The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 82

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    All-Story Detective (UK)   (about)
    British reprint edition of All-Story Detective.

    • Publishers:
      • Pemberton’s (of Manchester) Ltd.; 14 Lever Street, Manchester 1: All-Story Detective (UK).

    Amazing Detective Mystery Stories (UK)
    Mike Cook, in Mystery, Detective and Espionage Magazines, says one issue is known of this pulp magazine, but provides no details of it and no copy has been located. It seems likely that this was a misreading for the 1950 Mystery Stories which carried a banner heading of “Amazing Detective Mystery”.

    American Crime Magazine:   (about)
    Thin digest that ran for at least 36 issues, in two separate series. Despite the title and the boast that it contained “fast-moving drama by popular American authors” it seems to have contained only stories by Australian authors, probably a small number under multiple pseudonyms. There was also an associated series of standalone novelettes published by the same publisher under the same series title of which only two undated examples are known—The Counterfeiters by Rex Young and Murder Madness by Steve Hawk.

    American Crime Magazine (second series)

    • Publishers:
      • Jatkins Publishing Company; 15 Rowe Street, Sydney: American Crime Magazine (second series), Jan 1953 – Jun 1953.
      • Cleveland Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd.; 15 Rowe Street, Sydney: American Crime Magazine (second series), Jul 1953 – Jun 1955.

    American Crime Magazine [#15, May 1954] (Cleveland Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd., 1/-, 66pp, digest)
    Issue not indexed.

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