The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 2175
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[uncredited] (chron.) (continued)
- * Spotlight Interview: Mary Thaler, (iv) Crossed Genres Magazine #24, December 2014 [Ref. Mary Thaler]
- * Spotlight Interview: Maya Surya Pillay, (iv) Crossed Genres Magazine #19, July 2014 [Ref. Maya Surya Pillay]
- * Spotlight Interview: Nadya Duke, (iv) Crossed Genres Magazine #21, September 2014 [Ref. Nadya Duke]
- * Spotlight Interview: Priya Chand, (iv) Crossed Genres Magazine #10, October 2013 [Ref. Priya Chand]
- * Spotlight Interview: Rachel Bender, (iv) Crossed Genres Magazine #1, January 2013 [Ref. Rachel Bender]
- * Spotlight Interview: Sarah L. Johnson, (iv) Crossed Genres Magazine #28, April 2015 [Ref. Sarah L. Johnson]
- * Spotlight Interview: Shay Darrach, (iv) Crossed Genres Magazine #6, June 2013 [Ref. Shay Darrach]
- * Spotlight Interview: Vera Vartanian, (iv) Crossed Genres Magazine #14, February 2014 [Ref. Vera Vartanian]
- * Spotlight Interview: Verity Lane, (iv) Crossed Genres Magazine #33, September 2015 [Ref. Verity Lane]
- * Spotlight Interview: Vivian Caethe, (iv) Crossed Genres Magazine #2, February 2013 [Ref. Vivian Caethe]
- * Spotlight Interview: Yusra Amjad, (iv) Crossed Genres Magazine #32, August 2015 [Ref. Yusra Amjad]
- * Spotlight on Eugen Bacon, (iv) Aurealis #142, July 2021 [Ref. Eugen Bacon]
- * Spotlight on Horror Book Subscription Company, Night Worms, (ar) Dark Matter Magazine #5, September/October 2021
- * Spotlight on Rod Serling, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine December 1988
- * The Spotlight’s On…Gino D’Achille, (iv) Spiral Words #4, 1999 [Ref. Gino D’Achille]
- * Spotlight: When Efficiency and Talent Find Common Ground: The World of Sunny Efemena, (iv) Omenana #7, July 2016 [Ref. Sunny Efemena]
- * A Spot of Tea, (ss) (by Janet L. Hetherington) Nemonymous #2, May 2002
- * Spot the Spook, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #7, 2001
- * Springboard: Is Anybody There…?, (ms) Planetary Stories September 2007
- * A Spring Idyll, (ss) Punch May 28 1919
- * SPWAO Awards, (ms) Star*Line September/October 1992
- * Spying on Cancer Cells, (ms) Astounding Stories November 1932
- * Staff News, (cl) Thrust #31 Fll 1988, #35 Wtr, #36 Spr, #37 Sum, #38 Fll/Wtr 1990, #39 Sum, #40 Fll 1991
- * Stallion and Dragon: Notes on (and by) Cabell & Eddison, (ar) Kalki #8, 1968
- * Stand by for Mars, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #53, January 15 1955 [Ref. Carey Rockwell]
- * Stanley Gleit: “It’s Really Sirius”, (bg) If November 1954 [Ref. Stanley Gleit]
- * Star Chamber:
* ___ Marion Zimmer Bradley, (pi) Galileo #5, 1977 [Ref. Marion Zimmer Bradley]
* ___ Edward Bryant, (pi) Galileo November 1979 [Ref. Edward Bryant]
* ___ C.J. Cherryh, (pi) Galileo #10, 1978 [Ref. C. J. Cherryh]
* ___ Hal Clement, (pi) Galileo #11/12, 1979 [Ref. Hal Clement]
* ___ L. Sprague de Camp, (pi) Galileo #9, 1978 [Ref. L. Sprague de Camp]
* ___ Harlan Ellison, (pi) Galileo #6, 1978 [Ref. Harlan Ellison]
* ___ Robert A. Heinlein, (pi) Galileo January 1980 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
* ___ Frank Herbert, (pi) Galileo #7, 1978 [Ref. Frank Herbert]
