The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 581
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Neilson, Max (fl. 1930s-1940s); house pseudonym used by Norman A. Daniels (1905-1995) (chron.)
- * All or Nothing, (ss) Private Detective Stories December 1941
- * Canyon of Fear, (nv) Spicy Mystery Stories June 1936, as "Mistress of Vengeance", by Justin Case
- * Copper’s Gamble [John Allison], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories December 1936, as "Dead Man’s Name", by Harley L. Court
- * The Dead Man Wins, (ss) Super-Detective July 1945
- * Death for a Lady, (ss) Speed Detective April 1943
- * Death on Demand [Eddie Gaffney], (ss) Spicy Detective Stories June 1936, as "Thirty Eight Calibre Kisses
.38 Calibre Kisses", by Peter Grant
- * Death Shaves Too Close, (nv) Speed Mystery November 1944
- * The Devil’s Punchbowl, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories June 1935, as "Gila God", by Mort Lansing
- * Dialogue of Doom, (ss) Super-Detective November 1946
- * Dregs of Despair, (ss) Romantic Detective February 1939, as "Corpse of Corinna", by Dale Boyd
- * Everlasting Justice, (ss) Super-Detective June 1942
- * Fake Frame, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories August 1940
- * Fall Girl, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories April 1941
- * Fifty Percent True, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories April 1938, as "Killer’s Method", by Ellery Watson Calder
- * Girl from Beyond, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories November 1937, as "Across 6 Years", by Curtis Blount
- * He Sent for Killers, (nv) Private Detective Stories June 1941
- * Homicide Hoax, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories May 1941
- * Hot Brand, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories January 1937, as "Hot Ice", by Mort Lansing
- * Killer up a Tree, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories July 1937, as "Blonde Menace", by Hector Blake
- * Money to Burn, (ss) Private Detective Stories July 1941
- * Murder at the Racetrack, (ss) Private Detective Stories May 1941
- * Murder Done Right, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories June 1941, as "Under Fire", by Paul Hanna
- * Murderer’s Day, (ss) Romantic Detective February 1939, as "Death Ride", by Ken Cooper
- * Murder for a Soul, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories November 1937, as "The Glass Coffin", by Robert A. Garron
- * Murder Stays at Home, (ss) (by Norman A. Daniels) Spicy Detective Stories September 1934, as "Murder at Lake Iroquois", by Charles Maxwell
- * Pay for a Butcher, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories July 1941
- * Silent Death, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories October 1936, as "Six Inches of Steel", by Jerome Severs Perry
- * Soho Slay-Ride, (ss) Speed Detective February 1947
- * Top Dog, (ss) Private Detective Stories January 1942
- * Undercover Girl [Ken “Rackets” Daly], (ss) Private Detective Stories December 1937, as "Photo Frame", by John Ford
- * With Eyes Closed, (ss) Private Detective Stories November 1941
Nelms, Henning (Cunningham) (1900-1986); used pseudonym Hake Talbot (chron.)
- * The Hangman’s Handyman [Rogan Kincaid], (n.) Simon & Schuster, 1942, as by Hake Talbot
- * The High House, (ss) Mystery Book Magazine Spring 1948, as by Hake Talbot
- * Rim of the Pit [Rogan Kincaid], (n.) Simon & Schuster, 1944, as by Hake Talbot
- * [illustration(s)] (with Joseph A. Farren), (il) Thrilling Mystery Novel Magazine Fall 1945, as by Joseph A. Farren & Hake Talbot
Nelson, Al P. (fl. 1920s-1940s) (chron.)
