The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 641
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Forsyth, Kate (1966- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Fantasy Book Reviews, (rc) Aurealis #33/34/35, 2005
- * The Forgotten Fairy Tale Tellers, (ar) Aurealis #59, April 2013
- * Heroic Fantasy, (ar) Altair #2, August 1998
- * Interview with Lisa L. Hannett and Angela Slatter, (iv) Aurealis #58, February 2013 [Ref. Lisa L. Hannett & Angela Slatter]
- * Interview with Richard Harland, (iv) Aurealis #60, May 2013 [Ref. Richard Harland]
- * An Interview with Trudi Canavan, (iv) Aurealis #43, June 2010 [Ref. Trudi Canavan]
- * The Knowledge of Angels, (pm) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #27, 2007
- * Moths, (pm) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #27, 2007
- * Mythologies, (pm) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #27, 2007
- * Thirteen Things I Love About Kim Wilkins, (ar) Aurealis #61, June 2013 [Ref. Kim Wilkins]
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Fort, Charles (Hoy) (1874-1932) (about) (chron.)
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- * The Books of Charles Fort by John W. Campbell, Jr., (br) Astounding Science-Fiction August 1941
- * Charles Fort: Enfant Terrible of Science by Miriam Allen deFord, (bg) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1954
- * Charles Fort: The Disciple of Disbelief by Samuel Mines, (ar) Fantastic Story Magazine Winter 1952
- * Charles Fort by Robert Barbour Johnson, (bg) If July 1952
- * Lo! The Poor Forteans by Sam Moskowitz, (ar) Amazing Stories June 1965
- * The Outcast Manufacturers, by Charles Fort (1909) by Jack Womack, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2012
- * Wild Talents by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #28, November 1968
Forté, Frank (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Asylum Studios Art Portfolio (with Mike Bliss, Scott DiAngelis & Bob Murdock), (pi) Forbidden Lines #16, Summer 1994
- * [front cover], (cv) Forbidden Lines #14 Sum 1993, #16 Sum 1994
- * [front cover], (cv) Bones of the Children Fll 1996, #1 Spr 1997
- * [front cover], (cv) Delirium #4, 2001
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Premonitions #5, 2004
Fortey, Bryn(ley G.) (1937-2021) (about) (chron.)
- * Bomb Scare, (ss) Sci-Fright #2, April/May 1999
- * The Crooked Smile of Heaven, (ss) Beyond the Boundaries #6, Winter 1995
- * The Ghost’s Story, (ss) Phantasmagoria Magazine #19, Summer 2021
- * His Life Was a Poem, (ss) Tigershark Magazine #28, Winter 2020
- * The King Is Dead…, (ss) Tigershark Magazine #9, Spring 2016
- * Man on the Balcony, (ss) Terror Tales #6, January 2017
- * Messages From, (ss) Space Adventures #3, February 2017
- * Mission Trail, (pm) Tigershark Magazine #7, Summer 2015
- * Mum’s the Word, (ss) Thrilling Tales #9, October 2016
- * My Sun, (ar) Tigershark Magazine #29, Spring/Summer 2021
- * Petra Letchovik, (ss) Space Adventures #2, February 2016
- * The Sax Symbol of Clovis Lypton (with F. G. Smallmount), (vi) Macrocosm #3, Summer 1972
- * Stone, (pm) Beyond the Boundaries #7, Spring 1996
- * Sunken Cities, (ss) Beyond the Boundaries #12, Summer 1997
- * Taking Down Kitty Mannone, (ss) Write Ahead the Future Looms September/October 2020
- * The Track, (ss) Tigershark Magazine #5, Summer/Autumn 2014
- * When the Orchids Came, (pm) Tigershark Magazine #25, Spring 2020
- * Words, (ss) Beyond the Boundaries Spring 1995
- * [letter], (lt) Macrocosm Spr, #3 Sum 1972
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Fortezza, Vic(tor) (1950- ) (chron.)