* ___ Larry Niven, (pi) Galileo #2, 1976 [Ref. Larry Niven]
* ___ Joanna Russ, (pi) Galileo #8, 1978 [Ref. Joanna Russ]
* ___ Robert Sheckley, (pi) Galileo #17, 1980 (unpublished) [Ref. Robert Sheckley]
* ___ Robert Silverberg, (pi) Galileo #3, 1977 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
* ___ Clifford D. Simak, (pi) Galileo July 1979 [Ref. Clifford D. Simak]
* ___ Kate Wilhelm, (pi) Galileo September 1979 [Ref. Kate Wilhelm]
* ___ Jack Williamson, (pi) Galileo #4, 1977 [Ref. Jack Williamson]
- * Star/Formation, (pm) Abyss & Apex #51, 3rd Quarter 2014
- * A Star for Rod Serling, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine April 1989
- * The Star Kings, (br) Authentic Science Fiction #19, March 15 1952 [Ref. Edmond Hamilton]
- * Starman Jones, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #52, December 15 1954 [Ref. Robert Heinlein]
- * Starman Smith, (ms) Razar #2, 2007
- * The Starmen, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #51, November 15 1954 [Ref. Leigh Brackett]
- * StarQuest Showcase: Amy Thomson, (bg) StarQuest November/December 1994 [Ref. Amy Thomson]
- * Stars, (bg) The Urbanite #10, 1998
- * Star Science Fiction Stories, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #50, October 15 1954 [Ref. Frederik Pohl]
- * The Stars, Like Dust, (br) Weird Tales May 1951 [Ref. Isaac Asimov]
- * “The Stars Seem So Far Away” by Margrét Helgadóttir, (br) Abyss & Apex #54, 2nd Quarter 2015
- * Star Surgeon, (br) Analog Science Fact & Science Fiction (UK) December 1962 [Ref. Alan E. Nourse]
- * A Star That “Breaths”, (ms) Astounding Stories of Super-Science July 1930
- * Starwind Interviews Robin Scott Wilson, (iv) Starwind Autumn 1978 [Ref. Robin Scott Wilson]
- * Statistics Are Wonderful, (ms) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction September 1962
- * Staving Off Malthus, (ms) If July 1959
- * Stay Dead! Stay Dead! Stay Dead!, (ss) Ghost Stories August 1927, as "The Dead Who Know No Peace", by A. Hughes Neupert
- * Staying Power: An Interview with Roger Zelazny, (iv) The Leading Edge #29, August 1994 [Ref. Roger Zelazny]
- * Stay Tuned for Terror, (ms) Weird Tales July 1945
- * Steampunk and Peak Resources, (ed) Abyss & Apex #42, 2nd Quarter 2012
- * A Steampunk’s Guide to Body Hair, (ar) SteamPunk Magazine #2, 2007
- * A SteamPunk’s Guide to the Post-Apocalypse (Excerpts), (ar) SteamPunk Magazine #3, 2007
- * The Steel Tsar, (br) Science Fiction (Australia) v5 #3, 1983 [Ref. Michael Moorcock]
- * Stephanie Rodriguez, (iv) Nocturne #2, 2006 [Ref. Stephanie Rodriguez]
- * Stephen Baxter, (iv) Age of Wonder #1, Winter 1998 [Ref. Stephen Baxter]
- * Stephen Hawking Update: “Alien Contact Not a Wise Idea”, (ar) New Scientist April 25 2010
- * Stephen Hawking: “We’ve Been Overlooked by Advanced ET Civilisations”, (ar) The Daily Galaxy November 22 2011
- * Stephen King Interview, (hu) The Spook #9, April/May 2002
- * Stephen Riley and Ernest E. Black Return to Wonder #6, (fr) Amazing Stories May 1970
- * Stephen Spignesi, (iv) Lighthouse Magazine #4, 2005 [Ref. Stephen Spignesi]
- * Stepsons of France, (ms) The Master Thriller Series #5, 1934
- * Step to the Stars, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #72, August 15 1956 [Ref. Lester Del Rey]
