The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1517
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Pohl, Frederik (George, Jr.) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Visit [Heechee (Robinette Broadhead)], (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction January/February 1990
- * Voodoo Planet, (br) If November 1959 [Ref. Andrew North]
- * A Voyage in Time, (ss) Super Science Novels Magazine March 1941, as by Warren F. Howard
- * The Waging of the Peace [Jack Tighe], (nv) Galaxy Magazine August 1959
- * Waiting for the Olympians, (na) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine August 1988
- * Wapshot’s Demon, (ss) Science Fiction Stories July 1956
- * The War Against the Rull, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. A. E. van Vogt]
- * The War of Two Worlds, (br) If September 1959 [Ref. Poul Anderson]
- * Way Out There, (ed) Galaxy Magazine December 1961
- * Way Up Yonder, (nv) Galaxy Magazine October 1959, as by Charles Satterfield
- * We Called Him “Doc”, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Spring 2000 [Ref. Robert A. W. Lowndes]
- * We Claim These Stars!, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. Poul Anderson]
- * The Week That Was, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1968
- * We Never Mention Aunt Nora, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1958, as by Paul Flehr
- * We Who Survived, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. Sterling Noel]
- * Whatever Counts, (na) Galaxy Magazine June 1959
- * What Fans Do, (ed) If March 1965
- * What Happened on 18 December 1955?, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1969
- * What Science Fiction Is, (ed) If March 1968
- * What’s in It for Us?, (ed) Galaxy Magazine February 1962
- * What Space Is For, (ed) If October 1967
- * What’s the Score?, (ed) Galaxy Magazine October 1963
- * What We Think With, (ed) If April 1969
- * What You Don’t Know About You, (ed) If November 1965
- * “What You Do Once—”, (ed) If April 1965
- * When Is a Robot?, (ed) If May 1965
- * When the Sleeper Wakes, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. H. G. Wells]
- * When Time Went Mad (with Joseph Harold Dockweiler & Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr.), (na) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1950, as by Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr. & Dirk Wylie
- * When to Move, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow May 1966
- * Where Are They Now?, (ed) If October 1965
- * Where Space Travel Went Wrong, (ar) Amazing Stories Spring 1994
- * Where the Heechee Feared to Go [Heechee (Robinette Broadhead)], (n.) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic March 1984
- * Where the Jobs Go, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1966
- * Whichness and Whereness, (ed) Galaxy Magazine June 1965
- * Which Way Is Progress?, (ed) Galaxy Magazine August 1962
- * Whither Science Fiction?, (ar) Arcturus April 1936
- * Who Else but You?, (ed) If March 1962
- * Why Space?, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow March 1966
- * Why the Earth Isn’t Round, (ed) If June 1967
- * Wings of the Lightning Land, (nv) Astonishing Stories November 1941, as by James MacCreigh
- * Wiped Out, (ed) If July 1967
- * With Redfern on Capella XII, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1955, as by Charles Satterfield
- * The Wizards of Pung’s Corners [Jack Tighe], (nv) Galaxy Magazine October 1958
- * The Wizard Wars, (ar) Destinies v2 #4, 1980
- * Wolfbane (with C. M. Kornbluth), (na) Galaxy Science Fiction Oct, Nov 1957
- * World in Crisis, (br) If November 1959 [Ref. C. G. Jung]
- * The World of Flying Saucers, (br) Galaxy Magazine December 1963 [Ref. Donald H. Menzel & Lyle G. Boyd]
- * The World of Myrion Flowers (with C. M. Kornbluth), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1961
- * World of the Masterminds, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Robert Moore Williams]
- * The World of Today, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow November 1966
- * Worlds in Exile, (pm) Cosmic Stories March 1941, as by Elton V. Andrews
- * Worlds of If, (rc) If Sep, Nov 1959, Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1960, Jan 1961
- * The Worlds of Science, (rc) If September 1962
- * Worlds of When…, (ed) If January 1965
- * The World Swappers, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. John Brunner]
- * Yet Still It Moves, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1968
- * [introduction to “The Short-Short Shortest Weird Tale”], (is) The Phantagraph September 1937
- * [letter], (lt) Astounding Stories May 1937
- * [letter], (lt) The Alien Critic #10 Aug 1974, #33 Nov 1979, #41 Win 1981
- * [letter], (lt) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1988
- * [letter from Brooklyn, NY], (lt) Astounding Stories Nov 1935, Sep 1936, Jan, Sep 1937, as by Elton V. Andrews
- * [transcript of discussion following Pohl’s speech at Chessmancon], (sy) Speculation Autumn 1972
_____, ed.
- * Editor:
* ___ Astonishing Stories, 40/02 - 41/09.; uncredited.
