The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 586
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Wheeler, Daniel E(dwin) (1880-1972) (items)
- Flubb and Dubb, (pm) Detective Story Magazine July 16 1918
- The Problem of Paying Prisoners, (ar) Detective Story Magazine August 19 1922
- Fair, but a Fiend, (ar) Detective Story Magazine February 24 1923
- Smugglers and Smuggling, (ar) Detective Story Magazine August 11 1928
- Drugs, (ar) Detective Story Magazine August 18 1928
- Jewels, (ar) Detective Story Magazine August 25 1928
- Poison in the Air, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 1 1928
- The “Owlers” and the “Gentlemen”, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 8 1928
- Some Famous Smugglers, (ar) Detective Story Magazine September 15 1928
- Don’t Let Them Rob You, (cl) Mystery September 1934, etc.
- The Terrible Williamsons, (ar) Mystery November 1934
- Who Draws the Lucky Number?, (ms) Mystery December 1934
- Health Swindlers, (ar) Mystery February 1935, etc.
Wheeler, Hugh Callingham (1912-1987); used pseudonyms Dick Callingham, Q. Patrick, Patrick Quentin & Jonathan Stagge (about) (items)
- Darker Grows the Valley (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) Mystery May 1935, as by Q. Patrick
- Killed by Time (with Richard Wilson Webb), (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 1935, as by Q. Patrick
- The Dogs Do Bark [Dr. Hugh Westlake] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 1935, as by Q. Patrick
- The Frightened Landlady (with Richard Wilson Webb), (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 1935, as by Q. Patrick
- The Scarlet Circle (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 1936, as by Q. Patrick
- The Hated Woman (with Richard Wilson Webb), (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 1936, as by Q. Patrick
- Striking Silence (with Richard Wilson Webb), (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 1936, as by Dick Callingham
- Terror Keepers (with Richard Wilson Webb), (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 1936, as by Dick Callingham
- Murder or Mercy (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 1936, as by Q. Patrick
- The Jack of Diamonds (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) The American Magazine November 1936, as by Q. Patrick
- A Puzzle for Fools [Peter & Iris Duluth] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (n.) Simon & Schuster, 1936, as by Patrick Quentin
- Danger Next Door (with Richard Wilson Webb), (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 1937, as by Q. Patrick
- Frightened Killer (with Richard Wilson Webb), (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 1937, as by Dick Callingham
- The Lady Had Nine Lives [Lt. Timothy Trant] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) The American Magazine August 1937, as by Q. Patrick
- Exit Before Midnight [Carole Thorne; Miles Shenton] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) The American Magazine October 1937, as by Q. Patrick
- Death for Dear Clara [Lt. Timothy Trant] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (n.) Simon & Schuster, 1937, as by Q. Patrick
- The Stars Spell Death [Dr. Hugh Westlake] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) Argosy October 28 1939 (+6), as by Jonathan Stagge
- Death and the Maiden [Lt. Timothy Trant] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (n.) Simon & Schuster, 1939, as by Q. Patrick
- Another Man’s Poison [Rona Heath; Oliver Lord] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) The American Magazine January 1940, as by Q. Patrick
- Death Rides the Ski-Tow [Peter & Iris Duluth] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) The American Magazine April 1941, as by Q. Patrick
- Murder with Flowers [Peter & Iris Duluth] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) The American Magazine December 1941, as by Q. Patrick
- Portrait of a Murderer (with Richard Wilson Webb), (nv) Harper’s Magazine April 1942, as by Q. Patrick
- The Yellow Taxi [Dr. Hugh Westlake] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (n.) Doubleday, 1942, as by Jonathan Stagge
- The Woman Who Waited (with Richard Wilson Webb), (ss) The Shadow January 1945, as by Q. Patrick
- White Carnations [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) Collier’s February 10 1945, as by Q. Patrick
- Puzzle for Frauds [Peter & Iris Duluth] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) Mystery Book Magazine September 1945, as by Patrick Quentin
- The Fat Cat, (ss) 1945, as by Q. Patrick
- Death, My Darling Daughters [Dr. Hugh Westlake] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) Mystery Book Magazine January 1946, as by Jonathan Stagge
- Puzzle for Poppy [Peter & Iris Duluth] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #27, February 1946, as by Patrick Quentin
- Puzzle for Fiends [Peter & Iris Duluth] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) Mystery Book Magazine May 1946, as by Patrick Quentin
- The Plaster Cat [Lt. Timothy Trant], (na) Mystery Book Magazine July 1946, as by Patrick Quentin
- Witness for the Prosecution (with Richard Wilson Webb), (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #32, July 1946, as by Q. Patrick
- Death’s Old Sweet Song [Dr. Hugh Westlake] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (n.) The San Francisco Dramatic Chronicle 1946, as by Jonathan Stagge
- The Corpse in the Closet [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week February 16 1947, as by Q. Patrick
- This Way Out, (nv) Mystery Book Magazine March 1947, as by Q. Patrick
- Love Comes to Miss Lucy, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #41, April 1947, as by Q. Patrick
- Footlights and Murder [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week May 11 1947, as by Q. Patrick
- Puzzle for Pilgrims (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) Mystery Book Magazine May 1947, as by Patrick Quentin
- Little Boy Lost, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #47, October 1947, as by Q. Patrick
- Murder in One Scene [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week May 2 1948, as by Q. Patrick
- Mother, May I Go Out to Swim?, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #56, July 1948, as by Q. Patrick
- Run to Death [Peter & Iris Duluth] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (na) Mystery Book Magazine Fall 1948, as by Patrick Quentin
- The Wrong Envelope [Lt. Timothy Trant], (nv) Mystery Book Magazine Winter 1948, as by Q. Patrick
- Murder in the Alps [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week February 20 1949, as by Q. Patrick
- Who Killed the Mermaid? [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week May 29 1949, as by Q. Patrick