- * Steve Bell Interview, (iv) Kimota #4, Summer 1996 [Ref. Steve Bell]
- * Steve Harris Selected Bibliography, (bi) Roadworks #8, Spring 2000 [Ref. Steve Harris]
- * Steve Vernon, (iv) Cemetery Dance #4, Spring 1990 [Ref. Steve Vernon]
- * The STF Fan Club Review, (ms) Space Magazine Spring 1950
- * STF Film Reviews, (mr) Space Magazine May/June 1952
- * STF Index, (bi) The Science Fiction Collector January 21 1937
- * StokerVerse, (ar) The Sirens Call #66, Summer 2024
- * Stone, Taped, (iv) Fear #41, April/May 2017 [Ref. Sam Stone]
- * The Stopgap Spaceman, (br) Worlds of Strangeness #3, 2019 [Ref. Graham Andrews]
- * Stop Press, (ar) The Satellite November 1938
- * Stop Press, (vi) Sweetness and Light Winter 1940
- * Storehouse of the Body, (ar) Fantastic Adventures August 1943
- * Stories and Articles by Paul Collins: A Checklist of Cory and Collins Titles, (bi) Science Fiction (Australia) v3 #2, 1981 [Ref. Paul Collins]
- * Stories for Tomorrow, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #68, April 15 1956 [Ref. William Sloane]
- * The Storisende Edition: An Advance Look, (is) Kalki #36, 1991
- * The Storisende Edition of the Works of James Branch Cabell, (ar)
- * Storm-Proof Windshield for Autos, (ms) Science and Invention December 1920
- * The Story Behind the Cover…, (vi) Fantastic Universe Nov 1957, Jan 1958
- * The Story Behind the Story, (cl) Thrilling Wonder Stories Fall 1946
- * The Story Behind the Story, (ms) Thrilling Wonder Stories April 1937
- * Storycrafting: The Art of Interactive Writing, (ar) Broadsword #1, Autumn 1995
- * Story Notes, (ms) The New and Perfect Man ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2011
- * The Story of Nosferatu, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #26, Spring 2005
- * The Story of the Fisherman, (ss) Hivemind April 2021; translated by Sofi Sanders
- * The Story of the Oceans, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #37, September 15 1953 [Ref. John Scott Douglas]
- * Story of the Smyrna Fig, (ar) Fantastic Adventures May 1943
- * Story Ratings, (ms) Tangent #2, September 1965
- * Story Ratings 144, (cl) New Worlds SF #145, November/December 1964
- * Story Ratings 145, (cl) New Worlds SF #146, January 1965
- * Story Ratings 146, (cl) New Worlds SF #148 Mar, #149 Apr 1965
- * Story Ratings 148, (cl) New Worlds SF #150, May 1965
- * Story Ratings (#149), (ms) New Worlds SF #151, June 1965
- * Story Ratings 151, (cl) New Worlds SF #153, August 1965
- * The Story So Far, (ms) Filthy Creations #7, June 2013
- * The Story-Teller at Fault, (ss) Celtic Fairy Tales ed. Joseph Jacobs, 1892
- * Storytellers, (bg) Necrotic Tissue #1 Jan, #2 Apr, #3 Jul, #4 Oct 2008
- * Storytelling All-Important Discipline for Doran, (ar) Parsec Fall 2000
- * “Stowaway” Sequel in “Tales of Wonder”, (ms) Scientifiction March 1938
- * A Strained Symbiosis: Lovecraft and Cinema, (ar) Cold Print #2, 1998 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Strange Adventures in Science Fiction, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #49, September 15 1954 [Ref. Groff Conklin]
- * Strange, but True, (ms) Amazing Stories February 1942
- * Strange Case, (ms) Astounding Stories November 1933
