The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 743
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Solomon, Hugo (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * Clew of the Twisted Wire, (ts) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 31 1931
- * A Criminal’s Pride, (ts) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 23 1932
- * Foiling the Texas Murderers, (ts) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 26 1932
- * A Great Adventurer, (ar) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 24 1931
- * Homicidal Germs, (ts) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 6 1932
- * Kid Killer, (ts) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 11 1932
- * Marked Cards, (ar) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 27 1932
- * The Postman and the Pearl Necklace, (ar) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine September 19 1931
- * Powdered Glass Mystery, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 22 1931
- * A Sip of Cyanide, (ts) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 28 1931
- * Slugging the Slot Machines, (ts) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 19 1932
- * Too Many Sweethearts, (ts) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 30 1932
- * Unmarked Cards, (ar) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 20 1932
- * Valentine Day Massacre, (ts) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine Oct 3, Oct 10 1931
- * Was Marie LaFarge Innocent?, (ts) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 12 1932
- * Who Killed Farmer Phelps?, (ts) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 14 1931
- * Who Killed Sergeant Michael Gregor?, (ts) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 21 1931
- * Who Murdered Marcelli?, (ts) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 13 1932
Soloway, Jeff (fl. 2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Hook-Up Scam, (ss) Mystery Weekly March 2021
- * The Interpreter and the Killer, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2021
- * Mortimer the Duck, (ss) Rock and a Hard Place #6, Summer 2021
- * Our Fathers’ Secrets, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2024
- * Springtime in the City, (ss) Mystery Tribune #20, July/August 2023
- * The Substitute Dealer, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2020
- * The Theft of Las Meninas, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November/December 2024
- * Weekend at Paul’s, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May/June 2023
Somerfield, Thomas (1876-1937) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) The Detective Magazine #17, July 6 1923
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Detective Magazine #6 Feb 2, #12 Apr 27, #13 May 11, #15 Jun 8, #17 Jul 6, #18 Jul 20, #19 Aug 3, #23 Sep 28, #25 Oct 26, #26 Nov 9, #28 Dec 7,
#29 Dec 21 1923
#30 Jan 4, #35 Mar 14, #37 Apr 11, #41 Jun 6, #42 Jun 20, #49 Sep 26, #50 Oct 10, #51 Oct 24, #53 Nov 21, #54 Dec 5, #55 Dec 19 1924
#56 Jan 2, #58 Jan 30, #59 Feb 13, #60 Feb 27, #61 Mar 13, #62 Mar 27, #63 Apr 10 1925
Somerville, Charles (Cecil Lee D’Montral) (1876-1931) (about) (chron.)
- * The Aeroplane Burglar [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask February 15 1924
- * After Ten Thousand Miles [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask February 1923
- * An Amazing Vengeance, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly July 17 1926
- * The Ax-Man, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction October 8 1927
- * The Baby Detective, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly July 28 1928
- * “Bad Bill” Wright, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction October 29 1927
- * Baffling Judge Lynch, (ts) Detective Fiction Weekly August 18 1928
- * The Bandit Prince, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction December 17 1927
- * The Barbarity of the Chair, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly April 27 1929
- * The Big Surprise [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask March 15 1923
- * The Black Vengeance of Mary Jones, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly July 18 1931
- * Bloody Beat, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction September 3 1927
- * Blushing Victims, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly June 12 1926
- * The “Brother” of Al Capone, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly December 12 1931
- * By Wire [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask April 1 1923
- * The Caged Fiend, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly June 7 1930
- * The Camera Eye, (ar) The Popular Magazine February 20 1920
- * The Camp Dix Mystery [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask August 1 1923
- * Captain Lightfoot, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly Aug 31, Sep 7, Sep 14 1929
- * The “Cat” Detective [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask February 1 1924
- * The Charlie Chaplin of Crooks, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly August 9 1930
- * Chieftains of the Tongs, (ar) Flynn’s March 27 1926
- * The “Cigar Box” Mystery [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask November 15 1923
- * The Clew of the Dog, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly October 2 1926
- * The Clew of the Shoe Box, (ar) Flynn’s May 1 1926
- * The Clew of the Storm, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly July 21 1928
- * The Clew of the Wire, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly August 24 1929
- * The Clothesline Clew, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly September 15 1928
- * The Clue in the Turf [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask May 15 1923
- * The Clue of the Bad Check [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask March 1925
- * The Clue of the Hatband [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask June 15 1923
- * The Clue of the Tattooed Arm [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask February 15 1923
- * Coals of Fire, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly January 22 1927
- * The Corpse in the Woods [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask January 1925
- * The Crimson Web, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly December 14 1929
- * A Crook De Luxe [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask May 1 1923
- * The Crooks’ Parade, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly February 16 1929
- * The Crusher, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly January 11 1930
- * Dandy Jim, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly March 19 1932
- * A Daring Escape, (ar) Hutchinson’s Adventure & Mystery Story Magazine March 1929
- * The Deadly Tongs, (ar) Flynn’s December 26 1925
- * The Deadly Toy Man, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly June 21 1930
- * Dead Man’s Riddle, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly September 1 1928
- * The Death Kiss, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction October 1 1927
- * The Death Lights, (ar) Flynn’s January 16 1926
- * The Death Ship [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask February 1925
- * The Debt, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction July 9 1927
- * Detective “8 Ball”, (ts) Detective Fiction Weekly November 29 1930
- * The Devil on Wheels, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly January 30 1932
- * The Dodo, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly March 7 1931
- * The Donkey Boy Who All But Stole a Throne, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction January 7 1928