* ___ The Best Science Fiction
* ___ Galaxy Science Fiction, 62/08 - 69/05.
* ___ If, 62/09 - 69/05.
* ___ Perry Rhodan, #11 - #18.
* ___ Star Science Fiction
* ___ Super Science Stories, 40/03 - 41/08.
* ___ Worlds of Tomorrow, 63/04 - 67/05.
- * Managing Editor:
* ___ Galaxy Science Fiction, 61/06 - 62/06.
* ___ If, 61/05 - 62/07.
* ___ Worlds of Fantasy, #1.
- * Editor: Arcturus April 1937
- * Editor: Galaxy Magazine (UK) #89, #90, #91, #92, #93, #94 1962, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct 1967
- * Editor: If Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1962, Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1963
Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Aug, Oct, Nov, Dec 1964, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun,
Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1965
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1966
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1967
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1968
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1969
- * Editor: If (UK) #14 Jan, #15 Mar, #16 May, #17 Jul, #18 Sep 1962, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep,
Oct 1967
- * Editor: Worlds of Tomorrow Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1963, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Nov 1964, Jan, Mar, May,
Jul, Sep, Nov 1965
Jan, Mar, May 1966
- * Editor: The Best Science Fiction #1 1964, #2 1965
- * Editor: Worlds of Tomorrow (UK) Spr, Sum, Aut 1967
- * Editor: International Science Fiction Nov 1967, Jun 1968
_____, [ref.]
- * The Age of the Pussyfoot by Ron Goulart, (br) Venture Science Fiction August 1969
- * The Age of the Pussyfoot by Paul Walker, (br) Science Fiction Review #37, April 1970
- * Alternating Currents by Hans Stefan Santesson, (br) Fantastic Universe June 1956
- * Alternating Currents by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1956
- * Alternating Currents by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction August 1956
- * Always Working on a Book: an Interview with Frederik Pohl by Connie R. Rush, (iv) The Leading Edge #8, Fall 1984
- * The Annals of the Heechee by Dean R. Lambe, (br) Thrust #27, Summer 1987
- * The Annals of the Heechee by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #24, Summer 1988
- * Assignment in Tomorrow, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #52, December 15 1954
- * Assignment in Tomorrow by Robert Frazier, (br) Fantastic Universe January 1955
- * Assignment in Tomorrow by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1955
- * Assignment in Tomorrow by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction August 1955
- * Author, Author!, (bg) Future Science Fiction #30, 1956
- * Beyond the Blue Event Horizon by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1980
- * Beyond the Blue Event Horizon by Chris Morgan, (br) Extro v1 #3, 1982
- * Beyond the Blue Event Horizon by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #56, Fall 1985
- * Beyond the End of Time by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1952
- * Black Star Rising by Lee Montgomerie, (br) Interzone #18, Winter 1986/1987
- * Book Review of The Way the Future Was, by Frederik Pohl by Edward Wood, (br) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1979/1980
- * The Boy Who Would Live Forever by Wolfgang H. Baur, (br) Amazing Stories November 2004
- * The Case Against Tomorrow by Hans Stefan Santesson, (br) Fantastic Universe November 1957
- * The Case Against Tomorrow by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction December 1957
- * The Case Against Tomorrow by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1957
- * Chernobyl by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November 1987
- * Chernobyl by Andy Robertson, (br) Interzone #23, Spring 1988
- * Chernobyl by Andrew Andrews, (br) Thrust #31, Fall 1988
- * The Coming of the Quantum Cats by Eugene Lin, (br) Thrust #25, Fall/Winter 1986
- * The Coming of the Quantum Cats by Lee Montgomerie, (br) Interzone #21, Autumn 1987
- * A Conversation with Frederik Pohl by Nancy Kress, (iv) Science Fiction Review #60, Fall 1986; edited by Paul Ferguson & Earl G. Ingersoll
- * A Conversation with Sci-Fi Legend Frederik Pohl by Michael McCarty, (iv) Dead of Night #11, Winter 1995
- * The Cool War by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction August 1981
- * The Day the Martians Came by W. Ritchie Benedict, (br) Thrust #34, Summer 1989
- * A Dream of Frederik Pohl by David Lunde, (pm) The Fractal #6, Spring/Summer 1996
- * Drunkard’s Walk by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Science Fact—Fiction May 1961
- * Drunkard’s Walk by Leslie Flood, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #115, February 1962
- * The Early Pohl by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1977
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