- * The Strange Case of John R. Graham, (br) Science Wonder Stories July 1929 [Ref. Victor Kutchin]
- * Strange Convoy, (ms) Amazing Stories February 1942
- * Strange Customs of the Navajo, (ms) Amazing Stories July 1943
- * Strange Death Strikes Fish, (ms) Doc Savage Magazine June 1936
- * Strange Earthling, (vi) Fantastic Universe April 1957
- * Strange Families, (ar) Fantastic Adventures April 1943
- * Strange Goods and Other Oddities, (rv) Shock Totem #10, 2016
- * Strange Happenings, (cl) Midnight Zoo v2 #1, v2 #2, v2 #3 1992
- * Strange Happenings, (ms) Astounding Stories October 1933
- * The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker, (br) Weird Tales Spring 2010 [Ref. Leanna Renee Hieber]
- * Strange News from the Colonies, (cl) Colonies Science Fiction Magazine #3, #4 2000, #5 2001
- * The Stranger, (vi)
- * “The Stranger” by Alexander Blok, translated by Andrey Kneller, (br) Sacrum Regnum #1, 2011
- * Stranger from Space, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #38, October 15 1953 [Ref. Hazel Adair & Ronald Marriott]
- * Strangers in the Universe, (br) Astounding Science Fiction (UK) September 1958 [Ref. Clifford D. Simak]
- * Stranger Than Fiction, (ms) Strange Days Sum 1992, Spr 1993
- * Stranger Than Science-Fiction:
* ___ Cosmic Calendar, (cl) Science-Fiction Plus June 1953
* ___ Hearing Aid, (cl) Science-Fiction Plus August 1953
* ___ Pregnant Boys, (cl) Science-Fiction Plus May 1953
* ___ Taxi Heater, (cl) Science-Fiction Plus August 1953
* ___ Up in Smoke, (cl) Science-Fiction Plus May 1953
- * Strange & Scary Tourist Stops in California, (ms) Withersin v1 #1, 2007
- * Strange Scenes from an Unfinished Film, (ss) (by Gary McMahon) Nemonymous #9, 2009
- * Strangest Creatures on Earth, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #61, September 15 1955 [Ref. Edward M. Weyer, Jr.]
- * Strange Stories: Author Index, (ix) The Weird Tales Collector #6, 1980
- * Strange Stories: Issue Index, (ix) The Weird Tales Collector #6, 1980
- * The Strange Tale of the Schoolmaster’s Wife, (ts) Ghost Stories March 1929
- * Strange Travels in Science Fiction, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #44, April 15 1954 [Ref. Groff Conklin]
- * Stratosphere Airliner of 1988, (ar) Amazing Stories November 1938
- * Stratosphere Planes, (ms) Astounding Stories December 1933
- * Stratosphere Travel, (ms)
- * Strength of the Legion, (ms) The Master Thriller Series #1, 1933
- * The Striding Terror, (na) (by Reginald G. Thomas) Scoops Feb 10, Feb 17, Feb 24, Mar 3, Mar 10, Mar 17, Mar 24, Mar 31 1934
- * Strings Attached, (ss) (by Gary Fry) Nemonymous #10, 2010
- * Striped Pyjamas, (vi) (by Margaret Ballif Simon) Nemonymous #2, May 2002
- * Strobe, (ss) (by Paul Kane) Nemonymous #1, November 2001
- * Strong Women—Strange Worlds, (ar) The Sirens Call #60, Winter 2022
- * The Structure of the Universe, (br) Science Fiction Fortnightly #6, March 15 1951 [Ref. Dr. G. J. Whitrow]
- * Stubs the Zombie Game Review, (rv) Razar #2, 2007
- * The Stuff in the Middle, (ms) Hunkazine #1, 1995
- * Stuff ’n’ Things, (ms) Fantastic Worlds Fall/Winter 1952
- * Stupor, (ss) Uncanny Tales (Canada) December 1940
- * The Stygian Stalker, (ss) (by T. J. Brook) Daarke Worlde #2, 1992
- * Submarine Road-’Plane No. 1, (ss) (by D. G. Turner) Scoops March 10 1934
