The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 376
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Hershman, Morris (1926- ); used pseudonyms Evelyn Bond, Arnold English, Norman Hunt & Mark Mallory (about) (chron.)
- * An Actor Prepares, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1996
- * The Adventure of the Devil’s Father, (ss) Red Herring Mystery Magazine v3 #4, 1997
- * And Murder Makes Five, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine April 1965
- * As Silent as Doom!, (ss) Saturn Web Detective Story Magazine January 1961, as by Arnold English
- * Bail Hearing, (vi) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine May 1965, as by Arnold English
- * Bait for Blackmail, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine March 1964, as by Arnold English
- * Bet I Don’t Die, (ss) Manhunt May 1957, as by Arnold English
- * Brutus Is an Honorable Man, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine January 1966, as by Evelyn Bond
- * Business as Usual, (ss) Manhunt September 1957, as by Arnold English
- * Chicken Contest, (vi) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine November 1964
- * Cloud of Smoke, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1992
- * Code of the Lawless, (ss) Thrilling Detective June 1952
- * Cops Don’t Have Wings, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine December 1964, as by Norman Hunt
- * Cops Take Chances, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine September 1965, as by Norman Hunt
- * Crime After Crime, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine February 1970
- * Crime Lesson, (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine March 1958, as by Arnold English
- * Dangerous to Know, (ss) Hardboiled #39, January 2009
- * The Dark Hour, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine March 1970, as by Evelyn Bond
- * The Devil’s Payoff, (vi) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine February 1965, as by Norman Hunt
- * Distant Relations, (ss) Hardboiled #43, April 2011
- * Double Feature, (ss) G-Men Detective January 1949
- * Dread the Light, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine September 1965, as by Arnold English
- * The Fall Guy, (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine November 1957, as by Arnold English
- * Get Lost, Bum!, (ss) Off Beat Detective Stories July 1960, as by Arnold English
- * Get Out of Town, (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine December 1957, as by Arnold English
- * Girl Friend, (ss) Manhunt September 1957, as by Mark Mallory
- * The Guilty Ones, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine February 1971
- * The Hangman’s Helper, (ss) London Mystery Selection #63, December 1964, as by Norman Hunt
- * Immortal Enemy, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine July 1965
- * Innocent Bystander, (ss) The Shadow Spring 1949
- * The Joker, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine September 1964
- * Kidnapped!, (n.) Guilty Detective Story Magazine June 1962, as by Norman Hunt
- * Killer Cop, (ss) Manhunt June 1958, as by Arnold English
- * Killer Once Removed, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine June 1968
- * A Kind of Murder, (ss) The Saint Magazine October 1967
- * A Knife for My Love, (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine September 1957, as by Arnold English
- * The Lady Confesses, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine October 1964, as by Arnold English
- * Letters from Barbara, (vi) London Mystery Selection #64, March 1965, as by Norman Hunt
- * Letter to the Editor, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 1953
- * Let There Be Night!, (ss) The Saint Magazine October 1966
- * Live Bait, (ss) Popular Detective March 1950
- * A Matter of Flagrant Honesty, (ss) Hardboiled #34, Summer 2005
- * A Matter of Pride, (vi) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine December 1966
- * Meet Mr. Murder, (vi) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine February 1968
- * Moving Target, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1992
- * Never Kill a Victim, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine April 1968, as by Arnold English
- * Omit Flowers, (ss) Manhunt October 1957, as by Arnold English
- * Once Over Lightly, (ss) Shell Scott Mystery Magazine April 1966, as by Norman Hunt
- * The One and Only, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine October 1983
- * One Foot in the Grave, (ss) Smashing Detective Stories June 1951
- * One Husband Too Many!, (ss) Sure-Fire Detective Stories December 1957, as by Arnold English
- * The Other Side of the Limelight, (ss) Kracked Mirror Mysteries January 1996
- * The Paper Signal, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine May 1964, as by Arnold English
- * Payback Time, (ss) Hardboiled #29/30, September 2003
- * Play for Time, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine December 1966, as by Arnold English
- * The Practically Perfect Crime, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine February 1964
