The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1282
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Mashburn, W(allace) K(irkpatrick), Jr. (1900-1968) (chron.)
- * The Archfiend’s Fingers, (vi) Weird Tales August 1932
- * Ashes of Eden, (pm) Weird Tales August 1933
- * The Broken Thread, (ss) Weird Tales May 1932
- * De Brignac’s Lady, (na) Weird Tales February 1933
- * The Garret of Madame Lemoyne, (ss) Weird Tales January 1928
- * Last Jest, (pm) Weird Tales November 1932
- * The Last of Placide’s Wife [Nita Duboin], (nv) Weird Tales September 1932
- * Mammy, on Ghos’es, (pm) Weird Tales August 1930
- * Placide’s Wife [Nita Duboin], (nv) Weird Tales November 1931
- * Self-Portrait, 1932, (il) The Howard Collector Spring 1969
- * Sola, (ss) Weird Tales April 1930
- * The Sword of Jean Lafitte, (ss) Weird Tales December 1927
- * The Toad Idol, (ss) Weird Tales September 1935
- * Tony the Faithful, (ss) Weird Tales July 1928
- * The Vengeance of Ixmal, (nv) Weird Tales March 1932
- * Voodoo Vengeance, (ss) Weird Tales November 1934
- * [letter from Houston, TX], (lt) Weird Tales Apr, Dec 1932, Mar 1935
- * [letter from New Orleans, LA], (lt) Weird Tales September 1927
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Maskery, Sadie (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Alien, (pm) Shoreline of Infinity #23, June 2021
- * Always Finds a Way, (pm) Hexagon Magazine #5, Summer 2021
- * Cerberus, (pm) BFS Horizons #13, 2021
- * Commodity, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2021
- * Fell, (pm) BFS Horizons #17, 2024
- * Hull Breach, (pm) Shoreline of Infinity #23, June 2021
- * Ring, (pm) BFS Horizons #16, 2023
- * Typo, (pm) BFS Horizons #15, 2023
- * Were, (pm) BFS Horizons #15, 2023
- * [unknown poem], (pm) Shoreline of Infinity #31, Summer 2022
Mason, Alfred B. (fl. 1940s-1970s) (chron.)
- * [letter from Bellport, NY, 11713], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact June 1973
- * [letter from Brooklyn, NY, 11251], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact May 1972
- * [letter from California], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction Jan, Nov 1954
- * [letter from Concord, CA], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction Aug 1957, Oct 1958
- * [letter from Kensington, MD], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction April 1948
Mason, C. P. (fl. 1930s-1940s); used pseudonym Epaminondas T. Snooks, D.T.G. (chron.)
- * Brahma Kalpa—or the Expanding Universe, (vi) Wonder Stories May 1933, as by Epaminondas T. Snooks, D.T.G.
- * Hypercosmos, (ar) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1938
- * Rambling Through the Solar System, (ar) Thrilling Wonder Stories October 1938
- * Time-Table for Earth, (ar) Thrilling Wonder Stories August 1941
- * Traders in Treasures, (ss) Wonder Stories May 1934, as by Epaminondas T. Snooks, D.T.G.
- * Why the Heavens Fell, (ss) Wonder Stories May 1932, as by Epaminondas T. Snooks, D.T.G.
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Mason, David; [i.e., Samuel Mason] (1924-1974) (about) (chron.)
- * Account Closed, (ss) Fear! July 1960
- * Farewell Message, (ss) Science Fiction Adventures April 1958
- * The Fool, (ss) Infinity Science Fiction August 1956
- * Garrity’s Annuities, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1956
- * The Gates of Pearl, (ss) Science Fiction Adventures October 1957
- * The Long Question, (ss) Infinity Science Fiction November 1957
- * Pangborn’s Paradox, (ss) Infinity Science Fiction June 1958
- * Placebo, (ss) Infinity Science Fiction November 1955
- * Road Stop, (vi) If January 1963
- * Rockabye, Grady, (ss) Infinity Science Fiction July 1957
- * Something Will Turn Up, (ss) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction February 1963
- * The Time, (ss) Fantastic June 1970
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- * In Memoriam: David Mason [1924-1974] by John Boardman, (ob) Science Fiction Review #12, February 1975
- * Kavin’s World by L. Sprague de Camp, (br) Amra v2 #52, 1970
- * Kavin’s World by Earl Evers, (br) Science Fiction Review #39, August 1970
- * The Return of Kavin by L. Sprague de Camp, (br) Amra v2 #62, 1974
- * The Sorcerer’s Skull by Earl Evers, (br) Science Fiction Review #39, August 1970
- * The Sorcerer’s Skull by Paul Walker, (br) Science Fiction Review #43, March 1971
- * The Sorcerer’s Skull by L. Sprague de Camp, (br) Amra v2 #54, 1971
Mason, Douglas R(ankine) (1918-2013); used pseudonym John Rankine (about) (chron.)
- * The Castoffs, (ss) If January/February 1972
- * Dinner of Herbs, (ss) Vision of Tomorrow February 1970
- * Link, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories January 1973, as by John Rankine
- * Locust Years, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1968
- * Moonchip, (ss) Vision of Tomorrow December 1969, as by John Rankine
- * Pattern as Set, (ss) Impulse July 1966, as by John Rankine
- * The Peacemakers, (nv) If January 1968, as by John Rankine
- * Rejection Syndrome, (ss) Vision of Tomorrow April 1970
- * Second Run at the Data, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1971, as by John Rankine
- * Seventh Moon [Dag Fletcher], (nv) Impulse May 1966, as by John Rankine
- * Squared Out with Poplars, (nv) Worlds of Tomorrow May 1967
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Mason, Jamie (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Coyotes, (ss) Kzine #4, September 2012
- * Eclipsed Seasons, (ss) Abyss & Apex #72, 4th Quarter 2019
- * Invention, (ss) Abyss & Apex #35, 3rd Quarter 2010
- * Last, (ss) Not One of Us #44, October 2010
- * The Meditation Machine, (ss) On Spec Winter 2009
- * Nice, (ss) Kaleidotrope Autumn 2013
- * Soul of the City, (ss) Crossed Genres Magazine #29, April 2011
- * Still Life with Unicorns, (ss) Dark Valentine Summer 2011
Mason, John Hollis (fl. 1930s-1980s); used pseudonym John Keith Mason (chron.)
- * A Defense of The New Adam, (ar) Acolyte Spring 1946
- * Flaming Phantasm, (ss) Uncanny Tales (Canada) January 1941
- * The Key, (ss) Acolyte Winter 1945
- * Mission, (ss) Science Fiction Quarterly #6, Spring 1942
- * Sacrifice, (ss) Future Combined with Science Fiction February 1942
- * Time Scoop, (nv) Vertex April 1974, as by John Keith Mason
- * The Tree, (ss) Acolyte Fall 1943
- * The War of Two Worlds, (ss) Perry Rhodan #38, 1974
- * [letter], (lt) Strange Stories April 1939
- * [letter from Toronto, Ontario, Canada], (lt) Unknown Worlds February 1943
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