The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 274
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Finlay, Virgil (Warden) (1914-1971) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Startling Mystery Stories Win 1966, Spr, Sum, Fll, Win 1967, Spr, Sum, Fll, Win 1968, Spr, Win 1969
Finney, Jack; [i.e., Walter Braden Finney] (1911-1995) (about) (chron.)
- * Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket, (nv) Collier’s October 26 1956
- * Diagnosis Completed (with F. Morley Barratt), (ss) Collier’s October 18 1952
- * The Face in the Photo, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 13 1962, as "Time Has No Boundaries"
- * I’m Scared, (ss) Collier’s September 15 1951
- * It Wouldn’t Be Fair, (ss) Collier’s August 28 1948
- * The Other Arrow (with F. Morley Barratt), (ss) Collier’s October 18 1952, as "Diagnosis Completed"
- * Seven Days to Live, (nv) The Saturday Evening Post January 10 1959
- * Such Interesting Neighbors, (ss) Collier’s January 6 1951
- * Time Has No Boundaries, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 13 1962
- * The Widow’s Walk, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #44, July 1947
Fiore, Dan J. (fl. 2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Current, (ss) Mystery Tribune #4, Winter 2018
- * The Fair, (ss) Thuglit #18, July/August 2015
- * Heart, (ss) Thuglit #14, November/December 2014
- * Masks, (ss) Mystery Tribune #1, Spring 2017
- * Mutt, (ss) Mystery Tribune #2, Summer 2017
Firth, Norman “Wesley” (1920-1949); used pseudonyms Earl Ellison, Jackson Evans & Leslie Halward (about) (chron.)
- * Accidental Death?, (ss) Phantom Detective Cases 1948, as by Jackson Evans
- * Burlesque Ain’t All Laughs, (ss) Gang Shorts #4, 1946
- * Coffins at Three, (ss) Mystery Crime Cases November 1948
- * The Dead Can’t Hear, (ss) Phantom Detective Cases 1948, as by Earl Ellison
- * Dead Men Don’t Come Back, (ss) Thrilling Crime Stories #1, 1948, as by Earl Ellison
- * Gavoti Was Yellow, (ss) Vengeance Shorts #1, 1945
- * Girdir, (ss) Mystery Crime Cases November 1948, as by Earl Ellison
- * I, Jane Doe, (ss) Screen Crime Stories #1, 1948, uncredited.
- * Killer at Coney, (ss) Phantom Detective Cases 1948
- * Killer in Love, (ss) Gang Shorts #4, 1946
- * Lady! Here’s the Morgue!, (ss) Vengeance Shorts #2, 1946
- * Obscene Parade, (vi) Weird Story Magazine #2, 1946
- * Professional Killer, (ss) Crime Shorts #4, 1946
- * The Return of Red Benton, (ss) Thrilling Crime Stories #1, 1948
- * “Some Guys Play Rough!”, (ss) Gang Shorts #4, 1946
- * Some Joke, (ss) Phantom Detective Cases 1948, as by Leslie Halward
- * Who Killed Frankland?, (nv) Crime Confessions (UK) June 1948
Fischer, Bruno (1908-1992); used pseudonyms Russell Gray & Harrison Storm (chron.)