- * Pressure, (ss) Manhunt February 1958, as by Arnold English
- * Proposal Perilous, (ss) Popular Detective July 1949
- * Room-and-Board, (ss) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #16, November 1965
- * Rumble for a Blonde, (nv) Trapped Detective Story Magazine April 1958, as by Arnold English
- * The Satisfied Victim, (ss) London Mystery Selection #62, September 1964
- * See No Evil, (vi) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine December 1964, as by Arnold English
- * Serious Money, (ss) Hardboiled #40, May 2009
- * Shadow in Sunlight, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine January 1966
- * Shadow of a Promise, (ss) Private Investigator Detective Magazine Winter 1956
- * Silent Treatment, (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine January 1958, as by Arnold English
- * Six Million Murderers, (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine September 1958, as by Arnold English
- * A Snare and a Delusion, (ss) Hardboiled #24, July 1998
- * Snowball in Hell, (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine February 1958, as by Arnold English
- * Special Treatment, (vi) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #8, March 1965
- * Stairway to Hell, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine June 1964, as by Arnold English
- * Swan’s Way, (ss) Detective Story Magazine #9, September 1990
- * Sweet Violence, (vi) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine February 1967, as by Arnold English
- * Timely End, (ss) Hardboiled #21, January 1996
- * Too Many Accidents, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine June 1969
- * Wait for Trouble, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine April 1965, as by Norman Hunt
- * We’ll Bleed Him White, (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine July 1957, as by Arnold English
- * When a Felon Needs a Friend, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine February 1958, as by Arnold English
- * Wild House Party, (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine September 1958, as by Arnold English
- * Willing Victim, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine March 1971
- * The Wrong Man, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Anthology #57, Fall 1987
- * Zigzag, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine August 1964, as by Norman Hunt
Hervey, Michael; [born Mark Hockman] (1914-1979) (about) (chron.)
- * Accident, (ss) Tales of Terror and the Unknown, Everybody's Books, 1944
- * Afraid to Die, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #10, 1953
- * All Details Supplied, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #2, 1952; based on a play, Hampton Press, June 1948.
- * Baby Sitter Killer, (ts) John Creasey Mystery Magazine April 1964
- * The Barber of Reville, (ss) John Creasey Mystery Magazine July 1964
- * Built Up Area, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine July 1959
- * The Case of the Anxious Poisoner, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #6, 1953
- * The Case of the Eager Bank Clerk, (nv) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #7, 1953
- * The Case of the Frightened Financier, (nv) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #11, 1953
- * The Case of the Ice-Cold Blonde, (nv) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #10, 1953
- * The Case of the Jealous Husband, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #5, 1953
- * The Case of the Missing Shoe, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #8, 1953
- * Case of the Three Partners, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #9, 1953
- * Cause for Regret, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #5, 1953
- * Cheque Mates, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #2, 1952
- * Comes the Reckoning, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #12, 1953
- * Conflict!, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #8, 1953
- * Curiosity Killed Cath, (ss) John Creasey Mystery Magazine December 1963
- * Death of a Widow, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #12, 1953
- * Death on Wheels, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #7, 1953
- * Death Tolls the Bell [Ralph Munroe], (nv) Death Tolls the Bell by Michael Hervey, The Mitre Press, 1944
- * The Detective and the Blonde, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #4, 1953
- * Die She Must!, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #4, 1953
- * Dilemma, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #13, 1953
- * Dream of Murder, (ss) Appointment with Death, and Other Stories by Michael Hervey, Century, 1945
- * Every Man to His Own Trade, (ss) John Creasey Mystery Magazine January 1965
- * The Experiment, (ss) Murder Medley by Michael Hervey, The Hampton Press, 1945
- * Fool Proof, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine June 1955
- * Hangman’s Choice, (nv) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #2, 1952
- * The Home-Coming, (ss)
- * Honour Among Thieves, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #9, 1953