- * Submarine Tank No. 1, (ss) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) Scoops April 7 1934
- * Submission and Subscription, (ms) Orb Speculative Fiction #6, 2004
- * Submission Guidelines, (ms) Darkling Plain Fall 2001
- * Submission Guidelines, (ms) Orb Speculative Fiction #3/4 2002, #5 2003
- * Submission Guidelines, (ms) Necrotic Tissue #4 Oct 2008, #5 Jan, #6 Apr 2009
- * Submission Guidelines, (ms) Unlikely Story #8, February 2014
- * Subscription, (ms) Orb Speculative Fiction #3/4, 2002
- * Subscriptions/Back Issues, (ms) Leading Edge #53, April 2007
- * Succulent Prey, (br) Shroud #5, Winter 2009 [Ref. Wrath James White]
- * Sulaco, (rv) Withersin v1 #1, 2007
- * Summary of Reprints in Comic Books, (bi) All Rare #1, Spring 1980
- * Summer Reading Weirducopia, (br) Weird Tales July/August 2008
- * The Sunken World, (br) Authentic Science Fiction #18, February 15 1952 [Ref. Stanton A. Coblentz]
- * Suns, Myths and Men, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #55, March 15 1955 [Ref. Patrick Moore]
- * Superbird, (ms) Vertex July 1975
- * The Super Mancon, (ms) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #49, September 15 1954
- * The Supermancon, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #45, 1954
- * Supermarine, (ss) (by Timothy Steven Nickels) Nemonymous #10, 2010
- * Supernova, (pm) Star*Line May/June 2002
- * The Super Sprite, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #64, December 15 1955
- * Superweapon, (ms) If July 1960
- * Suppressed Violence, (ms) Astounding Science-Fiction March 1942
- * The Surgeon’s Song, (pm) Grimoire #3, Winter 1983
- * Surprise…It’s a Girl! The Andre Norton Story, (ar) The Interocitor #2, 2024 [Ref. Andre Norton]
- * Surprising Discovery of Earth’s Previously Unknown 3rd Radiation Belt, (ar) The Daily Galaxy
- * Survey, (ms) New Worlds Science Fiction #30, December 1954
- * Survey 1963, (ms) New Worlds Science Fiction #138, January 1964
- * Susan M. Watkins, (iv) The Horror Show Summer 1989 [Ref. Susan M. Watkins]
- * Suspension, (ss) Ripples #13, July 2008
- * Swallowed Diamonds Assessed by Ex-Ray, (ms) Weird Tales December 1923/January 1924
- * Swancon 23 Update, (ms) The Rhizome Factor February/March 1998
- * Swan Songs, (fa) (by Charles Platt) New Worlds #214, Winter 1978
- * Sword and Honour, (br) Spiral Words #7, September 2000 [Ref. Mike Ashley]
- * The Sword of Rhiannon, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #76, January 1957 [Ref. Leigh Brackett]
- * Swords against Death, (br) Amra v2 #54, 1971 [Ref. Fritz Leiber]
- * Sydney J. Bounds, (bg) New Worlds Science Fiction #32, February 1955 [Ref. Sydney J. Bounds]
- * Sydney Jordan, (bg) New Worlds Science Fiction #105, April 1961 [Ref. Sydney Jordan]
- * Syllogisms for Reading, (ms) Aoife’s Kiss September 2008
- * Symbols for the Sixties, (ed) New Worlds SF #148, March 1965
- * The Symphonic Abduction, (ss) (by Hannes Bok) Futuria Fantasia Winter 1940
- * The Syndic, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #41, January 15 1954 [Ref. C. M. Kornbluth]
- * Syndicated Television: What Is It, Anyway?, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine December 1987
- * Synopsis (Maza of the Moon), (uw) OAK Leaves #6, Winter 1971/1972