- * Anything but the Truth, (nv) Mammoth Detective August 1944
- * Ask a Body, (ss) New Detective Magazine July 1945
- * Bargain Day for Corpses, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries November 1942, as by Russell Gray
- * Beware the Blind Killer, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries January 1941, as by Russell Gray
- * The Bleeding Scissors, (na) Shadow Mystery April/May 1948
- * The Blood Farm, (nv) Startling Mystery Magazine February 1940, as by Russell Gray
- * Blood on My Doorstep, (nv) New Detective Magazine January 1945
- * Bodies for Satan’s Broiler, (ss) Startling Mystery Magazine February 1940, as by Harrison Storm
- * Bones Will Tell, (nv) Mammoth Mystery February 1945
- * The Brain of Satan, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1940, as by Russell Gray
- * The Bride Wore Black, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1944
- * Bubbles of Death, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine October 1940, as by Russell Gray
- * Bugged, (ss) Manhunt August 1961
- * Burn—Lovely Lady, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine June 1938, as by Russell Gray
- * Butcher’s Holiday [Ethan Burr], (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries March/April 1939, as by Russell Gray
- * Call the Cops or the Cadaver, (nv) Detective Short Stories January 1943, as by Russell Gray
- * The Caricature Murders, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1942, as by Russell Gray
- * The Case of the Handless Corpse, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1944
- * The Case of the Sleeping Doll, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 1944
- * The Cat Woman, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1936, as by Russell Gray
- * The Chimes of Death, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1939, as by Russell Gray
- * City of the Dying, (na) Ace G-Man Stories (Canada) September 1943, as by Russell Gray
- * Cold Is the Grave, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries May 1943, as by Russell Gray
- * Come Home to Murder, (nv) Mammoth Detective November 1944
- * Come to My Funeral!, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1945
- * Coney Island Incident, (nv) Manhunt November 1953
- * Cop with Wings, (ss) Mammoth Detective July 1946
- * Corpse-Fever, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine December 1939, as by Harrison Storm
- * Corpse-Guests for the Living Dead, (ss) Mystery Tales May 1939, as by Russell Gray
- * Corpses in the Chorus [Ben Bryn], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1940, as by Russell Gray
- * The Coward, (ss) Mammoth Detective August 1943, as by Russell Gray
- * Daughter of Murder, (na) 10 Story Mystery Magazine October 1942, as by Russell Gray
- * Daughters of Lusting Torment, (nv) Mystery Tales February 1939, as by Russell Gray
- * The Dead Don’t Die, (nv) Popular Detective November 1949
- * The Dead Hand Horrors [Ben Bryn], (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine April 1939, as by Russell Gray
- * The Dead Hang High!, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1942, as by Russell Gray
- * Deadlier than the Male!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1945
- * The Dead Man’s Story, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine August 1938, as by Harrison Storm
- * Dead Man Wearing a Hatpin, (ss) Chief Detective Winter 1946
- * The Dead Men Grin [Ben Helm], (n.) David McKay, 1945
- * Death Attends Rehearsal [Ben Helm], (nv) Dell Mystery Novels Magazine January/March 1955, as "The Quiet Woman"
- * Death Came Calling, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine October 1937, as by Russell Gray
- * Death Comes Crawling, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine December 1940, as by Russell Gray
- * Death Comes in Small Packages, (ss)
- * Death Deals in Dust [Ethan Burr], (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries May 1940, as by Russell Gray
- * Death Has Three Sisters, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1940, as by Harrison Storm
- * Death Hitch-Hikes South, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1942, as by Russell Gray
- * Death Is a Blonde or a Saboteur, (ss) Detective Short Stories November 1942, as by Russell Gray
- * Death Is Razor Keen, (ss) Flynn’s Detective December 1942, as by Russell Gray
- * Death Is the Wedding Guest, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1943
- * Death Lives on the Lake, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries March 1943, as by Harrison Storm
- * Death on the Beach, (ss) Mammoth Detective February 1944
- * Death Paints a Picture, (ss) Crack Detective Stories January 1945, as by Russell Gray
- * Death’s Black Bag, (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries January 1943, as by Russell Gray
- * Death’s Bright Red Lips, (nv) Mammoth Mystery December 1946
- * Death Sends His Manikins, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine December 1937, as by Russell Gray
- * Death’s Flaming Torches, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine June 1939, as by Russell Gray