- * If It’s Murder You’re After, (nv) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #3, 1952
- * The Incredible Mr. Seddon, (ts) Crime Story Magazine October 1953
- * Inevitable Mistake, (ar) Crime Medley by Michael Hervey, The Hampton Press, 1945
- * In View of Impending Death, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #4, 1953
- * It All Adds Up, (ss) Corpses Can Walk and Other Stories, Pictorial Art, 1946
- * It Was All So Easy, (ss) Imperfect Alibi by Michael Hervey, The Mitre Press, 1944
- * Killer De Luxe, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #10, 1953
- * The Killer Who Pretended to Be Mad, (ar) John Creasey Mystery Magazine November 1962
- * Kiss of Death, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #11, 1953
- * Lady Be Good, (nv) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #9, 1953
- * The Law Can Wait, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #6, 1953
- * Life Begins at Twenty, (ss) John Creasey Mystery Magazine June 1963
- * Maid to Order, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #9, 1953
- * Man Overboard, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #3, 1952
- * The Man Who Was Afraid, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #11, 1953
- * The Man Who Was Afraid of Cats, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #12, 1953
- * Mass Murder, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #5, 1953
- * The Morgue the Merrier, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #13, 1953
- * Most Unethical, (ss) Dames Spell Trouble by Michael Hervey, Bear Hudson, 1944
- * Motive for Murder, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #2, 1952
- * Murder at the Movies [Ralph Munroe], (nv) Murder at the Movies by Michael Hervey, The Mitre Press, 1945
- * Murder by Instalments, (nv) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #6, 1953
- * Murder in Paris, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #8, 1953
- * Murder in Space, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #11, 1953
- * Murder Is Abroad, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #7, 1953
- * Murder Is Easy, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #3, 1952
- * Murder Thy Neighbour [Ralph Munroe], (nv) Mitre Press, 1944
- * Murder Was Their Business, (ts) John Creasey Mystery Magazine May 1964
- * A New Lease of Life, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #5, 1953
- * Nick to the Rescue, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #12, 1953
- * No Excuse for Murder, (ss) The Astounding Crime by Preston Yorke, Everybody's Books, 1943
- * No Reprieve, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #13, 1953
- * No Time for Murder, (nv) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #12, 1953
- * Odd Man In—, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #2, 1952
- * Once Upon a Crime, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #10, 1953
- * Open Verdict, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #7, 1953
- * The Original Trunk Crime, (ss) Horror Medley by Michael Hervey, The Hampton Press, 1946
- * The Original Trunk Murder, (ss) Horror Medley by Michael Hervey, The Hampton Press, 1946, as "The Original Trunk Crime"
- * Perfect Alibi, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #6, 1953
- * Plan of Murder, (vi) Ghost Voice by Michael Hervey, Hampton Press, 1946, as "Plan to Murder"
- * Plan to Murder, (vi) Ghost Voice by Michael Hervey, Hampton Press, 1946
- * Poetic Justice, (ss) Murder Medley by Michael Hervey, The Hampton Press, 1945
- * Predicament, (ss) 52 Suspects, The Mitre Press, 1944
- * The Sands of Amarah, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #6, 1953
- * Side Show, (vi) The London Mystery Magazine #23, 1955
- * Simple Equation, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #1, 1952
- * Smart Guy, (ss) Answers
- * Snakes Alive!, (ss) 1946
- * So Near and yet So Far, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #9, 1953
- * Strange Warning, (ss) Appointment with Death, and Other Stories by Michael Hervey, Century, 1945
- * Suspicion, (ss) Suspicion by Michael Hervey, The Hampton Press, 1946
- * There’s One Born Every Minute, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #1, 1952
- * The Tip Off, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #10, 1953
- * Touch and Go, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #10, 1953
- * Turnbull Turns ’Tec, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #11, 1953
- * Two’s Company—Three’s a Shroud, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #12, 1953
- * Vengeance Is Mine, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #1, 1952
- * Waiting for Matwell, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #5, 1953
- * The Walking Dead, (nv) The Hampton Press, 1949
- * A Watertight Job, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #6, 1953
- * We Are One, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #7, 1953
- * Welcome Home, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #12, 1953
- * Woman Trouble, (ss) Mike Hervey Detective Monthly Magazine #11, 1953
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