- * Synopsis (The Swordsman of Mars), (uw) OAK Leaves #9, Fall 1972
- * The Synthetic Man [Captain Future (Curt Newton)], (vi) Captain Future Summer 1940
- * Tabun, (ms) Fantastic Universe January 1960
- * Tail Pieces, (ms) Ganymede Science Fiction #2, July 1976
- * Tainted Thousands, (ms) Ghost Stories October 1930
- * Take a Peep at…, (bg) Peep Show #5, June 2003
- * Take a Peep at the Contributors…, (bg) Peep Show #1 Jun, #2 Dec 2001, #3 Jun, #4 Dec 2002
- * Taking Colour Photographs, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #66, February 15 1956 [Ref. George Ashton]
- * Taking the Census, (vi) Punch April 11 1891
- * Talent Tales, (bg) Talebones #39, Winter 2009
- * A Tale of the Old Brigade, (nv) (by Robert G. Meadley) New Worlds #214, Winter 1978
- * Tale of the Purple Perch, (pm) Orb April/May 1950
- * Tales from the Rooks Branch Tavern, (??) Colonies Science Fiction Magazine #1, 2000
- * Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, (ms) (by August Derleth) The Arkham Collector #3, Summer 1968
- * “Tales of Wonder” Gets Home!, (ar) Scientifiction August 1937
- * Talking to Chuck McKenzie, (iv) Altair #4, August 1999 [Ref. Chuck McKenzie]
- * Talking Trash: Interview with Linnea Quigley, (iv) City Slab #6, 2005
- * Tangles Lives, (ar) Fantastic Adventures August 1943
- * Tanith Lee: A Selected Bibliography, (bi) Weird Tales Summer 1988 [Ref. Tanith Lee]
- * Tanith Lee Interview, (iv) After Hours Winter 1995 [Ref. Tanith Lee]
- * Tape It for Keeps!, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #59, July 15 1955
- * Tarzan Miscellania, (ms) Edgar Rice Burroughs 1975
- * Tas and the Postal Rocket, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #59, July 15 1955 [Ref. E. C. Eliott]
- * Tas and the Space Machine, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #59, July 15 1955 [Ref. E. C. Eliott]
- * A Taste of Things to Come, (ms) Unlikely Story #7 Nov 2013, #8 Feb 2014
- * Tattle Tales, (bg) Talebones #21 Spr, #22 Fll, #23 Win 2001, #24 Spr, #25 Fll 2002, #26 Sum, #27 Win 2003, #28 Sum, #29 Win 2004, #30 Sum, #31 Win 2005,
#32 Spr, #33 Sum, #34 Win 2006
#35 Sum 2007, #36 Spr, #37 Win 2008, #38 Sum 2009
- * Taxi Heater, (ar) Science-Fiction Plus August 1953
- * Teaching Science Fiction, (ms) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact July 1975
- * Teach Yourself Biochemistry, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #54, February 15 1955 [Ref. P. H. Jellinck]
- * Teach Yourself to Live, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #59, July 15 1955 [Ref. C. G. L. Du Cann]
- * Technological History Quiz, (ms) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction May 1963
- * Technology: The End or the Means, (ed) Amazing Stories May 1980
- * Technolorata, (hu) (by Arlan Andrews, Sr.) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact June 1983
- * The Teenie, Weenie, Micro-Mini, Really Shorter Than Short Story Contest, (cn) Parsec Winter 1998/1999
- * Teeny-Tiny, (vi) English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs, David Nutt, 1890, as by Joseph Jacobs
- * Telegraphing Photos by Code, (ar) Science and Invention January 1921
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