- * Death’s Gray Sisters, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1940, as by Russell Gray
- * Death’s Old Women, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1941, as by Russell Gray
- * Death’s Secret Agent, (ss) Crack Detective Stories September 1944, as by Russell Gray
- * Death Visits the Fair, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1939, as by Harrison Storm
- * The Deep, Dark Grave, (nv) Giant Detective Winter 1951
- * The Dog Died First, (nv) Mystery Book Magazine Fall 1949
- * Don’t Bury Him Deep, (nv) Doc Savage July 1946
- * Double, (ss) Manhunt June 1954
- * Double Deadline, (ss) Detective Book Magazine Summer 1946
- * The Enemy, (ss) Doc Savage May 1946
- * Entertainment for the Dying, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1939, as by Harrison Storm
- * The Face of Fear, (ss) New Detective Magazine November 1947
- * Fatally Yours—, (nv) New Detective Magazine May 1944
- * A Female on the Squad, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 1943, as by Russell Gray
- * Five O’Clock Menace, (ss) Black Mask May 1949
- * Flesh for the Monster [Ben Bryn], (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1939, as by Russell Gray
- * A Friend of Goebbels, (ss) Flynn’s Detective Fiction May 1943, as by Russell Gray
- * The Gift, (ss) Mammoth Detective November 1943
- * Girl Against Gangdom [Joel Blanchard; Molly Pepper], (ss) Detective Tales April 1938, as by Russell Gray
- * Girls for Satan’s Birdcage, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1940, as by Harrison Storm
- * Girls for the Coffin Syndicate [Ben Bryn], (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine April 1940, as by Russell Gray
- * Girls for the Pain Dance, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1937, as by Russell Gray
- * Give a Dog the Name, (ss) Mammoth Detective January 1946
- * A Grave Is Waiting, (ss) Popular Detective September 1952
- * The Green Vest, (ss) The Shadow Fall 1948
- * Guest from the Grave, (nv) Ten Detective Aces May 1948
- * The Hands of Death, (nv) Popular Detective March 1949, as "The Hands of Mr. Prescott"
- * The Hands of Mr. Prescott, (nv) Popular Detective March 1949
- * Hang That Husband High!, (nv) Detective Tales July 1948
- * Happy Death Day to You!, (ss) New Detective Magazine November 1942, as by Russell Gray
- * Hideout for the Damned [Ben Bryn], (na) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1940, as by Russell Gray
- * His Good Angel, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1941, as by Harrison Storm
- * Homicidal Homestead, (ss) Shock March 1948
- * Homicide Can’t Happen Here, (nv) Detective Short Stories July 1942, as by Russell Gray
- * Homicide Homework, (nv) Detective Tales November 1947
- * Homicide Jest, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine March 1942, as by Russell Gray
- * The Hour of the Rat, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine December 1948
- * The House That Wasn’t There, (nv) Crack Detective Stories January 1944, as by Russell Gray
- * I Am Thinking of Murder, (nv) The Shadow August 1944
- * Ike Walsh and the Boy Wonder, (nv) The Shadow January 1945
- * I’ll Bury You Deeper, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1944, as by Russell Gray
- * I’ll Slay You in My Dreams, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine September 1944
- * I’ll Slay You Later, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1943, as by Russell Gray
- * I Loved the Devil’s Daughter, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine August 1938, as by Russell Gray
- * Inn of Shipwrecked Corpses, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1941, as by Russell Gray
- * I Said Yes to Satan, (nv) Real Mystery Magazine July 1940, as by Russell Gray
- * I Thought I’d Die, (na) New Detective Magazine September 1948
- * It’s Raining Corpses in Chinatown [Ethan Burr], (nv) Strange Detective Mysteries November/December 1939, as by Russell Gray
- * A Killer in the Crowd, (ss) Black Mask July 1947
- * Killers Leave Me Cold!, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine October 1947
- * Killers’ Tournament, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1943, as by Russell Gray
- * The Killer Waits, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1943, as by Russell Gray
- * Killing the Goose, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 1945
- * Kill Without Murder, (ss) Black Mask January 1944
- * Kiss the Dead Girl, (ss) Popular Detective May 1952
- * The Lady Grooms a Corpse, (nv) Black Mask January 1950
- * Lady in Distress, (ss) Thrilling Detective December 1949
- * The Lady Laughs at Death [Joel Blanchard; Molly Pepper], (nv) Detective Tales August 1938, as by Russell Gray
- * The Lady of Death, (ss) Flynn’s Detective Fiction January 1944
- * The Lady Smiles at Fate, (ss) Crack Detective September 1943, as by Russell Gray
- * The League of Little Men, (na) Flynn’s Detective Fiction November 1943
- * The Letter Death Wrote, (ss) Gem Detective Fall 1946
- * The Light That Killed, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine August 1940, as by Russell Gray
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