The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 309
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Gault, William Campbell (1910-1995); used pseudonyms Roney Scott & Ray P. Shotwell (about) (chron.)
- * Agent for Murder [Mickey Dolan], (ss) Ten Detective Aces April 1940
- * Alibi for Sale, (ss) Ten Detective Aces March 1942
- * All That Murder Can Buy, (ss) Detective Tales October 1949
- * And Dust to Dust, (ss) The Shadow October 1946
- * And Murder Makes Four!, (na) Detective Tales March 1951
- * Assassin Anonymous [Mickey Dolan], (ss) Detective Tales September 1946
- * Beat of His Heart, (ss) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine July 1942
- * Be Smart, Really Smart, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine December 1956
- * A Bier for Baby [Mortimer Jones], (na) New Detective Magazine March 1949
- * The Big Fix, (na) Detective Tales June 1951
- * The Big Time, (ss) Detective Tales November 1950
- * Black Market Pay-Off, (ss) Detective Book Magazine Summer 1943
- * The Bleeding Heart, (nv) Detective Story Magazine May 1953
- * Blood for the Murder Master!, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine April 1949
- * Blood of the Innocent, (nv) The Saint Detective Magazine July 1957
- * Blood on the Rocks, (nv) Popular Detective March 1951
- * The Bloody Bokhara, (nv) Black Mask November 1948
- * The Book of the Damned (with William Fredric Kruger), (ss) Detective Short Stories October 1947
- * But the Prophet Died, (na) Dell Mystery Novels Magazine January/March 1955
- * The Cackle Bladder, (nv) Detective Tales March 1950, as "The Corpse and the Cackle-Bladder"
- * The Case of the Sleeping Beauty [Mortimer Jones], (nv) Black Mask November 1947
- * The Cold, Cold Ground [Mortimer Jones], (nv) Black Mask January 1947
- * Conspiracy, (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine August 1957
- * The Constant Shadow [Mortimer Jones], (nv) Black Mask July 1947
- * The Corpse and the Cackle-Bladder, (nv) Detective Tales March 1950
- * The Corpse Wore Gloves, (na) 5-Detective Mysteries February/March 1943
- * Creature of Habit, (vi) 15 Mystery Stories October 1950
- * Crime Collection, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine January 1940
- * Curio for a Killer, (ss) Ten Detective Aces June 1942
- * Curtain Call for the Corpse, (nv) Detective Tales November 1946
- * Dark Is the Night, (ss) Detective Tales January 1943
- * Dead-End for Delia, (nv) Black Mask Detective November 1950
- * Dead-End Road, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1948
- * Deadly Beloved [Joe Puma], (na) Manhunt October 1956
- * Deadly Cargo!, (nv) Detective Tales October 1951
- * Dead Man’s Hand, (nv) Thrilling Mystery Winter 1943
- * Dead Man’s Town, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 1953, as by Roney Scott
- * Dead of the Night, (ss) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine March 1943
- * Death and the Little Daisy, (ss) Mammoth Detective January 1943
- * Death for Sale, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 1953
- * Death Has Yellow Eyes, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1942, as by Roney Scott
- * Death Is My Shadow, (na) New Detective Magazine March 1950
- * Death of a Big Wheel [Joe Puma], (nv) Manhunt April 1957
- * Death Pays the Winner, (ss) Thrilling Detective April 1943
- * Death Watch, (ss) Thrilling Detective October 1950
- * The Devil’s Agent, (ss) The Shadow May 1943
- * Dog Eat Dog!, (ss) Detective Tales January 1950
- * Don’t Bet on Death, (ss) Black Mask July 1948
- * Don’t Call Tonight, (na) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine October 1957
- * Don’t Crowd Your Luck [Joe Puma], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1957
- * The Door to Hell, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1942
- * Fallen Star, (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine September 1948
- * Father, May I Go Out to Kill?, (ss) Detective Tales February 1952
- * Four Kings and a Jack, (ss) Thrilling Detective December 1942
- * The Girl Next Door, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 1947
- * The Golden Web, (ss) Detective Tales December 1942
- * Hell on Wheels, (ss) Detective Book Magazine Fall 1942
- * Hibiscus and Homicide [Saunders “Sandy” McKane], (na) Thrilling Detective October 1947
- * Home Is Where the Corpse Is!, (na) Detective Tales February 1950
- * Home Sweet Homicide, (ss) Fifteen Detective Stories December 1954
- * Home to Die, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 1948
- * Hot-House Homicide [Mortimer Jones], (nv) Black Mask September 1946
- * Hot-Rod Homicide, (ss) Detective Tales June 1950, as by Roney Scott
- * Hot Shot, Big Shot—Dead Shot!, (na) Detective Tales February 1949
- * I’ll Be Waiting, (nv) Michael Shayne Mystery Magazine January 1957
- * I’ll See You in Hell!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1942
- * In the Bag—, (ss) Doc Savage Summer 1949
- * Keeper of the Cat-Bride, (nv) 15 Mystery Stories April 1950
- * The Kerman Kill, (nv) Murder in Los Angeles by The Adams Round Table, Morrow, 1987
- * Killer’s Game, (ss) Detective Book Magazine Winter 1941/1942
- * Kill if You Have To, (nv) Michael Shayne Mystery Magazine October 1956
- * The Last Act, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 1942
- * The Last Count, (nv) Detective Tales June 1950
