (n.) The Shadow July 15 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Gray Fist [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine February 15 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Gray Ghost [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine May 1 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Great Atlantic Mystery [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (na) The Thriller Library #560 Oct 28, #561 Nov 4, #562 Nov 11, #563 Nov 18, #564 Nov 25, #565 Dec 2 1939, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from “Crime Rides the Sea” (The Shadow, January 15, 1939).
- * The Green Box [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine March 15 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Green Eyes [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine October 1 1932, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Green Hoods [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow August 15 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Green Light, (ss) The Shadow, a Detective Magazine April 1931
- * The Grove of Doom [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine September 1 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Guardian of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow January 1945, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Gypsy Vengeance [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine August 15 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Hand [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Thumb Gaudrey; Pointer Trame; The Hand], (n.) The Shadow May 15 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Hands in the Dark [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Detective Monthly May 1932, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Hidden Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Detective Monthly September 1932, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Hills of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow January 15 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Hooded Circle [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow January 15 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * House of Ghosts [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow September 1943, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The House of Mox [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (nv) The Thriller Library #479, April 9 1938, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from “Mox” (The Shadow Magazine, November 15, 1933).
- * House of Shadows [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow December 15 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * House of Silence [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine July 15 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The House on the Ledge [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow April 15 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The House That Vanished [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine October 15 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Hush-Money Expert [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (nv) The Thriller Library #481, April 23 1938, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from “The Wealth Seeker” (The Shadow Magazine, January 15, 1934).
- * The Hydra [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow December 1 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Intimidation, Inc. [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine December 15 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Invincible Shiwan Khan [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Shiwan Khan (The Golden Master)], (n.) The Shadow March 1 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Isle of Doubt [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine August 15 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Isle of Gold [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow August 1 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Jade Dragon [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow April 15 1942, as by Maxwell Grant; not the same as the story with a very similar title in the September 1, 1948 issue.
- * Jade Dragon [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) Shadow Mystery August/September 1948, as by Maxwell Grant; not the same as the story with a very similar title in the April 15, 1942 issue.
- * Jibaro Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine September 15 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Judge Lawless [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow August 15 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Keeper’s Gold [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow October 15 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Key [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine June 1 1934, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Killer [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine November 1 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * King of the Black Market [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow October 1943, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Kings of Crime [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine December 15 1932, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Lady and the Lion [Norgil the Magician], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine January 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Lair of Li Sheng [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (ss) The Thriller Library #496, August 6 1938, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from “Teeth of the Dragon” (The Shadow, November 15, 1937).
- * The League of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow May 1 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Legacy of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow August 1 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Lingo [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine April 1 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Living Joss [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine July 1 1933, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Living Shadow [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow, a Detective Magazine April 1931, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The London Crimes [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine September 15 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Lone Tiger [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow February 15 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Loot of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine February 1 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Mad Magician [Norgil the Magician], (ss) Crime Busters July 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Magician’s Choice [Norgil the Magician], (ss) Crime Busters December 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Magigals Mystery [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Winter 1949, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Malmordo [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow July 1946, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Man from Mandalay [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (nv) The Thriller Library #507, October 22 1938, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from “The Man from Shanghai” (The Shadow Magazine, April 15, 1936).
- * The Man from Scotland Yard [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine August 1 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Man from Shanghai [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine April 15 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Mansion of Crime [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow March 1 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Mardi Gras Mystery [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine September 1 1935, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Masked Headsman [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine April 15 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Masked Lady [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow October 15 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Mask of Mephisto [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow July 1945, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Master of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine September 15 1933, as by Maxwell Grant; not the same as the story with a very similar title in the May 15, 1940 issue.
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