The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 867
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Woolrich, Cornell (chron.) (continued)
- * Short-Order Kill, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine May 1938
- * The Showboat Murders, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 14 1935
- * Silent As the Grave, (ss) Mystery Book Magazine November 1945, as by William Irish
- * Silhouette, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly January 7 1939
- * The Singing Hat, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly February 18 1939, as "The Counterfeit Hat"
- * Soda Fountain, (ss) Liberty October 11 1930, as "Soda-Fountain Saga"
- * Soda-Fountain Saga, (ss) Liberty October 11 1930
- * Somebody on the Phone, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 31 1937
- * Something That Happened in Our House, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine October 1941, as "Murder at Mother’s Knee"
- * Speak to Me of Death [Lieutenant McManus], (nv) Argosy February 27 1937
- * Steps…Coming Near, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1964, as by William Irish
- * Steps Going Up, (ss) Black Mask August 1939, as "Men Must Die"
- * Story to Be Whispered, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine May 1963
- * The Street of Jungle Death, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries July/August 1939
- * Stuck with Murder, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine October 1937
- * The Talking Eyes, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine September 1939, as "The Case of the Talking Eyes"
- * Taxi Dance Murder, (nv) Ten Detective Aces September 1937
- * That’s Your Own Funeral, (ss) Argosy June 19 1937, as "Your Own Funeral"
- * Those Who Kill, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly March 4 1939
- * 3 Kills for 1, (nv) Black Mask July 1942
- * Three O’Clock, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly October 1 1938
- * Through a Dead Man’s Eye, (nv) Black Mask December 1939
- * Too Nice a Day to Die, (ss) The Dark Side of Love by Cornell Woolrich, Walker, 1965
- * The Town Says Murder, (na) Manhunt January 1958
- * Two Against the Terror, (nv) Argosy January 21 1939, as "The Episode of the Hungry Knife"
- * The Two Deaths of Barney Slabaugh, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly December 26 1936
- * U, as in Murder, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine March 1941
- * Vision of Murder, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 17 1937
- * Wait for Me Downstairs, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly June 22 1940, as "Finger of Doom"
- * Wake Up with Death, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly June 5 1937
- * Walls That Hear You, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 18 1934
- * Waltz, (ss) Double Detective November 1937
- * Waltz Into Darkness, (n.) J.B. Lippincott, 1947, as by William Irish
- * What the Well-Dressed Corpse Will Wear [Inspector Evans], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine March 1944
- * When Love Turns, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 1964
- * Wild Bill Hiccup, (ss) Argosy February 5 1938, as by Cornell Woolrich
- * Witness My Murder, (nv) Flynn’s Detective Fiction August 1943, as "Come Witness My Murder!"
- * The Woman’s Touch, (ss) Double Detective August 1938
- * Working Is for Fools, (pl) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1964; radio script adaptation of “Dilemma of the Dead Lady” (Detective Fiction Weekly, July 4, 1936).
- * You Bet Your Life, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly September 25 1937
- * You’ll Never See Me Again, (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 1939
- * You Pays Your Nickel, (nv) Argosy August 22 1936
- * Your Own Funeral, (ss) Argosy June 19 1937
- * You Take Ballistics, (ss) Double Detective January 1938
- * [unknown story], (ss)
_____, [ref.]
- * The Chase, (sa) Movie Mystery Magazine #3, December 1946/January 1947; novelization of the movie “The Chase” which was derived from the Woolrich novel The Black Path of Fear.
- * Collecting Cornell Woolrich: Part Two by Otto Penzler, (bi) The Armchair Detective Winter 1987
- * Cornell Woolrich by Francis M. Nevins, Jr., (ar) The Armchair Detective Oct 1968, Jan 1969
- * Cornell Woolrich by Otto Penzler, (bi) The Armchair Detective Fall 1986
- * Cornell Woolrich Bibliography by Harold Knott, Francis M. Nevins, Jr. & William Thailing, (bi) The Armchair Detective July 1969
- * Cornell Woolrich: His Writings and His World by Francis M. Nevins, Jr., (ar) The Armchair Detective April 1969
- * Cornell Woolrich on the Small Screen by Francis M. Nevins, Jr., (ar) The Armchair Detective Spring 1984
- * Cornell Woolrich: The Years Before Suspense by Francis M. Nevins, Jr., (ar) The Armchair Detective Spring 1979
- * The Dark Side by Jean Sered, (ar) The Armchair Detective Spring 1989
- * Eve by Roby Wentz, (sa) Suspense, the Mystery Magazine December 1946; broadcast October 19, 1944, script by Robert L. Richards based on The Black Angel by Cornell Woolrich.