- Thou Lord Seest Me, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #68, July 1949, as by Q. Patrick
- Town Blonde, Country Blonde [Lt. Timothy Trant], (vi) This Week October 16 1949, as by Q. Patrick
- Woman of Ice [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week October 30 1949, as by Q. Patrick
- The Three Fears [Dr. Hugh Westlake] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (n.) Doubleday, 1949, as by Jonathan Stagge
- Passport for Murder, (na) The American Magazine March 1950, as by Patrick Quentin
- This Looks Like Murder [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week April 30 1950, as by Q. Patrick
- A Boy’s Will, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #79, June 1950, as by Q. Patrick
- Death on the Riviera [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week July 30 1950, as by Q. Patrick
- Death and Canasta [Lt. Timothy Trant], (vi) This Week October 15 1950, as by Q. Patrick
- Death on Saturday Night [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week November 26 1950, as by Q. Patrick
- This Will Kill You, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #84, November 1950, as by Q. Patrick
- Girl Overboard [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) Four-&-Twenty Bloodhounds ed. Anthony Boucher, Simon & Schuster, 1950, as by Q. Patrick
- Death Before Breakfast [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week March 11 1951, as by Q. Patrick
- The Glamorous Opening [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week June 3 1951, as by Q. Patrick
- Death on a First Night, (ss) The Evening Standard June 20 1951, as by Q. Patrick
- All the Way to the Moon, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #94, September 1951, as by Q. Patrick
- The Scarlet Box, (na) The American Magazine December 1951, as by Patrick Quentin
- The Pigeon Woman, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #104, July 1952, as by Q. Patrick
- Revolvers and Roses [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week December 7 1952, as by Q. Patrick
- The Laughing Man [Inspector Martin Field], (na) The American Magazine March 1953, as by Patrick Quentin
- Going…Going…Gone! [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week May 10 1953, as by Q. Patrick
- The Two Deadly Females [Lt. Timothy Trant], (ss) This Week April 3 1955, as by Q. Patrick
- Death and the Rising Star [Peter & Iris Duluth] (with Richard Wilson Webb), (ss) Better Living June 1955, as by Patrick Quentin
Whetstone, Raymond (fl. 1920s-1950s) (items)
- A Night of Horror, (ss) Mystery Stories March 1929
- Satan’s Workshop, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1935
- Queen of the Undead, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1935
- A Corpse Kills, (ss) Thrilling Mystery October 1936
- Death’s Dark Coach, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine October 1936
- The Beast Comes Home, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1937
- Terror Has No Face, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1938
- Coroner of Hell, (nv) Mystery Tales November 1938
- Death Is Invisible, (ss) Red Star Mystery June 1940
- The Zombie Master, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries September 1940
- Blackmail Girl, (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine July 1957
- It’s Curtains for You, (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine September 1957
- Always Keep a Mirror Nigh, (ss) London Mystery Selection #36, March 1958
- I’ll See You in Hell, (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine December 1958
Whipple, Kenneth (Duane) (1894-1974) (about) (items)
- The Purple Brick, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 23 1921
- Pursuit, (ss) The Black Mask January 1922
- Blown In, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 4 1922
- Off the Course, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 1 1922
- False Fingers, (ss) Mystery Magazine #108, May 1 1922
- The Hoodoo Taxi, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 6 1922
- On the River Road, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 17 1922
- From Another Angle, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 27 1923
- Absolutely Cut Off, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 3 1923
- Bad Medicine, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 28 1923
- “Keep off the Grass”, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 28 1923
- The Twelfth Juror, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 8 1923
- Water Shy, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 13 1923
- The Man Who Came Last, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 23 1924
- Live Bait, (ts) Detective Story Magazine April 12 1924
- Tainted, (ss) The Black Mask February 1925
- A Scrap of Paper, (ss) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories April 1925
- When the Door Opened, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 9 1925
- The Last Word, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 20 1925
- Please Forward, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 14 1925
- The Right Answer, (ss) Flynn’s January 2 1926
- Honeymoon, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 20 1926
- Just Naturally Crooked, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 10 1926
- Safe Till Spring, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 12 1927
- Thunder of Doom, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 26 1927
- Turning Loot, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 11 1927
- Stubby Joins the Force [Stubby], (ss) Crime Mysteries #1, August 19 1927
- Stubby Disobeys Orders [Stubby], (ss) Crime Mysteries #2, September 2 1927
- Stubby’s Clean-Up [Stubby], (ss) Crime Mysteries #5, October 14 1927
- Drawn Shades, (ss) Crime Mysteries #6, October 28 1927
- Stubby Tells It to the Marines [Stubby], (ss) Crime Mysteries #7, November 1927
- The Dumbest Drive, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 21 1928
- Santa’s Fall, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 22 1928
- The Clue That Counted, (ss) The Underworld Magazine March 1929
- Too Soft, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 15 1929
- The Killings in Carter Cave, (n.) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #30, December 1930
- The Deadly Female, (ss) The Illustrated Detective Magazine July 1932
- The Loon Lake Horrors, (n.) Dime Mystery Book Magazine May 1933
- The Gray Death, (n.) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #73, August 1934
- Fires at Fitch’s Folly, (na) Mystery Novels Magazine April 1936
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