- * Button, (ss) Black Petals Summer 2001
- * Homecoming, (ss) Black Petals #38, Winter 2007
- * The Power of Prayer, (ss) Forbidden Lines #6, September/October 1991
- * Pristine, (ss) Thirteen Magazine v2 #11, 2005
- * The Push of a Button, (ss) Aphelion #54, December 2001
- * The Sad Song, (ss) Thirteen Stories #1, September 2002
- * Strain, (ss) The Late Late Show #2, Spring 2002
Fortier, Joseph J. (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * The Eternal Mind, (ss) The Alchemist March 1940
- * Let’s Forget, (ss) Diablerie January 1945
- * [letter], (lt) The Alchemist Mar, Sum 1940
- * [letter from California], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries Dec 1940, Aug 1941, Sep 1942
- * [letter from Oakland, CA], (lt) Astounding Science-Fiction Jul, Aug 1941, Mar 1942
- * [letter from Oakland, CA], (lt) Weird Tales September 1941
- * [letter from Oakland, CA] (with James Bush), (lt) Weird Tales January 1941
Fortier, Mardelle L(aDonna) (1947- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Battle Zone: Earth, (ss) Black Petals (online) #60, Summer 2012
- * The Children of 666 Middle School, (vi) Black Petals (online) #104, Summer 2023
- * Contamination, (ss) Black Petals (online) #43, Spring 2008
- * Eunuch Patrol, (ss) Black Petals (online) #55, Spring 2011
- * First Contact, (ss) Black Petals (online) #47, Spring 2009
- * Get Your Kicks on Route 666, (vi) Black Petals (online) #106, Winter 2023
- * Grandma Medusa, (vi) Black Petals (online) #103, Spring 2023
- * Haunting of Hell House, (ss) Black Petals (online) #81, Autumn 2017
- * Hurry Home, (vi) Black Petals (online) #100, Summer 2022
- * I Married a Zombie, (vi) Black Petals (online) #102, Winter 2023
- * I’m So Sorry, Computer, (vi) Black Petals (online) #103, Spring 2023
- * The Last Circle of Hell, (ss) Black Petals (online) #48, Summer 2009
- * Legend, (ss) Black Petals (online) #53, Fall 2010
- * Missing Link, (vi) Black Petals (online) #58, Winter 2012
- * A Most Dangerous Man, (ss) Black Petals #36, Summer 2006
- * The Order, (ss) Black Petals #38, Winter 2007
- * Shadow City, (ss) Black Petals (online) #51, Spring 2010
- * There Is No Crime in Helmouth, (vi) Black Petals (online) #50, Winter 2010
- * Top Secret, (vi) Black Petals (online) #57, Fall 2011
Fortier, Ron(ald Joseph) (1946- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Beast of the Mountains, (ss) Fantasy & Fear August 2010
- * The Bride of Balan (with Glenn Arthur Rahman), (ss) Space and Time #60, July 1981
- * The Crystal City Horror (with Chet Clingan), (nv) Potboiler February 1982
- * Doctor Satan: “Checkmate in Red” (with Rob Davis), (ss) Lost Sanctum #3, 2007
- * The Family D’Alembert, (ar) The Diversifier March 1978
- * Gastro Diplomacy, (vi) Planetary Stories September 2007
- * Gregory Kern, Who Are You, (ar) The Diversifier August 1975
- * The Hero-Maker, (ss) Space and Time #24, May 1974
- * The Lesson on Lin Po, (ss) The Diversifier April 1975
- * The Raid on Tauron IV, (ss) Space and Time #26, September 1974
- * Tactics of Survival (with Chet Clingan), (ss) Astral Dimensions #5, Winter 1977
- * [letter], (lt) Astral Dimensions #5, Winter 1977
- * [letter], (lt) Space and Time #49, October 1978
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Fortunato, Kay (fl. 1980s-1990s) (chron.)
- * Benediction, (ss) Deathrealm #17, Fall/Winter 1992
- * The Bog, (ss) Amazing Experiences December 1990
- * The Burning, (ss) Doppelgänger #12, July 1990
- * Charity, (ss) After Hours Autumn 1989
- * Community Spirit, (ss) Figment #2, January 1990
- * Dark Place, (ss) After Hours Autumn 1990
- * Data-Link, (nv) Figment #5, October 1990
- * The Eye of God, (nv) Figment #3, April 1990
- * Here Lies Nate, (ss) Thin Ice #11, 1992
- * Hoover Halligan, PI, (nv) Tri-State Fantasist #4, Spring 1990
- * Inner, (ss) Not One of Us #7, January 1991
- * Invasion of the Applemeyers, (ss) Atopos #1, Spring/Summer 1991
- * Look Alike, (ss) The Tome #5, 1990
- * Loston, (ss) Doppelgänger #11, October 1989
- * Mind Wipe, (ss) Encounters Magazine Fall 1989
- * Mirror, (ss) Encounters Magazine Winter 1989/1990
- * Peacekeeper, (ss) Not One of Us #5, August 1989
- * Your Life and Your Health, (ss) Tri-State Fantasist #3, 1989
Fortune, Cornelius A. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Diminuendo, (nv) Tales of the Unanticipated #30, April 2010
- * Dying’s Not So Bad, (ss) Black Petals Winter 2000
- * Isotope Ballerina, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #29, Autumn/Winter 2008
- * Meat Left Out on a Kitchen Tabletop, (pm) Black Petals #26, Winter 2004
- * A Million Minds, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #26, October 2005/July 2006
- * Morning, Alive, (pm) Dreams of Decadence #12, Autumn 2000
- * Of Travels and Time Displacement, (pp) Tales of the Unanticipated #31, 2014
- * Organic Traffic, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2019
- * Smashed and Forgotten, (pm) Black Petals #26, Winter 2004
- * Song the City Sang Off-Key (Greg’s Re-Mix), (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #27, Autumn 2006
- * Street Dancer, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #28, Summer 2007
- * Tachyon Muffin, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2015
- * 13:60:04, (ss) Black Petals (online) #42, Winter 2008
- * Trapdoors in the Multiverse, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2014
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