- * Fade to Black: Cornell Woolrich on the Silver Screen, Part One by Francis M. Nevins, Jr., (ar) The Armchair Detective Winter 1987
- * The Father of Noir by Francis M. Nevins, Jr., (is) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine June 2012
- * Immortals Do Die: Cornell Woolrich, A Memoriam by William Thailing, (ob) The Armchair Detective April 1969
- * The Life and Times of Cornell Woolrich by Amy Lignor, (ar) Suspense Magazine January/February/March 2019
- * Nightwebs by Charles Shibuk, (br) The Armchair Detective October 1971
- * Picture and Profile, (bg) Dime Detective Magazine July 1 1935
- * Reading Woolrich by Richard A. Lupoff, (ar) Detective Story Magazine #4, April 1989
- * The Sound of Suspense: Cornell Woolrich on the Radio by Francis M. Nevins, Jr., (ar) The Armchair Detective Fall 1986
- * Too Good for the Irish by The Editor(s), (cl) Mystery Book Magazine January 1947
- * A Woolrich Preview by Francis M. Nevins, Jr., (ar) The Armchair Detective April 1971
- * Writing in the Darkness: The World of Cornell Woolrich by Eddie Duggan, (ar) Crime Time v2 #6, 1999
Wormser, Richard (Edward) (1908-1977); used pseudonyms Nick Carter & Conrad Gerson (about) (chron.)
- * All We Want Is Just Money, (ss) Detective Tales February 1951
- * The Babbling Voice, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 1 1935
- * The Bet-a-Million Mystery, (na) Detective Action Stories June/July 1937
- * Bid for a Railroad [Nick Carter], (na) Nick Carter Magazine January 1934, as by Nick Carter
- * Bigshot from Alcatraz, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly January 21 1939
- * Blood and Milk, (ss) The Shadow Magazine April 15 1933, as by Conrad Gerson
- * Bloody Clew, (ss) The Shadow Magazine November 15 1933, as by Conrad Gerson
- * Bloody Heritage [Nick Carter], (na) Nick Carter Magazine July 1933, as by Nick Carter
- * Body in the Rain, (ss) Star Detective Magazine October 1935
- * Captain Boss-Buster, (na) Detective Action Stories October/November 1937
- * Cold Killing, (ss) The Shadow Magazine March 15 1934, as by Conrad Gerson
- * Crime Flies High [Nick Carter], (na) Nick Carter Magazine August 1933, as by Nick Carter
- * Crime’s Tax, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly January 25 1936
- * Crooks’ Empire [Nick Carter], (na) Nick Carter Magazine April 1933, as by Nick Carter
- * A Crook Set Free, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine September 1938
- * Crook’s Seminary, (ss) Star Detective Magazine August 1935
- * The Dead Tycoon, (na) Two Complete Detective Books #60, January 1950
- * Death Clears It Up, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly October 20 1934
- * Death Dollars [Nick Carter], (na) Nick Carter Magazine November 1933, as by Nick Carter
- * Death for a Taxi Dancer, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 8 1934
- * Death Has Green Eyes [Nick Carter], (na) Nick Carter Magazine May 1934, as by Nick Carter
- * Death Is My Brother!, (nv) Detective Story Magazine September 1953
- * Death of a Chinaman, (ss) The Shadow Magazine April 1 1934
- * Death on Park Avenue [Nick Carter], (na) Nick Carter Magazine July 1934, as by Nick Carter
- * The Diamond Cigarettes, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine July 1938
- * Extension Killer, (ss) Nick Carter Magazine September 1933, as by Conrad Gerson
- * The Fearful Heart, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly February 20 1937
- * The Finger of the Law, (vi) Black Book Detective Magazine March 1936
- * Frame-Up, (na) Detective Fiction Weekly May 9 1936
- * The Friday Killers, (ss) The Shadow Magazine June 15 1934, as by Conrad Gerson
- * Gate of Death [Nick Carter], (na) Nick Carter Magazine March 1934, as by Nick Carter
- * The Gilford Mystery [Nick Carter], (na) Nick Carter Magazine April 1934, as by Nick Carter
