The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 278
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Hughes, Dorothy B(elle) (1904-1993); previously known as Dorothy Belle Flanagan (about) (items)
- Nigger Blues, (ss) New Copy ed. Donald Lemen Clark, Columbia University Press, 1931, as by Dorothy Belle Flanagan
- The Cross-Eyed Bear [Insp. Tobin], (n.) Duell, Sloane, Pearce, 1940
- The So Blue Marble [Insp. Tobin], (n.) Duell, Sloane, Pearce, 1940
- The Bamboo Blonde [Griselda Satterlee], (n.) Duell, Sloane, Pearce, 1941
- The Delicate Ape, (n.) Duell, Sloane, Pearce, 1944
- The Spitting Tongue, (na) Mystery Book Magazine July 1945
- The Spotted Pup, (na) Mystery Book Magazine October 1945
- The Scarlet Imperial, (na) Mystery Book Magazine November 1946
- The Homecoming, (ss) Murder Cavalcade, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1946
- You Killed Miranda, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine August 1958
- The Expendable Man, (n.) Random House, 1963
- Danger at Deerfawn, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1964
- Everybody Needs a Mink, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) June 1965
- Surveillance, (br) Mystery Magazine September 1981
Hughes, James Perley (1883-1969) (items)
- Three Green Gods, (ss) Midnight Mystery Stories #25, February 10 1923 (unpublished)
- Perfectly Obvious, (ss) Mystery Magazine #136, July 15 1923
- Flatfoot Beats the Rackett, (ss) Gang World October 1930
- Circe in Gangland, (ss) Speakeasy Stories August/September 1931
- Mists of Mystery, (ss) The Underworld Magazine September 1931
- Headline Murders, (na) The Illustrated Detective Magazine May 1932
- The Devil’s Toe, (ss) Clues November 1933
- Satan’s Shoes, (ss) Clues January 1934
- Bad Joss, (ss) Clues March 1934
- Redder than Rubies, (ss) All Detective Magazine May 1934
- Grave for a G-Man [Mort Holborn], (na) Gold Seal Detective December 1935
- G-Men Die Twice [Mort Holborn], (ss) Gold Seal Detective February 1936
- Monarchs of Queer Money, (na) Gold Seal Detective March 1936
- Gangway for a G-Man [Mort Holborn], (nv) Gold Seal Detective April 1936
- Death Dough, (na) Headquarters Detective May 1936
- Rough on Rats [Mort Holborn], (nv) Gold Seal Detective June 1936
- Forged in Blood, (na) Headquarters Detective July 1936
- Satan’s Scalpel, (nv) Ace Detective Magazine August 1936
- The Kid-Glove Killings, (ss) Ace Detective Magazine October 1936
- Murder on the ’Change, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly November 28 1936
- River Rats, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly January 23 1937
- Short-Wave Murder, (ss) Ten Detective Aces February 1937
- Stand-In Murder, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 1 1937
- None So Blind, (ss) Clues Detective Stories May 1937
- One for the Book, (ss) Crime Busters November 1937
- Backwoods Background, (ss) Crime Busters December 1937
- Back to the Grave, (ss) The Phantom Detective February 1938
- Flatfoot Flaherty, (ss) Black Book Detective Magazine May 1938
- The Mayan Mystery, (ss) Baffling Detective Mysteries March 1943
Humbolt, Arthur; pseudonym of Robert C. Blackmon (1900-1959) (items)
- Blonde Madness, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories September 1934
- Blood in Lover’s Lane, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories October 1934
- Green Curtains, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories December 1934
- Massacre, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories January 1935
- Killer’s Cut, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories February 1935
- The House of Three Horrors, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories March 1935
- A Sucker for Dames, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories May 1935
- Sideshow Killer, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories June 1935
- Hands of the Dead, (ss) Spicy Mystery Stories July 1935
- Three Wise Women, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories September 1935
- Hidden Jack, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories December 1935
- Death on the Dot, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories February 1936
- Woman Stuff, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories March 1936
- Murder Spot, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories June 1936
Hume, David; pseudonym of J. V. Turner (1905-1945) (items)
- The Secret of the Strong Room [Det. Insp. Sanderson], (na) The Thriller #304, December 1 1934
- Call in the Yard [Det. Insp. Sanderson], (na) The Thriller #317, March 2 1935
- The Murder Trap [Det. Insp. Sanderson], (na) The Thriller #323, April 13 1935
- A Basin of Trouble, (ss) The Thriller #334, June 29 1935
- The Crook’s Day Off, (ss) The Thriller #343, August 31 1935
- He Was Pinched for Nothing, (ss) The Thriller #350, October 19 1935
- Meet the Dragon [Mick Cardby], (sl) Detective Weekly #150, January 4 1936, etc.
- Anything to Say [Sammy Smith], (ss) The Thriller #367, February 15 1936
- The Wrong Bottle, (ss) The Thriller #370, March 7 1936
- Times Were Bad [Sammy Smith], (ss) The Thriller #373, March 28 1936
- The Crime Combine [Det. Insp. Sanderson], (na) The Thriller #378, May 2 1936
- The Murder Rap [Det. Insp. Sanderson], (na) The Thriller #390, July 25 1936
- Who Is Midnight?, (na) The Thriller #396, September 5 1936
Humphreys, Ray (1893-1973) (about) (items)
- Queen of Hearts, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 12 1930
- Where’s the Woman?, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 7 1930
- False, False Alarm, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 25 1930
- Not a Big Shot, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 22 1930
- Night Beat, (ss) Detective Classics November 1930
- Smart Man’s Job, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 6 1930
- Big Rats and Little, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 13 1930
- A Scheduled Job, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 20 1930
- Shakedown—or Showdown?, (ss) Detective Classics December 1930
- Cat’s Paw, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 11 1931
- Slim’s First Case, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 18 1931
- Cake for One, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 25 1931
- Murder in the Courtroom, (na) Courtroom Stories August/September 1931
- Flaming Death, (ss) Gangland Stories November/December 1931
- Playing Copper, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 23 1932
- Dazzy’s Outlaw Law [Dazzy], (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 27 1932
- Dazzy Lifts the Lid [Dazzy], (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 5 1932
- Dazzy, Wrecketeer [Dazzy], (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 16 1932
- The Deadly Box, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 23 1932
- Raining Bullets, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 7 1932
- Gangnapped, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine July 9 1932
- The Squealing Chiseler, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine July 23 1932
- Blue Threat, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 10 1932
- The Blue-Eyed Kid, (ss) The Phantom Detective October 1933
- Bantam Gets a Break, (ss) The Phantom Detective November 1933
- Just Lucky, (ss) Detective November 1933
- Question Mark Death, (nv) Clues January 1934
- Lucky to the Last, (ss) New Mystery Adventures February 1936
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