- * The Double Stroke [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask May 1924
- * Dread Errors of the Law, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly October 9 1926
- * The Dummy Assassin, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly May 30 1931
- * Dutch Anderson, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly September 11 1926
- * The Eel, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly June 22 1929
- * The Empty Chair, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly March 5 1927
- * The Face of the Dead, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly May 2 1931
- * The False Clue [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask March 1 1924
- * The Fancy Man, (ss) Black Mask (UK) October 1932
- * “Fat”, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly December 28 1929
- * The Fiber of a Hero, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly October 16 1926
- * The Fiends of Lollipop Inn, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly August 25 1928
- * The First Electrocution, (ar) The Illustrated Detective Magazine February 1931
- * Florence Burns, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction April 28 1928
- * Frisco Blackie, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly December 5 1931
- * The Ghost, (ts) Detective Fiction Weekly April 18 1931
- * The Ghost Detective, (vi) The Illustrated Detective Magazine November 1930
- * The Gray-Green House [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask April 1925
- * The Great Conspiracy, (ss) Midnight Mystery Stories #16, December 2 1922
- * The Great Liverpool Bank Robbery [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask July 1924
- * The Grim Detective [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask January 15 1924
- * Grim Trifles, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly June 26 1926
- * The Grisly Intruder, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly September 22 1928
- * The Gun-Girl [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask August 1924
- * The Hackettstown Mystery [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask September 15 1923
- * A Hand from the Grave [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask October 1924
- * The Hand of God [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask November 1 1923
- * The Haunting Story of Angelo Carbone, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly October 6 1928
- * He Risked All for the Thrill, (ar) The Illustrated Detective Magazine September 1931
- * Holland’s Queerest Crime, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly September 25 1926
- * The Holy Mask, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly July 26 1930
- * The Horror at St. Michaels, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly March 21 1931
- * The Human Leopards, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly May 9 1931
- * The Insomniac [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask July 15 1923
- * Jawbones, (ts) Detective Fiction Weekly September 8 1928
- * “Killer” Cunniffe, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly September 12 1931
- * The Killers of the Everglades, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly May 11 1929
- * A King Falls, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly November 8 1930
- * The “King of Forgers”, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly February 2 1929
- * The Ku Klux and Crime, (ar) The Black Mask June 1 1923
- * The Lakewood Murder, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly January 19 1929
- * Legs Diamond, Cheap Mug, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly February 20 1932
- * The Little Black Man, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly January 29 1927
- * The Lively Corpse [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask June 1924
- * Liverpool Jack, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly September 28 1929
- * The Loot Ship [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask December 15 1923
- * “Lord Larceny”, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly February 9 1929
- * Major Nig, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly December 8 1928
- * The Manhunters:
* ___ The Aeroplane Burglar [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask February 15 1924
* ___ After Ten Thousand Miles [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask February 1923
* ___ The Big Surprise [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask March 15 1923
* ___ By Wire [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask April 1 1923
* ___ The Camp Dix Mystery [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask August 1 1923
* ___ The “Cat” Detective [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask February 1 1924
* ___ The “Cigar Box” Mystery [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask November 15 1923
* ___ The Clue in the Turf [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask May 15 1923
* ___ The Clue of the Bad Check [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask March 1925
* ___ The Clue of the Hatband [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask June 15 1923
* ___ The Clue of the Tattooed Arm [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask February 15 1923
* ___ The Corpse in the Woods [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask January 1925
* ___ A Crook De Luxe [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask May 1 1923
* ___ The Death Ship [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask February 1925
* ___ The Double Stroke [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask May 1924
* ___ The False Clue [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask March 1 1924
* ___ The Gray-Green House [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask April 1925
* ___ The Great Liverpool Bank Robbery [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask July 1924
* ___ The Grim Detective [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask January 15 1924
* ___ The Gun-Girl [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask August 1924
* ___ The Hackettstown Mystery [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask September 15 1923
* ___ A Hand from the Grave [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask October 1924
* ___ The Hand of God [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask November 1 1923
* ___ The Insomniac [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask July 15 1923
* ___ The Lively Corpse [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask June 1924
* ___ The Loot Ship [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask December 15 1923
* ___ The Man in the Little Cage [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask July 1 1923
* ___ The “Masonic Burglar” [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask August 1925
* ___ The Mole [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask January 1 1924
* ___ The Murray Hill Mysteries [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask January 1926
* ___ Numbers and Threads [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask April 1 1924
* ___ Old Clothes [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask March 1 1923
* ___ A Reporter’s Clue [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask April 15 1924
* ___ The Riddle of Room 14 [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask October 15 1923
* ___ The Rough Diamond [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask September 1924
* ___ The Sleepless Eye [The Manhunters], (ts) The Black Mask October 1 1923
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