- * Gold and Guns [Nick Carter], (na) Nick Carter Magazine October 1933, as by Nick Carter
- * Hit and Run, (ss) The Shadow Magazine May 15 1934
- * How Good a Detective Are You?, (pz) Detective Fiction Weekly April 4 1936
* ___ The Puzzle of the Armored Car Holdup, (vi) Detective Fiction Weekly October 12 1935
* ___ The Puzzle of the Cornered Gunman, (vi) Detective Fiction Weekly August 31 1935
* ___ The Puzzle of the Dead Sheriff, (vi) Detective Fiction Weekly May 30 1936
* ___ The Puzzle of the Harlem Badman, (vi) Detective Fiction Weekly September 28 1935
* ___ The Puzzle of the Two Patrolmen, (vi) Detective Fiction Weekly August 24 1935
- * Hunch Player, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 1938
- * I’m No Sucker, (nv) Detective Action Stories January 1937
- * I Sell Strikes, (na) Detective Fiction Weekly January 22 1938
- * The Killer’s Pawn, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 1 1934
- * Kings and Killers, (ss) Star Detective Magazine August 1935, as by Conrad Gerson
- * Lead Ransom, (ss) Nick Carter Magazine May 1933, as by Conrad Gerson
- * Letters of Death [Nick Carter], (na) Nick Carter Magazine September 1933, as by Nick Carter
- * A Little Honest Graft, (na) Detective Action Stories April/May 1937
- * Locker 911, (nv) Manhunt April 1957
- * The Mabra Pinch, (ss) Black Book Detective Magazine February 1936
- * Machine Guns Down a Hill, (ss) Star Detective Magazine May 1935, as by Conrad Gerson
- * Maniacs of Science [Nick Carter], (na) Nick Carter Magazine June 1933, as by Nick Carter
- * Man with a Shiv, (nv) Manhunt December 1956
- * Marked for Death [Nick Carter], (na) Nick Carter Magazine March 1933, as by Nick Carter
- * Mister Murder Goes to Town! (with Dan Gordon), (na) Detective Tales February 1949
- * Murder on Death Avenue, (ss) The Shadow Magazine July 15 1934
- * Murderous Interlude, (ss) The Shadow Magazine February 1 1933, as by Conrad Gerson
- * Newspaper Racket [Nick Carter], (na) Nick Carter Magazine February 1934, as by Nick Carter
- * On the Spot: Mr. Murder Goes to Town! (with Dan Gordon), (cs) Detective Tales January 1949
- * A Pinch from the Grave, (ss) Black Book Detective Magazine April 1936
- * The Puzzle of the Armored Car Holdup, (vi) Detective Fiction Weekly October 12 1935
- * The Puzzle of the Cornered Gunman, (vi) Detective Fiction Weekly August 31 1935
- * The Puzzle of the Dead Sheriff, (vi) Detective Fiction Weekly May 30 1936
- * The Puzzle of the Harlem Badman, (vi) Detective Fiction Weekly September 28 1935
- * The Puzzle of the Two Patrolmen, (vi) Detective Fiction Weekly August 24 1935
- * The Racket Goes to the Cleaners, (ss) The Shadow Magazine December 1 1932, as by Conrad Gerson
- * The Racket Smashers, (sl) Detective Fiction Weekly Feb 1, Feb 8, Feb 15, Feb 22, Feb 29, Mar 7, Mar 14, Mar 21 1936
- * The Riddle of the Red-Head, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly May 23 1936
- * Sewed Up, (na) Detective Fiction Weekly October 26 1935
- * Shadowed, (ss) Manhunt March 1957
- * Shadow in Blood, (ss) Star Detective Magazine July 1936
- * Sing for a Murder, (sl) Detective Fiction Oct 1, Nov 1, Nov 15 1941
- * Six Rings of Death [Nick Carter], (na) Nick Carter Magazine May 1933, as by Nick Carter
- * Smart Sucker, (ss) Manhunt January 1957
- * The Stolen Shield, (ss) Nick Carter Magazine May 1934
- * Thefts of Yellow [Nick Carter], (na) Nick Carter Magazine December 1933, as by Nick Carter
- * Trade-Marked Death, (ss) Nick Carter Magazine April 1933
- * The 20-Year Crimes [Nick Carter], (na) Nick Carter Magazine June 1934, as by Nick Carter
- * Twisted, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 21 1935
- * Underground Rumble, (ss) Nick Carter Magazine April 1934, as by Conrad Gerson
- * Winged Death, (ss) The Shadow Magazine August 15 1934
- * Yellow Gold, (ss) The Shadow Magazine April 1 1933
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