- * The Last Guest, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine Spring 1949
- * A Little Murder Music, Professor!, (ss) Detective Tales December 1951
- * The Longest Count, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine June 1949
- * The Long Night, (nv) 5 Detective Novels Magazine Fall 1952
- * The Man in the Street, (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 1947
- * The Man Who Couldn’t Die!, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine October 1948
- * The Man Who Died Too Often, (ss) Strange Detective Mysteries March 1943
- * Marksman, (ss) Clues Detective Stories September 1940
- * Million Dollar Gesture, (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January 1958
- * Mr. Meek Goes to Hell (with Larry Sternig), (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1944
- * Moment of Flame, (ss) 15 Mystery Stories February 1950
- * Money Is the Motive, (ss) Clues Detective Stories May 1943
- * Murder Comes High [Mickey Dolan], (ss) Black Book Detective May 1942
- * Murderer’s Way, (ss) Detective Tales February 1951
- * A Murder for Mac [Mortimer Jones], (ss) Black Mask March 1947
- * Murder No Object, (ss) Detective Book Magazine Fall 1943
- * Never Marry Murder!, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine December 1949, as by Roney Scott
- * Nightfall, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 1948
- * Night Work, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine July 1954
- * Nobody Wants to Kill, (ss) Clues Detective Stories September 1940, as "Marksman"
- * No Client of Mine [Joe Puma], (ss) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine July 1957
- * No Grave So Deep, (ss) 15 Mystery Stories June 1950
- * None but the Lethal Heart, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine January 1951
- * No Weeds for the Widow, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 1947
- * The Open Grave, (ss) The Shadow November 1943
- * An Ordinary Man, (ss) New Mystery v4 #1, 1996
- * Pale Hands I Loathed, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 1947
- * The Pewter Urn, (ss) G-Men Detective July 1947
- * Pick-Up, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 1947
- * Picture of Doom, (ss) Ten Detective Aces December 1940
- * Punk’s Widow, (nv) Fifteen Detective Stories October 1954
- * Redhead, Stay Dead!, (nv) Detective Tales December 1949
- * Red Runaround [Mortimer Jones], (nv) Black Mask March 1948
- * Return to Terror, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine October 1949
- * The Revolt of Widow Murphy, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 24 1941
- * The Sacrificial Lamb, (nv) The Saint Detective Magazine August 1955
- * Satan’s Children, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1948
- * Satan’s Protege, (ss) 15 Story Detective August 1950
- * See No Murder, (ss) New Detective Magazine September 1950
- * Send Me Your Killers!, (na) Detective Tales August 1949
- * Shadows in the Night, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 1945
- * The Silent Suckers, (na) Detective Tales March 1948
- * The Sister, (ss) New Mystery v2 #2, 1994
- * Slay You in My Dreams, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine December 1949
- * So Dead, My Love!, (nv) 15 Mystery Stories August 1950
- * Some Other Body, (ss) New Detective Magazine July 1949
- * Stolen Star [Joe Puma], (ss) Manhunt November 1957
- * Sweet Rolls and Murder, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine October/November 1953
- * Take Care of Yourself [Joe Puma], (ss) Murder July 1957
- * There’s Got to Be an Angle, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine April 1952
- * They’d Die for Linda, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine September 1946
- * They Die by Night, (ss) Detective Tales September 1942
- * The Things You Never See, (ss) Strange Detective Mysteries May 1942
- * This Way to the Morgue, (ss) Detective Tales April 1950
- * The Threatening Trio, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine October 1948
- * Three Men in a Hearse, (ss) Flynn’s Detective September 1942
- * Three Strikes on Satan (with Larry Sternig), (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine August 1944
- * A Time to Kill, (nv) New Detective Magazine January 1950
- * Tin-Pan Alibi, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine November 1946
- * Title Fight, (ss) Fantastic Universe December 1956
- * A Tombstone for Taro, (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 1947
- * Two Biers for Buster, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine March 1947
- * The Unholy Three [Joe Puma], (nv) Manhunt May 1956
- * Waikiki Widow [Saunders “Sandy” McKane], (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 1948
- * The Walls Are Hard and High!, (nv) Detective Tales May 1947
- * The Weak’s Wages—Death [Mickey Dolan] (with Larry Sternig), (ss) Ten Detective Aces September 1944
- * What Do You Want—Blood?, (na) Detective Tales July 1949
- * Whistle in the Dark, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 1943
- * White Hands I Fear!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine June 1948
- * Who’s Buying Murder?, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine December 1955
- * The Woman Obsession, (ss) Fantastic Universe September 1954
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