- * The Bank That Robbed Itself (with Roger Sherman Hoar), (nv) True Gang Life January 1935, as by Ralph Milne Farley & Al P. Nelson
- * The Dope Ring (with Roger Sherman Hoar), (ss) True Gang Life November 1935, as by Ralph Milne Farley & Al P. Nelson
- * Forgotten Bones, (ss) Detective and Murder Mysteries September 1937
- * Holy City of Mars [Don Warren] (with Roger Sherman Hoar), (na) Fantastic Adventures May 1942, as by Ralph Milne Farley & Al P. Nelson
- * The Law Has Two Arms, (na) Murder Stories September/October 1931
- * Mysterious Malady, (n.) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #65, December 1933
- * The Parachute Murders (with Roger Sherman Hoar), (nv) True Gang Life November 1934, as by Ralph Milne Farley & Al P. Nelson
- * Protection [Jim Grant] (with Roger Sherman Hoar), (na) True Gang Life October 1935, as by Ralph Milne Farley & Al P. Nelson
Nelson, Ben (fl. 1940s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Australia’s Armored Terrors (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction February 1944
- * The Case of the Careless Constable (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction January 1944
- * The Case of the Freckled Corpse (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction September 1943
- * The Case of the Master Marksman (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction October 1943
- * The Case of the Overall Bandit (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction May 1944
- * The Case of the Ruthless Renegade (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction March 1944
- * The Case of the Two-Man Rebellion (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction April 1944
- * Claude Du Vall (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction August 1943
- * Dr. Edward O. Heinrich (with Stookie Allen), (ia) Detective Tales November 1947
- * Ellis Parker, Sr. (with Stookie Allen), (ar) Detective Tales May 1947
- * Gen. David J. Cook (with Stookie Allen), (ia) Detective Tales September 1947
- * Ike White (with Stookie Allen), (ar) Detective Tales June 1947
- * Illustrated Crimes:
* ___ Australia’s Armored Terrors (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction February 1944
* ___ The Case of the Careless Constable (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction January 1944
* ___ The Case of the Freckled Corpse (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction September 1943
* ___ The Case of the Master Marksman (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction October 1943
* ___ The Case of the Overall Bandit (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction May 1944
* ___ The Case of the Ruthless Renegade (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction March 1944
* ___ The Case of the Two-Man Rebellion (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction April 1944
* ___ Claude Du Vall (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction August 1943
* ___ Memorandum of Death (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction November 1943
* ___ The Mystery of the Ghastly Ghouls (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction June 1943
* ___ The Mystery of the Ozark Yorick (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction December 1943
* ___ The Secret of the Death Swamp (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction June 1944
* ___ The Threads of Doom (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction July 1943
* ___ The Vanishing Tourists (with Stookie Allen), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction May 1943
- * J. Frank Norfleet (with Stookie Allen), (ia) Detective Tales April 1948
- * Master Manhunters (with Stookie Allen), (ia) Detective Tales Aug, Dec 1947, Jan, Feb, Mar, May, Jun 1948
- * Master Manhunters (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Detective Tales March 1947
* ___ Dr. Edward O. Heinrich (with Stookie Allen), (ia) Detective Tales November 1947
* ___ Ellis Parker, Sr. (with Stookie Allen), (cl) Detective Tales May 1947
* ___ Gen. David J. Cook (with Stookie Allen), (ia) Detective Tales September 1947
* ___ Ike White (with Stookie Allen), (cl) Detective Tales June 1947
* ___ J. Frank Norfleet (with Stookie Allen), (ia) Detective Tales April 1948
- * Memorandum of Death (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction November 1943
- * Model of a Murder (with Charles Geer), (ia) Detective Tales May 1949
- * The Mystery of the Ghastly Ghouls (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction June 1943
- * The Mystery of the Ozark Yorick (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction December 1943
- * The Secret of the Death Swamp (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction June 1944
- * Strange Trails to Murder (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) New Detective Magazine Nov 1943, Jan, Mar, May 1944, Aug, Oct, Dec 1953, Apr, Sep 1954
- * The Threads of Doom (with M. Lincoln Lee), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction July 1943
- * The Vanishing Tourists (with Stookie Allen), (ia) Flynn’s Detective Fiction May 1943
- * You Can’t Get Away with Murder! (with Charles Geer), (ia) Detective Tales Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1948, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov,
Dec 1949
Jan, Feb, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1950, Aug, Oct, Dec 1951
- * You Can’t Get Away with Murder! (with Charles Geer), (ia) 15 Story Detective Dec 1950, Feb 1951
* ___ Model of a Murder (with Charles Geer), (ia) Detective Tales May 1949
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